Forums > General Industry > To all Models- No call/No shows



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

Tape Her Up wrote:

That's funny...I coulda swore I was a photographer.  I mean, my portfolio says Photographer on it and I'm pretty sure at my last shoot I was the one taking the pictures and Tomiko was the one tied up on the bed.  Maybe I got it wrong...

You definately have it wrong... your name is Tape Her Up not Tie her Up... such crass misrepresentation of one's intent...  just shameful

Oct 09 06 07:29 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Image K wrote:
My biggest peave is watching photographers and models beat the snot out of each other verbally all day long on this site about THINGS THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE.

There will always be creepy, perverted photographers.

There will always be flaky models.

Breast implants are here to stay.

Escorts are a fact of life. LIVE WITH IT.

Some shoot TFP, but it's not for everybody

Some are in this business to make money, others for pleasure. respect that

Some people like nudes, other people are offended by them. It is what it is.

   Beating your head against the wall about things that will never change only drives YOU slowly insane. Certain things are with us forever: death, taxes, seat belt laws, crooked politicians, people that roll through stop signs, etc.

  These things will not go away.

  Face it.

  You'll sleep better.

You forgot - People who are so put off by others just having a bitch session that they must interject a hearty "Hey suck it up that's life ain't you got anything better to do?" into said bitch sessions.

Guess they ain't got anything better to do either. smile

Oct 09 06 07:38 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Had another of my very own flakes this weekend.

She responded to a casting call.
We emailed.
We talked.
We exchanged info.
We confirmed.
We went into detail about the shoot.
We confirmed again.
The day of the shoot we confirmed again and she asked if I could pick her up at the local public transit station just to make things easier.  I agreed.

Waited an hour.  No model. 
Called the cell.  Voicemail.
Now it's monday, no email, no apology, no nothing.

Like someone said earlier, we all know things happen, maybe you just changed your mind.

Call us and say - "Hey, I'm flaking."  you don't even have to say sorry.  Just grant us the ability to move on without wasting anymore of our time or effort, or even concern that you were mugged on public transit.

Oct 09 06 07:43 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

If they called and said, "hey, I'm flaking", then they wouldn't be flaking!  They'd be canceling!

This thread is beginning to make my brain hurt.

Oct 09 06 07:46 pm Link



Posts: 99

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Hey all,
            Try switching the scenario. Look from a models point of view. I have had photographers set up a shoot and me take the day off. I called him the day before and he said yes we are shooting tomorrow. The next day gets there and I have hair and nails etc done. Then call on my way and get no answer or worse yet get to the location and they are not there and don't show up. So I am out gas money, pay from my part time job, and money for hair etc. So it happens to models as well as photographers. Just my two cents.

Oct 09 06 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Tape Her Up wrote:
If they called and said, "hey, I'm flaking", then they wouldn't be flaking!  They'd be canceling!

This thread is beginning to make my brain hurt.

I think that's still considered flaking. Cancelling, to me, is at least not making the photographer sit waiting for her at the train station.

Oct 09 06 08:06 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

God forbid I had sent a taxi for her, I can just imagine the bill 3 hours later.

Oct 09 06 08:09 pm Link


Cynthia Leigh

Posts: 799

Orlando, Florida, US

My Little Story:
My "boss" is the PR person for a well-known strip club down here.  She needed pictures for their new promo campaign.  The pics were to be used for billboards, their website, etc, plus the photographer would receive $300 compensation.  So BIG tearsheet(s), plus $300, and then he could also be offered ADDITIONAL PAID WORK that would result in MORE MONEY & MORE TEARSHEETS.  (Not to mention any work tfp/otherwise he might get from the strippers themselves.)  Knowing that I modelled, she turned to me and asked me to hook her up with a photographer?

Guess who I told her to try?

YOU GUESS IT, THE PHOTOG THAT'S NEVER FLAKED ON ME!  (And I've had my fair share!)

Morale of the Story:
Networking helps, but professionalism is key, AND IN THIS CASE IT CERTAINLY WORKS BOTH WAYS!  So, when that paid gig comes up, and it will, you'll know who to turn to because you'll know who does and doesn't show up.  And who can, and will, get the job done.

Side Note:

As for models flaking, that happened to me this weekend at a shootout that was scheduled out of town, I was one of 7 people who bothered to show (and I spent the most money to get there)!  And, oh, might I mention one of the people that flaked was, gasp, a PHOTOGRAPHER!!! (Oh, the shame. 0.0)

Oct 09 06 11:35 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Carpe Imago Photography wrote:
To point out one significant aspect here...professional vs. unprofessional.

So what's my point?  ...  Treat them professionally, and you just might see your second chance pay off.

Quite. ;-) Yet no one has ever responded to my suggestion (i have made it on several threads the  same as this one) that we all stop using this term ''flake''
which carries with it some implication or hint that its on some level, quite ok.
''Oh i flaked  ha ha''

Totally unprofessional, disgraceful behavior.
It should be called what it is
In any language.

Oct 09 06 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 611

Emeryville, California, US

i have never been a no call/no show. i always call and it's always reasons beyond my control.
i was very upset when i gave a photographer the required 24 hour advance notice, because i was really really sick (like i couldn't leave my bed and was coughing 24/7 for three weeks sick) and he still said he would refuse to ever work with me. that just pissed me off.


Oct 09 06 11:53 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Soma Stardust wrote:
i have never been a no call/no show. i always call and it's always reasons beyond my control.
i was very upset when i gave a photographer the required 24 hour advance notice, because i was really really sick (like i couldn't leave my bed and was coughing 24/7 for three weeks sick) and he still said he would refuse to ever work with me. that just pissed me off.


And this weekend, you were even early.

Oct 09 06 11:55 pm Link



Posts: 95

Pasadena, California, US

Goddamn it , she farted and it was all over for me! And I even had purchased new wardrobe, filled up the gas tank and put a TFp model on the backburner for a paid model session and this girl she still flaked on me! Problems with a MUA!

Oct 09 06 11:58 pm Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US


Models flake, photographers flake.

Models can act unprofessional, photographers can act unprofessional.

Photographers prepare for a shoot, models prepare for a shoot.

Photographers invest in their career, models invest in their career.

Young models flake, young photographers flake.

Older models flake, older photographers flake

Young models can be professional, young photographers can be professional.

Older models can be professional, older photographers can be professional.

Some models have attitude, some photographers have attitude.

Models like to to bitch about photographers, photographers like to bitch about models.

Shit happens, shit doesn't happen.

And none of this is going to change.

This is preaching to the choir. The photographers and models who are taking the time to participate in these Forums probably have a good work ethic, and won't flake. The ones who will flake probably won't read these Forums, because they think they know everything and aren't interested in bettering themselves. In they are reading this, they probably don't recognize themselves, or simply don't care.

We all know this happens, so when you find someone - model or photographer - who is professional and great to work with, tell them how great they are and work with them again!

Oct 10 06 12:37 am Link



Posts: 10

Ljubljana, Osrednjeslovenska, Slovenia

I had two flakes a couple of weeks back in L.A. (btw, I live in Europe) and yes, i was upset. It's just that, without even thinking about it, I expect people who join MM to have the same professional additude as I do. Wrong asumption. More and more members are joining just for fun, some ARE professionals but vain or inconsiderate ones and some are just affraid to face the voice on the other line when they'd call they can't/won't make it.

My biggest satisfaction is such cases is knowing that the flakey girl saw what she had missed when she saw the photos I did with a substitute model (so far I was always able to get one).

Oct 10 06 07:27 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Had another of my very own flakes this weekend.

She responded to a casting call.
We emailed.
We talked.
We exchanged info.
We confirmed.
We went into detail about the shoot.
We confirmed again.
The day of the shoot we confirmed again and she asked if I could pick her up at the local public transit station just to make things easier.  I agreed.

Waited an hour.  No model. 
Called the cell.  Voicemail.
Now it's monday, no email, no apology, no nothing.

Mistake #1:  You used a casting call, instead of searching out specific models & approaching them.  Be selective.

Mistake #2:  You didn't check any references.

Unclear:  What was her compensation?  Was it sufficient to incent her?

Unclear:  What was her impression of your professionalism?  How bad did she want to work with you?

Like I said -- some people are, by nature, flakes, and complaining here isn't going to do anyone any good.  But it's getting tiring to see people come here, tell only one side of the story, and blame the silent side for the problem.  For all we know, you drove her away.

Oct 10 06 10:19 am Link



Posts: 10

Arlington Heights, Pennsylvania, US

CAP210 wrote:
Sounds like the old Charlie Brown and Lucy football gag

That made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes!

Oct 10 06 01:39 pm Link


Knechtschaft Studio

Posts: 288

Reynoldsburg, Ohio, US

Of course, sometimes you never get to the first contact at all. You send an inquiry and notta. No response. Nothing.

I mean, I'd take a "sorry, but your work sucks" reply to nothing at all.

No-shows is bad enough, but not giving the courtesy of even a reply to a inquiry, one way or the other, ranks right up there with being unprofessional.

Oct 10 06 07:37 pm Link


Knechtschaft Studio

Posts: 288

Reynoldsburg, Ohio, US

Shahsimene wrote:

That made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes! should see that episode of Robot Chicken featuring the Peanuts and see just what Charlie Brown did to Lucy. wink

Oct 10 06 07:39 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Mistake #1:  You used a casting call, instead of searching out specific models & approaching them.  Be selective.

Mistake #2:  You didn't check any references.

Unclear:  What was her compensation?  Was it sufficient to incent her?

Unclear:  What was her impression of your professionalism?  How bad did she want to work with you?

Like I said -- some people are, by nature, flakes, and complaining here isn't going to do anyone any good.  But it's getting tiring to see people come here, tell only one side of the story, and blame the silent side for the problem.  For all we know, you drove her away.

#1.  I am selective.  I chose the one I wanted to work with.

#2.  Checked those.  Glowing.  Not everyone has 100 references and everyone started somewhere.

Unclear #1.  Sufficient without being extravagant yet modest enough not to be idiotic.

Unclear #2.  Maybe I was unprofessional.  Next time I'll skip responding to emails and phone calls, actually offering paying gigs, laying out all my info and details including a outline of the shoot and copy of model release, answering questions, even agreeing to provide transportation part of the way.

Oh oh oh!!!  Look over there!  It's a global warming thread with disbelievers commenting on things.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.   Sick'em!


Oct 10 06 10:07 pm Link


Elisa Lee

Posts: 96

East Lansing, Michigan, US

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet, why not meet with models prior to the scheduled shoot?  Chances are if the model shows up to meet with you he/she will show up for the shoot.  This is also a good way to find out if the model looks like their photos.

Oct 11 06 02:17 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Oh oh oh!!!  Look over there!  It's a global warming thread with disbelievers commenting on things.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.   Sick'em!

You are right.  There is nothing in your attitude that would put a model off.  It must be all her fault.

Oct 11 06 12:53 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

People do whats important to them.  If a model wants to shoot with you she will.
No excuses, no sick grandmothers, no car issues.  There are a few things you can
do to lessen the flake problem.  Meet first as one model stated.  Talk to the model
and ask her goals, etc.  Listen carefully to her responses.  Does she sound bored
or hurried?  A past trip to Fl. a model drove two hours to meet me at 5:30AM.
No excuses she arrived on time and I guessed that she would by our conversations.
Have models call and confirm two hours before a shoot.  Don't invest in a MUA
or studio space unless you have a deposit.  In some cases collect a deposit. 
Remember also that its not personal.  Models very often know little to nothing
about you and while its important to keep things light and easy if they don't show
or call relax because given time you will find models that will be dependable.

Oct 11 06 01:13 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Bumping all the no-show threads.  Got the idea from somebody else.

Jan 13 07 12:10 pm Link