Forums > General Industry > What and why?


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
I looked at your photos.  I can't see anything about them that would make me interested in shooting you.  What style do YOU want?  Also, the photos are pretty boring and poorly executed.

I might be wrong here, but I think "you" are supposed to be able to see her potential. There are a ton of examples on this site of people that don't look good because some hack butchered them, right next to a stunning image done by someone that made them look good. I just saw a perfect example of this in Mr. Rosen's site. (sorry to keep bringing you up all the time lately) Sorry to be pointing fingers at you, but on this count you may want to rethink your stance, or take as much time as you need to fry my ass in a rebuttle.

Oct 01 06 10:17 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US


Oct 01 06 10:52 am Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
Como Esta, Me bonita amiga?

The people that tell you these nasty things are blind. Don't listen to them. You are beautiful and will make a wonderful model. Styles and opinions change on a daily basis and your turn will come, be ready for it. Be careful with the choices you make in your career!

thanks a lot for ur supprot!!!I just wish to found a photographer!!!!

Oct 01 06 11:39 am Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Im'age NY (INY) wrote:
WTF is going on!!!

**note to self... NEVER hit a thread like this ever again**

ESPECIALLY on a Sunday morning with a Saturday night hangover!!!

what this mean?

Oct 01 06 11:39 am Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

I might be wrong here, but I think "you" are supposed to be able to see her potential. There are a ton of examples on this site of people that don't look good because some hack butchered them, right next to a stunning image done by someone that made them look good. I just saw a perfect example of this in Mr. Rosen's site. (sorry to keep bringing you up all the time lately) Sorry to be pointing fingers at you, but on this count you may want to rethink your stance, or take as much time as you need to fry my ass in a rebuttle.

right now i have none pict professional so is hard to tell how my potential are!!!and i don't even know because i don't have the ocasion to try it when i will have we can talk about again!!

Oct 01 06 11:41 am Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

I might be wrong here, but I think "you" are supposed to be able to see her potential. There are a ton of examples on this site of people that don't look good because some hack butchered them, right next to a stunning image done by someone that made them look good. I just saw a perfect example of this in Mr. Rosen's site. (sorry to keep bringing you up all the time lately) Sorry to be pointing fingers at you, but on this count you may want to rethink your stance, or take as much time as you need to fry my ass in a rebuttle.

I agree with you!!!!!!

Oct 01 06 11:47 am Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

I looked at your photos.  I can't see anything about them that would make me interested in shooting you.  What style do YOU want?  Also, the photos are pretty boring and poorly executed.

Think about a style you want to have and hire a photographer that will do it for you.  Check their work and make sure it's good.  Once you have that complete, think of another style you think you'd like to have and hire another photographer (or the same) and get that style nailed down.  Before you know it, you'll have a real portfolio going.

Now, before you get too deep, you need to think about WHAT modeling means to you.  What do YOU want to get out of it.  What kind of work do you want.  Do not say, "I want to be paid."  If that's all you want, you can get a job at McDonald's. They pay.

You want to be a bikini model for Venus?  Contact them, find out their requirements and whether or not you meet them.  You want to runway, find out their requirements and find out if you meet them.

Maybe the people that are saying you can't model is because you're saying something like...

I want to be a fashion model and walk the runways of New York and Milan.  Well, if that is the case, they are being honest.  You're too short.  If you want to try and break down some walls and represent the short girls, feel free but be ready for failure.  In fact, expect to fail.  But, things do happen and people change, maybe you'll be the one to change it.  But then, it's been that way for a very long time and isn't likely going to change.

WOW! I believe I agree with the remark about seeing the potential. She asked for advice. Not to be degraded. It's obvious she is just starting out. I am personally just starting out and there is a lot I don't know. Just give her something to start with. I am pretty sure starting out as a needed help, had to ask questions...didn't know what the hell you were doing...but it's obvious from the response you gave her why you're on the opposite side of the lens....

Oct 01 06 11:47 am Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Applebutta wrote:

WOW! I believe I agree with the remark about seeing the potential. She asked for advice. Not to be degraded. It's obvious she is just starting out. I am personally just starting out and there is a lot I don't know. Just give her something to start with. I am pretty sure starting out as a needed help, had to ask questions...didn't know what the hell you were doing...but it's obvious from the response you gave her why you're on the opposite side of the lens....

ARE U NEW TOO? It's nice to see that sometimes people give u chance to prove if u can or u can't!!!

Oct 01 06 11:50 am Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

Mirabela wrote:

ARE U NEW TOO? It's nice to see that sometimes people give u chance to prove if u can or u can't!!!

The most important piece of advice that I have for you Mirabela is that you can't let what other people say or do determine how seriously you take your dream. If you allow this to happen, then you're not living out your're allowing other people to take it from you. You will have to live with that regret for the rest of your life...they just have their 2 seconds to give their opinion and go on their way. After they've voiced what their opinion...then they are gone about the rest of their day pursuing things that are important to them. Do your research. Find people who fit the "image" that you are trying to portray...ask them where they started, how they started....etc. If you want to get somewhere, you have to surround yourself with successful people who have been where you are and are already where you're trying to get to. Sorry...that's my Sunday morning sermon...Amen...amen...

I'll pass around the tithing and offering bowl after announcements.

Oct 01 06 11:57 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Well, this goes to show why I'd never make it as a professional photog..

She's cute.. She has a dancer's build and flexibility..  And she's eager to learn..

I'd shoot her in a heartbeat..

Except, that I wouldn't even bring up an offer, because, like so many here.. She seems to be looking with an eye towards fashion and magazines, and I know the kind of stuff I'd like to do with her isn't going to get her any closer to that..


To each, their own..

Oct 01 06 12:04 pm Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Before I comment I want to clarify something. In your stats your measurements are listed as 29-35-33.

Are those measurements correct?

Oct 01 06 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Applebutta wrote:

The most important piece of advice that I have for you Mirabela is that you can't let what other people say or do determine how seriously you take your dream. If you allow this to happen, then you're not living out your're allowing other people to take it from you. You will have to live with that regret for the rest of your life...they just have their 2 seconds to give their opinion and go on their way. After they've voiced what their opinion...then they are gone about the rest of their day pursuing things that are important to them. Do your research. Find people who fit the "image" that you are trying to portray...ask them where they started, how they started....etc. If you want to get somewhere, you have to surround yourself with successful people who have been where you are and are already where you're trying to get to. Sorry...that's my Sunday morning sermon...Amen...amen...

I'll pass around the tithing and offering bowl after announcements.

THANX U very much for ur advise and i really think that yesturday i was upset but i thought a lot about and this is my dream and i wanna try to realize it!!!So i'm gonna ask info and work harder to meke it true!!

Oct 01 06 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Before I comment I want to clarify something. In your stats your measurements are listed as 29-35-33.

Are those measurements correct?

i have no idea i think i wrong something in italy they have different measuring LOL

Oct 01 06 12:22 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
Well, this goes to show why I'd never make it as a professional photog..

She's cute.. She has a dancer's build and flexibility..  And she's eager to learn..

I'd shoot her in a heartbeat..

Except, that I wouldn't even bring up an offer, because, like so many here.. She seems to be looking with an eye towards fashion and magazines, and I know the kind of stuff I'd like to do with her isn't going to get her any closer to that..


To each, their own..


Oct 01 06 12:23 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

I'd like to be a famous fashion photographer but sadly I lack the talent most
of the people that make a living have.  I still enjoy shooting but I sorta know
where I'm at and I also know what it takes to move up.  When people look at
photos of models some can see potential some won't.  Some can imagine or envision  better shots for her some can't.  There are models I've seen with web
cam level images I would pay a million bucks to shoot others I've seen with pro
level images I wouldn't pay if I had Bill Gates money.  This young lady has stated
her brother took her images so its now up to her to pursue better photographers.
Based on her height and over all look she won't be a fashion model but she is
attractive and can model and enjoy doing so.  The world is very large and everyone can find their place in it.  If you can't help, get the fu$% out of their way.

Oct 01 06 12:25 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
I'd like to be a famous fashion photographer but sadly I lack the talent most
of the people that make a living have.  I still enjoy shooting but I sorta know
where I'm at and I also know what it takes to move up.  When people look at
photos of models some can see potential some won't.  Some can imagine or envision  better shots for her some can't.  There are models I've seen with web
cam level images I would pay a million bucks to shoot others I've seen with pro
level images I wouldn't pay if I had Bill Gates money.  This young lady has stated
her brother took her images so its now up to her to pursue better photographers.
Based on her height and over all look she won't be a fashion model but she is
attractive and can model and enjoy doing so.  The world is very large and everyone can find their place in it.  If you can't help, get the fu$% out of their way.

The last sentence what exacly mean???? that i have to give up with out try??

Oct 01 06 12:30 pm Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
I'd like to be a famous fashion photographer but sadly I lack the talent most
of the people that make a living have.  I still enjoy shooting but I sorta know
where I'm at and I also know what it takes to move up.  When people look at
photos of models some can see potential some won't.  Some can imagine or envision  better shots for her some can't.  There are models I've seen with web
cam level images I would pay a million bucks to shoot others I've seen with pro
level images I wouldn't pay if I had Bill Gates money.  This young lady has stated
her brother took her images so its now up to her to pursue better photographers.
Based on her height and over all look she won't be a fashion model but she is
attractive and can model and enjoy doing so.  The world is very large and everyone can find their place in it.  If you can't help, get the fu$% out of their way.

I agree with you Tony. Everyone has a different vision and a different objective. It's best to find the right market and pursue that market. I had to learn that myself.

Oct 01 06 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Applebutta wrote:

I agree with you Tony. Everyone has a different vision and a different objective. It's best to find the right market and pursue that market. I had to learn that myself.

was hard for u when u start?

Oct 01 06 12:42 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Mirabela wrote:

The last sentence what exacly mean???? that i have to give up with out try??

It means if people aren't willing to help you or can't then they should leave you
alone.  Too often people are ready to tell us we can't.  I have a friend who has
a daughter in med school.  Two of our other friends told her before she was
accepted into med school to just be a nurse (nothing wrong with being a nurse.)
and both these people are doctors. They felt it would be too hard for this young
women to be a doctor.  Its good to listen to people who know what they are
talking about but this is YOUR life so pursue your dreams.

Oct 01 06 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:

It means if people aren't willing to help you or can't then they should leave you
alone.  Too often people are ready to tell us we can't.  I have a friend who has
a daughter in med school.  Two of our other friends told her before she was
accepted into med school to just be a nurse (nothing wrong with being a nurse.)
and both these people are doctors. They felt it would be too hard for this young
women to be a doctor.  Its good to listen to people who know what they are
talking about but this is YOUR life so pursue your dreams.

yes i agree with u i think i'm old in half to make my choise in my life and if someone really want something rational i think shoul try until they understand bye theyself if is a good thing or not!!!

Oct 01 06 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

Mirabela wrote:

was hard for u when u start? was...I wanted to model since I was in highschool. I kept getting turned down, but I was pursuing it all wrong. I just recently picked it back up. When I learned that there were lots of other markets out there...I decided to try again. There is print work, commercials....etc. There are make up ads, parts modeling...there are tons of different avenues you can take. To be honest with's still hard...because people have their height, weight, etc requirements and numbers can be deceiving. Just remember that in the same way you may not want to do certain types of modeling, there are photographers that may not want to work with certain types of models. Nothing to take offense in, but just remember...they have an idea of what they need and what they are trying to achieve just like you do. You just have to let people's negativity slide off your back. Don't let it get to you.

Oct 01 06 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:

It means if people aren't willing to help you or can't then they should leave you
alone.  Too often people are ready to tell us we can't.  I have a friend who has
a daughter in med school.  Two of our other friends told her before she was
accepted into med school to just be a nurse (nothing wrong with being a nurse.)
and both these people are doctors. They felt it would be too hard for this young
women to be a doctor.  Its good to listen to people who know what they are
talking about but this is YOUR life so pursue your dreams.

I agree.

Oct 01 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Applebutta wrote: was...I wanted to model since I was in highschool. I kept getting turned down, but I was pursuing it all wrong. I just recently picked it back up. When I learned that there were lots of other markets out there...I decided to try again. There is print work, commercials....etc. There are make up ads, parts modeling...there are tons of different avenues you can take. To be honest with's still hard...because people have their height, weight, etc requirements and numbers can be deceiving. Just remember that in the same way you may not want to do certain types of modeling, there are photographers that may not want to work with certain types of models. Nothing to take offense in, but just remember...they have an idea of what they need and what they are trying to achieve just like you do. You just have to let people's negativity slide off your back. Don't let it get to you.

i know but sometime is hard like the first day in here i was soo upset about all the bad comments abd now i understand that every one have a different type of thinking so i will accept every comment some people will like me and some one will hate!!!If the word will be all the same will be boring!!!

Oct 01 06 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

I put 2 new pict what i just finish take do u think i have to delete them or i can leave it untile i will get a nice one!!!!???

Oct 01 06 12:56 pm Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

Even if some of the comments are negative or mean spirited....just try to take the positive out of weight shows 145lbs. That seems heavy for a short person of 5'1 feet. The problem is though, I am top heavy and my weight is very proportionate. I've gotten comments about my weight and lack of height. So, what I have done is taken more full body pictures so that it is displayed that my weight is proportionate. I have also been told that my expressions don't seem to change much or that I use one pose too much...I use this as constructive criticism and try to apply it. You just have to learn the difference and experience will give you that knowledge.

Oct 01 06 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Applebutta wrote:
Even if some of the comments are negative or mean spirited....just try to take the positive out of weight shows 145lbs. That seems heavy for a short person of 5'1 feet. The problem is though, I am top heavy and my weight is very proportionate. I've gotten comments about my weight and lack of height. So, what I have done is taken more full body pictures so that it is displayed that my weight is proportionate. I have also been told that my expressions don't seem to change much or that I use one pose too much...I use this as constructive criticism and try to apply it. You just have to learn the difference and experience will give you that knowledge.

every comment help u learn about ur selft !!

Oct 01 06 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 101

Greenville, South Carolina, US

Try doing this....Do a search for models around your height and weight. Message them and ask them for some insight or advice as to the type of wardrobe, make up and even hair styles they like to use the most. If any of them sound like good advice or if any of that info seems to be in the same direction that you're going in...then try it. Try different poses in the mirror. Put on music and dance to it. Play with your facial expressions. When you are ready and are comfortable, do a search for Photographers in your area in NC. Contact them and find out what their rates are and what their availability is. Explain to them that you are needing a portfolio. You may need to do research to make sure their rates are reasonable. You want to be sure that the quality of work matchs the pricing. If it looks like something you can do at home. Don't pay for it. Since you are starting out, you may want to consider working with photographers that don't mind doing TFP/CD shoots. This way, if your first professional photos don't seem usable, you won't be out of pocket too much. Make sure you choose the photographers that seem to have the types of images you would not mind doing yourself. Then apply all of relevant information that you have gathered from different models and photographers.

Oct 01 06 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Applebutta wrote:
Try doing this....Do a search for models around your height and weight. Message them and ask them for some insight or advice as to the type of wardrobe, make up and even hair styles they like to use the most. If any of them sound like good advice or if any of that info seems to be in the same direction that you're going in...then try it. Try different poses in the mirror. Put on music and dance to it. Play with your facial expressions. When you are ready and are comfortable, do a search for Photographers in your area in NC. Contact them and find out what their rates are and what their availability is. Explain to them that you are needing a portfolio. You may need to do research to make sure their rates are reasonable. You want to be sure that the quality of work matchs the pricing. If it looks like something you can do at home. Don't pay for it. Since you are starting out, you may want to consider working with photographers that don't mind doing TFP/CD shoots. This way, if your first professional photos don't seem usable, you won't be out of pocket too much. Make sure you choose the photographers that seem to have the types of images you would not mind doing yourself. Then apply all of relevant information that you have gathered from different models and photographers.

i start do that and i'm talking right now for the rate and see what is gonna happen. for the pose i'm natural i do dance so i have a really creative pose sometime the most crazy one!!I show some of my pict to the photographer and they tell me that will be not a problem for that so i have to look how much is gonna cost but i don't care i wanna start!!!

Oct 01 06 01:27 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Applebutta wrote:
Try doing this....Do a search for models around your height and weight. Message them and ask them for some insight or advice as to the type of wardrobe, make up and even hair styles they like to use the most. If any of them sound like good advice or if any of that info seems to be in the same direction that you're going in...then try it. Try different poses in the mirror. Put on music and dance to it. Play with your facial expressions. When you are ready and are comfortable, do a search for Photographers in your area in NC. Contact them and find out what their rates are and what their availability is. Explain to them that you are needing a portfolio. You may need to do research to make sure their rates are reasonable. You want to be sure that the quality of work matchs the pricing. If it looks like something you can do at home. Don't pay for it. Since you are starting out, you may want to consider working with photographers that don't mind doing TFP/CD shoots. This way, if your first professional photos don't seem usable, you won't be out of pocket too much. Make sure you choose the photographers that seem to have the types of images you would not mind doing yourself. Then apply all of relevant information that you have gathered from different models and photographers.

I also wanted to say you are a FINE ass sister.  I know I hijacked the thread, so
anybody that cares can sue me.

Oct 01 06 01:35 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:

I also wanted to say you are a FINE ass sister.  I know I hijacked the thread, so

anybody that cares can sue me.

Oct 01 06 01:42 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

I jus add two pict and can i know what u think about!and wich one is beter

Oct 01 06 02:52 pm Link


mad city fine arts

Posts: 137

Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, US

Mirabela wrote:
il problema che per ora voglio iniziare cn photo normali!!

Non intendo offesa, ma che cosa è una foto normale? Farei personalmente un photographer terribile di modo. Per me, l'arte viene naturalmente. Quello è normale per me.

Ma nei riguardi alla vostra cartella, specificamente: Penso che dovrte trovare un photographer per convincervi alcune immagini di base per cominciare con. Le immagini che avete ora non sembrano professionali. ma con alcuni realmente buoni, immagini di base, potreste potere aprire più portelli.

Oct 01 06 03:36 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

mad city fine arts wrote:

Non intendo offesa, ma che cosa è una foto normale? Farei personalmente un photographer terribile di modo. Per me, l'arte viene naturalmente. Quello è normale per me.

Ma nei riguardi alla vostra cartella, specificamente: Penso che dovrte trovare un photographer per convincervi alcune immagini di base per cominciare con. Le immagini che avete ora non sembrano professionali. ma con alcuni realmente buoni, immagini di base, potreste potere aprire più portelli.

Normali intendo nulla di nudo!!!Cmq sto guardande x un fotografo e presto avro buone foto nel mio profilo!

Oct 01 06 03:43 pm Link



Posts: 876

Sunbury, Pennsylvania, US

Mirabela wrote:
i just can't understand why only gorgeus girl can be a model and take photoshoot!!!!

Did you see Victoria's Secret commercial for Christmas? I forget what number she was, but the one was NOT gorgeous....

it's Altitude!!

Oct 01 06 04:13 pm Link


charles kafka

Posts: 109

Burlington, Vermont, US

I think this is a great question.
Fashion changes. In a world of short people. Tall people become vogue. In times of poverty, Slightly overweight girls are considered beautiful. and in times of plenty, underweight girls are considered "in".

Times and tastes change. Tall girls on film (just a two dimensional, still likeness ) are easier to photograph, generally I find a camera placed at belly button height gives the best images of girls.  I suppose as photographers become more solvant, they would naturally pick models that would make them stoop less, even if they had to pay more.

I happen to specialize in what I call "alternative beauty".  Just people being what they naturally are , beautiful.  that includes of course tall, busty girls, but also includes anyone who can shine in front of a camera.

basically, tastes and attitudes change,  its catching the market at the right time, and place, and meeting up with the right people.

I saw the pictures you have online.  You seem willing to work in different styles, and seem easy to work with.
Keep up the great work, try and work, with as many photographers, and get as many pictures as possible. 
I work with TFP, and paid work. when I consider Paid work. I look at the models online works, for certain things im looking for. then I look at her credits, who she has worked for in the past. if the list is long, and the photographers prestigious, and she is exactly what I'm looking for.  I will pay for a shoot.  Otherwise I ask for TFP, or a test shoot. to see if we work well together, and im going to get the images I want. It also allows her to see how comfortable she feels about working with me, and is comfortable with my style of posing, and the images I try and go for.  If we work incredibly well together.  I will ask her for paid work next time, with a description of the shoot, and what is expected of her.
Paid work - its what i'm looking for.  Full release
TFP- Pictures we can both use and will use. Limited Release and if there are any images that can produce commercially profitable pictures, I contact her, for an upgrade to the release, or ask her back for a re-shoot the photo.

Oct 01 06 04:28 pm Link


mad city fine arts

Posts: 137

Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, US

Mirabela wrote:
Normali intendo nulla di nudo!!!Cmq sto guardande x un fotografo e presto avro buone foto nel mio profilo!

Io non avete significato il nudo in particolare, ma state cercando un bikini sulla spiaggia? o vestiti convenzionali? o qualcosa più artstic?

quelle sono domande che contribuiranno a formare il senso che state andando

Oct 01 06 05:57 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

retphoto wrote:

Did you see Victoria's Secret commercial for Christmas? I forget what number she was, but the one was NOT gorgeous....

it's Altitude!!

yea i saw that one!!

Oct 01 06 09:52 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

charles kafka wrote:
I think this is a great question.
Fashion changes. In a world of short people. Tall people become vogue. In times of poverty, Slightly overweight girls are considered beautiful. and in times of plenty, underweight girls are considered "in".

Times and tastes change. Tall girls on film (just a two dimensional, still likeness ) are easier to photograph, generally I find a camera placed at belly button height gives the best images of girls.  I suppose as photographers become more solvant, they would naturally pick models that would make them stoop less, even if they had to pay more.

I happen to specialize in what I call "alternative beauty".  Just people being what they naturally are , beautiful.  that includes of course tall, busty girls, but also includes anyone who can shine in front of a camera.

basically, tastes and attitudes change,  its catching the market at the right time, and place, and meeting up with the right people.

I saw the pictures you have online.  You seem willing to work in different styles, and seem easy to work with.
Keep up the great work, try and work, with as many photographers, and get as many pictures as possible. 
I work with TFP, and paid work. when I consider Paid work. I look at the models online works, for certain things im looking for. then I look at her credits, who she has worked for in the past. if the list is long, and the photographers prestigious, and she is exactly what I'm looking for.  I will pay for a shoot.  Otherwise I ask for TFP, or a test shoot. to see if we work well together, and im going to get the images I want. It also allows her to see how comfortable she feels about working with me, and is comfortable with my style of posing, and the images I try and go for.  If we work incredibly well together.  I will ask her for paid work next time, with a description of the shoot, and what is expected of her.
Paid work - its what i'm looking for.  Full release
TFP- Pictures we can both use and will use. Limited Release and if there are any images that can produce commercially profitable pictures, I contact her, for an upgrade to the release, or ask her back for a re-shoot the photo.

i think this is a really good answere!!!!

Oct 01 06 09:56 pm Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

this post help me understand a lot think about the models word and i think is a really big step!!I never thought that is gonna be hard !!!

Oct 02 06 11:37 am Link



Posts: 138

Durham, North Carolina, US

modeling is been harder day after day!!!

Oct 02 06 10:22 pm Link