Forums > General Industry > Is MM unprofessional?


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

I freelance as a model and apply to a variety of castings through different means.  When sending pictures, I have always attached a few that best represent me for that particular job.  It has always worked well for me, but it is time consuming and I always have to shrink the files so as to not clutter their mail box.  Sometimes I want to send a broad range of photos and find that it would be easier to send the link to my MM photo page.  I have yet to do so because I am afraid it would be seen as unprofessional.

As a photographer, if you were going over submissions for a client, would you be turned off by someone who sent a link to Model Mayhem or another photo networking site?  Does it seem unprofessional to you or is it a good way to see a variety of pictures?  Does the quality of the photos make a difference?

Models, have you ever gotten a big job by sending a link, or do you get more work from individual photos?

Thanks everyone.

Oct 06 06 04:14 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

I have actually gotten some work by people finding me on this site, but I don't link my portfolio as non-members cannot see the images. Often I will send image links to the full-size images here as well as one to my website. However, if this site happens to crash or servers are unavailable, any links here that don't work can make ya look bad.

I would be fine reviewing image from this site or OMP. Image quality is paramount. Shitty images reflect poorly on a model, telling me she is clueless about what good work is.

But yes...MM IS unprofessional, and happily so.

Oct 06 06 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

I usually attach 5-7 images and then say "I have attached 5-7 pictures for you to view but if you would like to see a wider range of my abilities, please visit...." and I link to my One Model Place account for the fact that I have more pictures up there. Also people can't comment on the photos so it does seem more professional.

Oct 06 06 04:19 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

It all depends on what you are applying for and who is looking at it.  I send people both a small headshot and the link to my modelplace page sometimes when I'm applying to things off craigslist, but I'm also working to get enough material for my own site by the end of the year.  Having your own does look more professional and like you are a serious model.

Oct 06 06 04:20 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

Vegas Alien wrote:
I have actually gotten some work by people finding me on this site, but I don't link my portfolio as non-members cannot see the images. Often I will send image links to the full-size images here as well as one to my website. However, if this site happens to crash or servers are unavailable, any links here that don't work can make ya look bad.

I would be fine reviewing image from this site or OMP. Image quality is paramount. Shitty images reflect poorly on a model, telling me she is clueless about what good work is.

But yes...MM IS unprofessional, and happily so.

I didn't know non-members couldn't view pictures.  Good to know.

Oct 06 06 04:21 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:
"I have attached 5-7 pictures for you to view but if you would like to see a wider range of my abilities, please visit...."

That's a good line.

Oct 06 06 04:23 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Yes, I think MM is unprofessional.  Is it less professional than any other modeling website?  No.  I guess I just spend a lot of time on the forums and that's why I think it's unprofessional.

Most of the work I get [which sometimes includes "big jobs"] is through this site, from members.  I usually link to it when I'm answering a casting call from somewhere else, but the problem with that is they can't see the 18+ images if they're not a member.  Sometimes I also link to my MP page because I have even more photos there.

Oct 06 06 04:23 pm Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

I give potential models my MM address.  That's about it.

Oct 06 06 04:24 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

OC Girl wrote:
if you were going over submissions for a client, would you be turned off by someone who sent a link to Model Mayhem or another photo networking site?  Does it seem unprofessional to you or is it a good way to see a variety of pictures?

Assuming we are talking about commercial and fashion clients, yes, it would be perceived to link to a page on a non-professional site like this one, or OMP or, worse, myspace.  It costs less than $100 a year for a model to get a domain and site of her own, and if she can't do that, and uses a myspace-like site instead, she is not making the right kinds of associations in the client's head.

OC Girl wrote:
Does the quality of the photos make a difference?

Of course it does, but that's a separate question from the location the pictures are hosted on.

Commercial clients (or photographers acting as casting directors for commercial clients) want to feel they are hiring "a professional model".  It's bad enough that the model isn't with an agency; if the pictures are not excellent, it is a strong message that the model cannot be counted on "as a professional".  The chances of getting hired drop precipitously.

Oct 06 06 04:25 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
It all depends on what you are applying for and who is looking at it.  I send people both a small headshot and the link to my modelplace page sometimes when I'm applying to things off craigslist, but I'm also working to get enough material for my own site by the end of the year.  Having your own does look more professional and like you are a serious model.

I have thought about getting my own site for modeling , acting and hosting, I just don't know if it's worth the money.  But you're right, it's much more professional.

I too have problems with craigslist.  Their 150 kb limit has me sending thumbnails, and you can't tell what I look like when the photo is small.

Oct 06 06 04:26 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

OC Girl wrote:
I didn't know non-members couldn't view pictures.  Good to know.

Non-members can't see pictures marked 18+. Last time I checked they could see the other pics. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.


Oct 06 06 04:26 pm Link



Posts: 78

New York, New York, US

MM is definately not professional.  Its really best to send the pics.  Then again, if its just for testing it doesnt matter, but if its for commercial work, then odds are you were hired through an agency so its a moot point.

Oct 06 06 04:28 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

StMarc wrote:

Non-members can't see pictures marked 18+. Last time I checked they could see the other pics. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.


I'm correcting you. LOL.  Log out and try to view any images full size in someone's port. If you log in as a member, right click your full size images and copy the image locations, you can send the full-size image as a link that anyone can view.

Oct 06 06 04:32 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

Wow.  Thank you for all the replies so far.  I wasn't expecting so many comments so quickly.

I think I'm gonna stick with sending pictures.   

Yes, I'm talking about commercial clients.  Since I'm not with an agency, most of the jobs are on the smaller side.  I don't think they go to agencies because they don't want to pay.  (It's amazing how many people don't want to pay for usage rights.)  However, some auditions and go-sees are for big names, and an agency is seeking people to submit .  I've thought about going to agency open calls, but since I do this part time and do a variety of other things, I don't think they'd be very interested.

Anyhoo, I appreciate all your comments and experiences.  I'm off to work, but will check this thread later today to see if anyone else wished to share their knowledge.

Oct 06 06 04:37 pm Link


MurphyMurphy Studios

Posts: 2315

Denver, Colorado, US

Depends on to whom you are marketing.

If you are sending images to a casting agent for a commercial client, yes, it is unprofessional.  You should link to your own website IMO.  Websites are so inexpensive now $100 to $150 per year.  Your website does not have to be terribly fancy but it should also not be crap.

If you are marketing to a photographer directly, MM is likely fine.  But, a personal website is still better.

Oct 06 06 04:38 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

MurphyMurphy Studios wrote:
Websites are so inexpensive now $100 to $150 per year.

Wow, I didn't know that.

Ok, I'm going now.  Eek!  MM may be unprofessional, but it's addicting.

Oct 06 06 04:41 pm Link


Bryce Symonds

Posts: 80

Bradenton, Florida, US

johnkphotography wrote:
MM is definately not professional.  Its really best to send the pics.  Then again, if its just for testing it doesnt matter, but if its for commercial work, then odds are you were hired through an agency so its a moot point.

I agree, its not as professional you can get.  However it can be a good place for a model to pick up representation, increase the variety of their portfolio and get experience.
All the big money models get work through their agencies for the most part, or by word of mouth.  Or even getting up off their butts and going on calls.  I never used MM until I began to look for "new" model to shoot.  Its a great place to start, a bad place to stay.  Who wants to be king of the hill when the hill is a garbage dump.  (That's a bit harsh, but, you get my point.)

Oct 06 06 04:43 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

OC Girl wrote:

I have thought about getting my own site for modeling , acting and hosting, I just don't know if it's worth the money.  But you're right, it's much more professional.

I too have problems with craigslist.  Their 150 kb limit has me sending thumbnails, and you can't tell what I look like when the photo is small.

Well like TX said, it's not expensive.  Even my broke ass can afford one once I have enough material I feel meets my standards.  And it's only a yearly subscription, so if you look back and it isn't helping, you don't have to renew it.

Oct 06 06 04:47 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

OC Girl wrote:
I freelance as a model and apply to a variety of castings through different means.  When sending pictures, I have always attached a few that best represent me for that particular job.  It has always worked well for me, but it is time consuming and I always have to shrink the files so as to not clutter their mail box.  Sometimes I want to send a broad range of photos and find that it would be easier to send the link to my MM photo page.  I have yet to do so because I am afraid it would be seen as unprofessional.

As a photographer, if you were going over submissions for a client, would you be turned off by someone who sent a link to Model Mayhem or another photo networking site?  Does it seem unprofessional to you or is it a good way to see a variety of pictures?  Does the quality of the photos make a difference?

Models, have you ever gotten a big job by sending a link, or do you get more work from individual photos?

Thanks everyone.

Get a simple yet effective website.  I think that would be best option.

Or even find a site that you can host your photos on. Pbase is what I use and it's only $24 a year for 400mb of space with unlimited bandwidth.

Oct 06 06 04:48 pm Link



Posts: 1271

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

If you have 5 pictures that is enough. One good headshot and 4 different looks. You could set yourself up with a free webpage (they still have those!) or a super cheap hosting contract and put up one page with your resume on it and thumbnails linking to your images. Voila!

Oct 06 06 05:16 pm Link


Thom Bourgois

Posts: 105

Tucson, Arizona, US

On MM and other model/photography sites I refer potential models to my website.  There I present more about myself and have a wider, deeper gallery.  My business card also refers prospective models and photo art buyers to there.  As a model your Zed/Comp card could refer prospectives to an in-depth web site; FYI, I’m not referring to paid sites.

As a professional model you’ve invested in a professional quality book and pay professional photographers whenever you need updates.  If you’re a professional, model or photographer, you’ll invest the small amount necessary for a professional website.  Doing so speaks about your commitment and the quality one can expect from your services.

There are several hosts that have ready made facilities so that you don’t have to build a site from scratch.  I use; it only cost me $9.95 per month.  It has extensive options to delineate services and experience and space for far more photos than ever needed

Oct 09 06 07:39 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


OC Girl wrote:
I freelance as a model and apply to a variety of castings through different means.  When sending pictures, I have always attached a few that best represent me for that particular job.  It has always worked well for me, but it is time consuming and I always have to shrink the files so as to not clutter their mail box.  Sometimes I want to send a broad range of photos and find that it would be easier to send the link to my MM photo page.  I have yet to do so because I am afraid it would be seen as unprofessional.

As a photographer, if you were going over submissions for a client, would you be turned off by someone who sent a link to Model Mayhem or another photo networking site?  Does it seem unprofessional to you or is it a good way to see a variety of pictures?  Does the quality of the photos make a difference?

Models, have you ever gotten a big job by sending a link, or do you get more work from individual photos?

Thanks everyone.

If I'm applying to a casting call here, I send my MM link; if on OMP, I send my OMP link.

I'm in the process of creating a website so that I don't have to do that anymore.

Oct 09 06 04:07 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

I have both my MM number and my number for the Other Model Place on my business cards...  I don't think MM is unprofessional at all.  The folks here do a good job making it less formal, but it is still a professional website...

Oct 09 06 09:09 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

MurphyMurphy Studios wrote:
Websites are so inexpensive now $100 to $150 per year.

Websites are actually ALOT less expensive than the figures quoted above.  GoDaddy and Freeservers.Com have VERY reasonable rates.  I maintain 3 completely different multi-page sites for less than $30 a year for all three at Freeservers... wink

Oct 09 06 09:16 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Hey Crystal... nice to see you actively posting on the forums... and I LOVE your avatar... that green canvas background is one of my favorite 'Denny Old Master' canvases... wink

And about your question... well... I think that with the image compression that takes place here on MM... I would probably NOT recommend referring clients to an MM photo page for that reason.  Emailing higher quality images is probably still the best bet... wink

Oct 09 06 09:23 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

Wow, this thread has come back alive.  I'm glad to see so many opinions.  (Thanks for liking my avatar Gary.)  Web sites do seem to be pretty cheap.  I may get one.  I have a cool layout concept I've been thinking about.  My friend sets them up for a living.  He can help me.  If anything, it will look better on my business card than my personal e-mail that's on it now. 

I didn't think linking MM was a good idea but I wanted to hear first hand from photographers who invite models to go-sees.  I guess if it's for a photographer's personal project, it's not that bad, especially of they are on this sight too, but clients don't want to see it.  Agencies aren't telling their models, "Quick, go sign up on every model network site there is."

Thanks guys, for reaffirming my initial thoughts.  I'll stick with attaching photos for now.

Oct 09 06 09:34 pm Link