Forums > General Industry > Defining types of Photography... what is your def?



Posts: 89

Los Angeles, California, US

Hey guys... Im starting to put together my website and honestly.. im a little confused on the categories..

Someone says my work is commercial - what does that mean??

I think i know what Editorial means...


artistic.. im sure i could figure that out..

I have even gotten the description of theotrical...

I suppose its possible photography could even start combining the styles..

Explain your definition of Each...

Commercial, fashion, artistic, editorial, and others I forgot?

Oct 09 06 01:14 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Like so many things in life, categories and genres are all a matter of opinion and some things (be it photos or music or movies or whatever) will fall into more than one category.

Hence, just do your best to categorize your images the way YOU see fit. Because invariably, some people will disagree with your labels. And that's okay. They are your pictures. What genre other photographers would put them into is irrelevant.

Oct 09 06 01:20 am Link


lamar photography

Posts: 131

North Charleston, South Carolina, US

in my opinion your work is very Commercial (which to me just means your selling something a look, a product, a style)  with alot of fashion thrown in.

Editorial work usualy has a harder edge then this though

Oct 09 06 01:25 am Link


LightLab Studios

Posts: 755

Seattle, Washington, US

editorial - work for print, generally a magazine, non-commercial even though it may feature a product like in fashion editorial, can range from magazine assignments to photograph a celebrity to journalism

fashion editorial - fashion story or image for fashion magazine or similar

commercial - advertising, catalog

beauty - like it says, not about the clothing, often headshots, cosmetics, etc.

glamour - more about the model, often eroticized/sexualized imagery, maxim/fhm of course

Oct 09 06 01:32 am Link



Posts: 6129

oh good a new thread guaranteed to provide a laugh

Oct 09 06 02:41 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

I like good and bad as the two main categories.

Oct 09 06 07:23 am Link


MegaHertz Studios

Posts: 252

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
I like good and bad as the two main categories.

I agree. There is some much overlap they end up being completely meaningless.

And give me a break "Fine Art", could that be more pretentious?

Oct 09 06 07:51 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

Matthew Lyn Photography wrote:
... Im starting to put together my website and honestly.. im a little confused on the categories..

categorize by noun.  people, places, things.  about the only category that won't raise any definition dispute is headshots.

--face reality

Oct 09 06 08:16 am Link


MegaHertz Studios

Posts: 252

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Oh, and another one that drives me crazy.

Implied nude

If you are nude, but covering up the naughty bits, you are still nude.

Those shots can be great but "implied nude" seems to be such a odd term.

I know I sound like a crumudgeon now.

Oct 09 06 08:19 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

I like really really good shots as well. And then there is "Pro" shots?

Oct 09 06 04:50 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

FaceReality wrote:
categorize by noun.  people, places, things.  about the only category that won't raise any definition dispute is headshots.

Actually, there have been some fairly robust conversations here about "what is a headshot?".  It's amazing the variety for different applications - and there is the notion that a "headshot" isn't a "headshot", it's a "beauty shot".  Or that "headshots" are for actors, and, well, something else is for models.

Oh yes, we could (again) have quite a conversation about headshots smile

Oct 09 06 05:07 pm Link


3rd Floor Photography

Posts: 932

Tucson, Arizona, US

MegaHertz Studios wrote:
Oh, and another one that drives me crazy.

Implied nude

If you are nude, but covering up the naughty bits, you are still nude.

Those shots can be great but "implied nude" seems to be such a odd term.

I know I sound like a crumudgeon now.

I disagree. She may be full on nude to you since you're in the room with her and you see angles the camera doesn't pick up, such as when she's adjusting or moving around. However the final image doesn't show any of the naughty bits that would show up censored or fuzzed out on public television. There's a significant difference. Full on nude will direct attention to the otherwise private parts, whereas partial nude will more likely redirect attention to the full on photo without any sexual involvement, such as back to her eyes or the curve of her back or some other feature to appreciate.

Oct 09 06 06:44 pm Link


Samantha aka PlainJane

Posts: 156

Riverside, California, US

MegaHertz Studios wrote:
Oh, and another one that drives me crazy.

Implied nude

If you are nude, but covering up the naughty bits, you are still nude.

Those shots can be great but "implied nude" seems to be such a odd term.

I know I sound like a crumudgeon now.

I hate that too......its different though if your naked but have an umbrellas the size of X  or what not.

if that makes any

Oct 10 06 03:41 am Link