Forums > General Industry > Creepy models



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

LadyDi wrote:
I'm a creep, pervert, egomaniac, materialistic, sarcastic little *unt.  tongue

Will you marrie me? wink

Oct 04 06 06:57 pm Link


Jus Chocolate

Posts: 118

Yonkers, New York, US

Oh my lawd,are u serious?

Jay Dezelic wrote:
Someone said I was creepy once.  Are there any other creepy models on MM or am I the only one? smile

Oct 04 06 07:00 pm Link



Posts: 19

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, US

yeah i guess i can be a bit weird at times. all those camera flashes I swear it does something to my head! lol!

Oct 04 06 07:02 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

UdoR wrote:
I am dealing with a creepy/stalker model... she is... disturbed, displays sociopathic behaviour, combined with unbridled desire to succeed and willingness to have models who she sees as a threat, deported by the INS... and she also hellbend that she and I must be entering a relationship, because that must propell her career.

I can't recommend her for anything, for one because of her mental state, and she is just not the look that any of my clients are looking for, and she is getting pissed at me, since she expects me to just hire her for high fashion runway shows... just because she knows me.

I think she is dangerous and I keep a lot of distance between her and me...

When her manager told me some stories she embellished when I met her in a public place for a 20 minutes portfolio review... I got creeped out! (I am not kidding!)


EDIT: She also thinks that she is supermodel material because she has the height, but her inflated ego is a result of Barbizon training and a lot of dudes who get crazy over her bigger, latin booty. Not understanding that there is a difference between glamour and fashion.

Dude...she sounds EXACTLY like someone I know in Illinois. Is she active on this site and living in Chicago?

Oct 04 06 07:05 pm Link


Sara Danielle

Posts: 1437

Dean Solo wrote:
I got "creeped" one time by this model at the mall. I was at macy's shopping for a new couch for my private lear jet and this realy hot model who works in the lingerie department kept staring at my crotch. I finaly asked her why she was being such a "creep" and "creeping" people out, she said she was "just scrutinizing my long lens" (yeah shure lady!). I don't know if it was the enormous bulge in my pants that gave it away (I always carry my nikon d200 with zoom lens in my front pocket, just in case I meet hot models at the mall, and want to bust out into a spontaneous fashion shoot), but to this day I don't know how she figured out I was a photographer? Maybe the old saying that "it takes a creep, to know one" is true! If I did not have that brand new $15,000 italian leather sofa in my shopping cart, I swear I would have given her a piece of my mind. The worst part about this whole episode is that the model was realy old, like 22 years old, Yuck!!
That realy creeped me out!

This is too funny! You could write for Playboy ROTFLMAO! ;*)

Oct 04 06 07:08 pm Link



Posts: 601

Columbia, Alabama, US

The world is full of creepy models, photographers, auto mechanics, wallpaper hangers, police, real estate sales persons, teachers etc...  so be prepared.

Oct 04 06 07:14 pm Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

Molly Black wrote:
I think stalkers in general are creepy, male, female, model, photographer, grocer, video store cashier, etc.

See it's the CREEPY not the JOB/HOBBY that makes for the issue.

Yup true enough,   and I was wondering why I keep seeing you showing up at all the threads I visit. 

Then again,  I guess I could be stalking you.

Stalking the Stalker,  sounds like a circus of circular circumferential circadian ceremony to me.

What fun.   creepy but somebody's got to be the bad photographer.

Oct 04 06 10:47 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Vegas Alien wrote:

Dude...she sounds EXACTLY like someone I know in Illinois. Is she active on this site and living in Chicago?

Nope, she lives in NYC.

Is from a latin speaking country in the islands.

Oct 05 06 07:30 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Molly Black wrote:
Hey, we haven't shot together yet. No talking smack about me, my soon-to-be-true-love!

(Udo that is, not Ched who's gone bats**t insane for some reason).

I'm Batsmant? That doesn't look right.

Oct 05 06 12:50 pm Link



Posts: 199

Cambridge, Massachusetts, US

Michael_SC wrote:
The world is full of creepy models, photographers, auto mechanics, wallpaper hangers, police, real estate sales persons, teachers etc...  so be prepared.

Truth be told!
What's really creepy is when a photographer sounds all "nice," then gets your IM name and keeps pestering you to let him shoot extreme close-up pictures of an extremely private part! ...and doesn't give up trying for a whole month!
"No." ... "I said no." ... "Again, no." ... "You don't seem to understand my pronunciation of the word NO!!!" ...
Don't worry, Jay... surely you're not THAT creepy! smile

Oct 05 06 01:11 pm Link


Les Sterling

Posts: 439

Palm Springs, California, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:
Someone said I was creepy once.  Are there any other creepy models on MM or am I the only one? smile

As someone who has photographed you, I can say with confidence that you are not creepy.
I have shot people who were creepy. None came from MM, though.
Actually, two I can think of came from ThatOtherPlace.


Oct 05 06 01:13 pm Link



Posts: 281

Columbus, Ohio, US

I had a guy message me on here. I wasn't interested in working with this person. At first I even thought it was a perverted joke. I wasn't amused anymore when he emailed me in my personal email some how. I don't know how he got it but it happened several times. I'm going to change his name a little but his im thing was something like Danhotandnakedforgirls. Yeah... That was fucking creepy. All his pictures were of him totally naked. Ick.. So it isn't just the women that stalk you photographers lol. I've had men attempt it with me.

Oct 05 06 01:22 pm Link