Forums > General Industry > Anyone receive any offers from...


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


(ps- I thought I posted this and I did a search and can't find it...)

If anyone knows anything about them- please let me know. Thanks

Oct 15 06 02:48 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Oct 15 06 05:21 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

The good news about these types of guys is that they are obvious to anyone looking at them with a bit of knowledge and a bit of caution.

Clue #1: A "reverse lookup" of his phone numbers ( reveals that they are either unlisted or cell phone numbers. For part time photographers, etc., that might not be unusual. For someone who claims to have a full blown talent agency, it is suspicious.

Clue #2: A search of the address that this person gives on Google maps/Google Earth does suggest that it is an office building. I use these tools because they will often reveal if the person is working out of a house or apartment building. Google Earth is especially good for this because you can zoom in on the building and actually see what it is. The only problem here is that when you Google the address (468 N Camden Drive, Suite 200, Beverly Hills, California 90210) as a general web search, it comes up to an attorney by the name of George I. Nagler. Hmmmm .... I wnder if he is a criminal defense attorney .... perhaps Mr. Ron's attorney?

Clue #3: Mr Eckstine seems to list an impressive array of projects in his own bio and claims great things for the women that he says he manages. For those trying to verify such claims, the Internet Movie DataBase ( is an effective tool. This individual claims to have a substantial television and movie background yet he is not listed on imdb (unless he is the "ronnie eckstine" that did a total of 3 projects between 1968 & 1971). He also claims television and movie projects for two of his "talent." Neither one of them is listed on imdb. To put this in perspective, there are people on imdb who have done nothing more than extremely low budget indie projects.

Clue #4: He claims great things for the singers under his tutelage yet, on his page, there are copies of flyers for them that show nothing more than possible bookings at a local night club. As the saying goes, that and 50 cents will get you a cup of coffee - $5.00 if its Starbucks.

Clue #5 He claims record deals for his talent. Apparently he thinks the rest of the world has not figured out that there are more "record companies" in LA than street signs ... not to mention the bazillion fantasies known as self produced CDs that are typically sold at a rate of 4 or 5 a night at the artist's gigs.

Clue #5: He is very intent on making sure that there are no boyfriends, fathers, mothers, friends or anyone else involved in the model's life. Need I say more? OK, I will. RUN, FOREST, RUN!

Clue #6: He has a very basic web site that was probably developed with the use of something along the lines of Yahoo Site Builder. I wouldn't call that a bad thing in and of its self but, it doesn't click if he is such a big deal.

Clue #7: The part about no pay (contingency earnings instead) also isn't a total negative, depending on the level of the person and how honest they are about what they are doing. This, however, is a guy that claims a Beverly Hills address. Something wrong with this picture? I really had to laugh at the part where he said boyfriends are ok if they are going to finance the project. OK, I admit it, I'm feeling sarcastic .... so  ... Ron  .... in that case, who needs you?

Clue #8: When you run "Ron Eckstine Management" in the search utility at the California Secretary of State's website, nothing comes up. If he is running a business with any type of legal standing, I believe it should.

Clue #9: In order to act as a talent agent in the state of California, the agency must be licensed. The California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement maintains a database of all licensed talent agencies in the state - Ron Eckstine Management is not listed.

To all the young models, please learn to do your homework. In all fairness, I am 52 and most you you are in your early 20's or less so, I have a great deal more experience to help me know where to look and how to spot the phonies. That said, you can maintain a healthy dose of caution and you can check people out. Not every person who wants to work with you is going to have an office, top industry connections and a big budget. The key, however, is to understand that there is a difference between an honest and trustworty weekend shooter and someone who claims to "be all that" but can show nothing real to prove it.

Be safe, be sure and have fun!

Oct 15 06 06:47 pm Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

Daniela V wrote:
If anyone knows anything about them- please let me know. Thanks

Whois gives a different address than the ones in the website, but lists the same phone number.

  Ron Eckstine
  10600 Wilshire Blvd Apt 403
  Los Angeles, CA 90024

This isn't the person who was going to pay your travel to LA is it?

Oct 15 06 07:08 pm Link



Posts: 103

Abbeville, Alabama, US

TXPhotog wrote:
Google is your friend.

omg i went to that site and it said that pinnacle financial group is filed for harassing people, and they were harassing me about t-mobile bill and breaking all kinds of consumer laws with it.  class action lawsuit anyone?

Oct 16 06 02:36 am Link


Danella Lucioni

Posts: 535

Florence, Toscana, Italy

I got 3 emails from him (to [email protected]), had no idea how he got it, I guess now through here.
Never responded. Come on, is he a joke or what?
By reading the email and looking at his webpage, you can tell he is not very legit... Did you read the lyrics to the song "candy candy"? Listen to the song, it's even worse.
I don't mean to be mean, but I hate the fact that he's a poser and is trying to pretend to be someone big.
I would say just ignore him..... smile

Oct 16 06 03:07 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


dfstudios wrote:

Whois gives a different address than the ones in the website, but lists the same phone number.

  Ron Eckstine
  10600 Wilshire Blvd Apt 403
  Los Angeles, CA 90024

This isn't the person who was going to pay your travel to LA is it?

No sir. Contacted me after  I posted the travel notice.

Oct 16 06 09:55 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


TXPhotog wrote:
Google is your friend.

Big thanks

Oct 16 06 09:55 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Well, last night I posted a rather lengthy response, but I suppose someone thouight it was too specific because it is now gone. So all I'll say here is; Run away, run far and run fast!

Oct 16 06 10:25 am Link



Posts: 190

New York, New York, US

I wouldnt give any offer on the Internet a second thought
All agents etc are busy between 10-6pm and do not work after that.
Ive had many e mails from models on here asking me to check people out who contacted them at 10pm at night ???
No Agent is working at that time of the night on a prospective talent, If they are working on talent which they already have I would be surprised, unless it is in Fashion week when agents commonly have to work till 2 or 3 am

Oct 16 06 10:10 pm Link