Forums > General Industry > free anti-virus program, better than norton


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

uses less memory, uses less hard disk space, finds more virii, and is free

Oct 09 06 12:50 pm Link


Artistic Vision

Posts: 2207

Billings, Montana, US

meh i perfer to pay for mine i don't trust free things exspecially since my brother decided to download one and it ended up screwing up his computer more.
I like Trendmicro PC cillin better than nortons. I also use spysweeper.

Oct 09 06 12:59 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US


Oct 09 06 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

TooCoolQueeniee wrote:
I like Trendmicro PC cillin better than nortons.


Oct 09 06 03:59 pm Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

I have used the AVG software from Grisoft for years.  It has been among the best.

I recently switched some of my machines over to the new Microsoft Live One Care  system. 

None of the packages has ever been perfect. 

AVG  was really helpful in finding and eliminating many of the trojans and other types of software that were infecting everyones machines.

PCillin is good,   Panda  has had good stuff,  there are others.
AVG has been a good one to go with but now,  for those who only trust the ones they can pay for,   now AVG has a package that you can buy and get the full service deal. 

Whatever helps you help yourself is a good thing.

Oct 11 06 10:15 pm Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

not to quibble but shouldn't this thread be moved to Off-Topic..?

Oct 11 06 10:18 pm Link


Uncommon Images

Posts: 43

Orange, California, US

I have used the AVG/Grisoft free version at my home for years and it has performed very well.  It does not seem to burden the system like some of the other commercially available virus protection. As a result of my confidence, I recently purchased the commercial version (the same version, but authorized for use in a commercial setting) for all 14 computers in my offices.  Since that conversion it has performed flawlessly and painlessly there also. Highly recommmended.

Oct 11 06 10:19 pm Link



Posts: 340

Belleville, Michigan, US

this program rocks!! way better than anything i have every bought and we have spent 1000s in our business on antispyware!!!

Oct 12 06 10:29 am Link


Incident Image

Posts: 342

Los Angeles, California, US

The best anti-virus software?  Get a Mac.

Oct 12 06 10:31 am Link



Posts: 208

Mustang, Oklahoma, US

Incident Image wrote:
The best anti-virus software?  Get a Mac.

Ya, coming from my background in printing and publishing I was a bit surprised to find out so many photographers used Windows. I guess my background gives me a bias but I have just never taken PCs seriously when it came to graphics.
The fact that I dont have to worry about virii has always just seemed like a happy side effect of using what is just the best tool for the job.

Oct 12 06 10:41 am Link


Ye Olde Photographer

Posts: 547

San Juan, San Juan-Laventville, Trinidad and Tobago

I'm using AVG free right now and it's the best free download I ever used. I trust it more than Norton which I've seen viruses go by undetected.

Oct 12 06 01:46 pm Link


Z Views

Posts: 116

Dallas, Texas, US

lotusphoto wrote:
uses less memory, uses less hard disk space, finds more virii, and is free

I was one of the beta testers for AVG and they are serious about their work!  They took every suggestion seriously and we received statements of what they found and what was done.  They update the virus information almost daily and you can't beat the price.  I have AVG on every machine I own, which is currently 7, and have started to introduce it at the place that I hang around for a hobby and a real paycheck.

If you are not using AVG currently.... you really should check it out.

Best to all,

Oct 13 06 05:57 am Link


Eli Ceballos

Posts: 208

Brooklyn, New York, US

Yup I have to add my 2 cents here...just cause you pay does not mean that it is better.  I have installed almost every version of Nortons over the past 7 years for myself or others...the only constant is that i have soonuninstalled it in favor of another program.

AVG, apart from an old proggie called Dr Solomons is the only antivirus program that has been rock solid.


Oct 13 06 06:06 am Link


Bryanna Nova

Posts: 186

Milford, New Jersey, US

I'm in PC repair.. we use AVG on every machine, and those brought in for repair, we suggest it for.

AVG is one of the best anti-virus programs out there.. and if you are in the mindset "it's free.. I can pay for better"  BUY IT.. it's free version is bare bones, the one you pay for has all it's bells and whistles.. and STILL doesn't use even half the resources Norton does.. and STILL outdoes Norton and McAfee combined.
My two cents..


Oct 13 06 06:19 am Link


Wil with one L

Posts: 394

Malibu, California, US

If you are looking for a legit free alternative to Norton or Mcafee, you can use CA (computer associates) anti-virus program for a year free... … ation.aspx

Oct 13 06 06:20 am Link


Stuart Photography

Posts: 5938

Tampa, Florida, US

im a diehard CA antivirus software user, but only because in a previous life, I actually ran the development group for years and trust the people who are still on the AV team

AVG is excellent software (has been for many years), and free is always good, so I would recommend both.

Oct 13 06 06:29 am Link



Posts: 716

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Incident Image wrote:
The best anti-virus software?  Get a Mac.

There are Mac virii out there too...

Oct 13 06 06:30 am Link


Z Views

Posts: 116

Dallas, Texas, US

Incident Image wrote:
The best anti-virus software?  Get a Mac.

I believe you will find that people who write viruses, do so for the machines/operating systems with the highest usage.  Saying that, you will find that PC/Windows will ALWAYS have more virus issues than a Mac,  or a Linux/Unix based machine.  There is an occasional virus written for things other than PC/Windows..... but the people who write the viruses (13 - 17 year olds typically) just don't want to waste time causing issues for 1 - 2% of the available computers.  They are going for the big bang.

Let Mac come out with something that is spectacular enough to take a large percentage away from PC/Windows....and watch the virus issues increase in like proportions.


Oct 13 06 06:38 am Link


Southern Image Photo

Posts: 10021

Garner, North Carolina, US

Right now I'm running Norton and Avast. Norton is paid for, Avast is freebie version. You can buy a commercial version of Avast too.

I've also had some success with SpySweeper in the past, which caught stuff Norton didn't even see. Avast seems to catch stuff Norton misses as well. Only problem is there is one function that Avast and Norton can't run simultaneously.

Oh, and I started off with McAfee - it sucked.

My question is this: Is AVG compatible with Norton or Avast on the same machine? Any issues to be concerned about?

Oct 13 06 08:42 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Southern Image Photo wrote:
Right now I'm running Norton and Avast. Norton is paid for, Avast is freebie version. You can buy a commercial version of Avast too.

I've also had some success with SpySweeper in the past, which caught stuff Norton didn't even see. Avast seems to catch stuff Norton misses as well. Only problem is there is one function that Avast and Norton can't run simultaneously.

Oh, and I started off with McAfee - it sucked.

My question is this: Is AVG compatible with Norton or Avast on the same machine? Any issues to be concerned about?

avast was equaly recommended to avg at the site where i heard about avg, the point with either is getting rid of norton, it felt funny doing it -for about 3 mins until avg told me it found 2 virus' that norton had missed, and that they'd been on my computer for a couple of years, then i removed norton, my computer ran faster

they say that removing virus' makes your computer run faster, so i can only assume norton was a virus, mcaffe is even worse in the way it grabs your computer

just this am avg ran a virus scan on my computer and i didn't have to quit anything because it's demand on system resources is so benign..

Oct 13 06 09:08 am Link



Posts: 99

Breckenridge Hills, Missouri, US

Incident Image wrote:
The best anti-virus software?  Get a Mac.

One word....AMEN!

Have ya'll seen the MAC tv commercials they're hillarious!

Oct 13 06 09:27 am Link


SPI Glamour

Posts: 81

Arnold, Nebraska, US

Have to agree with Z on his assessment of the whole Mac virus situation.  They are out there, though.  One of our local weekly newspapers that uses Macs got hit with a virus, and it was devestating to them...cost them a weeks income when they couldn't publish their paper, to say nothing of what it cost them to have the local Mac shop come out and fix it all.

I think AVG and Norton can co-exist fine, one of the guys here at work uses that combination on his personal computer.  I have been using the free edition of AVG for years, and it's never let me down yet.  Also, in the world of freeware, I use Ad Aware and/or Spybot Search and Destroy for spyware, and have been very happy with them, and then Zone Alarm for a firewall.

Oct 13 06 09:51 am Link



Posts: 260

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

avast or anti-vir, much better than avg.
avg is idiot proof to use (no offense), but their virus libraries are at best decent and they do create false negative results on scans.

Oct 13 06 09:53 am Link