Forums > General Industry > "When your friend whos also a model stood you up"


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

So my friend Jessica (yes I'm saying names) stood me up and my photographer at a photo shoot.... It pissed me off... I never was late nor have ever canceled a photo shoot. So I call her in the morning asking her if she’s still up for it she says "yeah". I go to the photographer’s studio I call him when I'm close and ask him if he called Jessica or if she’s there? He replies she didn’t pick her phone up and she’s not there. So I get to the studio. I call her again and again and again. Finally she picks up. I ask her if she’s coming down..... "I don’t feel like it".... she actually had the nerve to say she didn’t feel like having one. She was shopping and that’s why she couldn’t pick her phone up. I apologized to the photographer about my friend’s stupidity. He rescheduled.

Than me and her got are photo shoot done a couple weeks after. We confronted her(me and the photographer) she said it happened once and won't happen again. A couple days back she did a promo with me for the film festival in downtown Cleveland we were on the "The Midnight Movie show". The person doing the promo asked her to try some clothes on she did but came out the dressing room with the same clothes she had on and said "they don’t fit right"... shouldn’t she at least let us judge her. Shes supposed to also be trying out for Fashion Week in Cleveland. I know she’s going to whine.

It wouldn't really bug me so much, but she’s my friend and is somewhat a representation of me because I helped her.....NEVER AGAIN WILL I DO THAT.

She’s the girl with black hair that almost looks like my sister in my pictures if you really want to know who she is. The funny thing is people still want to work with her even when she’s whining and complaining..... I go in professional and dont get recognized she goes in yelling about her water being to warm and she gets the cards and glory.....WHATS THAT ALL ABOUT??????

Can someone help me out...and clear the smoke from the room....and feel free to share a event that’s been bugging you...

Oct 14 06 12:07 pm Link



Posts: 98

Long Beach, California, US

It sucks but what sucks even more is that it's A LOT of work to even read what you've written. You can't compose a scentence correctly nor can you spell correctly. How you function in society is a mystery to me.

Oct 14 06 12:13 pm Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Chris55 wrote:
It sucks but what sucks even more is that it's A LOT of work to even read what you've written. You can't compose a scentence correctly nor can you spell correctly. How you function in society is a mystery to me.

LOL.... did you re-read your sentence that you just wrote.....

lmao and your talking about me...give me a break this is a thread not English class....

Oct 14 06 12:15 pm Link


Primox Studios

Posts: 342

Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Chris55 wrote:
It sucks but what sucks even more is that it's A LOT of work to even read what you've written. You can't compose a scentence correctly nor can you spell correctly. How you function in society is a mystery to me.

ditto. thanks....

Oct 14 06 12:16 pm Link


GDS Photos

Posts: 3399

London, England, United Kingdom

Spelling and grammar aside.  Ditch her as a model and collaborator and don't tell people she is your friend.

Oct 14 06 12:20 pm Link


A Traveler

Posts: 5506

San Francisco, California, US

your friend sucks.

but, that isn't something that really needs to be shared with everyone here.

i think you are going to find out that posts outing people turn into pretty unpleasant reading.

Oct 14 06 12:22 pm Link


Brittany H

Posts: 381

Beverly Hills, California, US

You are not responsible for other models. You are only responsible for yourself.  Don't let others drag you down in your persuit of your dreams and goals.

Oct 14 06 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 23

Garden Home-Whitford, Oregon, US

we had a similar situation witha  girl who works at the same studio with one of my photogarphers  agreed to do a glamour shot with us and never  and wouldn't answer her phone when called the day she said she would meet us. hey if they don't want for free what other people will pay for fukem right?

Oct 14 06 12:25 pm Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Couture Imagery wrote:
your friend sucks.

but, that isn't something that really needs to be shared with everyone here.

i think you are going to find out that posts outing people turn into pretty unpleasant reading.

I just had to see what others thought about was really killing me. I had to vent.

Oct 14 06 12:27 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Give her a ham sandwich and a road map.

For what it's worth, Vinny, choose your friends carefully. As you get older, you'll hopefully learn to tolerate less and less those that cannot be relied upon. Surround yourself with people you can count on and be sure to return the favor. Ask yourself "Could I call this person at 2:00am if I ran out of gas and it's raining out? Would they help me?" Find those people and be good to them.

Oct 14 06 12:38 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Chris55 wrote:
It sucks but what sucks even more is that it's A LOT of work to even read what you've written. You can't compose a scentence correctly nor can you spell correctly. How you function in society is a mystery to me.

Pay no attention to these clowns. They have way too much time on their hands sitting around correcting people's grammar. With attitudes like theirs, it's a mystery to me how they function in society.

I have to admit, your friend is a flake. I have had friends/models flake on shoots. It's no fun. People will catch on to her eventually, unless she changes her ways. It may take some time, she is a doll! But it will happen.

Quit using her. Quit recommending her.

Oct 14 06 12:45 pm Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

Vincent Vega wrote:
....and feel free to share a event that’s been bugging you...

i'm somewhat bugged by the continual event of postings about no-shows, no imaging delivered and other contrivances from those choosing to work with people that only pretend at working the craft of modeling and photography on their terms of convenience.  in almost all cases i see dual ownership of the problem due to poor decision making in choice of those they work with.  this is one of those cases.

--face reality

Oct 14 06 12:49 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

FaceReality wrote:

i'm somewhat bugged by the continual event of postings about no-shows, no imaging delivered and other contrivances from those choosing to work with people that only pretend at working the craft of modeling and photography on their terms of convenience.  in almost all cases i see dual ownership of the problem due to poor decision making in choice of those they work with.  this is one of those cases.

--face reality

There is truth to this statement.

We could put flaky models out of business tomorrow.

Just stop giving them work!

Oct 14 06 12:53 pm Link


Robbie Wolf Photography

Posts: 569

Phoenix, Arizona, US

HEY!!! Who ate all the popcorn and didn't buy more?

Oct 14 06 12:53 pm Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

FaceReality wrote:

i'm somewhat bugged by the continual event of postings about no-shows, no imaging delivered and other contrivances from those choosing to work with people that only pretend at working the craft of modeling and photography on their terms of convenience.  in almost all cases i see dual ownership of the problem due to poor decision making in choice of those they work with.  this is one of those cases.

--face reality

Nicely said.... I actually didn't know she would do something like that. Its not so much a poor decision on my half because the photographer likes her look. Its more on him for working with her even now, after she has done what she has done. I know it's reality but I thought I knew her better than that.

Oct 14 06 01:06 pm Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Image K wrote:

Pay no attention to these clowns. They have way too much time on their hands sitting around correcting people's grammar. With attitudes like theirs, it's a mystery to me how they function in society.

I have to admit, your friend is a flake. I have had friends/models flake on shoots. It's no fun. People will catch on to her eventually, unless she changes her ways. It may take some time, she is a doll! But it will happen.

Quit using her. Quit recommending her.

Believe me I'm not going to help her anymore it not worth it....

Oct 14 06 01:50 pm Link


Slowburn Images

Posts: 69

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

I think your friend has a mildly exotic look that will keep interest ignited in working with her - no matter what crap she does. It plays into you because of your association with her - ultimately it could hold you back.

Oct 14 06 02:04 pm Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Slowburn Images wrote:
I think your friend has a mildly exotic look that will keep interest ignited in working with her - no matter what crap she does. It plays into you because of your association with her - ultimately it could hold you back.


Oct 14 06 02:47 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

She isn't your friend, she is an aquaintence

Oct 14 06 02:52 pm Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Cecil Sharps wrote:
She isn't your friend, she is an aquaintence

know shes a "person I just talk to" if any.....

Oct 15 06 10:25 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I think your friends gets work because she is a female in Ohio, just not that many out there. If she lived where I live she would probably not work that often,


Oct 15 06 10:35 am Link


Gordon Jennings

Posts: 18

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I think Jess should take up a drug habit.  It would then be much easier to explain her erratic behavior.  FLAKE!

{please don't jump me about suggesting anyone take up a drug habbit, it's in jest.:-)}

.. another comment..
there is a noticeable difference between you and her in those three shots.  You, are actually working, posing and creating a shot.  She, in all three looks the same and really is just standing there.  From what I can tell, she is thinking about where she might have left her cell phone adapter, and not at all about the shot.

..OK one more...
I got FLAKED this morning only 5 hours before the shoot "I've been sick for three days now".

Oct 15 06 10:38 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Maybe she's just not into the modeling-thing as much as you are. I don't condone her actions but it happens.

Its probably best you sever professional relations w/ her & leave it at that.

Oct 15 06 10:44 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Gordon Jennings wrote:
there is a noticeable difference between you and her in those three shots.  You, are actually working, posing and creating a shot.  She, in all three looks the same and really is just standing there.  From what I can tell, she is thinking about where she might have left her cell phone adapter, and not at all about the shot.

i thought the same thing, vinnie is pulling her along, looking at her in those 3 pictures i wouldn't have been surprised she didn't show

Oct 15 06 10:53 am Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Gordon Jennings wrote:
She, in all three looks the same and really is just standing there.  From what I can tell, she is thinking about where she might have left her cell phone adapter, and not at all about the shot.


Oct 15 06 11:11 am Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US


WOW thank you for the nice words.....

Oct 15 06 11:43 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Vincent Vega wrote:
She’s the girl with black hair that almost looks like my sister in my pictures if you really want to know who she is. The funny thing is people still want to work with her even when she’s whining and complaining..... I go in professional and dont get recognized she goes in yelling about her water being to warm and she gets the cards and glory.....WHATS THAT ALL ABOUT??????

Professional is not flaming someone out like this on the forums...does she know you're doing this? Perhaps someone should tell her so that she's aware and has at least a chance to reply.

Oct 15 06 11:48 am Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Daniela V wrote:
Professional is not flaming someone out like this on the forums...does she know you're doing this? Perhaps someone should tell her so that she's aware and has at least a chance to reply.

She knows..... she dosnt really care thats the problem....and she dosnt have a MM account but she will eventually........... again this was just a thread to vent. I told her boyfriend whos really into her modeling......its like it dosnt effect her. But she knows I made this dont worry. big_smile

Anyway its not like I'm saying shes a bad model...I'm not really talking down. I'm just expressing the events and emotions at the time.

Oct 15 06 11:50 am Link


wishingtree photography

Posts: 1042

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

you have a lot of talent.  my advice is:
1 - pick your friends carefully.  i have learned that the hard way over the  (44) years.
2 - move forward, don't look back.
best wishes,

Oct 15 06 11:56 am Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

wishingtreephotography wrote:
you have a lot of talent.  my advice is:
1 - pick your friends carefully.  i have learned that the hard way over the  (44) years.
2 - move forward, don't look back.
best wishes,

Thanks.... I just wish I could do more with my talent

Oct 15 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 293

Glen Burnie, Maryland, US

Vincent Vega wrote:
The person doing the promo asked her to try some clothes on she did but came out the dressing room with the same clothes she had on and said "they don’t fit right"... shouldn’t she at least let us *judge* her.

I would flake on you too.

Oct 15 06 01:24 pm Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Keeper wrote:
I would flake on you too.


Dont take that word so strongly...I see where your coming from...What I mean about judge is ((see)) her.... I mean If my clothes were not my cup of tea (even though I highly dout it) I would still let the photographer and who ever else I'm working with at least see what it looks like....she did eventually try one outfit on one of the ones that she said didnt fit right. It fit perfect it wasn't at all tight nor dragging off her it was even her size. She just didnt like the way it looked. Out of all the outfits she liked none of them...

Now lets have the stuck up model in me say something to your comment of flaking on me-- "get real, I would love for you to flake On me less stress to worry about and less stuff to carry. I don't even think that there would be a shoot with me and you...sorry hun you can cut it..... "

I was just playing I would probably love to work with you... and I really wouldnt care if you didn't show up. It seriously would be less stress on me and more stress on you. Good luck in your future.

Oct 15 06 07:16 pm Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US


Oct 15 06 08:24 pm Link