Forums > General Industry > Is this a real Gucci contract or a scam????


Danella Lucioni

Posts: 535

Florence, Toscana, Italy

Please I'd like to know for sure if this is a scam... which seems to me very much so.
Now, I am not naive, but it is "too good to be true", thus it is a scam. Wouldn't Gucci go through an agency to look for models? And 700 grand? That's pretty stupid to pay a model like me that much!
Please MMers... watch out for this crap!
Here is the info. I received this email today (to my personal email [email protected]):
Dear model,
            Gucci,united kingdom is inviting you to model in our up
coming programme,whereby we employ the services of models to promote our products.We wish to inform you that this contract will span for a period  of 2 weeks
If you are intrested do contact us.
Garry Wells

And I responded really briefly asking for more info, and got this:
4 Grafton St,
London, W1S 4EF, United Kingdom.

         Dear Model/Manger
                   We the members of Gucci promotional office are very enthusiastic that we are proposing to employ the modeling services of a model of your calibre.From your photos and outstanding details,which we saw online,we are very confident that, you will carry out the task of modeling for us competently.And we envisage that,this will be the beginning of a splendid working relation between you and Gucci,here in London.

                   Additionally,the modeling contract we are offering you will span for a period of two weeks,starting from the 12th of October,2006.The contract is a gold-rated contract because we are making use of highly exclusive and exotic models,just like you.That's why,we are offering to pay you the sum of $700.000.00 during this period,with your feeding,accommodation and airfare included.

                   Moreso,Gucci will pay 40% of the $700.000.00 into your account at your current location,so that you can have money to purchase your flight tickets,book an hotel and meet other miscellaneous expenses before coming over to London.Please note,in the event of you accepting this contract;we paying 40% of the $700.000.00 into your account and you not showing up for the contract,can make us take a legal action against you.Subsequent payments of the remaining 60% of the $700.000.00 will be made into your personal account while you are in London.You are free to bring along your manger and any other accommplice to London and your safety and security during your work and stay in London under Gucci is hundred percent guaranteed.
                  Furthermore,the aim of the program or contract,we are setting up is to employ the services of highly exclusive models to promote our products,so that we can have an edge over other designer clothes manufacturers in stiff competition with Gucci.

Please fill the form below with the exact details:



Phone Number______________________________________________




Hair colour___________________________

Eye colour___________________________

Bust size____________________________

Waist size___________________________

Hip Size_____________________________

Shoe size___________________________
Do you have a tattoo?__________

Do you have any piercings______
What companies have you modeled for_____________________________________


For how long have you been modeling________________
Name of manager if any_______________________

Have you modeled outside your current location___________

If yes,where________________________

What are your exact modeling specialties(mark with X):
Glamour       _______
Gothic          _______
Artistic Nude _______
Erotic           _______
Print             _______
Sport            _______
Lingerie        _______
Runaway      _______
Web            _______
Fashion         _______

Please attach four recent photos of yourself to your reply mail along with the form above.We sincerely hope to have a good working relationship with you and your reply is most anticipated.

                                                                         Garry Wells
                                                                Director,Gucci Promo Office,London

Now, I am not naive, but it is "too good to be true", thus it is a scam. Wouldn't Gucci go through an agency to look for models? And 700 grand? That's pretty stupid to pay a model like me that much!

Please MMers... watch out for this crap!

Sep 25 06 02:37 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Gucci would go through an agency. And a major one at that.

Sep 25 06 02:39 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Alfred Mercado

Posts: 26

Los Angeles, California, US

Girl someone is playing a joke on U.

Sep 25 06 02:41 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

NO! It's a scam. It's been done in numerous ways. It's a way for crooks to get your banking info, etc... saying, this, that, the other... they're or need to deposit such and such amount into your account, blah, blah, blah...

Yes, it's a scam.

Sep 25 06 02:41 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Without even reading your post, OP, it's a scam.

Sep 25 06 02:42 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand


Sep 25 06 02:42 pm Link



Posts: 138

Newark, California, US

I must say... they are so eloquent with their bullsh*t.  Definitely a scam.


Sep 25 06 02:43 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US


I do wonder who these guys are fooling with all their webspeak. I've never known anybody off the web to talk like that. "What are your modelling specialties? Gothic???? Feel free to bring an escort????" *rolling eyes* I think the scamsters, who clearly know nothing about the industry, are getting their info off sites like MM and OMP.

Yeah, this is a rather creative variation on the Nigerian banking scam. They need a bank acct info to transfer that 40% into, don't they?

Anybody call up that number, BTW? I'm curious what sort of recording they'll have on there.

Sep 25 06 02:44 pm Link



Posts: 64

Paramus, New Jersey, US

This is a variation of the Nigerian check scam.

Sep 25 06 02:44 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 243

Los Angeles, California, US

Hi I've seen many posts like this and all the jobs come from UK. First of all unless you have a work visa or EU Passport you can't work abroad it's illegal.Reputable agencies know that. Second  Gucci will go only trough the big agency like Ford, Elite etc.

Sep 25 06 02:45 pm Link



Posts: 42

Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, US

It sounds like a scam - really, really poor english and all. They are phishing for your account#, etc.

Hey, I've won over a half dozen European lotteries for 1M Euro (and I haven't even entered one).:-)   LouS.

Sep 25 06 02:45 pm Link


Danella Lucioni

Posts: 535

Florence, Toscana, Italy

i thought so. just double checking.

girls, be aware

Sep 25 06 02:46 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

BTW, don't feel bad like you're being a target because you look like a stupid web model. You do have a nice look. These bastards are just trolling. Good on you for spotting it.

Sep 25 06 02:47 pm Link


Gallery Row Studio

Posts: 202

Lakewood, Ohio, US

Sorry to admit, but it is DEFINETELY a scam:( To get your bank account number. Just like those "princes and heirs" from Africa, who "inherited millions" and need you to transfer the money for them, using your personal account number. I had no idea they got to models now...
The main reasons it is a scam:
1. Gucci would definetely go through an agency
2. Even if someone at Gucci would go crazy when they accidentally saw your profile, they would not be asking for your stats. This is just a cover up to confuse you...

Sep 25 06 02:49 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

The mere fact that you were approached via email marks it as a scam...

Sep 25 06 02:52 pm Link



Posts: 273

Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
Without even reading your post, OP, it's a scam.

now this is what i call a scam, ...... not when agencies themselves contact u.. and have their shit posted all over the internet about what there hosting

Sep 25 06 02:57 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US


I don't know anything about the "real industry" but there are some things in life we can safely make assumptions about and not get burned.

For this type of work, if it sounds like a scam, it is scam.

Think of this way.  Little people like me, if an opportunity presented itself, would contact you in that matter.  With the exception being that it'd do here so that you have a profile attached with my e-mail.  Or, if I knew you through perhaps your personal website, I'd be sure to link you to my work so you review an do some homework on me.

A client such as Gucci, Louis Vitton, Disney, etc, they aren't going to cold-call you.  Even if you were a super-model, they aren't going to cold-call you like this.  They will dig and dig and dig until they find you and call you so they can arrange for a meeting and they will not be asking for your stats because presumably if they are really interested in you, they will already know this (because they'll have done their homework).

Other warning signs, anything from the United Kingdom, Nigeria, and Australia are to be suspect.  More nations/cities to be added in the future I'm sure. smile

Sep 25 06 02:59 pm Link


Danella Lucioni

Posts: 535

Florence, Toscana, Italy

inese wrote:
Hi I've seen many posts like this and all the jobs come from UK. First of all unless you have a work visa or EU Passport you can't work abroad it's illegal.Reputable agencies know that. Second  Gucci will go only trough the big agency like Ford, Elite etc.

Well, I am an italian citizen, and have an EU passport, so i thought they found that out cause i have it in my website.

i knew they go through agencies, that's why i was skeptic. but i was double checking.... cause i am stupid today

Sep 25 06 03:00 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

This type of scam has been mentioned many, many times on MM before.

It's a typical 'nigerian 419' scam, and they're intending to do one of three of the following things:

They're claiming that they'll put some money into your account, hoping that you'll divulge the personal information.  Then they will clean out your account of every dollar, euro, lira, or pound that's in it.


They'll send you a really huge check, overpaying you... but they'll want you to return the balance via Western Union or Moneygram.  The check to you will be returned to your bank a few weeks later because it's fake, and then your bank will take the full amount right back out of your account.  In addition the 'balance' sent to them via Western Union will never be recouped by you because it's not returnable and untraceable.


Require you to give them a few grand as a 'deposit' for travel expenses to insure that you'll show up.  Unfortunately, they'll receive the deposit, and you'll never hear from 'em again... nor will you get any air tickets or refunds... the whole thing is a scam.

Sep 25 06 03:16 pm Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

Hey, I got this email also.  Aside from the fact that Gucci would never cast over the internet, the most obvious clue it's a scam is the yahoo email address it comes from.

Sep 25 06 03:20 pm Link


aesthetix photo

Posts: 10558

Macon, Georgia, US

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
"What are your modelling specialties? Gothic???? Feel free to bring an escort????" *rolling eyes*

I like how Glamour is listed first and Fashion dead last in the list....

Sep 25 06 03:21 pm Link


Danella Lucioni

Posts: 535

Florence, Toscana, Italy

I just wrote him this heart warming email:

Dear "Gary Wells",

First of all, I would like to appreciate the wonderful compliments I received from you. Not only are you a true gentleman, but you also have a way of knowing how to touch a model's heart.

I realize that agency models do not stand to my calibre, and you thus decided to go with a self-managed, superior model like me. I feel flattered, and at the same time, glad that you realized that I was worth $700,000.

In addition, I would love to give you my credit card number, but at the moment I think it is a bit overloaded, as I am getting funds from the heirs of Africa, a fashion show that I found in the internet that I have not done yet, and a few checks from the Will of the last Syberian Prince, which I also found in the Internet.

Among other things, I very much am infatuated by the fact that your grammar is superior and your vocabulary extravagant. It is always a pleasure to be represented by such great individuals, who are not only wise, but know very well how to communicate with others properly.

I respect you greatly, and thank you again for having offered me this life-changing opportunity, which will boost my modeling career immensely. You are a worthy being. Having such altruistic character and empathy for others, like you do, will get you far in life.

Self-esteem, dignity, morale and respect are basic personality traits in this business, and you have got them all.

I already put my info and photos is the mail, you should be getting them soon.

Wish you the best,


Sep 25 06 03:24 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

visit to learn more ways to expose those pesky scammers while having fun and embarassing them at the same time!

Sep 25 06 03:28 pm Link


Caro D

Posts: 22

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Yep, I got one of those lovely "Garry Wells" emails as well.

I went ahead and forwarded the emails to the Gucci Group Media Group.  They're pretty good about going after people using their brand name under false pretenses.

Sep 25 06 04:11 pm Link


Diane Wallace

Posts: 100

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Danella L. wrote:
I just wrote him this heart warming email:

Dear "Gary Wells",...

Daniella, you're too funny! Thanks for making me laugh today! -diane at snapfactory

Sep 25 06 06:46 pm Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

LOL gucci only goes through agencies, every top designer does.

Sep 25 06 06:50 pm Link