Forums > General Industry > I have to say this is a first



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

So as some people know I have been trying to get out of the tfp buisness and decided to do a last hurrah. 4 days, 4 themes, 45 hours of prep.

Day 1: 2 models no show, 1 mua writes the night before to cancel. The shoot ends up costing me over $300
Day 2: very smooth, but less wardrobe than I thought I was being given so I have to run and spend $60 in downtown LA to make up for the lacks
Day 4: Models get very very very lost, cost in time about 1 hour. Unfortunately I had a late start time (my fault I know) and we lose a location. My fault. Lost an MUA a few days before the shoot. Lost a model when she didn't show for the first day.

Wait, what about day 3 you ask? Day 3 is my avatar.
But, well day 3 is also when something happened that was almost amusing. The MUA just didn't show up, she didn't call, she didn't write, she didn't show. (That isn't the amusing part.)

All four models showed. While we waited for the make-up artist one of the models tells me she brought no make-up with her. That is fine, I will figure something out.  I always do. (I do also however ask models to bring their make-up with them so we are always good.)

An hour passes, I have picked all the wardrobe and gotten looks together, but still there is no MUA. I make some calls but no one is available at such short notice.

While I am doing the model who brought no make-up decides to sneak out while I am not present. Perhaps she felt the images wouldn't be good that day. All I know is her port is not good, and not representative of how beautiful she could look.

In other words, even if the photos were the worst photos of my career, she could still use the images.

So just so models know, crap happens. Photo shoots go south and great images can still come out of them. If you are uncomfortable in a situation and scared to talk to the photographer LEAVE A NOTE.

But even leaving a note is just plain stupid. Leaving a session before one shot has been done. You have no idea how good the photos could be.

It is cowardly and childish, more so since you just wasted 20 minutes of my time while I got your wardrobe together.

The other models are now justifiably on edge. It creates a more than weird vibe. It also weirded me out since nothing like this has ever happened to me.

I waited to post this to see if it felt less weird but it stills feels really screwed up that the model did this.

Any thoughts?

edit: is it weird or wierd?

Sep 28 06 02:13 am Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

Star, that's just plain weird.  I before E except after C and in last names like Blei.

Honestly, some people don't know the real value of a tfcd shoot.  If the models were to give me a bill for their time and I were to give them a bill for mine (along with rights and usage), their bill would quickly be absorbed and they would still owe me a lot of money.

You are a pro.  You made lemonade AND lemon merangue pie out of the lemons that those shoots offered you.  Keep up the good work and remember that with MM, you are taking the chance that the model you are booking is simply the prettiest girl in her trailer park.

Tony Blei
SmartAz Photography

Sep 28 06 02:26 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Makes me glad I still do TFP..  For all the talk of how much happier I'd be if I tried to make this my career....

Star is way better than I am.. And it doesn't sound like it's making her very happy at all..

Trying to make a business of what we enjoy makes my brain wobble.

Sep 28 06 02:29 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

yer, thats weird alright ,right outta the twilight zone kinda stuff, and my photo career is pretty much in the toilet right now because of this kinda weird..

Sep 28 06 02:39 am Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
Makes me glad I still do TFP..  For all the talk of how much happier I'd be if I tried to make this my career....

Star is way better than I am.. And she doesn't sound terribly happy at all..

Trying to make a business of what we enjoy makes my brain wobble.

I hear what you are saying.  I shot a big-wig CEO the other day on the 25 floor of his office building.  I brought my assistant an' all my lighting equipment an' everything.  The one thing that I couldn't prepare for was the fact that he was overweight and every time he smiled,  his chubby cheeks made it look like his eyes were closed — in every frame.

I loved handing my bill for $1000 to my client for squinty picks.

Star, your work ROCKS.  The people who bailed on you were fools.  I've since closed the door on tfp.  I was giving away thousands of dollars worth of photography to people who woujldn't even get prints made.  They only wanted images that they could post online .

My second to the last tfp shoot ended up with a model who not only had an unbearable personality, but weighed 30 lbs more than her profile stated.  We shot out of town on a Monday, and by Wednesday was DEMANDING her images.  She almost didn't get anything.

The only way I'll do tfcd now is with a contract that states that if the model is a no-show, they are liable for the cost of the entire shoot.  I've yet to have anyone sign - as I've closed the door on tfcd.

Sep 28 06 02:43 am Link


Ken Pivak Photography

Posts: 837

Los Angeles, California, US

Stop searching for models on MM...its not a pro site...start going to Ford, Willy, Next and get the good stuff.  Pros won't bail and understand that they get what they pay for...TFPs never existed until the internet...yes one would test, but mostly photographers were paid for their time.  I use to get between $450 and $700 a day to shoot models for their books and obtained the trust of the agencies.  It is a different world today, but why had the work ethics changed so much...I would say in my experience and awareness, is that due to the internet and the freedom of discovering so many photographers...the "choice" had replaced talent and mediocrity has found its way to become the norm.  So if a so-called amature model feels like leaving, she has no one to answer to...if she were with an agent, and one who you as the photographer has a relationship with, she'll find a problem awaiting her the moment she walks into the agency.  Move yourself up to a better lot of models and start being serious about this business.  Hey even if they don't pay anymore, at least start shooting the new girls they are know that they will be using your work and word of mouth will beget the same and soon you can charge for your talents.


Sep 28 06 03:03 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Pixel Fisher wrote:
Stop searching for models on MM...its not a pro site...

Just goes to show that you get out what you put in.  I've never had anything less than a totally professional working experience with any model I've met through MM.  Now agency models is a whole different bag.  Maybe it's just my boyish charm though.  wink

Sep 28 06 06:32 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

So far I have been lucky through MM. Had one model from Myspace ( I know) contact me here and she flaked. But i chalk that up to Myspace not MM.
Shit happens.

Sep 28 06 07:02 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

the last shoot I did, the photographer brought in an awesome MUA and she did my makeup for the first round of shots/outfits. this was around 8:30am. we were expecting the other model around 10 or 11am. she was driving in 2 hours from Richmond, VA. Well she never showed up so that benefited ME and we got to do more outfits/makeup styles than I would have if that other model hadn't shown up. the photographer wasn't pissed because he liked me so much. I'm sure that isn't always the case but it worked out well for me!

Sep 28 06 08:18 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

SmartAz Photography wrote:
I hear what you are saying.  I shot a big-wig CEO the other day on the 25 floor of his office building.  I brought my assistant an' all my lighting equipment an' everything.  The one thing that I couldn't prepare for was the fact that he was overweight and every time he smiled,  his chubby cheeks made it look like his eyes were closed — in every frame.

I loved handing my bill for $1000 to my client for squinty picks.

Round-cheeked and squinty-eyed isn't always a bad thing.  That's what I look like in the best photo ever taken of me, courtesy of Brian Diaz:

Sep 28 06 09:10 am Link



Posts: 29

Orlando, Florida, US

WIERD?? i think thats just plain RUDE!! well unprofessional and inconsiderate. I assume the model must have natural beauty to not carry make up in her purse. As for the MUA....sheesh! same thing goes for him/her. Sorry


Sep 28 06 09:32 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

I may have to stop reading these threads, at least the ones started by photographers. It's just too bizarre. Let's see, a model travelled for x amount of time to get to a shoot- a TFP shoot where she would only be one of 4 models and had no control over what kind of pics would be taken (since you make it very clear that they show up and take whatever they get).
Then she waited over an hour, and decided to leave. Sure, she should have told you, but you obviously had been gone a while, and you had 3 other models, so she certainly wasn't leaving you in the lurch. As for the 20 min you wasted getting her wardrobe, well, that's a lot less time then she had just wasted herself. Your ego amazes me.

Sep 28 06 09:54 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Miles Chandler wrote:
I may have to stop reading these threads, at least the ones started by photographers. It's just too bizarre. Let's see, a model travelled for x amount of time to get to a shoot- a TFP shoot where she would only be one of 4 models and had no control over what kind of pics would be taken (since you make it very clear that they show up and take whatever they get).
Then she waited over an hour, and decided to leave. Sure, she should have told you, but you obviously had been gone a while, and you had 3 other models, so she certainly wasn't leaving you in the lurch. As for the 20 min you wasted getting her wardrobe, well, that's a lot less time then she had just wasted herself. Your ego amazes me.

Ummm... there were two changing rooms. I was in the other one. You never have control over what you get, but you commit yourself to a shoot.

In your world people don't honor their commitments?

And as I pointed out, the problem wasn't that she left, it was by leaving the way she did she put the whole shoot on edge. The other girls kept waiting for me to blow up. I had her take a small bad thing, and turn it into a whole situation.

Just by telling me she was leaving the whole thing could have been diffused. Instead she made everyone uncomfortable and unhappy. Part of what you need when you shoot is people who are comfortable shooting.

And btw if she had told me she was leaving I would have been , that is fine. I hope you drive safely home.

It has nothing to do with ego.

oh did I mention that she was a 1/2 hour late?


Sep 28 06 11:56 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Star wrote:
So as some people know I have been trying to get out of the tfp buisness and decided to do a last hurrah. 4 days, 4 themes, 45 hours of prep.

yada yadada mama dada

okay, so Star....on another thread you mentioned that your getting $350-500 for headshots/portfolio development.  You can clarify that if I got any part of that wrong, but looking at the tags you have and the feedback you get on critique boards, and probably your own self-analysis is that you're pretty good, right?

So, do you work with agency girls?   

I understand why I don't.  My stuff isn't straight or traditional or even good enough.

But you, isn't working with agency talent where you're wanting your career to go?   Why not go there, now and be done with all the drama that keeps popping up?

Sep 28 06 12:10 pm Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

Shyly wrote:

Round-cheeked and squinty-eyed isn't always a bad thing.  That's what I look like in the best photo ever taken of me, courtesy of Brian Diaz:

You are so sweet.

This guy actually has more power and influence than the mayor.  Squinty isn't good.

Sep 28 06 12:43 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

okay, so Star....on another thread you mentioned that your getting $350-500 for headshots/portfolio development.  You can clarify that if I got any part of that wrong, but looking at the tags you have and the feedback you get on critique boards, and probably your own self-analysis is that you're pretty good, right?

So, do you work with agency girls?   

I understand why I don't.  My stuff isn't straight or traditional or even good enough.

But you, isn't working with agency talent where you're wanting your career to go?   Why not go there, now and be done with all the drama that keeps popping up?

That is why I did this last little bit, to get away form the gothic and go more mainstream so I could start taking my port to agencies.

This really is the last I am doing of TFP. I just thought it was kind of random for someone to just take off like that...


Sep 28 06 01:08 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Star wrote:
I just thought it was kind of random for someone to just take off like that...

I've found that if you tie them up tightly enough, they can't go anywhere.

Sep 28 06 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

I've found that if you tie them up tightly enough, they can't go anywhere.

I've found that too.

Tighter is always better

Oct 05 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

I've found that if you tie them up tightly enough, they can't go anywhere.

Ball gag in the mouth stops the bitchin' every time wink

Oct 05 06 06:00 pm Link