
Erwyn L

Posts: 325

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

so this "model" asks me what I think of her and I give her my honest opinion, which she didn't really like. now I've been bombarded with her hate mail and comments, most of which i've deleted. congrats to her, she is the first person I've blocked.

Oct 13 06 11:42 pm Link



Posts: 973

Houston, Texas, US

Report it to the Mods.....

Oct 13 06 11:45 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Beware the types that are easily distracted by bright, shiny objects.

Oct 13 06 11:46 pm Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

delete the evidence...nice move Sherlock tongue

too bad its happening...

Oct 13 06 11:47 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Actually our deleted messages aren't really deleted, are they?

Oct 13 06 11:48 pm Link



Posts: 47

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I want hate mail. Someone send something!!!

Actually I once had hate mail about a year ago from a psycho ex but never from anyone on a message board.

Oct 13 06 11:50 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Chip Morton wrote:
Beware the types that are easily distracted by bright, shiny objects.

Shiny...? That's one of my favorite colors!

  Oooh! Shiny...!

Oct 14 06 12:03 am Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Lora wrote:
Actually our deleted messages aren't really deleted, are they?

They go to your Trash bin forever and ever.

Aidan Frost wrote:
I want hate mail. Someone send something!!!

You are a poo-poo head.

Oct 14 06 12:07 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Generally when you're asked about giving feedback, you need to judge for yourself whether or not they can handle the honest truth. If you're unsure or the answer is a flat no, don't spend much time on your answer - they won't benefit from it anyway! This is a perfect example of someone seeking compliments without putting in the hard yards. They are a dime a dozen. Consider her a waste of time and move on.

Oct 14 06 03:00 am Link


Trev Tommasi

Posts: 153

Los Angeles, California, US

hey erwin, can you do me a favor and critique my port... my mom moderates my profile on here though so don't say anything mean or she might contact you!

Oct 14 06 03:03 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

LOL  I've been bombarded by photographers with hate mail!!! When I model of course.  They usually send me hate mail when I refuse to work with them.  I can tell if they are professional or not right away and some of them don't seem to like that.

Oct 14 06 03:22 am Link


Jeff Bowlin

Posts: 162

Tucson, Arizona, US

I'd write hate mail if I only had the time to waste!

Oct 14 06 03:25 am Link


aye provide

Posts: 1330

New York, New York, US

My Model Mayhem hate mail finally stopped....I ignored them and kept it moving.

Oct 14 06 07:00 am Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I've had my share of it too.....embrace it wink

Oct 14 06 08:16 am Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

I used to get hate mail for my old website (a non-pay site, if you can believe it) and I used to publish it on the website with the names changed to protect the guilty.  I'd leave the spelling and grammar errors in place, of course, but I did cleanse out the offesnive words.  For example, instead of the "f" word, I'd replace it with "colorfol colloquialism rhyming with duck". 

I used to get fan mail about my hate mail page.  smile

When I started the paid sites, I figured it's better to be safe and just delete it from the inbox...

Oct 14 06 09:08 am Link


Gerrit du Toit

Posts: 732

Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

OK so you can now also expect Hate mail from me. It is realy poor form deleting the comments. The ones you left on make for such fun reading. Bad bad bad boy. I was having so much fun reading them. The realy funny bit, is they dont reflect badly on yo at all. Your work is in such stark contrast with the comments, that it realy is just so Funny. Laugh, and let it be, a storm in a teacup never lasts very long.

Oct 14 06 09:21 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Here's something I've been playing with since the talent is 2 hours late this morning...

Oct 14 06 10:03 am Link


Erwyn L

Posts: 325

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

unbelievable! now that I blocked her she is writing my home email! And all I said to her was that her images lacked class!

Oct 14 06 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Erwin Loewen photo wrote:
so this "model" asks me what I think of her and I give her my honest opinion, which she didn't really like. now I've been bombarded with her hate mail and comments, most of which i've deleted. congrats to her, she is the first person I've blocked.

What do you think of me?

Oct 14 06 10:42 pm Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Madcitychel wrote:
What do you think of me?

He can't see you since he blocked you.

Oct 14 06 10:44 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Stephen Melvin wrote:

He can't see you since he blocked you.

Dats why I am posting on the forum.

Oct 14 06 10:48 pm Link



Posts: 6129

precisely while you will not see me ever offer reply in the critiqque forum. i will from time to time offer comments to a private message, but even then only if I can see some possible potential in the requester's portfolio.

Virtually all requests like this are fishing for compliments and a not so well veiled 'casting call'.

The above is to photographers and models alike (and stylists, artists, blah blah blah...)

Oct 14 06 10:54 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

That's crazy! She doesnt have the right mindset to be a model if she can't take comments wether they're negative or positive.My friend went to a playboy casting call and made it into an upcoming special edition.She also became a Hawaiin Tropics girl and got a free trip,but didnt win anything there so she became extremely depressed, crying to everyone in total hysterics to the point it was scary.You can't be number one all the time.

Oct 15 06 12:56 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Trev Tommasi wrote:
...... my mom moderates my profile on here though so don't say anything mean or she might contact you!

His Mom moderates....


Oct 15 06 03:26 am Link


Mr and Mrs Huber

Posts: 5056

Santa Rosalía, Baja California Sur, Mexico

I hate mail too...

always full of bills and junk...

Oct 15 06 03:35 am Link


Frederique Porter

Posts: 758

Dover, Delaware, US

Erwin Loewen photo wrote:
unbelievable! now that I blocked her she is writing my home email! And all I said to her was that her images lacked class!


That might be the reason. She took that personal, wouldn't you? Lack of class is strong.

Sorry, you are getting the emails, hopefully she will stop but if not, just ignore her. Hard to have a fight with yourself.

Good luck!


Oct 15 06 04:18 am Link