Forums > General Industry > Oh. And pay me.


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Has anyone ever encountered this before....

During a shoot that I was at this year, everyone was working on a TFP basis and there was a full team assembled.

As soon as I walked in, one of the team members said:

"Hi. I might need to charge you a fee for my services."

I said...
"Um...this is a TFP arrangement- I'm not prepared to pay you, and you never mentioned that when we corresponded via email"

She said.. "Oh..I guess that's OK."

Has anyone ever had this happen before? Do models show up and suddenly demand payment....?Has this happened to other models with photographers?

I'm curious how often this happens because I for one think it's just one more thing to add to the unprofessional list.

If you have ever done this, please don't. It's best to discuss compensation right up front...don't spring it on those involved at the shoot.


Oct 16 06 05:40 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

This stuff happens when a shoot is set up in a rush and not all details are finalized.  Confusion is the human condition.


Oct 16 06 05:44 pm Link


Mclain D Swift

Posts: 1279

Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada

I arranged a TFCD shoot and ended up paying the model.  Kind of opposite from what you decribe.  The images were of a nature that neither of us would really use on a public portfolio (quite explicit nudity--I was trying something) and we new that before hand, but she did such a good job I paid her.

Oct 16 06 05:44 pm Link


K Lara

Posts: 95

West Chester, Pennsylvania, US

I was once given $50 for't say I've ever had anything like what you describe happen though. It's a good thing the person didn't back out when you said you wouldn't pay. THAT would've blown.

Oct 16 06 05:48 pm Link



Posts: 47

Riverview, Florida, US

Mac Swift wrote:
I arranged a TFCD shoot and ended up paying the model.  Kind of opposite from what you decribe.  The images were of a nature that neither of us would really use on a public portfolio (quite explicit nudity--I was trying something) and we new that before hand, but she did such a good job I paid her.

I've had a photographer do that with me as well.  The arrangement was TFP, but he ended up giving me compensation because I was willing to do so many shots.

It sounds to me like either all the details weren't finalized with this person, or they just wanted to see if they could get money out of you.

Oct 16 06 05:48 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


D. Brian Nelson wrote:
This stuff happens when a shoot is set up in a rush and not all details are finalized.  Confusion is the human condition.


Except this particular shoot was set up a month in advance...multiple emails and such...

Oct 16 06 05:48 pm Link


jack for photos

Posts: 46

Great Barrington, Massachusetts, US

Always understand the terms of the shoot before you show up. ALWAYS.


Oct 16 06 05:49 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


jack for photos wrote:
Always understand the terms of the shoot before you show up. ALWAYS.



Oct 16 06 05:50 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

When I did  a lot of TFP, I set up a TFP shoot with a model and we exchanged about 10 e-mails and 2 phone convos.  Everything was clear (I thought) until the end of the shoot when she said "so we agreed on 150 for the shoot right?"

I said....noooo we agreed on TFP and 20 bucks for gas.  I can pull up the e-mails now if there is a discrepency."

She said "Oooh no no it's cool, I think I have you mixed up with another photographer"

Might have been true, personally I felt like she was trying to get one over at the time.  But we ended up working together three more times and never had that problem again.  Always got along, and I always sprang for lunch.

Oct 16 06 05:56 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

usually when that has happened it is about the 10th email when trying to nail down a date... the model has forgotten that she contacted me... and that she wanted to work TFP..

Oct 16 06 06:02 pm Link



Posts: 12979

Winchester, Virginia, US

I once assembled a team for TFP and at the end of the shoot I paid the model for her time, plus the pictures that were promised, then a 11"x14" print from our previous shoot, then my 2nd shooter took her and her chaperone for dinner.

I hope that doesn't make me look unprofessional.

Oct 16 06 06:07 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Not only have I had a TFP model show up and demand pay, I had someone booked for a PAID promo gig the other day and she called me 2 hours before the gig to demand more $$$, knowing I had no time to get anyone else *sigh*

Oct 16 06 06:18 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

"Hi. I might need to charge you a fee for my services."
"How easy would it be to milk you for some cash?"

People who are seriously expecting to be paid don't say they MIGHT need to charge you. They say, is it alright if I go ahead and get a check from you up front?

Daniela V wrote:
Has anyone ever encountered this before....

During a shoot that I was at this year, everyone was working on a TFP basis and there was a full team assembled.

As soon as I walked in, one of the team members said:

"Hi. I might need to charge you a fee for my services."

I said...
"Um...this is a TFP arrangement- I'm not prepared to pay you, and you never mentioned that when we corresponded via email"

She said.. "Oh..I guess that's OK."

Has anyone ever had this happen before? Do models show up and suddenly demand payment....?Has this happened to other models with photographers?

I'm curious how often this happens because I for one think it's just one more thing to add to the unprofessional list.

If you have ever done this, please don't. It's best to discuss compensation right up front...don't spring it on those involved at the shoot.


Oct 16 06 06:28 pm Link



Posts: 340

Belleville, Michigan, US

Ive had photographers ask for TFP then try to charge fees after the shoot.  I was furious.  It was not the fees that made me angry because the fees were small and I would have paid them would I have been told in advance.  It was the fact the individual deliberately tricked me.

Oct 16 06 06:35 pm Link


Caroline Goddard

Posts: 37

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I've been paid on shoots that were previously determined to be TFP - not a lot, but even a token amount that did not have to be paid because of the previous arrangement. At that point it is just a very generous bonus, and while not necessary, greatly appreciated. However, to ask when not offered, when terms have already been decided by all involved, is quite unprofessional. If you don't like the terms, don't accept.

I've also had the experience where I was offered an hourly rate for what was supposed to be a high-end jewelry shoot, and when I showed up it turned out to be crap sold at porn shops and "By the way they changed their mind on the budget - it's TFP now."

At which point I walked out.

Oct 23 06 07:39 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

These things should be discussed before the session.  I think it's tacky to ask for money once you are at the photo session.  If the model didn't understand that it was for "TFP" before the shoot, then it's not your fault.

Oct 23 06 08:11 pm Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I generally take my models out to eat, but that's simply me being me. Nobody's tried the ol' switcheroo on me.

Oct 23 06 08:14 pm Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Stephen Melvin wrote:
I generally take my models out to eat, but that's simply me being me. Nobody's tried the ol' switcheroo on me.

yea I had my first dolsot bibimbap with Stephen. yum. I get it every time I got to a Korean restaurant now smile

Oct 23 06 08:16 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

I had one model quote me some astronomical price to shoot 'nude' (I was responding to her request for a photographer on MM casting calls).  I declined and wished her luck. She came back to me ... oh how about TFP, it's better than sitting around on my butt all day."  She was so cute and polite, I ended up paying her anyway (not what she quoted, but some to help her out).  We're going to shoot again.

I also let models crash in the guest room if the shot's run long and they don't drive or want to take the bus.

I've taken models out to dinner afterwards (or bought them dinner at the deli).

I've bought models clothes and lingerie.

It's all good.  I actually had a model bring me cookies yesterday wink

Cheers, Tim

Oct 23 06 08:24 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

I had a model demand gas money after a shoot. She totaly blind sided me...So I gave her gas money with a smile and somehow I forgot to send her images.

havent heard from her either... interesting..

Oct 23 06 09:18 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

I had one model quote me some astronomical price to shoot 'nude' (I was responding to her request for a photographer on MM casting calls).  I declined and wished her luck. She came back to me ... oh how about TFP, it's better than sitting around on my butt all day."  She was so cute and polite, I ended up paying her anyway (not what she quoted, but some to help her out).  We're going to shoot again.

I also let models crash in the guest room if the shot's run long and they don't drive or want to take the bus.

I've taken models out to dinner afterwards (or bought them dinner at the deli).

I've bought models clothes and lingerie.

It's all good.  I actually had a model bring me cookies yesterday wink

Cheers, Tim

Oct 23 06 11:35 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

I had one model quote me some astronomical price to shoot 'nude' (I was responding to her request for a photographer on MM casting calls).  I declined and wished her luck. She came back to me ... oh how about TFP, it's better than sitting around on my butt all day."  She was so cute and polite, I ended up paying her anyway (not what she quoted, but some to help her out).  We're going to shoot again.

I also let models crash in the guest room if the shot's run long and they don't drive or want to take the bus.

I've taken models out to dinner afterwards (or bought them dinner at the deli).

I've bought models clothes and lingerie.

It's all good.  I actually had a model bring me cookies yesterday wink

Cheers, Tim

Oct 23 06 11:35 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Vance wrote:
I had a model demand gas money after a shoot. She totaly blind sided me...So I gave her gas money with a smile and somehow I forgot to send her images.

havent heard from her either... interesting..

I've been helping with gas money, too, if the model lives far out and with the prices going up, anything helps, I've found. It me $20 isn't going to kill me ... to many models, it may mean getting home or eating.

Call me old softy.


Oct 23 06 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

Daniela V wrote:
Has anyone ever encountered this before....

Fuck off was the response, iirc.

Oct 23 06 11:57 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


megafunk wrote:

Fuck off was the response, iirc.

Nice wink

Oct 24 06 08:42 am Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

megafunk wrote:

Fuck off was the response, iirc.

lmao smile Leave it to the MegaMan to come up with something that blatant. ! nice...

Oct 24 06 08:50 am Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:

yea I had my first dolsot bibimbap with Stephen. yum. I get it every time I got to a Korean restaurant now smile

No one takes me out for Korean... it's the best! Maybe my next shoot I'll demand Korean food afterward.

Oct 24 06 08:55 am Link



Posts: 117

Atlantic Beach, Florida, US

i work with top models i don't need to pay any model(s) if i need a model i'll call one of them..
pay a model ya ok...keep waiting...
edgy models

Oct 24 06 08:56 am Link


Scott Evans Photography

Posts: 578

Houston, Alaska, US

In the original post it clearly states that the terms were discussed and all understood.  The model decided to try to get extort cash, it failed.

If the shoot is a TFP shoot and I decide to pay you something afterwords for the great work you did, ,,,,,that is called a TIP not a paid shoot?

Oct 24 06 08:57 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Daniela V wrote:
Has anyone ever had this happen before? Do models show up and suddenly demand payment....?Has this happened to other models with photographers?

I have a story worse than that.

I know a model ("Kathy") who had done a number of free shoots with another model ("Elizabeth").

On this particular shoot, Kathy decided to hire a makeup artist for both of them. AFTER the shoot was all over and Elizabeth had gone home, Kathy called Elizabeth and asked her to help pay for the makeup artist.

Kathy told me this story and was complaining because Elizabeth never returned a call or spoke to her again. "I think it was only fair to have her pay for half. Don't you?" Kathy asked me.

"No!" I said. "You don't spring that on someone AFTER the shoot. You discuss that BEFORE the shoot. You and she had done all these free shoots before. So Elizabeth was under the impression that this was all free too. Now, after the fact, you want to ask her for money? That's not right. If you had made it clear beforehand that you expected her to share costs, that would be totally fine. But you don't do it afterwards. That's really shitty."

So, yes, Daniela, it does happen.

Oct 24 06 10:25 am Link