Forums > General Industry > Just thought I'd share some stats


Tanya O

Posts: 138

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hugh  Jorgen wrote:
Photoshop takes alot of skill..

It's not just a Majic Button...

It's not how its done!!

It's how its done!!


Hahahha, I know ~ I'm still fumbling along on photoshop. I'm not saying it's easy.. But a fake-Hockney loses a lot of "street cred",  I guess. Hehe.

Aug 12 05 01:32 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

ErinTheArtist wrote:
And sleepy weasel, you wondered why you should get paid for your portrait did say MALL STUDIOS, GLAMOUR SHOTS, YEARBOOK photos....I was not being snide in saying...find babies, families, and kids with braces. But oh no...someone got their feelings hurt and can not take critisism very well.

The only irony here is that your reply to criticism about you was to turn around and attack someone with cheap shots about his work. Nice. Very good way to handle criticism and then tell someone else they can't handle it.

area291 wrote:
It is likely you've come up against one of two things in your hunt for TFP.  You're choosing the wrong people to solicit as it doesn't lend anything new to the professional, or those you solicit see no value in contributing to the hobby or moving forward aspect, yours or theirs.

Oddly enough, I actually read models' profiles before contacting them (I wish some would do the same for me). I am quite picky about the models I select in terms of implied flakiness, experience, and what's already in their portfolio.  I've certainly narrowed my search criteria since I started 2 years ago.

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:
Wow. If you spent half the time shooting that you spend on analyzing statistics about shooting, I bet you'd get a lot more shooting done.

Yeah - the 30 minutes I spent at 1 in the morning has really hampered my shooting.

[ b  wrote:
e c k e r]ps. sleepy weasel... do you think part of the reason models don't respond to your offers is because you have weasel in your name? maybe the girls think you are sneaky and slimey because of it even though i am sure you are an upstanding gentleman. just a thought.

I appreciate the professional response. And actually, that thought occasionally crosses my mind, but I figure the intelligent models would look beyond that and actually visitm my site and see what I do, or look at my other work, or ask for references. If they're too lazy to do that or caught up in a name, then I probably don't want to work with them anyway.

I created my 'company' name because I'm generally goofy and wanted a fun, humorous name. If that's a deterrent for some, then so be it.

Xi wrote:
Sleepy Weasel,  PLEASE tell me your avatar was taken in the REAL Hockney style, and that it isn't just some photoshop magic?

It's manual labor in Photoshop. Each mosaic piece is from the original photo, which I individually reshaped/colored, etc.  I was just messing around with the pic one day to see how it would turn out, and that's what I ended up with.

As a general comment: I don't know where anyone, though, got the impression I was complaining about the # of models I've worked with. My "observation" was the low percentage of actual responses. I do TFP right now. I don't complain when people offer to work for free. My "complaint" is the lack of professionalism shown by others - which I usually notices comes from the "pros" rather than the amateurs.

Aug 12 05 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

If bullshit could fly xtremeartist would be soaring about like an eagle.

Thanks for taking time to share this with us Sleepy Weasel.

Aug 12 05 05:58 pm Link



Posts: 209

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Sleepy Weasel wrote:
But it never surprises me how "pros" can't wait to crap on someone.

uhm, maybe you should think abou the name your using then mate..

sleepy weasel entertainment

sounds like a porn biz to me mate, sounds very sleezy to me.
you may as well call yourself

limp dick entertainment - has the same vibs.

Maybe just the name puts them off for starters..

me on the other hand, only been on these boards for a month or less and have gotten seven tfp offers from models directly, without asking anyone for them, just cos they like my style.

rexy Inc

Aug 12 05 06:49 pm Link



Posts: 851


Mike Panic wrote:
... I wish that people looking to get into this industry would treat it more like what it is, work.  You don't show up, you get fired, show up late and you will be penilized.


Aug 12 05 08:13 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

MarkMarek wrote:
Thanks for taking time to share this with us Sleepy Weasel.

I appreciate the kind remarks.

rexyinc wrote:
uhm, maybe you should think abou the name your using then mate..

sleepy weasel entertainment

sounds like a porn biz to me mate, sounds very sleezy to me.
you may as well call yourself

limp dick entertainment - has the same vibs.

Maybe just the name puts them off for starters..

I make no apologies for having a sense of humor. There's a story behind the name, but I don't need to waste my time explaining to everyone. But if you turn it into a porn name, that's your problem, not mine.  I've been around with this name for 8 years in the various lines of work in art and media.

Aug 13 05 02:33 pm Link



Posts: 2398

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

XtremeArtists wrote:
The most intersting thing is that people are wasting time reading his "stats."

I agree with a lot of what you say extreme but this is retarded.  You sound like you're looking for a flame war, if you don't like the thread why bother posting in it.

Aug 13 05 05:07 pm Link


Zion Imaging

Posts: 890

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

Hugh  Jorgen wrote:
I want 5000 posts  (:-----

Hugh, I'll bet if you paid just the right.....

    Oops.. nevermind..

Aug 13 05 05:17 pm Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1303

Chicago, Illinois, US

XtremeArtists wrote:
The most intersting thing is that people are wasting time reading his "stats."


Aug 13 05 06:20 pm Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1303

Chicago, Illinois, US

Perhaps you need to change something that you are doing. What? I couldn't tell ya. I don't know what your goals are but think about this. If you can't girls to shoot with you for free, then they won't pay you either. Just a thought, not a launch of war.

Aug 13 05 06:29 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I don't think anyone else from the Denver area has posted. I'd be curious to hear their experiences with TFP and the local models here.  I've worked with more out of city models (and contacted fewer) than the Denver area models....which makes me think many of the Denver models are just posers. As I said earlier, I'd bet probably 50% of the models that never respond to me haven't updated their portfolios since I emailed them (we're talking over a year for some).

Aug 13 05 08:28 pm Link