Forums > General Industry > What purpose of manager/agent in model life?



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

Can some who got one explian bit about manager/agent ?
What he/she do for model ?
How much she/he get paid in % from model pay( i understand model paying or manager taking hes/hers pay from model money ) ..?
Just recieve email from person that offering hes agent/manager skills for me.

Sep 24 06 08:03 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

As far as I can tell....they serve no purpose other than hinder a models ability to make money. There are agencies out there that will do a much better job for models than any "manager" ever will.

Sep 24 06 08:08 am Link



Posts: 14895

Seminole, Florida, US

The word Vampire comes to mind, sucking the lifeblood out of the victim and making her think she likes it.

Sep 24 06 08:17 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

joeyk wrote:
The word Vampire comes to mind, sucking the lifeblood out of the victim and making her think she likes it.

Perfect! Lol...

Sep 24 06 08:33 am Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

joeyk wrote:
The word Vampire comes to mind, sucking the lifeblood out of the victim and making her think she likes it.

hehe cool very clear even my bad english allow me to understand purpose of them smile thank you very much smile

Sep 24 06 08:40 am Link


international model

Posts: 39

Brooklyn, New York, US

I see having an agent as point less. But apparently companies that are looking to hire a model would much rather go to an agency than have a model call for a couple of resons.
1. It saves them the stress of looking for the model
2. They want to go to someone who they can trust to show up and do the job. (if a model that is in the agency does't show up to a job they will more than likely get droped. BUT if a regular model not in an agency is a no show, the company is the only one who gets screwed)
I suggest that you get an agency if this is you full time dream.
Just be careful!

Sep 24 06 08:52 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Rabbit86 wrote:
Just recieve email from person that offering hes agent/manager skills for me.

This sounds like the classic "Internet manager", known around here as a "sluggo".  They are widely and properly reviled, and almost never have any useful skills.  It's rare for one of them to actually do a model any good, and much more common for them to hurt a model's career.  Many, many photographers will not hire a model who uses an Internet Model manager.

I'm of mixed mind on "real world" managers.  They serve a useful purpose for some models (normally fashion-model types who are a long way from a fashion market, and sometimes for models with established, successful careers who need someone to look after the business aspects of their careers.)  But for most models it seems to me that "personal managers" are a waste, particularly for models who aren't going to get agencies.

Agencies are another matter.  (You should know that in New York City, "agencies" aren't agencies at all - they are managers - which adds to the confusiion.)  A good agency is almost a necessity for a model who wants a mainstream fashion or commercial modeling career.  But (except for a very few which specialize in glamour work) they generally are not helpful in finding work for glamour type models, or for nude work.

The most common pay for an agency is 20% of a model's fees (plus, often, another 20% that they get from the client).  Some agencies are limited by law to 10%, and some have other fees.  Managers can charge anything from 5% to 25% of a model's bookings, depending on what then can get away with.  Sometimes they can talk an agency into paying some or all of their fees from the agency cut - but that is becoming less common.

Sep 24 06 09:27 am Link



Posts: 467

Białystok, Podlaskie, Poland

TXPhotog wrote:

This sounds like the classic "Internet manager", known around here as a "sluggo".  They are widely and properly reviled, and almost never have any useful skills.  It's rare for one of them to actually do a model any good, and much more common for them to hurt a model's career.  Many, many photographers will not hire a model who uses an Internet Model manager.

I'm of mixed mind on "real world" managers.  They serve a useful purpose for some models (normally fashion-model types who are a long way from a fashion market, and sometimes for models with established, successful careers who need someone to look after the business aspects of their careers.)  But for most models it seems to me that "personal managers" are a waste, particularly for models who aren't going to get agencies.

Agencies are another matter.  (You should know that in New York City, "agencies" aren't agencies at all - they are managers - which adds to the confusiion.)  A good agency is almost a necessity for a model who wants a mainstream fashion or commercial modeling career.  But (except for a very few which specialize in glamour work) they generally are not helpful in finding work for glamour type models, or for nude work.

The most common pay for an agency is 20% of a model's fees (plus, often, another 20% that they get from the client).  Some agencies are limited by law to 10%, and some have other fees.  Managers can charge anything from 5% to 25% of a model's bookings, depending on what then can get away with.  Sometimes they can talk an agency into paying some or all of their fees from the agency cut - but that is becoming less common.

TXTPhotog thank you VERY much for valuable repaly it give a lot to think about and clear a lot of things for me as rookie in this business.
Thank you again.

Sep 24 06 01:36 pm Link



Posts: 37

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

a manager manages your schedule.
an agent gets you work.

Sep 25 06 01:33 am Link


Memi Haute

Posts: 7241

Well, my agent sends me out to castings for jobs and runway shows. Without him, I'd never know when they were or what designers show would be best for my look.

My agency gets 20% of everything I do. I think that's how all agencies do it.

Sep 25 06 03:09 am Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Legitimate agents will get a model work.

Managers (internet photographer/managers) on the other hand...

Sep 25 06 03:21 am Link



Posts: 7840


mine have helped me, advised me, fended off the odd weirdo and provided invaulable support and paper work when needed. Great people and great value (in return for a smile and my appreciation).

Why do vultures get such a bad rap anyway? I think i will start collecting cuddly ones and supporting them LOL I always go for an ''underdog'' ... is that because I'm English?

Sep 25 06 04:01 am Link



Posts: 274

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Down here an agent is the only real way to get commercial work, but they all have shop fronts and staff, but it is still confusing because some make money via fees and photoshoots as opposed to say getting you work in ad's etc.

If you are "freelancing" which generally will mean unemployed or a hobbyist, you do *NOT* need or in fact want a manager, for instance if their only reason to exists is to go through offers from sites like this and others where people freelance, they are not likely to do any good, but in fact harm.

All the best.

Sep 25 06 05:27 am Link