Forums > General Industry > scam or not, Help !


Danielle Rose T

Posts: 29

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Ok, here it is,

I received an email stating that this member is having a event in England, and was interested in using me for it,

Now the event is October 25th in England, he will pay for me to go as long as i wire the 300$ registration fee to his travel agent in the US.
He says that he will send the ticket over night after he receives the 300.
And if i would like an escort to attend it will be an extra 850 us. I have all accommodations while there for an escort and I for at the Hilton.

He works for Models Direct.
The website looks very good and has everything to be professional, but I’m still not sure about him. 

Do these prices seam fair? And is it typical to wire the money before receiving any thing for it?

We have been talking via E-mail to confirm my registration, but since the event is so close I’m being rushed to make the payments, this is why I’m slightly skeptical even though I understand his need for the money. and sometimes it has taken three emails to get him to answer one question. He sent me numbers to be reached at etc.

Do these prices seam fair? and is it typical to wire the money before receiving any thing for it?

Just making sure I wont be scammed in anyway,
Thank you,


Oct 03 06 05:57 pm Link


LightLab Studios

Posts: 755

Seattle, Washington, US


Oct 03 06 06:00 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Scammedy scam scam scam.

Oct 03 06 06:01 pm Link


Danielle Rose T

Posts: 29

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

LightLab Studios wrote:

Thank you for your input, could you ellaborate a little though?

Oct 03 06 06:02 pm Link


Cardillo Photography

Posts: 1360

Palm Coast, Florida, US

This has been in many forms.  It is a scam.  If they want to use you for the event..then they need to just send you a ticket.  You dont have to pay for it.

Oct 03 06 06:02 pm Link



Posts: 413

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

Dont let pro looking sites fool you I can make one in an hour! If he wants YOU then you shouldnt have to pay. period.

Oct 03 06 06:06 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

i'll tell you if it's a scam, and i'll pay you $100,000,000 to show you how sincere i am.. right after i get my money out of nigeria, see my uncle was the treasury guy and if you send me eleventy billion dollars...

Oct 03 06 06:07 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

After my bad experience 2 days ago i will tell u to don't pay anuthing!!!But this is only my opinion!

Oct 03 06 06:07 pm Link


Joe Paul Studios

Posts: 358

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Think SCAM. When someone asks you for money to attend an event - Think SCAM. When someone offers to send you a check for more than the expenses and for you to send them the excess - Think SCAM. If you get contacted by a top modeling agency via IM - Think SCAM. If it sounds too good to be true - THINK SCAM!

Oct 03 06 06:14 pm Link


Danielle Rose T

Posts: 29

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Thank you, ill definetly pass this opportunitey up !

Oct 03 06 06:29 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Forgive the length of this, but I think you'll find it interesting:

BBC WatchDog report about Model agencies.

Lauren and Dean and Harriet and Max's parents all paid money to Models Direct. The company that claims to be "Europe's number one agency". Anyone can apply to register - from tumble tots to golden oldies - they even have a star pets’ section.

There's an application form on their website, or you can telephone them for more information.

Lauren's mum, Joanne Winter from Sheffield saw an advert for Models Direct in the Yellow Pages, she told the programme:
"I picked Models Direct because they sent the glossy leaflets through. They used big companies, big major stores that everyone's heard of, so I though Lauren's got more chance of getting work - getting noticed."

Tempted? Then give their model line a call, this is some of the recorded message you’ll hear.
"This is a great time to call. We're now looking for new faces for our current new model auditions... television, magazine commercials, photoshoots, catalogues, posters, packaging and film parts - often as extras... So yes, your child being a star can really begin here...

Applying to be a model with Models Direct is completely free - it doesn't cost anything...
So... "applying... is completely free". A Watchdog researcher was on the line for eleven minutes, at 75p per minute that is already over £8.

But that's not all, if you apply and are accepted, you had better get your cheque book out...
Lauren was accepted by Models Direct's "so called" National Selection Panel in March last year. Her mum, Joanne told the programme: "When we got the letter back saying that she'd been accepted - we were elated, we were ecstatic. She'd been picked to be registered with them, when we got this passport photo through saying she was a registered model we were showing it off to everyone."
Joanne registered Lauren for three years - at a cost of £116. She did this because she was told that if Lauren was signed up for the three year contract she wouldn't have to pay any fees to update her photos.

Joanne wasn't the only proud parent Watchdog heard from, we also spoke to Jeff Logan about his son Dean:
"Dean's been into acting since he was about 6 years old - and as he got older he got more into it, so we decided that we would try and get Dean an agent. We contacted a company called Models Direct which we found in the Yellow Pages. We then received a letter saying that they had received Dean's photograph and that he was going to be put forward to the selection panel. We then received a letter to say he'd been accepted. All three of us were obviously overjoyed."
Jeff registered Dean for 12 months at a cost of £69, that was back in October 2001. He says that having signed up he never heard from Models Direct again.

Joanne Winter says she also didn’t receive any quarterly newsletters. She started getting a bit worried.

If Karen Wood from Chichester's experience is anything to go by, they could all be waiting quite some time.
Karen told Watchdog that in December 1998 she signed her children Harriet and Max to Models Direct when they were aged one and three. She paid over a hundred pounds each for their fees. She also says that having signed up, she heard nothing.
Models Direct has an impressive client list, but when Watchdog put it under the spotlight we discovered some of their clients aren't very impressed with them...

The NSPCC said...
"We used Models Direct once almost two years ago. We have... no plans to use them in the future.
"Models Direct used our name... without our permission... we have asked them to remove it from all their... publications."

The Early Learning Centre told us:
'As far as our records show (back to 1995) we have never used a company by the name of Models Direct'

Marks and Spencer said... "we are aware that we are listed as one of their clients on their website and are investigating this."

Mothercare confirmed it has… "not knowingly used Models Direct" and "has not authorised Models Direct to use its trade mark."

There's also that glossy paperwork...
But even then, there's one logo that doesn't quite mean what you might think. It's the European Union of Model Agents. Sounds impressive but is in fact a limited company run by the same directors as Models Direct, so isn’t not much of a union at all.

Joanne Winter told Watchdog she has recently found out that a good modelling agency won't charge you a fee until you've had your first job and then they'll charge you a small registration fee.

We went to Norwich to front up to Damian O'Connor, one of the Directors of Models Direct about their up-front fees. Despite our persistence Mr O'Connor refused to give us a comment on camera. But off camera he claimed Watchdog was unprofessional. But we ask, how professional is it to take money up front when by your own admission you can't guarantee to get anyone any work?

Watchdog 04.03.03

Models Direct has been established for more than ten years and supplies models and promotional staff to the film, fashion, entertainment and advertising industries.

Registration of new models
It is and has always been, free to apply to Models Direct. Only if a new models’ application is accepted are they made an Offer of Model Management, which the new model is free then to either accept or reject and make an annual payment of £33 + vat.
Before deciding, many warnings and advice appear in the material applicants receive as to the competitiveness of modelling. Examples include; "Head in the Clouds - Feet on the Ground Leaflet

While many models are selected for paid assignments during their term of Model Mannagement with us, there will always be some who are unsuccessful. Child modelling is especially competitive and Models Direct must stress that - in common with any other agent involved in modelling, singing, dancing, acting and general entertainment - we cannot guarantee every individual on the company’s books will be selected for one or more assignments.

We do not guarantee work and you are asked to sign this slip and return it together with your model acceptance (on the back cover of the offer book) This slip confirms that you are aware of the realities of model work and do not entertain unreasonable expectations of your child’s success."

"Model Management - Offer Book Be under no illusion, modelling is extremely competitive for everyone like so many high profile careers, and more especially so the younger they are, there are of course no guarantees. The first choice is always with our client as to who they use from the model selection we offer, every child and indeed every person is beautiful in their own particular way. In the case of young children there is an innocent perfection that has a very special attraction they all share and we as adults hold near and enjoy. Please explain this to them."

Models Direct makes an annual charge of only £33 + vat.

To models who accept their offer and register this is equal to TEN PENCE a day. MODELS DIRECT MAKES NO OTHER CHARGES OR DEDUCTIONS WHATSOEVER from fees earned on assignments.
Unlike most agencies Models Direct does not hide behind insisting on expensive photographs, portfolios or courses in order to register and neither does Models Direct, as do other agencies charge introduction percentages and booking fee deductions to models on the fees they earn.

We also say repeatedly in our material.
It is impractical for us to notify parents every time their child is put forward. This is because - in most cases - only one or two children are chosen from a much larger selection.

Every parent has to sign and return this information to confirm they have read and understood it. Models Direct sent a selection of documentary evidence confirming what we do for our models for only TEN PENCE A DAY;

Client list
Models Direct can justify every name quoted as being a past client and produce ample written evidence by way of quotations, client signed instructions and paid receipts in support of ALL the client names we quote.

Our quarterly newsletter is called ‘Image’ and is sent free of charge to all our models when they register. It is thereafter, freely available online and by post on request.

Oct 04 06 12:11 am Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Discussed many, many, many times before.
It's called a "Nigerian 419 scam", one of many variations.
These links should explain what you're in for: … mit=Search … ion=search

....and MANY of the threads here

In short, almost all Nigerian 419 scams request that you WIRE funds for one reason or another.  The key word is "WIRE money".  WIRED money is not
retrievable once it's sent, so if you wire money and don't get anything in return, there's almost nothing you can do about it.

Oct 04 06 12:46 pm Link