Forums > General Industry > Hi! I'm interested in working with you


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I've got heavy stick in hand, ready to smack the crap out of this horse on its last breath....

But could someone PLEASE explain to me why models (in my case) leave comments or send emails saying they love your work and/or would like to work with you, and when I reply...nothing.

I've gotten used to the rudeness of cold-mailing models inviting them to collaborate and never getting a reply (asking girls out in high school prepped me for this reality), but this is beyond rude to me.

I realize, in some cases, people get busy, go on vacation, get sick, etc., but if they have time to read my reply, surely they have time to respond in some manner.

The funny thing is I've never worked with someone that's contacted me first (perhaps I've gotten more picky in who I work with for certain projects), but from a professional/career standpoint, they might as well email me "I hate your work and never want to work with you!" While still rude, at least it'd be forthcoming and sincere.

If you're just sucking up or looking for comments or tags, you're in the wrong whorehouse. I save my sucking up for the ones that deserve it. If you truly want to work together, then WTF?

Oct 02 06 10:39 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Maybe they didn't think you'd want to work with them?  That's happened to me when I've tagged photographers.

Oct 02 06 10:42 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Sleepy Weasel wrote:
I've got heavy stick in hand, ready to smack the crap out of this horse on its last breath....

But could someone PLEASE explain to me why models (in my case) leave comments or send emails saying they love your work and/or would like to work with you, and when I reply...nothing.

I've gotten used to the rudeness of cold-mailing models inviting them to collaborate and never getting a reply (asking girls out in high school prepped me for this reality), but this is beyond rude to me.

I realize, in some cases, people get busy, go on vacation, get sick, etc., but if they have time to read my reply, surely they have time to respond in some manner.

The funny thing is I've never worked with someone that's contacted me first (perhaps I've gotten more picky in who I work with for certain projects), but from a professional/career standpoint, they might as well email me "I hate your work and never want to work with you!" While still rude, at least it'd be forthcoming and sincere.

If you're just sucking up or looking for comments or tags, you're in the wrong whorehouse. I save my sucking up for the ones that deserve it. If you truly want to work together, then WTF?

Because they suck. They give those that work hard two things: a bad name and more jobs.


Oct 02 06 10:44 am Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

I think the reality is there are a lot of people who think they want to model so they sign up for an account, contact a bunch of photographers, and then disappear. Happens all the time. I have had models actually phone me, set up an interview, and then not show up. Now if I cannot get in touch with them the same day as we are scheduled to meet, I very respectfully cancel the appointment via voicemail and email.

Oct 02 06 10:46 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

This happens to me as well, although it happens more with email. It goes like this:

  M: I saw your photography and I'm interested in if you're looking for models.

  Me: Sure. Here's some additional info for you (model release stuff and various other bits of info that should be of interest to a prospective model) and let me know when you'd like to get together to discuss a possible photo session.


  I don't get it either. Why contact me and then just "go away" when I respond? I've also interviewed models in person only to have this happen as well. And the thing is, they sound very sincere and interested at the time. I must be a very scary dude or something...

  I think I'd do a lot more shooting if I were actually contacted by serious models and not people who just want to waste my time (or so it would seem). Actually, I was contacted by a person who lives near San Fransisco a few weeks ago asking about modeling. She'd never modeled before, but saw my photograph on the cover of Faerie Magazine. So, of course my first reaction was "Whatever..." But as it turned out she traveled here a couple weeks ago with her boyfriend in tow (he stayed at the hotel) and we shot in totally miserable weather for four days. And for not ever having modeled before she did an outstanding job -- never complained, practiced poses and expressions in her mirror before she arrived, and was totally fearless. Why can't they all be like her? If anyone is interested, she's the model in the new photo in my portfolio (the forest nymph).


Oct 02 06 10:51 am Link


Anna H Photography

Posts: 89

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Sleepy Weasel wrote:
I've got heavy stick in hand, ready to smack the crap out of this horse on its last breath....

But could someone PLEASE explain to me why models (in my case) leave comments or send emails saying they love your work and/or would like to work with you, and when I reply...nothing.

I've gotten used to the rudeness of cold-mailing models inviting them to collaborate and never getting a reply (asking girls out in high school prepped me for this reality), but this is beyond rude to me.

I realize, in some cases, people get busy, go on vacation, get sick, etc., but if they have time to read my reply, surely they have time to respond in some manner.

The funny thing is I've never worked with someone that's contacted me first (perhaps I've gotten more picky in who I work with for certain projects), but from a professional/career standpoint, they might as well email me "I hate your work and never want to work with you!" While still rude, at least it'd be forthcoming and sincere.

If you're just sucking up or looking for comments or tags, you're in the wrong whorehouse. I save my sucking up for the ones that deserve it. If you truly want to work together, then WTF?

i get the same thing.....not sure what the deal is. i only get to the point where i ask them what days they are free...i suppose the no response is "never"...which makes it seem silly to ask someone to meet you in the first place. like to get that "i hate your work" message, because im sure itll come from someone whos gotten their pictures taken by a friend with a 2mp camera in their bedroom....LOL.

i think they maybe afraid of talent.

Oct 02 06 10:55 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

I like the one who keeps contacting me from casting calls and yet each time I said ok lets do this she is not available for the forseen future. oK

Oct 02 06 10:58 am Link



Posts: 2442

Dayton, Alabama, US

Now I don't respond to emails or tags that simply say "hi, I want to work with you." You don't go up to Jeff Wyler and say "I want to buy a car." or come into my office and say "I want internet service." For the love of everything dark and unholy, speak up. Are you looking for nude, clothed, casual, artistic, glam, fetish, outdoors, indoors ... are you test shooting and portfolio building or do you have a project you think I'm suited for? It'd be like going into a staffing agency and saying "I want a job." Well, duh.

You give me one line emails, what else do you want me to say besides "okay." You're the one who approached me. Speak up boy!! And men wonder why they can't communicate with women. Details!!!


Oct 02 06 11:08 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Nemesis73 wrote:
Now I don't respond to emails or tags that simply say "hi, I want to work with you." You don't go up to Jeff Wyler and say "I want to buy a car." or come into my office and say "I want internet service." For the love of everything dark and unholy, speak up. Are you looking for nude, clothed, casual, artistic, glam, fetish, outdoors, indoors ... are you test shooting and portfolio building or do you have a project you think I'm suited for? It'd be like going into a staffing agency and saying "I want a job." Well, duh.

You give me one line emails, what else do you want me to say besides "okay." You're the one who approached me. Speak up boy!! And men wonder why they can't communicate with women. Details!!!


Here's the thing: Often times the conversations and emails get that specific, and when I meet with people we often hang out and talk for quite a while. So, I guess this is why I can't figure out why they just go away without any sort of warning or reason. I think it may have something to do with the "I want to be a model" syndrome... They get it in their head they want to model, and then when it actually starts to happen they freak out and bolt. And then there's the models that sort of string you along for a time; saying they want to shoot but never quite get around to telling you when they're available. It's a good thing I like photography; I would have quit a long time ago with all this going on!

  BTW -- I want to work with you!


  (Actually, if you lived near me I'd send you a "real" email on this topic).


Oct 02 06 11:14 am Link



Posts: 2442

Dayton, Alabama, US

Pat Thielen wrote:

Here's the thing: Often times the conversations and emails get that specific, and when I meet with people we often hang out and talk for quite a while. So, I guess this is why I can't figure out why they just go away without any sort of warning or reason. I think it may have something to do with the "I want to be a model" syndrome... They get it in their head they want to model, and then when it actually starts to happen they freak out and bolt. And then there's the models that sort of string you along for a time; saying they want to shoot but never quite get around to telling you when they're available. It's a good thing I like photography; I would have quit a long time ago with all this going on!

  BTW -- I want to work with you!


  (Actually, if you lived near me I'd send you a "real" email on this topic).


I know you would. You're cool like that! smile

Oct 02 06 11:16 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Nemesis73 wrote:
Now I don't respond to emails or tags that simply say "hi, I want to work with you." You don't go up to Jeff Wyler and say "I want to buy a car." or come into my office and say "I want internet service." For the love of everything dark and unholy, speak up. Are you looking for nude, clothed, casual, artistic, glam, fetish, outdoors, indoors ... are you test shooting and portfolio building or do you have a project you think I'm suited for? It'd be like going into a staffing agency and saying "I want a job." Well, duh.

You give me one line emails, what else do you want me to say besides "okay." You're the one who approached me. Speak up boy!! And men wonder why they can't communicate with women. Details!!!


I heart Nemi.

I completely agree. Don't send emails like "I want to work with you"...what response are you looking for? "Ok" "That's super" "Great" ???


Oct 02 06 11:20 am Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

OK - glad it's not just me. At the same time, disappointed that I'm not special. Occasionally I like scaring people off...especially if I really don't want to work with them. While brutally honest in all other aspects of my life, being blatantly honest and cricitcal to models is somewhere I haven't gone yet. The most critical I've been was a model that responded to a Craigslist posting I put up for art models, and this woman was just flat out fugly...but I just told her she'd be great for some body shots. Got no reply. Oh well.

Models out here have gotten so flaky that I've started triple and quadruple booking for the same project....only to still end up with no shoot. So when someone contacts me to do a TFCD project shoot, it's tough to pass it up...except when they don't reply. Then it's easy.

Oct 02 06 11:24 am Link


nathan elson photo

Posts: 18

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I think my favorite tag on my port dealing with this type of thing was one girl moving to Calgary and telling me how much she loved my work and wanted to set something up with me...then I noticed the exact same word for word tag on a couple of friends profiles in the area...then noticed she cut and pasted the same tag to every photographer in my area, regardless if they were good or shall we just say not so good smile

Oct 02 06 11:29 am Link


Ye Olde Photographer

Posts: 547

San Juan, San Juan-Laventville, Trinidad and Tobago

Up till recently I used to believe that it was my fault that this happens:

A potential model will call me on the phone and sound very sincere about wanting to shoot. Then I'd explain what I do as pleasantly and as comprehensively as possible. They are even more interested at this point.

Here what usually happens after:

1) They disappear from the planet
2) I follow up with a series of calls only to get countless excuses: dead grandmothers (harldy grandfather for some reason), sick sisters, bad hair, too busy, sick child, don't have the right clothes, trying to lose some weight  etc..
3) We plan a meeting and they never show up without calling to cancel.
4) We have a meeting and they are facinated with my portfolio. At this point they are more excited than they were over the phone. We plan a shoot and they don't show up.

I've had models go out of their way to come and see me to discuss a shoot: sometimes on the same day that they get my phone number from a friend and then nothing comes out of it.

Recently, I've been thinking of giving up people photography or stop actively looking for models.

Oct 02 06 11:35 am Link



Posts: 2442

Dayton, Alabama, US

Hey I canceled these last two shoots over a stupidly injured toe. Last time I canceled shoots, my car got totalled last summer with me in it. Otherwise, if I say I'm going, I'm going .. regardless of whether I'm in the mood to do it or not.


Oct 02 06 11:38 am Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Yeah - I'm about to just start approaching people on the street and hand them my card. I'd probably get more replies than from some "models" here.  I'm 0-for-1 with this method so far, but at least there's no false hope or expectations.

Oct 02 06 11:42 am Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Nemesis73 wrote:
Hey I canceled these last two shoots over a stupidly injured toe. Last time I canceled shoots, my car got totalled last summer with me in it. Otherwise, if I say I'm going, I'm going .. regardless of whether I'm in the mood to do it or not.

You're not the typical model I work with, but I guarantee if I ever come to your neck of Ohio, you'd get an email from me. I'd be honored to get a "your work sucks" email from you.


Oct 02 06 11:46 am Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Is it possible that the fact you have answered and said Yes has freaked them out a little?
If they are new to all this or perhaps hold your work in high regard maybe the fact you agreed has them a touch overwhelmed and not sure how to reply to you?

I am not saying this is always the case, you will always have the flakey buggers but it is possible?

Oct 02 06 11:47 am Link



Posts: 151

Bitter Springs, Arizona, US

I have had the same thing happen many times.
Seem's to me to be realy odd behavior.
Maby we are lucky.................we didn't shoot with those models

Oct 02 06 11:58 am Link


HEF Photography

Posts: 1817

Jacksonville, Florida, US

You know what I go through all the contacting, pre-shoot meeting,
discussing wardrobe, shoot locations and when it comes to setting up a date
they say "How about six months from now ?".......hell I could be dead by then or
Florida could break off and fall into the ocean.  I also hate it when someone wants
to do a shoot soon and I want to do the shoot.  So, I rearrange my schedule
to fit there schedule and they flake out....I have just chaulked this up to
the business we are in.  I generally tell them when your ready call me and I
will "try" to work them into my schedule.  I also require a day before confirmation
and a cell phone number.  I generally call them 3-4 hours before the shoot.  If I don't
hear from them to confirm,  I cancel the shoot.  My time is worth $$$$ just as
much as there's all I ask is a little respect as much respect as I give them.
OK.....I've vented....
P.S. I have a few great models that I would do anything for...
and you know who you are....thanks for all the great images
that we have made together.

Oct 02 06 12:05 pm Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

I really think it is mostly due to:

1. They are not really serious, so anything else that comes up is more important.
2. When it comes to the actual shoot, they freak out (for whatever reason)
3. They are young and irresponsible (I should leave the "young" out of it - I had     a 49 year old model and a 35 year old model do that to me)
4. They are "friend" collectors.
5. Their boyfriend / husband steps in.

No matter wha, it is called UNPROFESSIONALISM and THE ME SYNDROME.

Oct 02 06 12:10 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Sirensong wrote:
Is it possible that the fact you have answered and said Yes has freaked them out a little?
If they are new to all this or perhaps hold your work in high regard maybe the fact you agreed has them a touch overwhelmed and not sure how to reply to you?

I am not saying this is always the case, you will always have the flakey buggers but it is possible?

I'd like to think my work was so amazing that they were intimidated by me, but many times these models have decent ports already and have worked with some big names.

I think maybe it's comment fishing...or that I'd be so flattered that I'll have my wallet in hand ready to pay them for the TFCD shoot they inquired about.

Perhaps all of our replies should be more stern and state "I need your most reachable phone number, rough schedule, shjooting limit, and confirmation you've read my release and are OK with it before we talk further - to assure me you are serious about a shoot." I'm sure many already say this - maybe it's time I start...I'd hate to resort to asking for deposits.

Oct 02 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 1041

Matawan, New Jersey, US

Nemesis73 wrote:
And men wonder why they can't communicate with women. Details!!!


ugg  me cave man ..  i draw picture u understand..ugg

Oct 02 06 12:17 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

yani wrote:
ugg  me cave man ..  i draw picture u understand..ugg

A recent photographer's dinner meeting:

Oct 02 06 12:20 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Nemesis73 wrote:
Hey I canceled these last two shoots over a stupidly injured toe. Last time I canceled shoots, my car got totalled last summer with me in it. Otherwise, if I say I'm going, I'm going .. regardless of whether I'm in the mood to do it or not.


I am of this ilk as well... If i say i will do it i will, if i become horribly ill  I will cancel , but i have cancelled 2 times in my life and one time it was due to the photographer not being honest about the usage of the shots , and me finding out about it prior to the shoot ... I think that's kinda justified.

Oct 02 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 1041

Matawan, New Jersey, US

Sleepy Weasel wrote:

A recent photographer's dinner meeting:

I'm warning you.... stop posting photos from my meetings!!!!!

Oct 02 06 12:26 pm Link


nick latino

Posts: 291

Tucson, Arizona, US

It's all about the immaturity of some people, and they can be models, make up artist, or photographers, it doesn't matter because we all know someone like this and they express an interest in working with you but never follow through. 


I get contacted all the time, I simple reply back with a kind "Thank You."  Then I ask them if they have viewed my other webpages to sample some of my other work.  I let them know my starting price for doing head shots and explain that I can offer other services...ect.

I let them know if they are interested in TFCD I am willing to consider working with them "if" they will assist me with anyone of the projects I might be working on at that time.  I explain the project and let them deceide if they are interested.  Now, if I get a reply from them I begin by letting them know I would like to meet with them and discuss in further detail what will be done when we do a shoot together.

If they contact me back after this they are serious and things happen, if they don't at least I can say I met a nice person, we had coffee or drinks, and it was a good meeting.

Be professional, it's not personal.

Oct 02 06 12:33 pm Link



Posts: 2442

Dayton, Alabama, US

yani wrote:

I'm warning you.... stop posting photos from my meetings!!!!!

I so needed that! Too funny!!!

Oct 02 06 01:13 pm Link


Fotographic Aspirations

Posts: 1966

Long Beach, California, US

First your dealing with people , second most models have an deep rooted need for attention and this seems to stem from the family life i.e. parents who did not care, parents who never told a child they are good looking , abuse, or a host of many other social issues ....

Then never lose sight of the fact that this is at its core a FREE site.

This simple set of rules will reduce your flake factor greatly :

MM mail basic contact only , by 2nd e-mail move contact off MM. I stick close to a 2 day no contact rule, if a few days goes by without contact ( or a really good excuse) figure this person is just not interested enough in there / your craft to be serious.

Notice the time of day that the person makes contact. So many of the people on MM view the site a entertainment, much like Myspace. Often good looking office workers troll and comment out of boredom. Getting these people to set up a pre shoot meeting or even narrowed do to an actual shoot can be very difficult.  Many have good intentions yet between paying bills and a social life the fantasy of becoming a model inhibits them from becoming serious enough to set priorities that can be in sync with a professional photographer.

I get a real laugh with young photographers who struggle with the FMS (Flakey model syndrome), its all part of the skill set that you need to develop to make good images.

Oct 02 06 01:17 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I can honestly say that I've never left a tag saying "I'd love to work with you" and gotten and email based on that to which I have not responded.  Generally if I leave a tag expressing a desire to work with someone I'm super happy if they email me and return their message promptly.   But ya know, there are flakes everywhere in life unfortunately.

Oct 02 06 02:25 pm Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

Just happened to me the other day....a model that was local to me put a Casting Call message, needing a photographer for tfp, so I was interested, since it's close by, sent her a message, she read, but never wrote back...she still has ZERO comments on her thread to this day.
But like you said, if you have time to read your emails, you have time to respond to them.   smile

Oct 02 06 02:29 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
Why can't they all be like her? If anyone is interested, she's the model in the new photo in my portfolio (the forest nymph).


Nothing like a great muse-a-thon with a committed model! I recently enjoyed one myself.

The occasional great models like these keep us going despite the flakes.

Oct 02 06 02:36 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

CareLyn Anita wrote:

I am of this ilk as well... If i say i will do it i will, if i become horribly ill  I will cancel , but i have cancelled 2 times in my life and one time it was due to the photographer not being honest about the usage of the shots , and me finding out about it prior to the shoot ... I think that's kinda justified.

I wish more models were like you.  You know the whole if I say it I will do it
concept and only two cancelled shoots.  Cool, by the way check out some of
the shots I did while I was in Chicago.  I love honesty.

Oct 02 06 05:58 pm Link