Forums > General Industry > Why are most comments worthless?


Trevor Borchelt

Posts: 126

Bechtelsville, Pennsylvania, US

Most people don't want to hurt feelings or really don't want their feelings hurt.
Great shot... thanks why?
It works.... ditto

Say a positve and negative, take the time to do it and you may get some usefull criticism back.

The fact that 8 people say they like it is usable, it means you did something right but you are still left to figure out what that was.

If you are looking at a models work, seperate comments by what he/she did with what the photog did.  It is still important to say things about the image quality to inform him/her on her choices of images that represent her well.

Oct 10 06 12:04 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Are you upset you don't have a bunch of comments?

Oct 10 06 12:07 pm Link



Posts: 1041

Matawan, New Jersey, US

One of us is missing the true mission of this site  ;-)

Oct 10 06 12:12 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Are you upset you don't have a bunch of comments?

Oct 10 06 12:12 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I think giving unsolicited public critiques is tacky in the extreme.  If someone wants constructive criticism, they'll ask for it.  If they haven't asked, why should I presume that my opinion is so important that I need to foist it on someone else?  That's just rude.

Oct 10 06 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 12979

Winchester, Virginia, US

Do not mistake comments for critiques.

Oct 10 06 12:15 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
I think giving unsolicited public critiques is tacky in the extreme.  If someone wants constructive criticism, they'll ask for it.  If they haven't asked, why should I presume that my opinion is so important that I need to foist it on someone else?  That's just rude.

EXACTAmundo Ms. Sita!

(unless of course it's a white knight concierge posting on "THE THREAD" as to why he's the best photographer and protector of women--not to mention caterer-- in the world....)

Oct 10 06 12:26 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

Most? I though all comments were worthless, unless your coments lead to paying work vie networking and advertizing...

I need to find the little shop that turns comments into quarters.

Oct 10 06 01:28 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


yani wrote:
One of us is missing the true mission of this site  ;-)

...and it's not you.

To the OP: Pet Peeve I a model, I don't want to hear what the photographer did or didn't do...tell him/her, as it is useless to me. If you want to get into a full blown conversation on one image, I welcome private messages so that said discussion can be had.


Oct 10 06 03:20 pm Link


Trevor Borchelt

Posts: 126

Bechtelsville, Pennsylvania, US

Daniela V wrote:

...and it's not you.

To the OP: Pet Peeve I a model, I don't want to hear what the photographer did or didn't do...tell him/her, as it is useless to me. If you want to get into a full blown conversation on one image, I welcome private messages so that said discussion can be had.


I guess some people here don't have much in the way of thick skin.
You have no need to know what other people think of the photographers technique....
You don't want to learn.  That is interesting and a little sad.  I made this thread because I don't have many comments.  I want more, but I have seen many yeah or neah comments. 

Lets use this site as the creative center that it can be.  If you only want positive feedback show your pics to your grandma.

Oct 10 06 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 317

Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Hi, there are a few photogs i have worked with who are registered on a photog website. very useful for criticism AND positive feedback on the images they post. I find it pretty constructive as sometimes other photogs would find something wrong with the way the model poses, or her expression and that would help me in some cases. Other feedback would be with regard to good or bad lighting, and more technical (photographer) feedback, which in turn helps the photog see where he/she went wrong or what they did right.

check it out!


Oct 10 06 03:29 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Trevor Borchelt wrote:
Why are most comments worthless?

This being a market economy, albeit here an economy of ideas, perhaps it's because you get what you pay for?

Oct 10 06 03:30 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Trevor Borchelt wrote:

I guess some people here don't have much in the way of thick skin.
You have no need to know what other people think of the photographers technique....
You don't want to learn.  That is interesting and a little sad.  I made this thread because I don't have many comments.  I want more, but I have seen many yeah or neah comments. 

Lets use this site as the creative center that it can be.  If you only want positive feedback show your pics to your grandma.

Whether or not the critiques are positive or negative...if they are about the photographer, what can I possibly take from that? Clearly, if I didn't like what they did, I wouldn't have posted the shot, right? I'd rather be told something I can learn from, not something that I can't do anything with.

It's not that I don't want to learn- I think you misunderstood what I said.

Also, I'll take negative else can I make myself a better model? But I'd rather hear: your expression doesn't read well...over: that shadow doesn't work.

Which one can I control?

Oct 10 06 03:34 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Well, as a photographer, I could take the stance that it's highly improbably that a single person here would actually book me for work.  Here in the land of Mayhem where people speak a wildly boring language based solely upon the letters T, F & P (though not necessarily in that order) it's just not going to happen. 

So I could legitimately make a philosophical argument that the only opinions that matter are paying clients and all these other people can take their opinions and shove them.

But what would be the point?  You got on this site for a reason.  Be glad that someone took the time to comment or blow smoke up your ass or whatever.  And don't be sour because you look at someone else's profile and they have a ton of them.  It really doesn't affect you at all.

You want real feedback?  Leave "The Attention-Whore Network" (more commonly known as ModelMayhem) and seek out real feedback from those whose opinions you value.  Or find people here whose work you admire and ask them for criticism.  I've found this quite effective myself.

But asking the rhetorical questions about the comments isn't going to stop them from coming.  This site was this way... notorious for being this way... long before you got here.  Should've known that coming in...

Oct 10 06 03:34 pm Link


Trevor Borchelt

Posts: 126

Bechtelsville, Pennsylvania, US

Clearly, if I didn't like what they did, I wouldn't have posted the shot, right? I'd rather be told something I can learn from, not something that I can't do anything with.

It's not that I don't want to learn- I think you misunderstood what I said.

Also, I'll take negative else can I make myself a better model? But I'd rather hear: your expression doesn't read well...over: that shadow doesn't work.

Which one can I control?

You can control the shots you choose as you can control the photographer you shoot with.  If you want to learn than be open to the comments and take them for what they are worth... not a comment against you personally.  Instead a chance to learn what anothers total perception is of your portfolio.  That is after all what agencies will be viewing.  As a model you should be interested in hair makeup and photography, all the elements that go into making you look as fabulous as you can look.

Oct 10 06 03:39 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Trevor Borchelt wrote:
You can control the shots you choose as you can control the photographer you shoot with.  If you want to learn than be open to the comments and take them for what they are worth... not a comment against you personally.  Instead a chance to learn what anothers total perception is of your portfolio.  That is after all what agencies will be viewing.  As a model you should be interested in hair makeup and photography, all the elements that go into making you look as fabulous as you can look.

Right...but, again, if I liked the shot, I put it telling me the lighting is bad doesn't help me. I want to hear what I, personally, as a model can do. Telling me to "work with better photographers" (not that anyone did, I'm using it as an example) doesn't help me directly. Help me, as a model first, question the others players second.

Oct 10 06 03:42 pm Link


Trevor Borchelt

Posts: 126

Bechtelsville, Pennsylvania, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
Well, as a photographer, I could take the stance that it's highly improbably that a single person here would actually book me for work.  Here in the land of Mayhem where people speak a wildly boring language based solely upon the letters T, F & P (though not necessarily in that order) it's just not going to happen. 

So I could legitimately make a philosophical argument that the only opinions that matter are paying clients and all these other people can take their opinions and shove them.

But what would be the point?  You got on this site for a reason.  Be glad that someone took the time to comment or blow smoke up your ass or whatever.  And don't be sour because you look at someone else's profile and they have a ton of them.  It really doesn't affect you at all.

You want real feedback?  Leave "The Attention-Whore Network" (more commonly known as ModelMayhem) and seek out real feedback from those who's opinions you value.  Or find people here whose work you admire and ask them for criticism.  I've found this quite effective myself.

But asking the rhetorical questions about the comments isn't going to stop them from coming.  This site was this way... notorious for being this way... long before you got here.  Should've known that coming in...

That was well put.  And the reason I typed up this thread.  We are a part of a self imporving community and we can ask for better feedback.

I think we need to all ask what we want out of posting here.  My grandma thinks my stuff is great.  I am far from finished improving my work.  It lacks things that I see in other work.  That is why I am here.  I want to improve.  Lets all take some lumps and come out on the other side better for it.

Ps not all comments are positive or negative, some are lateral.  IE not a better idea but a different one.

Oct 10 06 03:45 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
...unless of course it's a white knight concierge posting on "THE THREAD" as to why he's the best photographer and protector of women--not to mention caterer-- in the world....

This would be me, of course.  Except for the catering part...


Oct 10 06 04:20 pm Link


Trevor Borchelt

Posts: 126

Bechtelsville, Pennsylvania, US

Simply put, wouldn't most people like to hear the opinions of others in this people oriented business?  I think its bad business to cup hand over ear and say nah nah nah I can't hear you.

Compartmentalize.  If the comment is crap, its crap.  Most often there are free creative ideas that could be passed around. Instead many offer "wow nice shot".  If that is all the comment giver had to offer, fine.  I suspect that people are holding back.  All that does is falsly inflate the igo.

Oct 10 06 04:48 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

I think you're grossly underestimating the number of people who can actually think beyond "Hey, yoor hawt!!" and "This is great!"  I also think you are underestimating the value of such opinions anyway.

You can get legitimate feedback from peers with a critical eye.  But sometimes you (general reference) create a shot to effectively rendering the viewer incapable of higher level thinking.  You want them to see the picture and only mumble "Holy shit..."

Sometimes you know exactly what you did and why.  Sometimes you want the feedback of the "common" person.  The average viewer who'll look at an image and really won't analyze... will really only think "I like this" or "I don't like it

And let's be honest, the membership of MM is comprised primarily of people like that.  If the site wasn't free, if they could take a self portrait with any old camera, they wouldn't be here.

So most of the people who are making these comments probably lack the critical eye to give you more feedback.  Just take it for what it is...

Oct 10 06 05:01 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

There is two things on my portfolio that I can't delete because I really appreicate the comments.

The rest of them - who cares?!
It is just another form of communication - once you read it - it is gone (no point in collecting them).

Oct 10 06 05:11 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Trevor Borchelt wrote:
I guess some people here don't have much in the way of thick skin.
You have no need to know what other people think of the photographers technique....
You don't want to learn.  That is interesting and a little sad.  I made this thread because I don't have many comments.  I want more, but I have seen many yeah or neah comments. 

Lets use this site as the creative center that it can be.  If you only want positive feedback show your pics to your grandma.

Well since you sorta left the door open.  I'll knock.  I took a look at your
work and while its in focus and clear which are two of the main things most
clients are looking for theres nothing else.  There is no passion and nothing to
remember any of the images by expect that some of the people are attractive.
Quite frankly they look like snapshots all expect the one I wrote about.  A
wedding is suppose to be a joyful event and you captured that but just
barely.  They look like something my uncle would have shot.  I will ask this
question.  What makes you different then the other hundred guys with cameras
that can take a well focused image.  What sets you apart?  Are you able to
capture great candids?  Based on what I saw, no.  Perhaps you can produce
beautiful and flawless images of the couple themselves.  Maybe your images
can evoke emotion or tell a story but what you have says mostly that you
are a guy with a decent camera and thats it.  I don't ask for critiques.  I
don't because I have a thin skin and I think that many times people aren't
trying to be helpful but mean.  I also don't think I'm a better photographer then
you or anybody, in fact most here are better then me.  I enjoy shooting and if
I sometimes get a cool or interesting image I'm happy.  I'm also not trying to
make a living with photography.  If you look around some of those here are
right at the edge of being fantastic.  They sometimes lack Photo shop skills
or maybe they need to shoot better looking models (makes a difference)
sometimes a few small changes can pull a persons work from average to great.
If if that is the kind of help people are offering then thats welcome but if its
I don't like it and thats it or I love your work, well nice to hear but...
I don't offer helpful advice (usually) unless I'm asked.

Oct 10 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 1610

Spokane, Washington, US

When I want C&C on any of my photos I post them on

Oct 10 06 05:56 pm Link


Trevor Borchelt

Posts: 126

Bechtelsville, Pennsylvania, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:

Well since you sorta left the door open.  I'll knock.  I took a look at your
work and while its in focus and clear which are two of the main things most
clients are looking for theres nothing else.  There is no passion and nothing to
remember any of the images by expect that some of the people are attractive.
Quite frankly they look like snapshots all expect the one I wrote about.  A
wedding is suppose to be a joyful event and you captured that but just
barely.  They look like something my uncle would have shot.  I will ask this
question.  What makes you different then the other hundred guys with cameras
that can take a well focused image.  What sets you apart?  Are you able to
capture great candids?  Based on what I saw, no.  Perhaps you can produce
beautiful and flawless images of the couple themselves.  Maybe your images
can evoke emotion or tell a story but what you have says mostly that you
are a guy with a decent camera and thats it.  I don't ask for critiques.  I
don't because I have a thin skin and I think that many times people aren't
trying to be helpful but mean.  I also don't think I'm a better photographer then
you or anybody, in fact most here are better then me.  I enjoy shooting and if
I sometimes get a cool or interesting image I'm happy.  I'm also not trying to
make a living with photography.  If you look around some of those here are
right at the edge of being fantastic.  They sometimes lack Photo shop skills
or maybe they need to shoot better looking models (makes a difference)
sometimes a few small changes can pull a persons work from average to great.
If if that is the kind of help people are offering then thats welcome but if its
I don't like it and thats it or I love your work, well nice to hear but...
I don't offer helpful advice (usually) unless I'm asked.

Thats a critique!!!  Not flattering but honest.  Thankyou.  I am serious.  My stuff isn't different, and I wanted to know why.  You gave me some insight and I appreciate it.   On you comment of better or not.  I am not better than many, but all of us have reactions.  The point of this thread was to beg for those reactions even if it meant provoking people.

Oct 10 06 06:04 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

Sometimes a comment isn't about learning and growing but a simply note of appreciation by someone who enjoyed looking at your work. It's a moment taken to say: nice job. I don't think that's a bad thing.

Negative criticism is all about the tone. There's a way of fostering a creative community and there's a way of asserting your superiority.

Oct 11 06 10:37 am Link


digital Artform

Posts: 49326

Los Angeles, California, US

A lot are just another way of saying hi

Oct 11 06 10:42 am Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Hey Treavor,
Try posting some of your images on the Critique forum... trust me, there are a ton of people waiting there to give their opinions (some are tactless and brutal so, be ready!).
Godd luck!

Oct 11 06 10:48 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

If you want the full-blown useless critique experience, with a hint of politics thrown in, try the photo critique sites like photosig.


Oct 11 06 10:53 am Link


Opus Lily

Posts: 822

New York, New York, US

Trevor Borchelt wrote:
The fact that 8 people say they like it is usable, it means you did something right but you are still left to figure out what that was.

No amount of comments should be used as a guage to see if an image is usable. Those eight people liking an image says nothing about an image other than eight random people liked it. I've seen some horrible images have fifty comments and at the same time some really good ones have five comments. It's a popularity contest. It's also not a place for criticism. If you want that, use the critic forum.

Oct 11 06 11:15 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
So most of the people who are making these comments probably lack the critical eye to give you more feedback.  Just take it for what it is...

Jayz soooo HAWT! You rulez man!  wink

(actually he is way cool)

Oct 11 06 11:20 am Link