Forums > General Industry > Models/escorts and an attempt at balance


Rick Hughes Photography

Posts: 530

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I read a lot on here about models and escorts.  For one moment let's not talk opinion as much as we talk fact.

Here is the real deal here.  There are two market places.  Agency models almost never bring escorts because they are working with known, reputable photographers.  Online, which is a completely different marketplace, anyone with a disposable weekend camera and a few stolen images can rep themselves as a photographer.

Let's be real here.  You meet some guys that look at photo shoots as a date.  It's sad, but it is no less true.  They get that intimacy out of the shoot.  The girl wants images.  The guy wants to interact with a pretty girl...oh...and take pictures.  Some guys also look at shoots like they are at a strip club with souvenirs.  They get the model as naked as she is willing to go (or as much as they can get her to do) and they get souvenirs...images.

Agencies filter out a lot of the creep factor so those models tend to feel safer.  Models getting an email saying shoot with me are in a different world than agency girls so they have different protection mechanisms...usually an escort.

Now lets also talk fact about how some models abuse this situation.  Some models just want their boyfriends around for reasons like jealousy, or a myriad of other reasons.  Some just want to show off to a friend that they bring or want to hang out with that friend after the shoot so they have them come along.  It's just more fun for them to have an "escort" so they use the safety thing as their reason when it really is not.

Parents?  If the model is under 18 HAVE THEM THERE!  Ok, that was opinion...sorry.  It just seems wise.

Parents are a different breed all together on a shoot.  The model has the parent/child dynamics that play into their mood, etc on a shoot.  That is a problem.  Yeah, most of the time it is not a problem.  Sometimes it is.  That sucks.  Having said that...if I had a daughter you had better bet I would want to be on their shoots if they were photographers found online.  I would at the very least want an escort there.

As a photographer, escorts are an added unnecessary element.  If you need an escort as a reflector holder than get an assistant!  Escorts are an added element that you need to add to the list of things you are managing on a shoot.  Light, shadow, aperture, shutter speed, body strengths and weaknesses, makeup, hair, clothing, blah, blah, blah.  Now you have to add the escort dynamic.  That is an element that pulls you away from focusing entirely on the creative process.  You may judge it necessary.  I am trying to avoid opinion (TRYING).

Here is where I guess I mix in a little opinion, although it seems like common sense.  If you are a model, getting paid by photographers that contact you online,  you do need to be safe.  Opinion on how to do that...don't be lazy...check references.  Yes, it is easier to just take a friend.  Easy is not always best.  Don't be lazy.  Check references, research.  Figure out your true motivations for bringing an escort, and for the escort you are choosing.  Do you choose the best escort, or the one you want because it is more fun for personal reasons?

If you are a photographer, understand that the model does need some kind of safety mechanism.  When I shoot models that are agency models escorts are not an issue because the agency was the filter.  Who is filtering the crap out for the online models?

This brings up one last thing.  There is a maturity factor at play here.  Younger models are not going to reason the way older models or adults do.  They DO need added safety mechanisms because of that.  The photographer needs safety mechanisms with younger models as well.  The problem comes in when the model is...again...lazy.  She does not want to model badly enough to do the actual off camera work so she has a photographer or boyfriend be her "manager".   I am not going to go into this too much, I am just going to say laziness and the spoiled "pretty girl syndrome" of "someone will do it for me" can cause big problems.

Photographers, just be reasonable and think of the model's situation.  Don't compare online models to agency girls.  They are two different worlds.  The comparison does not work.  Models, be reasonable and do your research and act responsibly. 

The real problem is when photographers and models enjoy the experience of shooting more than the final results.  The experience is great, but it needs to be far secondary to achieve really great imagery.  Oops!  That was opinion.  ;-)

Sep 22 06 08:03 am Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Thumbs up!
Great post.
Can we make this a sticky or something?

Sep 22 06 09:10 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

Yuriy wrote:
Thumbs up!

can i recommend the best location of those thumbs in the up position?

this diatribe was just another pallid image of modeling for the clueless.

--face reality

Sep 22 06 10:17 am Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

FaceReality wrote:
can i recommend the best location of those thumbs in the up position?

this diatribe was just another pallid image of modeling for the clueless.

--face reality

With the amount of clueless models here I figure it can't hurt.

Now what were you saying about my thumbs?

Sep 22 06 10:29 am Link


Rick Hughes Photography

Posts: 530

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I had to look up

Sep 23 06 09:48 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Nicely stated!

Sep 23 06 10:35 pm Link


Joe Lee

Posts: 102


If models need an escort, I say bring along a female friend.

Boyfriends and husbands cause unnecessary problems.

Sep 23 06 11:39 pm Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Flowers are pretty.

Sep 23 06 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Ill probly get some demeaning words for this but ah well...somewhere in the title i saw "balance". I normaly eviod the ever so timeless discussion of "zomg ew escorts" but im quite bored at the moment!!(luck u !)

Iv been steady(is that the hot termonology for it still?frag...)for going on 6 years with my other half now and thankfuly, the boy is the only driver i have that is willing to put up with me prior a shoot--and, most impreretive---me throwing up all over the place(i get **VERY** carsick and since NO ONE LIVES NEAR ME DAMN U ALL, i have at LEAST an hour drive ne shoot i go to ...damnit.*complain complain*)So hes my ride to any shoot. In addition, gas. Lets be a little practical here.. im a short black haired glasses wearing corset lacing model who only gets nakid on a rare occation---- Im not getting paid.Iv never been paid in my life. So its TFCD for me. No ones paying for my gas tank so asking him to leave is not only a pain in the ass, but -exxpensive for me.We are saving up for our house and frankly,im a penny pinching bitch so that viods n retalation speeches of "its just [insert trivial amount here]"

Now, as i mentiond my worth( the, short, hair,glasses,corset,alt thingie) i mentiond corsets. A lot of my outfits require some seriouse extra hands if you want me to look my best. And frankly,even if YOU dont want me to look my best, ****I*** insist on nothing lesss. Nothing. On that note: most photographers are too terrorfied to touch a model let alone help me re-situate my tiny lace panties under my corset in a way it doenst show for the semi trnaparent parts of my skirt or what not. And the ones that are happy to do so--tend to be the ones that iv had problems with and were generaly GWC. Granted there is one or 2 photographer that i have no problem being touch posed with, i have no problem them fixing a hair, tucking a strap,etc, but overall its just 10x easier to have someone lace a corset for you when it comes down to it. SO, thats one good point .

He takes his laptop into the other room , puts on his headphones n vegges out. If the shoot goes forever, and we take a break he peeks his head up and im all bouncy to shoot some more. Personal thing though, thats just me.

Lol besides, the joy of having someone run out n get us food while we work is nice..and not every photographer can afford a helper . Agian, im being honest most of the ppl i work with are struggling just like me to push thier passion they arent being published in international vogue.(Pfh. I wish! a lot of photographers i know truely disearve the exposure!)

So yeah, i think they have thier perks..and there are justifications depending on everyones station and tightness of arse.

I am in no way saying that you should allow the 19yr olds overzealious  boyfriend"manager" stand in a room and give like..the Fonz "heyyy" look to his girl or stand over your personal space telling you how to do your job.

But i think like all timeless , immortal MM discussions-- its a matter of judgment. In addition, i think it is very much similiar to how people talk about No Show amatuer models. Yes, your going to get a few flakes--but that doenst mean there arent some girls out there who arent maticiliously scedualing thier work scedual to work with you.^_^

Besides, not everyone has friends you know. LoL

So yeah, my 2 cents^_^

Sep 23 06 11:53 pm Link