Forums > General Industry > New to modelling. dazed, confused and so on :)


Jacinta Lee

Posts: 265

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Hi all.

I'm just venturing onto the modelling scene...tentively...

Lots of nice people over the net have told me I have a good look (half asian thing happening) and gave me a link to this site. so I joined up, obviously!

what's the next step? so I just try to build up a decent sized portfolio with pretty pics of yours truly?

and then...? i have an agency here in adelaide. they just haven't given me any work!! so...what should my next move be?

thanks if you've bothered to read this. If you have *another* spare second, I'd love it if you looked at my profile pic and honestly tell me if i'm in the right industry here big_smile


Apr 29 05 07:59 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Agencies tend to have so many models that to promote all of them equally is very difficult (especially in small markets).  Some companies just let their clients browse through a "Book-O-Models,"and pick ennie-meenie-mineie mo..."who-is-it." Sometimes, it just takes time to find you the right job - and then to build up that professional experience.  Persistance and patience are key...

Maybe you should submit your photos to other companies (is your contract freelance/open?) Just go online, pick your companies out, send your photos to the companies, "Attention: New Faces Department"  Surely with your beautiful exotic looks someone will snatch you up...

Asian?  Hmm...  I was thinking "Eskimo-ian" or "Aboriginal/Indian"

Very Beautiful either way...

Apr 29 05 08:21 am Link


Jacinta Lee

Posts: 265

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

thankyou for that^^

re "Eskimo-ian" or "Aboriginal/Indian"
i love that you thought that!

i'm actually 1/2 chinese. 1/8 english 1/8 jewish 1/8 irish & 1/8 scottish!

I'm hoping that this, umm "blend" gives me an interesting/unique enough look to get some work happening for me smile

Apr 29 05 09:14 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

I have the Chinese and what I like to call "UK-nian" (Scottish / Irish - I like to make up my own terms/wording) - see we're practically related...

No wonder's I like you...

Apr 29 05 09:33 am Link


Jacinta Lee

Posts: 265

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia



pity I'm nowhere near you in this world sad

Apr 29 05 09:44 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Yeah, I know...  I know some photographers that would LOVE to work with you...  They'd eat you up in a heartbeat....

Apr 29 05 09:55 am Link


Jacinta Lee

Posts: 265

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

they're more then welcome to if they were in my immdiate vicinity!

(or if they could somehow smuggle me onto a plane, i can't afford the airfare!)


Apr 29 05 10:04 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

I sent you some mail - check it out...

Too bad I don't like model managers, because I would be a great one... 

Apr 29 05 10:09 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

As an agency, perhaps I can give you some tips/insight that may help you with your current agency situation.  First off, it's potentially viable that where you live your look is not big for that market.  I know that if you were in Central Texas I would have you working - there is a constant need for "ethnic" models for our clients.  It all depends upon the client base and market, so this may not be a result of your agent not working hard for you.  On the other hand, perhaps they are not.  Maybe you are lost in the shuffle and burried beneath many others that they are concentrating on.  That happens.  I hate to say it like this because this sounds very bad, but the old saying that a squeeky wheel gets greased is true in any situation.  Now don't make a pest of yourself, but it never hurts to always stay in tune and touch with your agents.  Let them know what you are up to - email them even progress reports.  Have you done some new test shooting?  Send them some images. Picked up a job on your own?  Let them know (you should update your resume with them anyways when you do).  Ask your agent to arrange some test shoots for you.  Most agencies have lists of photographers looking to test with models - we have about 40 in our books, for instance.  Similar to TFP, but these photographers understand the style and needs of the market you are in and can help build your book to match your agent's client's needs.  Shooting TFP with random photographers may produce nice image results, but if the photographers are not familiar with the needs of the local ad and talent agencies, then you probably won't result in images that will help in your book.  Just because an image is excellent does not necessarily mean it will work to promote you in your market.  Perhaps your current book and comp cards do not match the market you are in?

Offer to come help out and intern in the agents office... that's a sure way to be right there and in their face - and many agencies use interns on a regular bases to assist.  Perhaps you need to broaden your scope some.  In most markets, except those that are very large (L.A., NY, etc.), the majority of work is commercial.  Do you have any acting experience?  As your agency to help you locate acting workshops or coaches.  Let them know you are serious about working and training.  Avoid, of course, "modeling schools," but some training in the basics of acting, auditions, cold reading, improv... these things cannot hurt even the strictly-model.

Keep in mind that you don't work for your agent... your agent works for you.  If they are not doing the job, tell them so (in not so many words!).  Work with them to better represent you and help you gain exposure.  If they continue to fail in their performance, seek to replace them.

(EDIT:  I did not notice you were in Australia until after I wrote this... but the same should apply there as well - and I enjoyed looking at your portfolio, you have an excellent look and some nice photos)

Apr 29 05 10:24 am Link