Forums > General Industry > Why NOT shot with a FAT Photographer


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US

Actually... on another to be unnamed website... One of the comments made was "If *insert name* can't make themselves look good, how can they make someone else look good?"  Of course, this particular website embraces bad gossip and even models who are by no means fat are called fat...

I personally don't see what it matters one way or the other what the photographer looks like.


Oct 05 06 07:53 am Link


Z Views

Posts: 116

Dallas, Texas, US

Damn..... I hope it never gets so bad that I can't take a photo without the ability to be a model as well! 

I have worked damn hard to get in this bad of shape. 

Otherwise I would need.... transplants....face lift.... eye job.... gut tuck and so much more!   BS..... let me be old and ugly!


Oct 05 06 08:03 am Link


Valerie daiquiri

Posts: 6

Milan, Georgia, US

you know I think that's crap if they're so picky about the physique of a photographer. Photographer is A DAMN PHOTOGRAPHER. You don't look for their physique.. they are not models. You look for their WORK and what they have ACCOMPLISHED and obviously THEIR RESPECT DURING A PHOTOSHOOT. And you gotta respect that.

Oct 05 06 08:06 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Is this another one of those joke posts?  I mean, who gives a rats ass what a photographer looks like.  I don't get it.

Oct 05 06 08:08 am Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

Tape Her Up wrote:
Did you know most bondage photographers (or most of the ones I know of) are fat?  I'm not (though I got a bit of a gut), but yes, quite a number of bondage photographers are fat.  One guy was so fat, he needed a cane to walk.  Allegedly he was killed in Iraq earlier this year (never substantiated--as I said, he was fat, needed a cane, and was 51 at the time--doesn't sound like he'd be the type to be sent to Iraq). 

Just thought you might want to know.

I might represent some parts of that remark. 

Not the killed part.  Not the cane.
Not the I'm not cause I have three bits of a gut.
but then,  is there really a point here.

Oct 05 06 12:07 pm Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

crypticarts wrote:
Being on the larger side of the spectrum (6'1" 325lbs) and being fairly new to people photography, i have always wondered the same.  I have not had a problem yet but am bracing for it.  I will say this, in Europe i am told it is much more of an issue.  A very caring friend (Pro Euro Photog) told me flat out i would not get work at a commercial level in some parts of europe because of my size...sad but true.


This will be going by the wayside soon.   Today's news  shows the photo of a lovely Plus Size  model in lingerie on a runway reportedly in Paris at a Fashion show.
The backlash over sickeningly thin models should ultimately create the true taboo of sickeningly thing photographers too.

Wheres my lunch time shake,  and can I have some cheesecake too, since i skimped on a few calories by having the shake,  and could you tell me if that burger is from lean beef, or....

what a country

Oct 05 06 12:12 pm Link


Mystery Britt

Posts: 233

San Diego, California, US

Mike Walker wrote:

I lost a commercial job years ago casue they were going to tape the shooting of the catelogue and I didn't fit the "look" they wanted for their photogrpaher. I'd done 2 of their catelogues prior to this and got a bonus out of the last one. So I'd say they were happy with my work. Just not my appearence. To old and to fat. Though they didn't of course say it THAT way.

u definatey are not in the catagory old OR fat! for a model  not for a photographer!!

Oct 05 06 12:12 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I don't care at all what a photographer looks like. The only time I've seen it as a problem (I saw him shooting, did not actually shoot w/ him) was a guy who was so big that he couldn't really get up and move around to get various angles. He just sat in a chair the whole time. Didn't even move the chair.

The best photographers aren't afraid to roll around in the dirt to get the best shot.

Oct 05 06 12:15 pm Link


Dakota Jane

Posts: 14

Ventura, California, US

No Bravo, your not over weight- your just right smile

Oct 05 06 12:18 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

I'm not picky about how the photographer looks weight wise even though I cant say the same about photographers when they work with models :cough cough: I think I've worked with one photographer who was in pretty good shape the rest had some extra weight on them and it didn't bother me.

Oct 05 06 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 255

Valencia, California, US

You know FAT in this country is a sin...I have always had a zaftig figure, I've just dropped 25 pounds..plan on doing another 20...but you are judge on your appearance no mater who you are...don't kid yourself..your presentation of yourself changes the way people look at your work.

it really shouldn't matter but it does....there are sleazy skinny photographers and fat ones...but the people in the arts that are larger are looked at as not as intelligent, motivated, etc...sad but true...
I'm really noticing the difference 25 pounds makes..people are WAY more responsive to the same work than when I was 25 pounds heavier..



Oct 05 06 12:24 pm Link


summer 6

Posts: 20

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

I had a photographer that was about 500lbs when I was just starting out- the shoot wasn't very interesting because he just sat in the same chair in the same place in the room and took pictures from there.

Oct 05 06 12:29 pm Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I had a model comment that she was happy that I wasn't 50 and fat -- in other words, I'm "normal." I guess she'd been running into a lot of that. Here's hoping I'm not fat when I'm 50.

I feel a Snickers coming on....

Oct 05 06 12:30 pm Link


Beth Risenburg

Posts: 69

Fremont, Ohio, US

Try being a fat goth girl with piercings showing up to take photos at a wedding. Oh, how they enjoy me.
Have I encountered this as an issue? Yes and no. Prejudice is a bastard son of ignorance. Once a model knows me, it becomes a non issue. But apon first impression, I have seen "that look" meaning you are going to talk about my jiggly ass later with your friends on the car ride home.
Sometimes they don't even wait that long.
But I just tell them that I really am a thin, I just enjoy wearing like, 15 shirts and 22 pairs of pants at one time. All black.

Oct 05 06 12:36 pm Link


Rachel Jay

Posts: 20441

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I don't care what a photographer looks like, as long as he/she is professional (both in manner and dress), courteous, respectful and has good hygene.

Oct 05 06 12:42 pm Link


Tyri D

Posts: 39

Kenosha, Wisconsin, US

Alisha B wrote:

HAHAHAHA thats the best one I've heard


Oct 05 06 12:46 pm Link



Posts: 513

Fresno, California, US

Chris55 wrote:
Man, you're retarded

Not only mean, this is gratuitously insulting and doesn't make sense. 

Various studies have shown that people who are considered attractive have a leg up when it comes to "being successful."  Juries respond more positively to attractive lawyers than to unattractive lawyers.  In a situation in a public venue where there is a potential for conflict, attractive people have less problems with folks responding negatively towards them.

It doesn't surprise me that models react this way.  People in general often react this way. 

It's sad.  It's a shame.  It's true. 

-- rick

Oct 05 06 12:50 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I've always been BIG!.....

In the eigth grade at 5'11" and 189 lbs I as the biggest eigth grader you ever saw......but the coach at the high shool was at my house everyday the summer before going to what then was called Highschool.....not middle school.....making sure I went out for the team....and not the JVs....Varsity....right from the get go....myself and one other guy the same size as me both were the only freshmen playing varsity level football....

In the was sometimes a disadvantage.....only because drill instructors has a propensity for singling out the big teach the smaller guys a lesson.....that and it disqualifed me for submarines...LOL...other than that it kept me out of trouble because most didn't want to piss me never know when I could be on you.....but by some strange fate of physical Vietnam I could compress my body into some of the smallest spaces you can imagine......

In my adult life after the size has served me one ever forgets who I am....they might forget my name....but they always remember the "big guy" when I enter a room.....I don't just walk in unnoticed......I ENTER A ROOM!.....I impose myself on it.....and that is always a plus.....

Nope....being average is just not for me.....never have been....and never will be.....I just enjoy being BIG too much.....

Oct 05 06 03:59 pm Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

e-string wrote:
I don't care at all what a photographer looks like. The only time I've seen it as a problem (I saw him shooting, did not actually shoot w/ him) was a guy who was so big that he couldn't really get up and move around to get various angles. He just sat in a chair the whole time. Didn't even move the chair.

The best photographers aren't afraid to roll around in the dirt to get the best shot.

I totally agree......
I wasn't aware that this was even a problem.  I'm not sure I've ever worked with an "in shape" photog.

Oct 05 06 04:06 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Man, it's a good thing I'm gorgeous.

Oct 05 06 04:50 pm Link


Dave Bulger

Posts: 775

Austin, Texas, US

KathyJean wrote:
You work your equipment from one side, and I work it from the other.  Kathy

I LOVE that!

Oct 05 06 04:58 pm Link


lex nova

Posts: 24

Newtown, Connecticut, US

Carpe Imago Photography wrote:
This is a business that is based on appearance.  I'm not at all surprised that you would experience people, be they models or agencies, who would make a value judgement based upon appearance.

amen!! As much as people may hate to admit it SIGHT is quite a powerful sense and you fat/ ugly people will just have to accept the fact that you will probably not get as much respect from models that you could get if you looked better regardless of how good your work is. I know this sounds superficial but hey... it's easier to call someone shallow   or ignorant than it is to lose 50lbs right? This doesn't just apply to photography though it applies to life in general.

Oct 05 06 05:12 pm Link


Michael R Kihn Studios

Posts: 2559

Erie, Pennsylvania, US

I'm one of those so called sinny photographers. So What, does it really matter.
is it the size of a photographers gut or the size of their imagination that creates
great images

Oct 05 06 05:14 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

lex nova wrote:

amen!! As much as people may hate to admit it SIGHT is quite a powerful sense and you fat/ ugly people will just have to accept the fact that you will probably not get as much respect from models that you could get if you looked better regardless of how good your work is. I know this sounds superficial but hey... it's easier to call someone shallow   or ignorant than it is to lose 50lbs right? This doesn't just apply to photography though it applies to life in general.

That's about a condescending statement as I've ever read......

If you're having trouble booking work because of your size that's because you're not seeing the advantages and only concentrating on a "visual" level....which good photographers go beyond with creativity.....I've never had problem one due to me being the biggest person in the room 95% of the time.....just the's been one of my greatest advantages.......but then again I see the glass as half full.....not half empty.

Oct 05 06 10:15 pm Link


lex nova

Posts: 24

Newtown, Connecticut, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
That's about a condescending statement as I've ever read......

now it is not my intention to be condescending but my logic is that if you are having trouble enough with your appearence that you post a thread about it then perhaps you might be better off trying to change the way you look rather than playing the blame game. I know fat people can be "creative" and blah blah but the bottom line is not all people or models are going to see it that way... we live in a superficial world.

Oct 05 06 11:51 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

I think most models want to shoot with phat photographers. They be all gettin' their ebonic lenses on n' shit. Word.

Oct 06 06 01:44 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

lex nova wrote:
amen!! As much as people may hate to admit it SIGHT is quite a powerful sense and you fat/ ugly people will just have to accept the fact that you will probably not get as much respect from models that you could get if you looked better regardless of how good your work is. I know this sounds superficial but hey... it's easier to call someone shallow   or ignorant than it is to lose 50lbs right? This doesn't just apply to photography though it applies to life in general.

I'm short, fat, pierced and tattooed and I get plenty of respect from my models, thank you.  A couple of them even like me.  (Crazy, ain't it?)  If someone decides that my work is sub-par based upon how I look, and not on how my work looks, then yes, one might say they are shallow and ignorant.  Just because it's easier to point out that truth than to lose 50lbs doesn't make it any less accurate.  wink

I would also like to point out that despite your "fat/ugly" conflation, fat does not automatically equal ugly.

Oct 06 06 01:51 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

GLB Graphics wrote:
Since a motorcycle accident that put me in a wheelchair, I have put on some weight. Try showing up to a shoot overweight and in a chair, LOL! I had one girl that just couldn't get comfortable. Every five minutes she would sympathetically yell out, "HOW AM I DOING?" I finally broke the ice by answering, "What was that? Hang on a minute while I turn up the hearing aid on my wheelchair!" True story...


Strange that, I lost my lower right leg in a motorcycle accident in 01. That is why I keep the covers from Easyriders up on my site, I shot those covers 9 days after being hit. The leg was exploded all over the ladies car who hit me looked like a beef burrito. The blonde model was one of Easyriders most popular girls on cover because she has that wonderful look on her face, Its not sex it's pity for me. I was in a chair with so much demerol in me and all these _ucked up bandages soaked through. It was a great shoot and we all had a great time. Man those were the days.
No i dont think I have an issue with weight just Buicks>

Oct 06 06 07:23 am Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

e-string wrote:
The best photographers aren't afraid to roll around in the dirt to get the best shot.

I got a tick from rolling around in the dirt for a shoot this summer!!! AHHHHH EWWWWWWWW

Oct 06 06 07:30 am Link


Images by Yancy

Posts: 1703

Roseville, California, US

RED Photographic wrote:
The more you pay the thinner you seem.

Now THAT'S funny!

Oct 06 06 07:43 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

lex nova wrote:

now it is not my intention to be condescending but my logic is that if you are having trouble enough with your appearence that you post a thread about it then perhaps you might be better off trying to change the way you look rather than playing the blame game. I know fat people can be "creative" and blah blah but the bottom line is not all people or models are going to see it that way... we live in a superficial world.

Well I'm not sure what kind of world you live in....but in my world it's what I make of it not what someone else will give me. Take charge of your life and it makes no difference what kind of world it's all up to you.

When I was younger, 20-40, the comment I heard the most was..."where do you get all those women?" reference to some of the ladies I dated. I already knew I was no movie star. That was a given. I knew I towered over most women and engulfed them with my size. But what I also knew was that being a gentlemen, a good listener, having manners, and a great personality was a combination that never failed me. So while all the "pretty" boys were out hunting arm candy I was developing good solid relationships with women others only could dream about.

So, it's not just laying back and hoping something good comes your way. It's using what you have in the most positive way possible and reaping the rewards.

Oct 06 06 07:46 am Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Funny, I've never seemed to have a problem getting models to shoot with me, and I'm fat and ugly (and even have a photo of myself in my portfolio). And I even remain friends with the majority of the people I've shot with.

Guess I'm just gonna have to accept it, hmm, Lex?

It's amazing how people try to project their superficial attitudes onto the rest of the world. No, just because YOU think that way, doesn't mean everyone else does.

Oct 06 06 01:11 pm Link



Posts: 213

Arlington, Georgia, US

since when is this an issue?
i dont get it.....

Oct 06 06 01:13 pm Link


Elle Chanel

Posts: 560

Raleigh, North Carolina, US


Are you serious?  Anyone who doesn't want to work with you b/c of what you weigh fits either or all of the following:

1.  They have an eating disorder (and i'll leave it at that)

2.  They're shallow

3.  They're predjudice and shallow

4.  They're on some bullshit

5.  All of the above.

Oct 06 06 01:15 pm Link


Z Views

Posts: 116

Dallas, Texas, US

So we have about a 50/50 split.  Some say whatever and whoever.....





Oct 06 06 01:34 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

GLB Graphics wrote:
Since a motorcycle accident that put me in a wheelchair, I have put on some weight. Try showing up to a shoot overweight and in a chair, LOL! I had one girl that just couldn't get comfortable. Every five minutes she would sympathetically yell out, "HOW AM I DOING?" I finally broke the ice by answering, "What was that? Hang on a minute while I turn up the hearing aid on my wheelchair!" True story...


6'3" 300lb quadrapliegic here.... it's RARELY an issue except if the girl wants beach shots lol.

Oct 07 06 02:13 am Link


Jerry Johnson

Posts: 15

Sumner, Washington, US

now the mystery is solved!
I used to be thin untill I took up photography
and all this time I thought it was what I was eating
that gave me my belly
glad to now know the real reason
Ive become a photographer
suppose that also explains the glasses, the bald head,
and the age
suppose sweating is the next thing to look foreward too

Oct 07 06 02:31 am Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

GLB Graphics wrote:
Since a motorcycle accident that put me in a wheelchair, I have put on some weight. Try showing up to a shoot overweight and in a chair, LOL! I had one girl that just couldn't get comfortable. Every five minutes she would sympathetically yell out, "HOW AM I DOING?" I finally broke the ice by answering, "What was that? Hang on a minute while I turn up the hearing aid on my wheelchair!" True story...


That's courageous. Sometimes reading things like this put's things in perspective for me. Hope you make a speedy recovery.

Oct 07 06 02:39 am Link


Orlando Perez

Posts: 1418

Anaheim, California, US

E|||B wrote:
I think most models want to shoot with phat photographers. They be all gettin' their ebonic lenses on n' shit. Word.

I'm a phat photographer.  So word up homies !

Oct 07 06 03:05 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

this thread makes no sense to me... i also model as well as do photography.  i have worked with overweight photographers before.  if they have talent and can shoot better than me then it'll probably be a shoot worth participating in. smile  as long as i'm comfortable.

Oct 07 06 03:07 am Link