Forums > General Industry > Keys to Success for the would be Model


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Did you have a labotomy?

1. Adult Production PRODUCES adult work.
Adult Material Deals in the brokerage of Adult Material.
We take photo sets submitted to us by models and we sell them on the models behalf. In general we have over 1000 sites that buy from our collections.

2. There are at least 5 other places you have posted on forums as either Jeff C., Jeff Curley, or Austin Models.

Amoung them:
Broken Halos
Web Talent
Paris Pages (although they banned you and removed your stuff from what I understand)'s forums
Net-model's Forums

Now- Which Jeff Curley are you?

Yes, Three years.
unless all these others are frauds.

May 02 05 11:59 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
Did you have a labotomy?

1. Adult Production PRODUCES adult work.
Adult Material Deals in the brokerage of Adult Material.
We take photo sets submitted to us by models and we sell them on the models behalf. In general we have over 1000 sites that buy from our collections.

2. There are at least 5 other places you have posted on forums as either Jeff C., Jeff Curley, or Austin Models.

Amoung them:
Broken Halos
Web Talent
Paris Pages (although they banned you and removed your stuff from what I understand)'s forums
Net-model's Forums

Now- Which Jeff Curley are you?

Yes, Three years.
unless all these others are frauds.

Well I have been on the Internet a whole lot longer than 3 years... in fact, there was no World Wide Web (www.) when I started.  We used shell accounts in Unix and Pine and Elm for email... all non graphical.  Remember that?  You said you and I have had communications - I don't know of any.  Links to places I might have put one post over the many years is sort of silly, but typical of stalking.  Paris Pages was some clown like you who thought his way to attack was to pretend to be me and make insane newsgroup postings - one only needs to read them to see they're fraud.  Why are YOU stalking me to try to prove I am not legitimate?  I suggest if you feel I am not legit, that you contact the State of Texas and have me fined and put out of business.  Until then, this silly attack simply because I do not agree with you is a stong indicator of your character.  I suggest you pick up a phone and call me (my number is available on my site).  We can discuss this further and if you wish, we can have attorney's exchange words and let them do the bickering. That is what they are paid for.  This forum is not the place for you to, as you put it, IMPEACH other people or businesses.  When you are ready to do some true impeachment, have your attorney call the number on my site and I'll put him in touch with mine.  Can we now get back to discussing modeling and the various aspects of the industry?  By the say, "Broken Halos" is a comic book site.  I am listed at also... you forgot to put that one in your list.  I also posted a question on a bird forum about one of my exotic birds.  List that one too, please.  Here are a few more too:   and this one has one of our charity events listed, can't forget that one for Children's Hospital:

Are you done?  I can give you more sites if you want.  And one wonders why sites like this can't be taken serious by anyone other than glamour and hobbiest shooters.  I feel like I'm on OMP today.

May 02 05 12:12 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Funny you mention OMP.. We will leave that.
And you said, I only post on three forums...
As for stalking you, No. nice try.

I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt and asked if you were the same person.

Because the person who I had dealings with claimed to be you.

If giving you the benefit of the doubt, and showing you the sites that I knew of, (I left onetalentsource off because I figured your programmer might have owned that one)

We are discussing models btw.
And in so doing, we are discussing the fact that just because you have a license and are bonded does not make you an expert.
I am not the only one that has that opinion of you btw, there are a lot of others that have said the same thing.
So when you post something about how you think the industry is as fact, and then try to back it with your claim, "I am a licensed and bonded agency... ask the state of texas...." I am bound to point out that mike the maniac can get a license and bonding in Texas as well... That does not make him an expert.
It makes him a businessman.

How come you refuse to stick to the original facts.

You continue to make this about you, even after 3 posts up, I said if I was wrong, I apologize, but the fact remains someone pretending to be you said those things....

BTW, do I remember those things? you are so freaking funny.
Let's just say that I have a certificate of graduation from Old Dominion University's computer course from 1976.

And If you want lawyers involved, Go for it. I hear you are used to them now....

Go figure.

May 02 05 01:31 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

I have something to add to the list!  Models, if you are ugly, put ugly pictures on your portfolio.  Instead of having all your images photoshopped the hell out of.  We want to see the real you.  I have been tricked a few times before.

May 02 05 01:34 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone:
And If you want lawyers involved, Go for it. I hear you are used to them now....

Go figure.

And you hear this from where?  Please provide some factual information and data to support your statements.  You are hearing this from what source?   Or are you making this up?  I think I am starting to feel like these continual statements from you are potentially damaging to my reputation and my business.  There is something severly wrong with you that you can spend your day attacking someone online.

May 02 05 01:42 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

You know the great thing about being smart?
I know exactly where the lines are....

Where I hear my info from is none of your business.

But let me ask this?

If you run a talent agency, how come you are on here all the time posting... haven't you got some model somewhere to exploit?

As far as damage to your reputation and business, that is opinion right now, but the fact that the communication is directed at you, and not at the general public makes it immuned to libel. See the statues if you do not believe me.

Furthermore, since you want to go there, My statements are directed at you as a person, not you as a business. I have no clue if you are who you say you are because in general anyone that runs a real agency would not be here doing what you are doing and making the claims you are making...

Austin has the largest model resource site in texas, and has a bunch of models to manage etc... they are in production for something as well from what I read, yet you, as owner of this huge texas company, are here all hours of the day posting dribble....

Oh, one more thing... three times now I gave you the chance to back down and walk away while saving face... I even apologized once.

Can't you be a man and admit you are wrong?

Look into other online forums about photography for references to you.

Look at posts in here about the things you claim I am wrong about.

You have done more to damage your reputation than I could ever do.

Keep up the good work :-P

May 02 05 01:50 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

I think that you have something very seriously wrong with you.  Perhaps your display here will make some aware of that, perhaps not.  If it pleases you to continue, please do so.  Apparently you have decided to select me to tear apart, so go at it.  Do be advised, however, that you are bordering on issues that you may need to defend later.  Thanks.

As for this site... You are proving to me that it would probably be in my best interests to cancel account here.  Just another Internet playground where if you aren't in the adult industry, you'll get torn apart.

May 02 05 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

The Modeling Life: The One (And Only) Book That Gives You the Inside Story of What the Business Is Like and How You Can Make It

That is incorrect there are several books out that give excellent advice such as "The ugly business of being beautiful" and Aaron Marcus's books among several others.

Let's get this straight.
Johnny Depp and Arnold are not on this site.
BEFORE Arnold was famous, look at all the crap things he did!
It was those crap things that helped out (although it was his winning the Mr. Universe that got him really over the top.)

Your answer is moot. We were not talking about models solely on this sight we were discussing modeling in general or your post was intended to until you tried to change it after the fact.

The point is that jobs taken do affect ones career both positively and negatively. Either you cant grasp that concept or you choose to ignore it.

Also those Japanese commercials are common and are done at the height of ones career. They were most certainly done after he was famous. Here is an example of one  there are many others if you do a search.  The point is that you keep trying to dodge is they don't show them here in the US because of a negative perception they have. That is the point that you don't want to acknowledge is jobs can hurt as much as help.

That is why the advice you presented is terrible..

Off topic but I have observed many times in the week I have been here is that anytime someone percents facts that counter your self serving advice rather than ague the facts to resort to cheap personal attacks.

I don't know what your beef is with Mr. Curley but you really need to grow up.

I believe the thing is that you have absolutely no idea how the modeling business runs outside of the adult realm and so you try to apply the porn world to the mainstream commercial agency word ( which many models here aspire to) and because of it, most of your advice is dubious.

May 02 05 01:58 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Austin, Buddy, Pal, Don't go away mad... Just go away.

I am not tearing you apart, youa re tearing yourself apart.

See, I use models for artwork, And my personal views mean nothing to them.

They are smart enough to know that my skill as an artist has nothing to do with what I believe...

You on the other hand are the one making a stink out of things.

Everyone here according to you has a 'net mentality.
No matter who tells you you are wrong, no matter how many times they tell you you are wrong, you insist you are right and you will argue until the end of time.

Even when presented with undeniable proof. (I assume it is undeniable becuase you can not refute it thus far) you continue on.

Name one famous model you managed?

no answer...

Name a top 200 model that did not do nudes of some sort (over 18)?

no answer...

Name a successful model (one that makes her living as a model, and lives comfortably over 18) that has not done nudes?

no answer...

Tell Me how Ann Marie Chuman's Yahoo group has hurt her modeling (considering her success thus far)?

no answer...

"I can only make my statement based upon the fact of actually being an agency"

I see you doing a great job of representing that agency in here.

I know snake oil sellers that are more convincing....

You bemoan how bad internet models are, yet you are here slumming I guess?

No Austin, I have not done anything but stated facts and shown that you can not answer even the most basic of questions to defend yourself.

As for me defending myself in the future...
Whatever -
Read credentials.
I know the limitations of libel.

No libel when it is truth as well.

No libel with reporting something without malice as well...

But even still. I got a battery of lawyers if need be. And I got the money for them to defend me as well...

How much do you have for litigation?
Please please please go there.
The counter suit will be such a thing of beauty! and the publicity for you can not hurt :-P

May 02 05 02:08 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

I must formally apologize.
My mother has critized me for breaking one of her rules...

"Never have a battle of wits with an unarmed man."

My Formal Apologies!

I now return you to your regularly scheduled forum already in progress! :-)

May 02 05 02:24 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

"The Modeling Life: The One (And Only) Book That Gives You the Inside Story of What the Business Is Like and How You Can Make It "

Is the name of the book. I did not write the title, they did :-)

May 02 05 02:34 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

My apologies then I thought the parenthesize was your commentary on the validity of it.

May 02 05 02:36 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Great post Ty.

May 02 05 02:41 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
Austin, Buddy, Pal, Don't go away mad... Just go away.

I understand that is the intention, of course.  The idea is, if someone legitimate comes with information and insight that might introduce facts to models and aspiring models providing hope that perhaps there is something beyond the adult industry.... well of course that is a cancer in your world that must be stamped out.  I understand that the intentions of your attacks are to frustrate me to the point where I will cancel my account here (which I very well may) and so that you can continue to provide only your one sided, adult oriented, version of how things should be.  This certainly cannot become a site where all types of modeling can be discussed - if it is not adult slanted and oriented, you're here to take personal pot shots and call names until the legit folks frustrate and wonder off.

May 02 05 02:42 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Dan Hood: 
Your answer is moot. We were not talking about models solely on this sight we were discussing modeling in general or your post was intended to until you tried to change it after the fact.

Look. It is simple the advice is for models on here to get to out there!
Can I explaining any clearer to you?
Models out there are not reading my advice in here.
Seems a simple fact of logic to me.

The point is that jobs taken do affect ones career both positively and negatively. Either you cant grasp that concept or you choose to ignore it.

Please provide an example of this?
Please show me or describe one situation where a model took a job and it ruined her career?

We have already debunked nudes (Vanessa Williams) porn(Traci Lords, Sylvester Stallone) B movies is easy to debunk if you want me to.
So pick one.
Show me.

Stating something is fact does not make it fact.
I will go one further, One of the top 200 models (paywise) started as a high priced call girl!!!

So, What possible job could they accept that would ruin their budding modeling career?
And while we are at it, Why quote about ACTORS and not MODELS?

That is why the advice you presented is terrible..

Really? and you have better advice? Like, SKIP EVERYTHING UNTIL IT IS SOMETHING YOU LIKE! - yeah, ok.

Off topic but I have observed many times in the week I have been here is that anytime someone percents facts that counter your self serving advice rather than ague the facts to resort to cheap personal attacks.

Actually, I have countered all the facts.
Post one fact I have yet to counter?
Hang on.
There are no facts!
Only what you say.
and saying it over and over and over still does not make it fact.
Personal attacks? No. I think your first post was rather personal attack myself... I am reminded of Pot and Kettle....

I don't know what your beef is with Mr. Curley but you really need to grow up.
Mr. Curley? Are you sure it is him.
Here is this super successful photographer with a family and a huge agency to run and etc.etc.etc.. yet he is here slumming.....
And my problem with him extends back 3 years or so, despite what he says, because he still spews forth the same garbage without facts.
He has not countered a single fact I posted, Something you accuse me of btw... Shoe other foot... goose gander....

I believe the thing is that you have absolutely no idea how the modeling business runs outside of the adult realm and so you try to apply the porn world to the mainstream commercial agency word ( which many models here aspire to) and because of it, most of your advice is dubious.

You sound like his carbon copy.
I am not in the adult business.
I am a broker of adult material. Whole different animal.
AS far as mainstream etc etc
I probably know more than you. At least from what you posted here.

I have been behind the scenes at a commercial fashion show.
I have a daughter that is participating in a fashion show.

I have several model friends (professional models btw) that I can draw info from that are beyond these things.

I have more information on the subject than I care to admit.
I also have a friend from within Fords.
If they do not know, then I suppose we are all stupid.

May 02 05 02:47 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 
...The #1 most important thing for any model to do upfront before stepping into the world of modeling is to create for him or herself a roadmap of goals and objectives... tack onto what you wrote...

That should be the case for any individual pursuing a career as a full time job, or as a sideline interest. One needs a business plan. It doesn't have to be as formal as a real business plan to get funding, etc. Take baby steps, for example 12 month objective, then take a broader leap, for example, a 5 year goal, or longer. You definitely need a plan.

May 02 05 02:48 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 

Posted by Ty Simone: 
Austin, Buddy, Pal, Don't go away mad... Just go away.

I understand that is the intention, of course.  The idea is, if someone legitimate comes with information and insight that might introduce facts to models and aspiring models providing hope that perhaps there is something beyond the adult industry.... well of course that is a cancer in your world that must be stamped out.  I understand that the intentions of your attacks are to frustrate me to the point where I will cancel my account here (which I very well may) and so that you can continue to provide only your one sided, adult oriented, version of how things should be.  This certainly cannot become a site where all types of modeling can be discussed - if it is not adult slanted and oriented, you're here to take personal pot shots and call names until the legit folks frustrate and wonder off.

Austin Buddy.
Get off the adult kick already.
Answer the questions Austin
Prove me wrong.

You can not.
Everytime I present facts, you turn it back on you like right now.

Answer the questions I pose.
Be a man.

May 02 05 02:49 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 

Answer the questions I pose.
Be a man.

I think it's already pretty obvious who the man is here, Ty.

May 02 05 02:54 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
AS far as mainstream etc etc
I probably know more than you. At least from what you posted here.

I have been behind the scenes at a commercial fashion show.
I have a daughter that is participating in a fashion show.

I have several model friends (professional models btw) that I can draw info from that are beyond these things.

You were behind the scenes at a fashion show once?  You have a daughter in a fashion show? 

I ate in Burger King once too.  Now I'm an expert on the fast food industry?

May 02 05 02:56 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45344

San Juan Bautista, California, US


Directed to Ty Simone, it was nice of you to post "Keys to Success for the would be Model" however I am sure it was meant to help get models to think a little, but NOT the perfect "end all" of "tips for models!"  I may be biased, but I think my "Tips For Models" posted earlier is better.  This is an ART NOT AN EXACT SCIENCE! 

You tell an artist to "Always" do something and they will do the opposite! One of my favorite models from the past was Gia Carangi. An HBO movie was made about her, remember? I'm sure you remember the actress who played Gia! OK, so maybe Gia was not successful because she got into drugs and died young, but she certainly was a favorite of many photographers. She did NOT follow your "Keys to Success ..."

"1. ALWAYS reply to every email/inquiry you get." I know models who get over 1,000 e-mails a day! An automated message can go out in the case where it's a popular model on the web, but I know that many of these models do their best to answer each and every e-mail. Case in point; Jessica Marie Jones, and also Jen Hilton. They have Yahoo groups and are wildly popular with photographers and fans!  They make 100% of their good income from modeling for print.

"2. ALWAYS be polite to photographers, even when they are assholes!" Give me a f**king break! If I were to be an asshole to a model or any person for that matter, then I would expect a negative reaction. It's only common sense. Get real! Do you honestly think that every one should put up with an asshole?  NOPE!

"3. ALWAYS present yourself as a professional." Now this one I agree with 100% because I am working with Print models who get much of their work from the Internet. The High Fashion models (who are mainly where your "Keys" are directed) are NOT likely to worry about this since they wouldn't have the Yahoo groups, websites, or web presence that a Print model does.

"4. NEVER turn down a job because of artistic content problems."  WRONG!  Here is YOUR advise toa male model who was concerned about Art vs Porn and where the line is ... Quote from Ty Simone "As for the model here, not comfortable, do not do it. Tell him you think the images are not in your best interest at this time. And chalk it up to unsafe work conditions."  OK Ty ... NEVER SAY NEVER!

"5. Remember, you are a commodity!"  I disagree with you! I am a human being, NOT a product, and I treat ALL people as HUMAN too. That means I work WITH the model to create great pictures. I do NOT need to be an asshole who treats models like a thing, or a commodity. If you think of models as a commodity, then you must not be treating them very well?

"6. Stick to your guns, But do it smartly!"  The second one I agree with you 100% on! Communication is very important in any industry that involves much human interaction.

"7. NEVER bad mouth a photographer in public!" BINGO! Third one I agree with you on. Mostly because NO ONE should spread rumors or gossip about someone. If a photographer has done something illegal to you, then PRESS CHARGES!  But don't expect support of the community online, because we've heard it all before! Gossip, rumors and out right lies are so common place on the Internet that it does more damage to the reputation of the one spreading it!

"8. Market yourself Correctly!" YES! I agree with you on this one ... of course! Yahoo groups and websites have a place in marketing Print models. But models who are leaning more in the traditional direction of High Fashion and Ramp work will market themselves differently. 

"This is a business!
You must approach like one and treat it like one!" Very good words, Ty!

Austin makes a few valid points too, but I don't necessarily agree with all of his either. Austin is wrong about Yahoo groups. I'm the owner of 30, and I am in over 300 more! I use Yahoo groups to market with. I have sent over $100,000.00 in transactions to a billing company through Yahoo groups in a ONE month period. Yahoo groups CAN be GOOD. Of course having a sharp looking website is important too! And as far as OMP goes, well it does not hurt a Print model to be on the largest model/photographer listing website in the World, now does it? Jessica Marie Jones is BY FAR the most popular model on Yahoo and OMP! She has more "hits" and more members than anyone! She is extremely busy shooting Print work Full time!

Austin!  AUSTIN!!!  You are NOT the only person here who thinks he is legitimate!
There is room enough for ALL people on this forum if we can agree that we will NEVER all agree! Now go read my "Tips For Models" it's NOT an ALL or NOTHING and does not stir up as much controversy (except what I say about "model managers!")

May 02 05 02:57 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Name one famous model you managed?

no answer...

Name a top 200 model that did not do nudes of some sort (over 18)?

no answer...

Name a successful model (one that makes her living as a model, and lives comfortably over 18) that has not done nudes?

no answer...

Tell Me how Ann Marie Chuman's Yahoo group has hurt her modeling (considering her success thus far)?

no answer...

"I can only make my statement based upon the fact of actually being an agency"

Come on Austin
Back up your statement or pack up your bags!

You know why I am the Man.
Because I am not going to bow down to someone simply because they say it is so.

My problem is I do not care who I piss off.
I am an Artist.
I am not an agent or part owner of an agency anymore.
Nor do I have to worry if I offend a select group of models and photographers and agencies and whatever.

So if you are going to come in here to my thread, and tell me I am wrong, Next time Austin, Bring a little more proof other than... "I am a licensed and bonded agency.. Ask the state of Texas."

All the facts above still go unrefuted as you continue to play politician and turn the subject away from the fact, You spewed out crap that can not be justified or backed, therefore let's change it to personal attack on me... 'Oh Ty, Why do you attack me?" "Oh Ty you are being spiteful..."


May 02 05 02:58 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45344

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 

Posted by Ty Simone: 

Answer the questions I pose.
Be a man.

I think it's already pretty obvious who the man is here, Ty.

WTF! ROFLMAO! Challeges to each others masculinity! What does this have to do with the original post?

May 02 05 03:01 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 
That should be the case for any individual pursuing a career as a full time job, or as a sideline interest. One needs a business plan. It doesn't have to be as formal as a real business plan to get funding, etc. Take baby steps, for example 12 month objective, then take a broader leap, for example, a 5 year goal, or longer. You definitely need a plan.

Exactly.  Setting objectives that can be measured is important to all this too.  They can be as large or as small as you wish, depending upon your ambition and where you really see yourself going.  I had a model this weekend, at a shoot for a national production, tell me, "I had a goal this year of making at least one dollar at this!"  I smiled and told her, well you just made many of them.  Now she needs to set new goals, but the one she set had a way to be measured.  Next she can set more and longer term objectives and gauge her success by her achievement of each... but also determine whether or not she needs to adjust or add additional elements of training, marketing, etc., when goals are not being met.  It's simple business planning no different than major corporations do, except on a small individualized scale.

May 02 05 03:02 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45344

San Juan Bautista, California, US

BOYS!  BOYS!!!   Get out of the sandbox now! Play time is over!

May 02 05 03:04 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 

Directed to Ty Simone, it was nice of you to post "Keys to Success for the would be Model" however I am sure it was meant to help get models to think a little, but NOT the perfect "end all" of "tips for models!"  I may be biased, but I think my "Tips For Models" posted earlier is better.  This is an ART NOT AN EXACT SCIENCE! 

You tell an artist to "Always" do something and they will do the opposite! One of my favorite models from the past was Gia Carangi. An HBO movie was made about her, remember? I'm sure you remember the actress who played Gia! OK, so maybe Gia was not successful because she got into drugs and died young, but she certainly was a favorite of many photographers. She did NOT follow your "Keys to Success ..."

"1. ALWAYS reply to every email/inquiry you get." I know models who get over 1,000 e-mails a day! An automated message can go out in the case where it's a popular model on the web, but I know that many of these models do their best to answer each and every e-mail. Case in point; Jessica Marie Jones, and also Jen Hilton. They have Yahoo groups and are wildly popular with photographers and fans!  They make 100% of their good income from modeling for print.

"2. ALWAYS be polite to photographers, even when they are assholes!" Give me a f**king break! If I were to be an asshole to a model or any person for that matter, then I would expect a negative reaction. It's only common sense. Get real! Do you honestly think that every one should put up with an asshole?  NOPE!

Here is why.
If Becky the model comes shoot for me. And she gets nasty with me, for whatever reason, and then another photog asks me about her, What would I say?
Meanwhile, If Becky leaves without being nasty, and Marie asks Becky about me, Becky will say, I did not like his attitude. and Marie does not come.
Now, Which is better? The model hurting herself with other photogs because I am an asshole, Or Me getting hurt with other models because I am an Asshole?

"3. ALWAYS present yourself as a professional." Now this one I agree with 100% because I am working with Print models who get much of their work from the Internet. The High Fashion models (who are mainly where your "Keys" are directed) are NOT likely to worry about this since they wouldn't have the Yahoo groups, websites, or web presence that a Print model does.

"4. NEVER turn down a job because of artistic content problems."  WRONG!  Here is YOUR advise toa male model who was concerned about Art vs Porn and where the line is ... Quote from Ty Simone "As for the model here, not comfortable, do not do it. Tell him you think the images are not in your best interest at this time. And chalk it up to unsafe work conditions."  OK Ty ... NEVER SAY NEVER!

I thought I defined artistic content clearly before now, let me say it again.
Artistic content is NOT type of Shoot.
Artistic content is the type of images portrayed.
in the case above, It was type of shoot that was an issue, not artistic content. (please see point number 1 about how to respond and wht I told this guy in his response. They are the same.)
Artistic content would be similar to If the guy says, "pose nude like this." and he agrees, then he finds out it is for an anti-NRA group, so he decides, no thanks.
I think that the backlash against Charlotte Church was the best example of why a famous person should not do it, and when it comes to the not so famous models here, it is even more critical.
I could expand this with more examples if you like.

Btw also see number 6 in my post.

"5. Remember, you are a commodity!"  I disagree with you! I am a human being, NOT a product, and I treat ALL people as HUMAN too. That means I work WITH the model to create great pictures. I do NOT need to be an asshole who treats models like a thing, or a commodity. If you think of models as a commodity, then you must not be treating them very well?

I treat all my models with the utmost repsect as well, and I seek input from them as well. However, I have learned that most of the higher fashion photogs and definately the most professional ones, do not.
They treat the model as a commodity and they know with a quick phone call they can get a replacement in 30 minutes or less... the dominoes of modeling.

I also coach and have played sports. A famous sports saying is "Practice like you play" Models on here are in practice mode. If they think they can go into a shoot with a famous photographer and tell him they know better than him, they are sadly mistaken. They need to start now acting like they will when they are in front of the cameras in the big time.

"6. Stick to your guns, But do it smartly!"  The second one I agree with you 100% on! Communication is very important in any industry that involves much human interaction.

"7. NEVER bad mouth a photographer in public!" BINGO! Third one I agree with you on. Mostly because NO ONE should spread rumors or gossip about someone. If a photographer has done something illegal to you, then PRESS CHARGES!  But don't expect support of the community online, because we've heard it all before! Gossip, rumors and out right lies are so common place on the Internet that it does more damage to the reputation of the one spreading it!

"8. Market yourself Correctly!" YES! I agree with you on this one ... of course! Yahoo groups and websites have a place in marketing Print models. But models who are leaning more in the traditional direction of High Fashion and Ramp work will market themselves differently. 

"This is a business!
You must approach like one and treat it like one!" Very good words, Ty!

Austin makes a few valid points too, but I don't necessarily agree with all of his either. Austin is wrong about Yahoo groups. I'm the owner of 30, and I am in over 300 more! I use Yahoo groups to market with. I have sent over $100,000.00 in transactions to a billing company through Yahoo groups in a ONE month period. Yahoo groups CAN be GOOD. Of course having a sharp looking website is important too! And as far as OMP goes, well it does not hurt a Print model to be on the largest model/photographer listing website in the World, now does it? Jessica Marie Jones is BY FAR the most popular model on Yahoo and OMP! She has more "hits" and more members than anyone! She is extremely busy shooting Print work Full time!

Austin!  AUSTIN!!!  You are NOT the only person here who thinks he is legitimate!
There is room enough for ALL people on this forum if we can agree that we will NEVER all agree! Now go read my "Tips For Models" it's NOT an ALL or NOTHING and does not stir up as much controversy (except what I say about "model managers!")

I offered several times to stop with Austin.
I offer again.
Last time though.

May 02 05 03:11 pm Link