Forums > General Industry > Disturbing Craiglist posting



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

so this person, who decides to remain nameless, puts a craigslist posting online about what an asshole I am. What makes it interesting to me is the person leaves no contact information, but are most likely a part of this site.

I personally know of three people who have gone sour with me in the last year after photoshoots, are there more that I am not aware of?

You don't have to name names, but if I am doing somthing wrong post it here so I can fix it. Rumors never made anyone look good.

Anyone who has worked with me knows my name is actually Star. So why is this person saying it isn't? Beyond contacting craigslist is it silly to me that this post disturbs me so much?

here is the post:

Just ask around...

"Star" (real name? wishful thinking? LOL) has exploited too many to mention and has earned the reputation which precedes her. Art Center / Pasadena can thank her for giving them a bad name.



She is a student, but only when it is convenient for her. Otherwise, she claims her fees start at $500 (lol) per session, but somehow she still won't pay artists / hairstylists / wardrobe.


Oct 01 06 09:18 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Would anyone even take that seriously? That obviously shows she has issues....

Oct 01 06 09:25 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

I don't think this vague drivel would affect your reputation at all...
Someone is obviously just pissed at you and ranting unintelligibly..


Oct 01 06 09:31 pm Link


JaysonPolansky com

Posts: 816

Sedona, Arizona, US

I never would have seen this as I don't frequent that list.

But now I have seen it.

I would post only information you do want people to read.

Oct 01 06 09:34 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

Agreed,, Star you name has come up before as being unprofesional and as being a control freak. If you perhaps stop telling all of us when someone tries to slandar your name we will not know about all of these horrible things...

You seem to have a very strong personallity, That is not a bad thing but you must realize that some will love you and some will hate you..Just stop pointing out the ones who hate you..

Oct 01 06 09:37 pm Link


Jordan Hamilton May

Posts: 276

Lake Forest, California, US

I have an African based Bank looking for investors maybe I can ask her?

Oct 01 06 09:37 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I used to get all bent out of shape whenever I found out about a rumour going around about myself. And what I've learned is that whenever I confronted the rumour, things would get worse. And people would finally decide they didn't know who was telling the truth and that it would be best to just disassociate with both parties. I find it much better to just ignore rumours and act as if I never seen them. Afterall, for every person who sees that Craig's list message, 20 will not. This is a very political business. People will talk shit. Just do what I do and don't give a fuck.

Like Richard Pryor said on one of his albums, "I don't give a fuck!"

Oct 01 06 09:38 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Oh, trust me.... This'll affect your rep in no way. I've had the same kind of bullshit posted on the net about me, in various places, by some freak internet stalker for over two years now, which started on a writers forum. There's some pretty pathetic, sick individuals out there who cowardly hide behind a computer screen. And because they hide behind a computer screen hiding their identity, most won't even consider anything the moron has to say. I wouldn't worry much about it. I'm so used to that shit anymore, I just laugh at it. Same person for over two years. They must have a pretty uneventful life, eh!

Oct 01 06 09:40 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Wow!  I use craigslist on occasion, but now I'm wondering if I'm missing anything written about me?  LOL 

Star, I wouldn't get too upset over such garbage posted on craigslist since most everything is either deleted or buried after a short time on there.  How seriously can anyone take such a message?  There are always going to be some people who will not like us no matter what we do.   One of my own family members tried to spread a nasty rumor about me, but it didn't get very far or have much of an effect on my business.  There are maybe two or three models at most who wont work with me as a result of her rumor, but there are dozens more who continue to work with me.  So if anyone takes it seriously and doesn't work with you as a result, it's thir loss ... NOT yours!   Just keep on doing what you do, try not to let it effect you too much.  It'll be buried soon! 

By the way, who uses craigslist here?  I've sold a few items on there and ran a few searches for dancers for a music artist I was working with, but not much else.  Is it a website that I should be reading more often?

Best wishes,

Oct 01 06 09:41 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

John Jebbia wrote:
I used to get all bent out of shape whenever I found out about a rumour going around about myself. And what I've learned is that whenever I confronted the rumour, things would get worse. And people would finally decide they didn't know who was telling the truth and that it would be best to just disassociate with both parties. I find it much better to just ignore rumours and act as if I never seen them. Afterall, for every person who sees that Craig's list message, 20 will not. This is a very political business. People will talk shit. Just do what I do and don't give a fuck.

Like Richard Pryor said on one of his albums, "I don't give a fuck!"

John, you nailed it!  It's not worth worrying about.

Oct 01 06 09:47 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Experimental Photoworks wrote:
Agreed,, Star you name has come up before as being unprofesional and as being a control freak. If you perhaps stop telling all of us when someone tries to slandar your name we will not know about all of these horrible things...

You seem to have a very strong personallity, That is not a bad thing but you must realize that some will love you and some will hate you..Just stop pointing out the ones who hate you..

I guess my question was pretty much is there a large number of people on here who are saying don't work with me. Or if I did something wrong? I hear the don't take it seriously but in the same vein they mentioned my school and said if you ask around this site (MM) people will tell you to run, run, run.

I can't fix anything if I am not told about the problem,


Oct 01 06 09:49 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

None of us can stop others from saying nasty and untrue things about us but
we can alter how we react to them.  By giving this attention you are allowing
it to trouble you.  Thats human though as I think like most of us you would
want to know who is saying these things and why.  However this person is a
weasel and a coward because they don't have the guts to say who they are.  If
you have been honest and fair in your deaings with people continue, if things have
been a bit murky and you find continued problems don't assume its them take a
look at what you are doing.  Based on a past post I think you are on a models shit
list.  Again nothing you can do.  Keep your head held high but not so high you don't
trip and remember truth is the best shield against falsehoods.

Oct 01 06 09:49 pm Link


Priscilla Eva

Posts: 7

Seattle, Washington, US

i have experienced similiar...but not as mean things on cl. haha, i even had one lady write me a long, nasty email about how i hade posted something in the wrong forum and that i should stop being such a shameless spammer! why people actaully take time out of their day to do stuff like that is beyond me. but people can be very cruel and rude on the internet because they are not their in person, and will recieve no punishment for their actions.

Oct 01 06 09:54 pm Link


GD Photowerks

Posts: 130

Nashville, Tennessee, US

My, my, my! Imagine people using a computersite to talk trash about a creative artist.  I much preferred when I had to wait for the critics reviews in the Art section of the Sunday NY Times.  Best thing to do is either ignore it and it goes away quickly or have fun with it and it can actually work to your benefit.  I once had a person I refused to photograph attempt to spread an unflattering rumor about me.  They told it to someone who knew me well and that person informed me of it.  My response was, "Thank God, maybe it will finally put that rumor about the she-goat to rest."  So my friend, whenever hearing of the rumor again, brought up the she-goat, elaborating to such an extreme that no one took the 1st rumor seriously anymore.  Not that I recommend you try a she-goat personally but . . .
well creative artist types . . . on the other hand if there is a petting zoo in the area. . .

Just don't worry about other people, you know the the truth and you are the only one who has to look yourself in the face in the mirror.

Oct 01 06 09:57 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

Star wrote:

I guess my question was pretty much is there a large number of people on here who are saying don't work with me. Or if I did something wrong? I hear the don't take it seriously but in the same vein they mentioned my school and said if you ask around this site (MM) people will tell you to run, run, run.

I can't fix anything if I am not told about the problem,


True but trying to find the answer will lead to more scrunity of you as a photographer..

I can recall two recent threads one about the model who said you did not give her her prints, the one about the whole MUA fiasco lies. Then a thread about a model who walked out of a shoot a few days ago.

So you made it on one persons shitlist, What happens by broadcasting it out and asking everyone about it you will make people think "hrmmm do I hate Star and why???"  This thread for instance got me to thinking of the past few threads that had a negitive impact on your reputation, even if you were if the right, people recall the negitive... You will not bring down the reputaion of Art Center at all (I know a few other past students from that place lolololol)

I know I have made it on a few black lists myself, I don't try to hunt them down I just go forward...

Oct 01 06 09:59 pm Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

Star wrote:
so this person, who decides to remain nameless, puts a craigslist posting online about what an asshole I am. What makes it interesting to me is the person leaves no contact information, but are most likely a part of this site.

post deleted

Just asking. How were you able to come across this Craigslist posting? Did you happen to post it yourself? It has been known to happen. I do not know you, so not you necessarily. However, sometimes when an individual feels down on him/herself there can be a need to seek validation. Pretty common actually. And if this is even possibly the case, feel free to PM me.

Oct 02 06 06:04 am Link



Posts: 796

If any way you're in the public eye (to any degree) and there's a way for haters to slander you, it will be done.  What to do about it, mostly ignore it, unless you find out that it's really interfering with you getting business.

Oct 02 06 06:11 am Link


Gary Kennedy

Posts: 130

Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Your work speaks for itself.  It;s very good.  You don't want to deal with the type of people who would pay attention to such a rant anyway.  So if they pay attention to it, who cares.  Talk is cheap.  The post should weed out nut jobs.

Oct 02 06 06:40 am Link