Forums > General Industry > Bloodfetish pictures, art or sicko stuff?



Posts: 816

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

I've talked to Tyler about those Bloodfetish pictures.
For myself I don't think those kind of pics give this site a good reputation. Is it disgusting for you, to see girls having a bloodbath when gallons of blood (fake or not) is running down the body or similar stuff like that? Some will say this is art, others will say this is sicko stuff and have to stay out of this site.

We want to know how the masses think. Please give feedback!

Apr 28 05 03:16 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

While I don't find it bothersome personally, I do find it (blood bath pictures) highly unoriginal.

Apr 28 05 03:19 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Hmmmm, if it's done well, artistically, sure. If it's just pop-T&A. Nah.

A little biased here, I own a piercing and tattoo shop. This week a photo I took at my shop of a kanji scarrification piece is on the cover page of

Apr 28 05 03:25 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Hmm...  while I find that yes, it is disturbing... I still catch myself looking with a fascinated intensity...

Apr 28 05 03:26 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

It doesn't really bother me.  I'm not into it, but I've seen some pics involving blood that were pretty cool.   Just like I've seen good and bad photos involving tattoos, piercings, pinup, leather, bondage, ropes, chains, fishnets, bikinis, nurse uniforms, and anything else that somebody might be into. 

Personally, I'd hate to see arbitrary bans on photo content.  Naturally there is certain content that is not allowable (at least in the states), like child porn.

Apr 28 05 03:31 pm Link


AG Photo

Posts: 298

Easton, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Reese, VA . MUA: 
Hmm...  while I find that yes, it is disturbing... I still catch myself looking with a fascinated intensity...

My very same thoughts, an accident. You can't help but look...just human curiousity, I suppose.

However, I think Markus has a valid point though...we don't want the site turning into a celebration of gore.

Apr 28 05 03:32 pm Link


David J Vickers

Posts: 9

Boardman, Ohio, US

I think every artform has its place in society. But it is hard to call bloodletting or blood baths an artform. Where in any museum or any art book can you find examples of this?  Tattoos are artwork, as they are featured in about every culture and magazines are dedicated to them and you can see them in museums. There is NO beauty in blood.  Blood is a sign of death. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I am against people doing it, but I hardly think it has a place in the modeling community.

Apr 28 05 03:34 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

The first time any person says that "this is not art" it opens the door to everything being excluded.

A baby in a bath tub - not art - kiddie porn.
A woman walking in a sun dress - not art - advertising.
A man and a woman holding hands in the park - not art - useless photo

you get the point here?

Whether you or I or anyone else thinks it is art or not is really irrelevant. If just ONE person thinks it is artistic, than we have to accept the fact it is artistic (up to the point of pornographic material which has a real definition despite some people's posting here.)

Even at the point of Porn, you really have to draw a fine line on exclusion based on artistic intent.

Let me give you an example:


Take a girl - nude, on her back, Legs spread, knees in the air, feet flat on the ground.
The picture is taken about 2 feet past her feet, aiming at her vagina (the center bottom of the picture) Her breasts are perky and are the top center of the picture.

Now, Fade this out until it is almost invisible and turn the Knees and breast into Hills and Mountains, respectively.
Turn the pubic hair region into a forest (tree tops) and from the lower part of the vagina to the front edge of the picture create a stream.

I have just turn a pornographic picture into art.
So which is it?

Any model willing to pose for that image, let me know. I have been dying to try it. Problem is, your face will not be in the image at all..... which is both good and bad I suppose.

Apr 28 05 03:37 pm Link



Posts: 816

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

we got now several special explanatory notes.

thank you!

let's see what comes at next. It is very interesting to see how people think smile

Apr 28 05 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 816

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Posted by Ty Simone: 
The first time any person says that "this is not art" it opens the door to everything being excluded.

A baby in a bath tub - not art - kiddie porn.
A woman walking in a sun dress - not art - advertising.
A man and a woman holding hands in the park - not art - useless photo

you get the point here?

Whether you or I or anyone else thinks it is art or not is really irrelevant. If just ONE person thinks it is artistic, than we have to accept the fact it is artistic (up to the point of pornographic material which has a real definition despite some people's posting here.)

Even at the point of Porn, you really have to draw a fine line on exclusion based on artistic intent.

Let me give you an example:


Take a girl - nude, on her back, Legs spread, knees in the air, feet flat on the ground.
The picture is taken about 2 feet past her feet, aiming at her vagina (the center bottom of the picture) Her breasts are perky and are the top center of the picture.

Now, Fade this out until it is almost invisible and turn the Knees and breast into Hills and Mountains, respectively.
Turn the pubic hair region into a forest (tree tops) and from the lower part of the vagina to the front edge of the picture create a stream.

I have just turn a pornographic picture into art.
So which is it?

Any model willing to pose for that image, let me know. I have been dying to try it. Problem is, your face will not be in the image at all..... which is both good and bad I suppose.

Ty, I've studied psychology, maybe I can help you with Sigmund Freuds psychoanalysis? lol

(just kidding)


Apr 28 05 03:49 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I agree with Ty, but you need a lot more than some fake blood to disturb me.

Don't tell me what is art or what is beauty. That's entirely subjective. While I personally can't cite a specific musuem that displays gorey pieces, I'm pretty confident that they exist. As I stated elsewhere, the Guggenhiem has cans of human feces on display. There is a Dutch museum that was under fire for displaying the work of a woman that makes her pieces out of dismembered small animals like mice and kitty cats.

Just because you don't like it or it's not in the art books you've seen or the museums you've visted doesn't mean it should be banned from this site.

Apr 28 05 03:50 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Miss Angela Simone

Posts: 16

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

i think it comes down to Tyler (sorry tyler)... but this is his site, and how he chooses to have it portrayed is his decision.

maybe there could be a more extensive search option, for say "alternative/fetish" models specifically, or photographers, etc.

this way if people want to work with that type of photographer/model, then there ya go, they can find them on here... and if they don't, maybe they can just avoid them all together?

i dunno. everyone should be able to do creatively what they like (as long as it doesnt hurt anyone). and those who dont want to see it, dont look.


Apr 28 05 03:54 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Markus Richter: 
Ty, I've studied psychology, maybe I can help you with Sigmund Freuds psychoanalysis? lol

(just kidding)


I could probably tell you the answers to the pysch exam before you give it to me... Just give me the name and the sequence number... I have taken almost all of them... They still can not figure me out :-)

Let me help though, I HATE CENSORSHIP!
There! A fact about me they can add to the file. :-)

Apr 28 05 03:54 pm Link



Posts: 816

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

haha, well I'm very good Ty and my couch is very comfy smile

Dont't take it too serious, I'm a very humorous person.

Apr 28 05 04:01 pm Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

Let them bleed or was that let them eat cake. Im not to much of a fan of Blood and gore although i have done my share of Goth and gorey Vampire stuff. Yes i feel it is with in the artistic catagory but dont post them on yur front page as well as nudes. All Photography is great. Not every one will have an EYE for it. So do it well enough so we dont have to close both eyes to view your work. I was told once that only a blind person would apprieciate my work and I took it as a compiment. For a person to stand there and wish he could see my work is so complimental but i guess the person who said that to me didnt view it with an open mind as myself. So let them Bleed  or was that let them  smoke weed. Bravo Magic Image photography

Apr 28 05 04:01 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Markus Richter: 
haha, well I'm very good Ty and my couch is very comfy smile

Dont't take it too serious, I'm a very humorous person.

see, now you did not mention I get to lay on a comfy couch! that changes everything....

I take 2 things seriously, Life and Death. Everything else is simply small stuff :-)

I knew you were not serious. otherwise you would have posted the numbers :-P

Apr 28 05 04:04 pm Link



Posts: 4

Chicago, Illinois, US

I dont see anything wrong with it, however....

If it is a heres me, taken by me, type of shot its not really needed.

If it is a heres me, taken by this person, for this reason, then cool.

Its a bit like the deviantart site, where there are a LARGE number of people tkaing pictures of themselves in bloody situations, or wearing Gas masks.

Apr 28 05 04:09 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by whiteravenimage: 
I dont see anything wrong with it, however....

If it is a heres me, taken by me, type of shot its not really needed.

If it is a heres me, taken by this person, for this reason, then cool.

Its a bit like the deviantart site, where there are a LARGE number of people tkaing pictures of themselves in bloody situations, or wearing Gas masks.

So let me see if I understand this, self-portraits are less likely to have artistic merit?

Apr 28 05 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 816

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

I have just found a good example at Mayhem. … 72cf64bb01

Apr 28 05 04:15 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Markus Richter: 
I've talked to Tyler about those Bloodfetish pictures.
For myself I don't think those kind of pics give this site a good reputation. Is it disgusting for you, to see girls having a bloodbath when gallons of blood (fake or not) is running down the body or similar stuff like that? Some will say this is art, others will say this is sicko stuff and have to stay out of this site.

We want to know how the masses think. Please give feedback!

I think it's pretty cliche, but it dosen't bother me. I have seen one or two really moving and elegant images that involved knifeplay in a D/s context, but the "fake-blood-in-the-bathtub" deal is just old. 

As a side note:  I belong to another art site where you see a hundred fake blood shots a day, but one artist had her image deleted because the cuts were REAL...riddle me that one!

Apr 28 05 04:15 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

That was a bad move there I think.......

Art just is,
It is Art!

Forgot who said that. But attribute the Quote to him, not me.

Apr 28 05 04:16 pm Link



Posts: 4

Chicago, Illinois, US

So let me see if I understand this, self-portraits are less likely to have artistic merit?

Im not saying there is anything wrong with self portraits, theres just so many of the same "blood" pictures floating around now, that they have lost impact and originality. Which is why I was saying that they are better when its not a self portrait

Apr 28 05 04:22 pm Link


Russell Coleman

Posts: 196

Wellington, England, United Kingdom


I haven't uploaded any here, but i do have a dedicated gallery on my website at

To be honest I really don't feel any need to justify the why.

Same as you probably feel you don't need to justify the images that you take.

Apr 28 05 04:39 pm Link



Posts: 138

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

First nudity now blood?  For some reason I thought most of us are professionals here.  So it's not your cup of tea, get over it, and move onto the next image.  For crying out loud!  As long as it isn't a main/default image, let the members post what they want.  I've never heard so much whining in my life.

Apr 28 05 04:50 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Pinky: 
First nudity now blood?  For some reason I thought most of us are professionals here.  So it's not your cup of tea, get over it, and move onto the next image.  For crying out loud!  As long as it isn't a main/default image, let the members post what they want.  I've never heard so much whining in my life.

You tell them Pinky! I reached my quota of 100 ticked off people for the day....

Apr 28 05 04:53 pm Link



Posts: 21

New York, New York, US

The real question is, considering that the number of people with a blood and bdsm interest is a small fraction of the photographic world, then why is such a big percentage of modelling websites made up of this kind of work

Apr 28 05 05:00 pm Link



Posts: 138

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 

Posted by Pinky: 
First nudity now blood?  For some reason I thought most of us are professionals here.  So it's not your cup of tea, get over it, and move onto the next image.  For crying out loud!  As long as it isn't a main/default image, let the members post what they want.  I've never heard so much whining in my life.

You tell them Pinky! I reached my quota of 100 ticked off people for the day....

Thanks Ty.  I like to say what I think and all this complaining and whining over petty stuff is very childish.  Blood fetish isn't my thing either, but it not my right to tell people what they canor can't do.  End of rant.

Apr 28 05 05:05 pm Link


Zero Dean

Posts: 139

San Diego, California, US

I think it is possible that some images of this type can be done well, but most are not.

I think, for the most part, it's an easy way to ellicit an emotional reaction out of someone. Not because it's good, but because it's gruesome.

These types of shots are easy to do. They're just not easy to do well.

Jeffery Scott, for example, has done a few of these images well, in my opinion, though I would still argue that some are more about conveying a sense of gruesomeness than they are about conveying anything of substance.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a big fan of his work, and technically, much of it is great. But from a purely aesthetic standpoint, many are not my cup of tea.

As far as shots that seek to simply mimic real life injuries and brutality... unless you're a make-up artist, what's the point?

But I guess as long as you're not hurting anyone in the process, to each their own.

Apr 28 05 05:25 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Posted by Markus Richter: 
I've talked to Tyler about those Bloodfetish pictures.
For myself I don't think those kind of pics give this site a good reputation. Is it disgusting for you, to see girls having a bloodbath when gallons of blood (fake or not) is running down the body or similar stuff like that? Some will say this is art, others will say this is sicko stuff and have to stay out of this site.

We want to know how the masses think. Please give feedback!


I really think it depends on the artistic merit of the photo and if it`s done in a Movie/Film style I think it`s fine and artistic, BUT if it`s all just T&A and some girl bathing in blood, it`s plain dumb looking, (I`ve seen enough of those poorly styled photos from those so called Gothic porn sites)

If the picture tells a story, even if it`s a bad one or evil, or dark then it`s really the quality of the art that counts in my book

I`m proud to stand up and say I`m a big fan of  Hitchcock, Tarantino and Lynch and their films get pretty bloody really, it`s all a shock factor, and I even dabble in the extreme with things as you can see in this 1960`s "crime scene" photo, it`s in my eyes mixing retro high fashion with B- Movie styled`s not 4 everybody`s taste......but I like to show even the HORROR side to retro, and I did put this up under the 18+ category just to protect the kids from seeing it......

....and some people may not understand, but it`s like you either like  Hitchcock`s Psycho or you don`t......I`m still looking to do a retro tribute to that film......

Alles Gute!!!!!


Apr 28 05 06:00 pm Link


Vince Snyder

Posts: 2

Perkasie, Pennsylvania, US


I find shots with feet jambed into a a crotch to be pornography! So lets not go throwing to many stones!

Apr 28 05 06:53 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Pinky: 

Thanks Ty.  I like to say what I think and all this complaining and whining over petty stuff is very childish.  Blood fetish isn't my thing either, but it not my right to tell people what they canor can't do.  End of rant.

I had to come back and start on tomorrows quota early (I got a few more in another thread.)

I agree. Personally, I do no like 99% of them. I ahve seen on photog that I thought did an incredible job though. His were in a re-creation of Dracula type thing.

But, I HATE CENSORSHIP in any form.
and that is all this is is pure unadultrated censorship.

hmmmm two big words in one sentence.....

Personally, I think a lot of the images on here are crap and not art. Then again, I think a vast major are not meant to be art, they are commercial or fashion etc...

So, all the art ones have to go, and then all the non-art ones have to go, then the only thing left here is mine (because I am in a class all my own!!!)

Apr 28 05 06:59 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

I don't think nude images should go, and I don't think that bloody images should go either (unless the images are somehow illegal in nature)...  I do think, however, that true freedom means being respectful to all points of view and allowing those who don't wish to see images that "might be offensive" is something to be considered also.  Should those images be banned?  Of course not.  Should they be tagged in such a way that they don't pop up when you least expect it?  Surely. 

Asking for respect both directions is not censorship.  When I open my portfolio here, for example, there is at the top a thing that says "Random Images" (or something like that) and it pops up some random people's main image link.  Most the times I come in, at least one of the images is not appropriate for all audiences... and so, therefore, I'm unable to even open my own profile/portfolio when there are kids, clients, or anyone else who might feel it is a representation of me present.  This pretty much keeps me from being able to show anyone on here to any potential clients who might hire them.  In example, when you go into 7-11, they have adult magazines you can buy... but they're not on display on the candy aisle, they are behind the counter.  That's not censorship, it's mutual respect for all points of view and in that manner everyone gets what they want and gets along.

Apr 28 05 07:35 pm Link


Darren Jones

Posts: 23

Murrieta, California, US

What about just having a warning sign for graphic material similar to the warning signs given to photos containing nudity? Maybe a better breakdown of photo sections into categories.

Apr 28 05 07:50 pm Link


Joi Carey

Posts: 551

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Well Im  one of the photographers here who creates "blood work".
As a macabre freak I always find the shoots incredibly fun
and I dont see what is so harmful about them. Its just dark fantasy. If they bug you just move on. You can get an idea from a thumbnail of such an image and leave it be .Mine have sold like hotcakes in galleries as well so someone finds them interesting enough to slap down some dollars for them.
I find blurry webcam and cellphone photos way more offensive.
As far as originality lets compare the numbers of bloody images on MM to the ammount of girls in bikinis.
Just my two cents...

Apr 28 05 07:56 pm Link



Posts: 7

Lincoln, Nebraska, US

Posted by agonybliss: 
Well Im  one of the photographers here who creates "blood work".
As a macabre freak I always find the shoots incredibly fun
and I dont see what is so harmful about them. Its just dark fantasy. If they bug you just move on. You can get an idea from a thumbnail of such an image and leave it be .Mine have sold like hotcakes in galleries as well so someone finds them interesting enough to slap down some dollars for them.
I find blurry webcam and cellphone photos way more offensive.
As far as originality lets compare the numbers of bloody images on MM to the ammount of girls in bikinis.
Just my two cents...

Just about anything can be boring or offensive if it's done poorly!  The trick of the game is to take your idea and do the best damn thing you can to make it pop, and when you find that pop, run with it!

I haven't done blood work myself, but I wouldn't hesitate to try it (with fake blood) if a model requested!  What's the harm? 

Apr 28 05 08:03 pm Link


Darren Jones

Posts: 23

Murrieta, California, US

I'm for a little censorship as possible as long as it's within the legal realm. Art is way too subjective and peoples tastes too varied.

Apr 28 05 08:06 pm Link



Posts: 633

Milltown, Wisconsin, US

Howdy Folks !

Of course there shouldnt be censorship in general.. people should  free to create  and express whatever images they wish and display them where they are allowed to.. this is where the controversy lies..

this is a privately owned website.. tyler has every right to dictate what his website contains.. style substance and overall theme and feel.... what he has to decide is where HIS line is...

my thoughts are as this..... ty does not allow explicit erotica/porn on his site.. thats fine and dandy.. no woodies or closeup beaver shots or sex acts... coool.. fine..

however he DOES at this time allow depictions of human slaughter and dismemberment and torture and bucket of blood crap...  all under the protective imaginary umbrella of 'art'... so there is a big hypocrisy here.... no beaver shots, but the same model can be portrayed legless and armless with chest ripped open and internal organs showing and tubes running thru her skull... hmmmmmm...  a strange society we live in where visuals of graphic sexuality is banned, but the visual depictions of graphic mutilation and torture and slaughter of human beings is warmly accepted...  .."art" .. yeah  ... ok....

so, i guess tyler dude has to make the call and decide the visual content limits and  then we live with them .. he has to decide if he really wants a modeling/photographer site, or become a satellite website offshoot of

Happy Holidays !


Apr 29 05 05:08 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US
Okay, shameless selfgorification, I shot this about a month ago at an outdoor suspention at Anna Banana's Bar & Grill backyard area. 50mm f2.4 macro wide open 1/45 with off camera battery powered handheld flouride light.

Apr 29 05 05:28 pm Link



Posts: 14

Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom

Photography is art. Art is freedom of speach. I do gore / horrot shoots but I won't do nude or topless.

It's the way I choose to express my art and before anyone starts the morality issue - I've seen and worked with real life horror in my time as a histopathologist.

If we can't express ourselves in our art - how can we express?

Apr 29 05 05:39 pm Link



Posts: 3

Clearwater, Florida, US

I'm actually a fan of the blood and gore stuff, as long as it's photographed in an artistic way. If it's some teenager with a webcam and ketchup then no thanks. But I've seen some really beautiful photos of that genre, for example my favorite would be by the model ulorin_vex

Apr 29 05 05:43 pm Link