Forums > General Industry > I am getting a complex...


Mclain D Swift

Posts: 1279

Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada

I am not sure what is happening and I am sure I am not the first photographer to post about this.  I have contacted several models (not just on MM) and either get no response or we chat for a bit, get something tentatively set up and *poof* nothing ever comes of it.  I will even pay select girls if I feel they really have something to offer my work or I feel I can get them great images and simply need to get them in front of my camera to prove it.  I have offered to pay for the models time and still no go.  Are my images that bad that no one wants to work with me?  I understand that I am not a Photoshop guru and quite frankly I am not interested in being a digitial artist...I am a photographer.  Is it normal for so many models to ignore you?  Is my photography that bad that they don't want me to shoot them?  Even if I pay for the privilege?  I don't understand.  I think I produce some nice images even compared to a number of photographers that seem to be able to shoot tons of models.  More money to offer than me?  I don't know, but it is really starting to bum me out.  Here is a link to more of my images if any one is interested:

Oct 16 06 01:37 pm Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

To answer your questions.

Oct 16 06 01:47 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I think you have some very nice images - your avatar isn't my favorite, so I was surprised at how good some of them are. You don't appear to be extremely active on this site (I'm going by the lack of friends and tags). I'd suggest networking a bit. Maybe post here in the forums more, try a casting call thread. It sounds like you're already contacting lots of models, so keep up with that. Perhaps you could edit your profile to sound a little more professional. Even though it is a hobby for you, maybe that's scaring off some models. You could also try other modeling websites and craigslist.

Oct 16 06 01:48 pm Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

Your pictures look great.  Better than mine, that's for sure.  From my vast experience using MM and OMP (3 months) I'd say your experience has been about average.  From what others have posted a 50% no show rate is about par.  I have gotten a response from maybe 10%  Only one has modeled for me so far, though maybe a couple more possible.  Two differences I'm in a fairly small town (about 100,00) with nothing around  and in the middle of the bible belt.  Don't know if the nudes in your portfolio is scaring models off or not. Even the very mild stuff in mine is I am sure but then that might be better if they are that easily offended or scared.  Good luck.

Oct 16 06 01:52 pm Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

e-string wrote:
I think you have some very nice images - your avatar isn't my favorite, so I was surprised at how good some of them are. You don't appear to be extremely active on this site (I'm going by the lack of friends and tags). I'd suggest networking a bit. Maybe post here in the forums more, try a casting call thread. It sounds like you're already contacting lots of models, so keep up with that. Perhaps you could edit your profile to sound a little more professional. Even though it is a hobby for you, maybe that's scaring off some models. You could also try other modeling websites and craigslist.

Thanks for your reply to my email.  If you have time I would apprecitate your input on my site.  Thanks.

Oct 16 06 01:55 pm Link


Mclain D Swift

Posts: 1279

Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada

Thanks for the replies thus far.  No, e-string, I am not very active on the forums simply because I am a very busy guy and don't have time for a lot of chit chat--it's all I can do to squeeze in photography.  I am not having a problem with no shows it is that models don't reply to my emails.  Not even a "Sorry, not interested."  I am not sure the nuditiy is the problem as I have plenty of clothed shoots in my gallery and I think my nude work is very flattering.  In fact most if the women I have had the honor of shooting nude are not models at all--just regular people.  All of whom have never even done a studio shoot of any kind let alone a nude session.  They like my work and are very pleased with their images.  You wouldn't shoot with me, e-string, because my bio doesn't sound professional?  My images aren't enough?   Maybe you are right, I should change it up a bit.  Thanks for the answers, Doug :-)

Oct 16 06 02:13 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Be patient.  Do get involved on forums and do not give up!  I joined OMP back in May of 2001, and it took me a year before I shot with my first model from that site.  You have to take the time to be social online because this is a community.  The pictures you've got on your photographer profile are better than many I've seen on "starter" profiles on MM and OMP.  YOu'll do fine!

Oct 16 06 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Mac Swift wrote:
Thanks for the replies thus far.  No, e-string, I am not very active on the forums simply because I am a very busy guy and don't have time for a lot of chit chat--it's all I can do to squeeze in photography.  I am not having a problem with no shows it is that models don't reply to my emails.  Not even a "Sorry, not interested."  I am not sure the nuditiy is the problem as I have plenty of clothed shoots in my gallery and I think my nude work is very flattering.  In fact most if the women I have had the honor of shooting nude are not models at all--just regular people.  All of whom have never even done a studio shoot of any kind let alone a nude session.  They like my work and are very pleased with their images.  You wouldn't shoot with me, e-string, because my bio doesn't sound professional?  My images aren't enough?   Maybe you are right, I should change it up a bit.  Thanks for the answers, Doug :-)

Well you can at least try a casting call thread. That might get you a little more attention.

No, I'm definitely not saying I wouldn't shoot with you because of your bio. I'd want more info before we set anything up, but I probably would shoot with you because your stuff is good. Heck, I'd love to work with you on some commercial type images. But models who aren't as experienced as I am might be a little wary of the fact that you don't say much other than it's a hobby.

Oct 16 06 02:56 pm Link


Mclain D Swift

Posts: 1279

Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada

e-string wrote:

Well you can at least try a casting call thread. That might get you a little more attention.

No, I'm definitely not saying I wouldn't shoot with you because of your bio. I'd want more info before we set anything up, but I probably would shoot with you because your stuff is good. Heck, I'd love to work with you on some commercial type images. But models who aren't as experienced as I am might be a little wary of the fact that you don't say much other than it's a hobby.

Ha...thanks e-string.  I'll jump in my truck and be in your neck of the woods in no time ;-)  Snowing there yet?

Oct 16 06 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Mac Swift wrote:

Ha...thanks e-string.  I'll jump in my truck and be in your neck of the woods in no time ;-)  Snowing there yet?

It snowed (horizontally) last Wednesday, lol. Nothing staying on the ground yet though. The weekend was gorgeous.

Oct 16 06 03:32 pm Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

e-string wrote:
The weekend was gorgeous.

The weekend was gorgeous....I was fortunate enough to get to see you for a bit.  Without that, it was just an OK weekend.  You can make anyone's day.

Oct 16 06 03:47 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Mikes Images wrote:

The weekend was gorgeous....I was fortunate enough to get to see you for a bit.  Without that, it was just an OK weekend.  You can make anyone's day.

Aww shucks! You charmer you. lol smile

Oct 16 06 03:48 pm Link


Mclain D Swift

Posts: 1279

Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada

e-string wrote:

It snowed (horizontally) last Wednesday, lol. Nothing staying on the ground yet though. The weekend was gorgeous.

We just got our first snow of the year...nothing devastating.  Oh well it's that time of the year.  I am actually looking forward to shooting in the mountains.  There is a lake high up in the Rockies I know of that I'd like to do some work on (it is probably frozen already) if I can find a model willing to freeze a bit in pursuit of artistic endeavours :-)

Oct 16 06 03:56 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

Your images are great.  There are a few i'd love to have in my port and i'm thinking of trying to duplicate tuesday.

I think the big thing would be trying to update your bio.  Your images are strong, but you need to communicate more with it.  You need to sell yourself.  Maybe put a little up about what projects your working on.

Your not only in competition with other photographers for the model's time, your competing against there inner demons.

In the age of internet, cell phones, pda's and cable news maybe you can take a step back to the 1980s.   Put a classified ad in the paper.

Oct 16 06 03:59 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Mac Swift wrote:
We just got our first snow of the year...nothing devastating.  Oh well it's that time of the year.  I am actually looking forward to shooting in the mountains.  There is a lake high up in the Rockies I know of that I'd like to do some work on (it is probably frozen already) if I can find a model willing to freeze a bit in pursuit of artistic endeavours :-)

HAHA! That's me. Check out the 3 pictures I posted near the middle of the first page of this thread:

Oct 16 06 04:01 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Well first never ever take anything anyone does or says personal.  You can't
control anyone's actions and its not about you.  It has little to nothing with the
'quality' of your work or in most cases what your profiles says.  You don't
have to be active in the forums either.  Here's something to always remember.
People do whats important to them.  They aren't thinking about you in fact if
you spoke to them about why they didn't follow through many would not even
remember you.  You will find models that will come out.  I recall a trip I made to
Orlando, Fl. where a model drove two hours to shoot with my average ass.
As you stated you aren't having no shows but some models who vanish into
cyber space after a few emails.  That is going to happen.  Keep emails short and
to the point.  Keep things about the shoot and not about much else.  Try and
keep the emails close to the time you'd like to shoot.  Be specific about times
and dates as well as outfits and locations.  MM is fun but I don't take most of the
models here serious.  One for example emails me at least once a week about
shooting.  She never calls nor do I expect her to ever follow through, some people
enjoy the ideal of being a model but not actually doing the work.

Oct 16 06 04:02 pm Link


Golden Light

Posts: 951

Miami, Florida, US

I feel your pain. I have been on MM from April. I have tagged about 400 models and have set up shots with a grand total of O. But you are quite good and I am a hack. A GWC with training wheels. Lots of models only want to say that they are models. For them it is a dream that is fulfilled buy posting some phone pics on MM and never up dating. Check for the models new pics and up dates. Other models have such a high opinion of themselves that they will never set a photo shoot with a photographer who is not with a national magazine. So they end up never shooting.

On the other hand I have little beans in my head that rattle when I shake it.

Oct 16 06 04:07 pm Link


Mclain D Swift

Posts: 1279

Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada

e-string wrote:

HAHA! That's me. Check out the 3 pictures I posted near the middle of the first page of this thread:

OMG, e-string, that is BRUTAL!!  I would never have you walk in that water barefoot!!  You must have been frozen!!  If you look in my images there is a shot of a gal in some water.  That was taken in August near the mountains and it was damn cold then ( I was in it up to my clinkers taking that shot).  I felt bad but she was very happy with the images.  So when are you coming to Calgary so I can put you in some snow???  :-)

Oct 16 06 04:26 pm Link


g2-new photographics

Posts: 2048

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Calgary is  bit out of the way (although I'll be there in a month or so for nothing related whatsoever to photography!).

I'd suggest - if you can afford it - starting with some of the established and reliable models - Julie Montana, for example (I'd work with her in a minute if I had more time and if she were anywhere near Boston).  That'll give you both some wonderful images and some credibility here.

Oct 16 06 04:34 pm Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

WOW you sound like me when it comes to modeling....some people just have their have problems trying to find models to work with....I have problems trying to get photographers to do a shoot with me..... I'm not exactly sure what goes threw peoples heads. I jump to any offer I get....which is not alot. If anything its experience........ if some photographer was going to pay me even 5 bucks I would probably jump at it... I know it sounds bad but seriously folks....theres really no harm..... I'm sure you not having them pose nude if you are that might be the reasons why they may not work with you..... all in all I dont get it...your work is great...... $hit I would work with you....

Oct 16 06 04:42 pm Link