Forums > General Industry > Models..what do comments mean to you..?



Posts: 765

Kent, Washington, US

I mean, you know your already beautifull, does it mean anything when you get the usual comments..."your so hot! Scorching, sizzling! Sexy!" and infinite combo's of those over & already know your hot so what does it mean..if anything? I notice some people compete over it too, like who gets to post first like its some kinda unspoken prize, the first guy to post/tag gets dibs.

Oct 02 06 11:50 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

The comments that matter most to me are those from my friends or people I've worked with before.  Getting their input on what I've done recently that they like is good.  As far as random strangers posting comments, well I always say thank you to intelligent comments...and I always ignore stupid ones (ie You're hot!).

Oct 02 06 11:55 am Link


Svetlana V

Posts: 46

neoracer_xox wrote:
I mean, you know your already beautifull, does it mean anything when you get the usual comments..."your so hot! Scorching, sizzling! Sexy!" and infinite combo's of those over & already know your hot so what does it mean..if anything? I notice some people compete over it too, like who gets to post first like its some kinda unspoken prize, the first guy to post/tag gets dibs.

I like comments...but I looooovee feedback...I love it when a photographer that by his port you can tell that he knows what he's doing says to me..."great pic. try this color lipstick next time, or try moving your head forward a little, or that was an excellent pic" because it helps me improve or continue doing what I am doing right...XOXO

Oct 02 06 12:03 pm Link


Meagan Colf

Posts: 422

Seligman, Missouri, US

Well for me I want feedback on how my pose is , my look, emotion, etc. I'm not looking for the scorching hot, dead sexy, yeah mama kind of comments when I ask for them. I'm looking for true industry critque so I know what I need to do better! (Although it doesn't hurt to know that someone thinks your pretty or sexy! ) HE HE!

Oct 02 06 12:19 pm Link



Posts: 765

Kent, Washington, US

thanks for the replys & very interesting info, I was'nt sure if giving critique was called for or not but Im glad some of you want it (if its needed)

Oct 02 06 12:36 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

I agree.  Getting a bunch of "you're hot/sexy/etc" comments or tags is annoying.  Not to sound ungrateful, but I've been attractive since I outgrew that all babies are ugly phase, so how about when you comment you critique my stance, my angles, my expression, my outfit?  That way I can be a model instead of a hot girl.  Then again, maybe I'm just bitter about my daily ordeal of being hit on by unacceptables.

Oct 02 06 12:53 pm Link



Posts: 765

Kent, Washington, US

So its ok if they're acceptable?! your just pissed about that? lol

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
Then again, maybe I'm just bitter about my daily ordeal of being hit on by unacceptables.

Oct 02 06 12:59 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

neoracer_xox wrote:
So its ok if they're acceptable?! your just pissed about that? lol

Yeah, I never get hit on by acceptables, so I'm not sure how I'd feel about that.  smile

Oct 02 06 01:02 pm Link


mia vaughn

Posts: 854

Chicago, Illinois, US

comments are great..especially love a good sexse of humour....laughing is good for the soul..

Oct 02 06 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 765

Kent, Washington, US

damn I wish I could relate, but never been hit on by either category *sighs* heh

eah, I never get hit on by acceptables, so I'm not sure how I'd feel about that.  smile

Oct 02 06 01:06 pm Link


Alex Davenport

Posts: 10215

Spokane, Missouri, US

Yeah, I agree with what has been said. of course it's nice to hear "You're gorgeous" but it's not too original or helpful. If you tell me something specific you like/ don't like about my pics:: that is much better. However, if you are going to tell me you hate my pic or lots of things you dont like, a message is nicer than a comment so I can read it and respond instead of having too much negativity for everyone to read. But yeah, comments or messages of "let's go out sometime" are ridiculous when I am on here for business, not dating! haha.

Oct 02 06 01:07 pm Link


Ivy Jo

Posts: 2188

Amarillo, Texas, US

I like to use comments as a referance. When a photog wants to shoot with me, I check the comments he's left on my pics, as well as others, and I check what others have commented on his photos. If (s)he posts something just outright stupid or skizzy, or I can tell that (s)he and I have no where near the same style or eye, I don't shoot with them.

Like this one: hmmmm based only on appearance, I am sitting here with the inappropriate thoughts that I wish that were my collar. You are truly beautiful. The symbolism is an even more lovely image which suggests a very special gift. I hope someone else is worthy.

I wouldn't consider for even a split second shooting with this skizz. That pic was a fashion shot, not some cheap badly lit bondage shot. Not that there's anything wrong with bondage photography, but there is something wrong with bondage done badly.

Oct 02 06 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 108

Albany, New York, US

I like comments because it helps me figure out which pictures to use to promote myself. If the picture is getting a lot of attention I know it stands out. If people rarely look at it,I will switch it.So I love the feed back and of course it's great to get complimented on my work!!

Oct 02 06 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 98

Right now I'm just having fun... since I am putting up a new business/port website in December then I will want to see what people like... these images I put in my port now will be the last time anyone sees them again since I'm not going to be using the same stage name... so it's all funs and giggles, and cute... and also helps you see what people really see you as or think you can improve in... I've had some very good ideas and visions thrown at me through this site... and have made some good friends and business contacts... my paid work comes from other venues... and now that I have a new look (black hair trimmed down etc) then it will be more what I focus myself on the blahs and the yah that works with you comments smile

Oct 02 06 01:19 pm Link



Posts: 765

Kent, Washington, US

thanks very much for the reply's ladies!  Im definatly going to modify how I comment from now..

Oct 02 06 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 150

Orlando, Florida, US

I enjoy reading the comments left on the photos in my port.  The "omg ur hot!" comments tend to get very annoying; however, I love reading comments about the photograph itself.  A lot of hard work goes into each photo and having a good quality comment show that others enjoy and notice your hard work.  It is also a good way for one to learn what works the best for their body and help for improvement.

Oct 02 06 09:34 pm Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

I find that unsolicited comments can be very encouraging.  - Especially if you are trying to do something really different.

Oct 02 06 09:50 pm Link



Posts: 131

Baltimore, Maryland, US

The comments that I enjoy the most are the ones that aren't about how sexy, ravishing, hot, etc. that they think I am. I shoot for fun. My career is in Veterinary Medicine. My photography is more of a hobby but one that I enjoy extremely.

Compliments are nice, naturally. But I would rather someone tell me what they think with sincereity rather than with a hopefullness that their compliment will get them somewhere with me.

Oct 02 06 09:55 pm Link



Posts: 19

New York, New York, US

Nothing.  I tell myself that in the mirror everyday.  LOL tongue

Oct 02 06 09:59 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

I love the comment even if they are bad because help u understand if u are doing something wrong or if u need to change something like yesturday i had a comment about my eyes... he say that they are nice but i need to improve my expression so i get that like an help!!!

Oct 02 06 10:01 pm Link



Posts: 90

Pleasant Grove, Utah, US

I find that most of my comments are regarding the same things. Love your big eyes, and Great red hair. I get from that, that those are my main strengths and I can use them to zero in on my appeal. You're right about the 'sexy, sizzling, hott' mumbo jumbo. That doesn't say anything except that the writer was in a hurry, or wasn't putting thought into the comment. At least if a comment is made about the outfit or the pose it would be something useful.

Oct 02 06 10:01 pm Link


Maren M

Posts: 56

Los Angeles, California, US

A lot of us want comments for the same reasons photographers might want comments. We'd like to hear others' opinions, see how people react to the images; you want to edit your portfolio according to how people in the business might react, so you can put your best face forward.

Oct 02 06 10:04 pm Link


Cynthia Leigh

Posts: 799

Orlando, Florida, US

Comments let me know whether or not an image I've been a part of speaks to a large audience, or falls considerably short as most people tend to comment on images they feel are either really good, or really bad.

Oct 02 06 10:11 pm Link



Posts: 563

Richland, Washington, US

Loooove feedback...but on a site like this, the simple generic comment combos seem like more of a veiled attempt to get the commentee to return the 'favor' :[

Oct 02 06 11:01 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

For myself, I know when Im happy with the outcome of a shoot and I know when the photographer is happy with an outcome;what I like to know is if others find the work we've done as good as we find it.We're all here to network for a me it's to support each other or give help where it's wanted.I would love if more people would share their thoughts on my work,but I never really get much of it.For me it's just all about feedback in whatever form it may be.It's good to know that other people find your work good.

Oct 02 06 11:04 pm Link


Teresa Lavena

Posts: 2124

Portland, Oregon, US

I love getting comments. Useful ones on poses, emotions, outfits and other general things are much more helpful than "You're Hot". Even something as simple as "I like this photo best" is really helpful to see what style people most enjoy seeing. And we all know we want to be pleased every now and then. Even if it is just by a simple comment or compliment.

Oct 02 06 11:09 pm Link