Forums > General Industry > Halitosis Hazards


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

I've come across models and other shoot-personnel with severe halitosis and body-wretch and I the HELL can people NOT know their breath smells as if they've just eaten Reese's Feces?

Instead of requiring that a model sit still while a stylist or MUA with shit-breath works on her, or a stylist or MUA having to sit and smell the piss-stench of raunchy model, what's a polite way to get the point across? 

My normal strategy would be to say, "Who in the HELL smells like ass?"  I'm not too subtle. Maybe off them a pack of gum? Raid as breath spray?

Oct 06 06 04:45 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Ok, ok!  I promise never to leave the house again!

Although I'm curious.. How did Reese Witherspoon get involved in this?

Oct 06 06 04:47 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

I've had this happen only once. It did not come through in any images, so the model's anonimity is assured.

What about the opposite, a model that smells especially good?

Oct 06 06 04:53 pm Link



Posts: 78

New York, New York, US

I always have a couple of packs of gum out on the food table.  There has only been one instance where I really wanted to tell the model that she could use a few sticks of gum.    Body stench!?  You must be working with a different breed of models.

Oct 06 06 04:58 pm Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Wow. I smoke and I usually pop in some gum or mints when I have a makeup artists working on me. I guess people arent very aware of themselves! Also, every time Im working with models on a show, I send out a message to them all to come showered. And part of that info says, if you dont smell good, you dont look good! WOO! No stinky pretties!

Oct 06 06 05:03 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Only one or two came in smelling like the floor of the party. All the rest of the models always smell real pretty. Sometimes they spray perfume on while getting ready (which I KNOW doesn't affect the images) which encourages me to show them more images on the lil' LCD.

Oct 06 06 05:04 pm Link


Rock-it Photo

Posts: 84

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
I've come across models and other shoot-personnel with severe halitosis and body-wretch and I the HELL can people NOT know their breath smells as if they've just eaten Reese's Feces?

Instead of requiring that a model sit still while a stylist or MUA with shit-breath works on her, or a stylist or MUA having to sit and smell the piss-stench of raunchy model, what's a polite way to get the point across? 

My normal strategy would be to say, "Who in the HELL smells like ass?"  I'm not too subtle. Maybe off them a pack of gum? Raid as breath spray?

"Who in the HELL smells like ass?"  o_O   ROTFLMAO!!!!!

Oct 06 06 05:05 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
Only one or two came in smelling like the floor of the party. All the rest of the models always smell real pretty. Sometimes they spray perfume on while getting ready (which I KNOW doesn't affect the images) which encourages me to show them more images on the lil' LCD.

I get made fun of all the time for scenting myself as I get ready for a shoot.

Hey it is my nose in my armpit, or my feet near my mouth under a bunch of hot lights in some crazy postion I don't wish to smell my own sweat thank you, very much. I also don't wear  antipereperant to shoots I'm paraniod it will refract light diffrently than the rest of my skin...

Oct 06 06 08:37 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:

I get made fun of all the time for scenting myself as I get ready for a shoot.

Hey it is my nose in my armpit, or my feet near my mouth under a bunch of hot lights in some crazy postion I don't wish to smell my own sweat thank you, very much. I also don't wear  antipereperant to shoots I'm paraniod it will refract light diffrently than the rest of my skin...

You smelled fine. wink

Oct 06 06 08:40 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Honesty goes a long way , i once worked with a tattoo artist that had super bad breath( Most people cannot tell themselves) I told him and he went to the dentist , turns out he had a cavity but was unaware... he called me and thanked me ....

Oct 06 06 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
Only one or two came in smelling like the floor of the party. All the rest of the models always smell real pretty. Sometimes they spray perfume on while getting ready (which I KNOW doesn't affect the images) which encourages me to show them more images on the lil' LCD.

Which brings us to the subject of chimp-intimacy.

During shoots, I find that all the senses become more acute due to the emotional high. As well as being more visually alert, hearing and sense of smell also become heightened, which exacerbate breath issues.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Oct 06 06 08:44 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:

You smelled fine. wink

see it works, I didn't stink while making monkey love to your TV.

Oct 06 06 08:46 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:

see it works, I didn't stink while making monkey love to your TV.

Sweets, that wasn't monkey love... hell, I *should* have shot that concept when I had you... wink

Oct 06 06 08:49 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

I had one the other day.

Body odor,  someone smelled it a room away.  Shoot was too quick to do anything about it.

The week previous,  I had to speak to someone who had breath so bad it made the whole area around him smelled.
He had no clue, 
Well he did not know at the time but was aware.
His response to gentle honesty in private was,
Sorry,  I will invest in body care after this,
I have been smoking and drinking often lately.

Tell them.
Breath can be hard because sometimes people run out without brushing if they wake up late,
Or brush, mint, wash then run to the shoot while eating onion and lox on a onion bagel.
So by midday they stink.

Do not forget the lights get hot.

Some people do have mouth problems and some people are more sensitive to smell than others. 

People please wash,  IT IS PART OF THE JOB.

Mint gums are often more effective than mints when things are bad in the mouth.
A spare toothbrush is important in a model bag or in the studio.
As is a spare washcloth and some deoderant.

Oct 06 06 09:03 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

oh, and if you got the gas,
It happens to all and sometimes for reasons hard to figure out.

Charcoal pills, 
Can be had from a health food store.
They literally soak up the stink from within.
Good stuff when you are on a trip and ate something that did not agree with you.

Also remember if you drink,  some chemicals stay in your body even if the alchol does not.
Some of those things might add to your stink.

Same with smoking cigarettes.
Same with those who have animals.
Even the same for those who eat foods not usual to the area or the peoples you are working with.

Oct 06 06 09:09 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
I've come across models and other shoot-personnel with severe halitosis and body-wretch and I the HELL can people NOT know their breath smells as if they've just eaten Reese's Feces?

Instead of requiring that a model sit still while a stylist or MUA with shit-breath works on her, or a stylist or MUA having to sit and smell the piss-stench of raunchy model, what's a polite way to get the point across? 

My normal strategy would be to say, "Who in the HELL smells like ass?"  I'm not too subtle. Maybe off them a pack of gum? Raid as breath spray?


Oct 06 06 09:14 pm Link