Forums > General Industry > This is pretty sad...


Jael M

Posts: 695

Houston, Texas, US

Svetlana V wrote:
Thank you all for the comments that are relevant and thank you all for the comments that add humor to this...sometimes a little smile can make all the difference. I posted this because lately I took a little time to read these forums and it's pretty sad what some people say to one another. I know that in the real world conflict is as much as a reality as everything else....but when I began modeling the model and photographer were partners in the project. Regardless of who was getting financially compensated...because from a good photo shoot both parties will always benefit. Now I guess I am "HIRED to WORK FOR" such and such photographer or vice-versa...There are very UNPROFESSIONAL people out there. On both "sides" not let an encounter with one of these people determine your behavior torwards everyone else...(sorry for my mispelling or sentences with the wrong context. As you can read on my profile I have been in the USA for only 4 years and didn't know a lick of I think I've come a long I don't know if it's waiste or

4 years?? Better than some people who have lived here all their lives..... wink


Oct 03 06 02:49 am Link


Jael M

Posts: 695

Houston, Texas, US

Svetlana V wrote:
Thank you all for the comments that are relevant and thank you all for the comments that add humor to this...sometimes a little smile can make all the difference. I posted this because lately I took a little time to read these forums and it's pretty sad what some people say to one another. I know that in the real world conflict is as much as a reality as everything else....but when I began modeling the model and photographer were partners in the project. Regardless of who was getting financially compensated...because from a good photo shoot both parties will always benefit. Now I guess I am "HIRED to WORK FOR" such and such photographer or vice-versa...There are very UNPROFESSIONAL people out there. On both "sides" not let an encounter with one of these people determine your behavior torwards everyone else...(sorry for my mispelling or sentences with the wrong context. As you can read on my profile I have been in the USA for only 4 years and didn't know a lick of I think I've come a long I don't know if it's waiste or

4 years? Better than some people who have lived here all their lives! -Jael-

Oct 03 06 02:50 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Fortunately, as Batman, I speak fluent English.

Oct 03 06 03:22 am Link



Posts: 125

Costa Mesa, California, US

Svetlana V wrote:
I am prepared to take an ass whipping for this thread or be here it goes...Svetlana

Oh, who cares about any of that... the big problem is that you live on the wrong coast! wink


Oct 03 06 03:36 am Link



Posts: 190

Portland, Oregon, US

I believe it is a team dynamic. Sometimes things may throw me off ( differences in the way things are done) but I go with it. I do have some confusion about who should pay for make-up if it is TFCD but I am usaully the weaker and looking to avoid conflict. In a TFCD situation shouldn't the MUA be split between the model and the photog?

Oct 03 06 04:01 am Link


Svetlana V

Posts: 46

I believe it is a team dynamic. Sometimes things may throw me off ( differences in the way things are done) but I go with it. I do have some confusion about who should pay for make-up if it is TFCD but I am usaully the weaker and looking to avoid conflict. In a TFCD situation shouldn't the MUA be split between the model and the photog?

My cheap opinion is...I always do all my make up(as you can see on my port)...but if I do TFP and I want make up done for me then I would pay for it...if the photographer wants it or requires it then he/she will pay for it...then again...I don't know much...
let's ask Batman smile lol....

Oct 03 06 04:11 am Link



Posts: 190

Portland, Oregon, US

Svetlana V wrote:
My cheap opinion is...I always do all my make up(as you can see on my port)...but if I do TFP and I want make up done for me then I would pay for it...if the photographer wants it or requires it then he/she will pay for it...then again...I don't know much...
let's ask Batman smile lol....

See, I usually work with what I am given. I really enjoy all forms of photography including lifestyle which is very natural. I just had one situation where a model said to me that she thought a MUA would be a good idea. I said "that sounds good to me". Then she said "I know someone who charges $_____ per hour if that sounds affordable to you." I have been trying to up my pre production and add a quality to my work so I just went with it and paid the MUA with no questions asked of the model. Now after it is all said and done I think that the model had the same desire as me and maybe the MUA should be split in half, but the way she acted was as if the photog usually took care of that for her in the past. Anybody? In a TFCD siituation should a MUA be split between model and photog?

Oct 03 06 04:20 am Link



Posts: 190

Portland, Oregon, US


See, I usually work with what I am given. I really enjoy all forms of photography including lifestyle which is very natural. I just had one situation where a model said to me that she thought a MUA would be a good idea. I said "that sounds good to me". Then she said "I know someone who charges $_____ per hour if that sounds affordable to you." I have been trying to up my pre production and add a quality to my work so I just went with it and paid the MUA with no questions asked of the model. Now after it is all said and done I think that the model had the same desire as me and maybe the MUA should be split in half, but the way she acted was as if the photog usually took care of that for her in the past. Anybody? In a TFCD siituation should a MUA be split between model and photog?

It' not that I get mad about it and place myself against models or anything. I think that we are in it together and should work together fairly. We can help eachother out equally. Just wondering...

Oct 03 06 04:26 am Link


Svetlana V

Posts: 46


See, I usually work with what I am given. I really enjoy all forms of photography including lifestyle which is very natural. I just had one situation where a model said to me that she thought a MUA would be a good idea. I said "that sounds good to me". Then she said "I know someone who charges $_____ per hour if that sounds affordable to you." I have been trying to up my pre production and add a quality to my work so I just went with it and paid the MUA with no questions asked of the model. Now after it is all said and done I think that the model had the same desire as me and maybe the MUA should be split in half, but the way she acted was as if the photog usually took care of that for her in the past. Anybody? In a TFCD siituation should a MUA be split between model and photog?

I think the best thing would be to negotiate all that before the shoot until BOTH parties feel that it's fair...I'm a model and I would not expect a photographer to pay for a MUA if I was the one that suggested thoughts...XOXO

Oct 03 06 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 356

Arlington, Indiana, US

I don't normaly respond to this type of post, but I could not pass this one up. Here is a series of messages I exchanged with a blond model from Sarasota recently.

I operate T&L Photography. I have a project that I wanted to see if you would be interested in. I want to do some light painting images. Light painting is done in a dark room, you use a long exposure and a very small light to paint what you want into the image. It makes very unique lighting on models and some different images than most models have. This would be a TFP shoot in studio. We would need to shoot at 9pm (after dark). The shoot would last about 2 hours. This would be artistic nude or implied nude. You will receive a CD of high resolution images and some prints if you want them. You will also have the rights to use or sell the images. Please let me know if you would be interested and when you are available.

Tom Kendall – T&L Photography – 1-888-phone

I wanted to take the time to thank you for contacting me. As some people might know and some don't know...on June 29th 2006 I became a mommy for the 1st time in my life. That's the reason why I wasn't able to reply to anyone. I am back in the gym with my husband who is my manager, personal trainer, and coach. So in a very short time I will be back in top shape and ready to go...ready to travel, and to do whatever it takes and comes my way.....and by the way....God blessed me with NO STRECHMARKS!!! LOL smile

I am back as of the 8th of Sept....Did you still want to schedule with me?

I am available most any evening, so what works good for you.

Tom Kendall 813-phone

I will let you know asap. Either email or call you...most likely it will be Sept 12th if that works for you...I will re-confirm with you after we speak
Thanks for the fast reply

Sept 12th is open and would work fine.

Tom Kendall 813-phone

Done deal....I will call you for the details... (Model)

Sorry to contact you like this but unfortunateluy I will not be able to make it to our shoot on Sept 12th. I spoke to my husband who is my manager and he really does not want me to accept TFP work. He has a very valid point by saying that I can be getting paid and getting pictures for my portfolio at the same time and there's no need to do it for free...We had a shoot yesterday and another today, that paid me good money and gave me the CD's with all my photos.
My apologies but I wanted to let you know asap

Now some people would think that the model was rather unproffesional with this exchange. I would be interested in the OP's opinion as she knows the model well. My response to this post is simply to show an example of why both models and photographers get frustrated with each other.

Oct 05 06 12:24 pm Link


Svetlana V

Posts: 46

Tom Kendall wrote:
I don't normaly respond to this type of post, but I could not pass this one up. Here is a series of messages I exchanged with a blond model from Sarasota recently.

I operate T&L Photography. I have a project that I wanted to see if you would be interested in. I want to do some light painting images. Light painting is done in a dark room, you use a long exposure and a very small light to paint what you want into the image. It makes very unique lighting on models and some different images than most models have. This would be a TFP shoot in studio. We would need to shoot at 9pm (after dark). The shoot would last about 2 hours. This would be artistic nude or implied nude. You will receive a CD of high resolution images and some prints if you want them. You will also have the rights to use or sell the images. Please let me know if you would be interested and when you are available.

Tom Kendall – T&L Photography – 1-888-phone

I wanted to take the time to thank you for contacting me. As some people might know and some don't know...on June 29th 2006 I became a mommy for the 1st time in my life. That's the reason why I wasn't able to reply to anyone. I am back in the gym with my husband who is my manager, personal trainer, and coach. So in a very short time I will be back in top shape and ready to go...ready to travel, and to do whatever it takes and comes my way.....and by the way....God blessed me with NO STRECHMARKS!!! LOL smile

I am back as of the 8th of Sept....Did you still want to schedule with me?

I am available most any evening, so what works good for you.

Tom Kendall 813-phone

I will let you know asap. Either email or call you...most likely it will be Sept 12th if that works for you...I will re-confirm with you after we speak
Thanks for the fast reply

Sept 12th is open and would work fine.

Tom Kendall 813-phone

Done deal....I will call you for the details... (Model)

Sorry to contact you like this but unfortunateluy I will not be able to make it to our shoot on Sept 12th. I spoke to my husband who is my manager and he really does not want me to accept TFP work. He has a very valid point by saying that I can be getting paid and getting pictures for my portfolio at the same time and there's no need to do it for free...We had a shoot yesterday and another today, that paid me good money and gave me the CD's with all my photos.
My apologies but I wanted to let you know asap

Now some people would think that the model was rather unproffesional with this exchange. I would be interested in the OP's opinion as she knows the model well. My response to this post is simply to show an example of why both models and photographers get frustrated with each other.

This proves my point exactly. If you were attempting to put me "on the spot" then I can tell you that this is a very "unprofessional" effort. Posting a conversation that I had with you for the public...give me a break...I contacted you fresh out of my child birth with my daughter. I had no idea that I was going to be able to bounce back as fast as I did and get the overwhelming response that I got. For that I am very thankful. I wanted to get my pics taken to update my port and little did I know that people and photographers still were willing to pay me for my time and talent. We had that conversation in a matter of a couple of days...I cancelled with plenty of notice in order to make room to schedule a PAID shoot. (anyone in my shoes would have done the same) Unprofessional would have been for me not to show up or call you a day or two before the shoot...Like my original post says...this is pretty sad. Because while you replied to me that you were fine with it and I apologized for cancelling with you...your reply here shows that you're bitter and still holding a grudge over something that happened almost 2 months in the OP's opinion (me) you missed the point of this post...and you should work on getting over stuff...if I would've had a stomach flu, or my daughter needed to be attended to, I might have to cancel a this case, I was offered a way to pay my bills for something I was doing with you for free....Either way, like I told you before, Best of luck and hope you feel better.
Svetlana (certain blonde model from Sarasota)

Oct 05 06 02:45 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 347

New York, New York, US

Mark Sebastian wrote:

the internet forums are like driving down the highway
and everyone driving slower than you is an idiot
and everyone driving faster than you is an asshole
and we all have our windows rolled up and our doors locked

True... or like in NY, when everyone is packed in the train, you squuze your ass in and get in where you fit in. Because you "have" to be on "that train" or you lose your job the rest of the people just have to make room, they have no choice.

Oct 05 06 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 2097

Saginaw, Michigan, US

I guess the realization should be that if you're going to get in this game be ready for people to flake.  If you're a model you'll pose your butt off some day for a photographer who never gives you an image.  If you're a photographer some model will go MIA hours before a shoot.  It will piss you off, you will want to vent.  I'm not going to debate which is worse, they're both a load of horse crap.  The really hard time is when you get on an unlucky streak, 3 no-call-no-shows in a row, or for models 3 GWC shoots with bed sheet backgrounds and only one CD with a handful of crappy, compressed to hell (and back) websized images with huge gaudy signatures accross the lower third.  Get in a rut like that and you'll unload on an online forum, professional or not.


Oct 05 06 03:22 pm Link



Posts: 356

Arlington, Indiana, US

Svetlana V wrote:
This proves my point exactly. If you were attempting to put me "on the spot" then I can tell you that this is a very "unprofessional" effort. Posting a conversation that I had with you for the public...give me a break...I contacted you fresh out of my child birth with my daughter. I had no idea that I was going to be able to bounce back as fast as I did and get the overwhelming response that I got. For that I am very thankful. I wanted to get my pics taken to update my port and little did I know that people and photographers still were willing to pay me for my time and talent. We had that conversation in a matter of a couple of days...I cancelled with plenty of notice in order to make room to schedule a PAID shoot. (anyone in my shoes would have done the same) Unprofessional would have been for me not to show up or call you a day or two before the shoot...Like my original post says...this is pretty sad. Because while you replied to me that you were fine with it and I apologized for cancelling with you...your reply here shows that you're bitter and still holding a grudge over something that happened almost 2 months in the OP's opinion (me) you missed the point of this post...and you should work on getting over stuff...if I would've had a stomach flu, or my daughter needed to be attended to, I might have to cancel a this case, I was offered a way to pay my bills for something I was doing with you for free....Either way, like I told you before, Best of luck and hope you feel better.
Svetlana (certain blonde model from Sarasota)

I would think that it is a little late for you to try to take the moral high ground. Especially when you do not state the truth in your response. First off it was 2 months after child birth that you contacted me about setting up a shoot. Second the conversation took place over a period of almost three weeks not a couple of days. I will give you credit for canceling a week before the shoot. And please show me where I told you I was fine with it. When you canceled I did not reply to you after that, I had nothing nice to say so I chose to say nothing. And this happened 1 month ago not 2. Sorry to nit pick, but facts are facts and anything else is bullshit. And the reason I posted any of this at all was because this post you started sounds like a lecture to the rest of us, which kind of struck a nerve given your recent history. And lastly let me say that you look great in your recent pictures. I really mean that, and without the other problems I would have hired you for my work.

Oct 05 06 08:16 pm Link


RNB2 Photography

Posts: 47

Howell, Michigan, US

I must admit, I hardly ever post here.

But I do find it very amusing at times to sit and read through some of them.

To watch someone sit and spend maybe hours, ripping on someone else, rather than trying to get by on their own merits is hilarious.

Is it the mentality to make everyone else look bad, so your work maybe looks better in comparison? Complain about someone else, hoping your faults will tip the scales in your favor?

Frankly, I have passed on working with people who sit and complain about others all the time.

But I have to say, I do find some of these rants on here VERY funny and a joy to read.

Oct 05 06 08:29 pm Link


Svetlana V

Posts: 46

Tom Kendall wrote:

I would think that it is a little late for you to try to take the moral high ground. Especially when you do not state the truth in your response. First off it was 2 months after child birth that you contacted me about setting up a shoot. Second the conversation took place over a period of almost three weeks not a couple of days. I will give you credit for canceling a week before the shoot. And please show me where I told you I was fine with it. When you canceled I did not reply to you after that, I had nothing nice to say so I chose to say nothing. And this happened 1 month ago not 2. Sorry to nit pick, but facts are facts and anything else is bullshit. And the reason I posted any of this at all was because this post you started sounds like a lecture to the rest of us, which kind of struck a nerve given your recent history. And lastly let me say that you look great in your recent pictures. I really mean that, and without the other problems I would have hired you for my work.

No need to even reply to this....just ask anybody that has worked with me before if you have a question about my work ethic or

Oct 05 06 11:40 pm Link



Posts: 194

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

As for Tom's issue, I have to side with him...but just my opinion. I think if you make a commitment to someone, whether it be a paid gig or TFCD, then you should honor that commitment unless overwhelming circumstances prevent you (death, family crisis, illness, whatever).  I recently shot a local commercial and one of the other actors showed up and was telling us how he turned down a major national gig for the same day because he had already committed to this project...and to me, that's what makes someone a professional.  It's not always about the dollar signs on that particular day. That TFCD shoot or lower paying gig you take may rocket you into something you never could have imagined...but turning it down in the hopes of something better just shows greed and unprofessionalism, in my opinion.  But, in the OP's defense, hey, at least she gave a week's cancellation.  So many models don't even do that anymore.

I do agree with the OP though that issues between people should be taken to PM.  I commented on another thread a few weeks ago and was treated harshly.  One person in particular questioned my integrity, and I took offense to that (as I think most would), and sent him a PM telling him so, in not so nice terms.  He then proceeded to post that PM rather than dealing with it between us...and then when I apologized for what I said, but held my ground on why I said it, he never posted any of that, of course, and never apologized for his comments, just mentioned later on the thread how I had been "pestering" him via PM (I still haven't figured out how apologizing equals pestering..BATMAN,,,,WHERE ARE YOU FOR THIS ONE??).  I think it's things like that that cause some of the animosity...tempers flare, things are said, some people have the integrity to apologize and some just want to skew things in their own direction, whether it's for drama or whatever.

Oct 06 06 02:06 am Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

Austyn229 wrote:
As for Tom's issue, I have to side with him...but just my opinion. I think if you make a commitment to someone, whether it be a paid gig or TFCD, then you should honor that commitment unless overwhelming circumstances prevent you (death, family crisis, illness, whatever).  I recently shot a local commercial and one of the other actors showed up and was telling us how he turned down a major national gig for the same day because he had already committed to this project...and to me, that's what makes someone a professional.  It's not always about the dollar signs on that particular day. That TFCD shoot or lower paying gig you take may rocket you into something you never could have imagined...but turning it down in the hopes of something better just shows greed and unprofessionalism, in my opinion.  But, in the OP's defense, hey, at least she gave a week's cancellation.  So many models don't even do that anymore......

Very refreshing to see a model stick up for a photographer in this issue.  I too have turned down a paid gig (a wedding at that... $$$+!!) because of a previous commitment to do a TFP shoot with a beginning model (who had already re-scheduled once).  I haven't received any benefit from this besides having some nice photos for my port and some relief that I did not have to take on the headaches that always seem to be unique and plentiful for wedding shoots that make them a real pain no matter how well they pay (another topic for another thread to be sure).

Oct 06 06 09:01 am Link


Frank McAdam

Posts: 2222

New York, New York, US

Tom Kendall wrote:
Now some people would think that the model was rather unproffesional with this exchange. I would be interested in the OP's opinion as she knows the model well. My response to this post is simply to show an example of why both models and photographers get frustrated with each other.

I do agree the model was unprofessional in the email exchange, but certainly the photographer demonstrated an equal lack of professionalism by posting the exchange in a forum rather than taking up in pm.  I think both come off as total losers in this.  Which is sad because I know there are real professionals working in FL and that this is atypical.

Oct 06 06 09:13 am Link