Forums > Newbie Forum > New? Well I'm definately new here!


Z Views

Posts: 116

Dallas, Texas, US

Old longer in the business for the money...since many of us starve!  I do this for the love of the art.  Lost much of my work to a fire in 2003.  Rebuilding what I can.  Visit and tell me what you think.  Please don't feel you should say you like something when you don't.  My ego doesn't need feeding and I appreciate all comments.... good, bad....or indifferent.

Hope to see your work as well.

Best Regards to all.


Sep 20 06 02:53 pm Link


Paul E Brumit

Posts: 1

Collinsville, Virginia, US

Howdy Bill....I am also new here just learning how things work.
There seems to be a tight circle.  I am a photographer from southeast
Oklahoma pretty much just starting out.....I am close to completing my
NYI photography course and hoping to find some work with some local
or fairly local models to help me finish off some of my course projects and
of course build up my Portfolio.....I love shooting and it has become such
a burning fire that sometimes it gets scary......Seems the only time Im
alive is when I have my camera in my hand shooting and I never can find
enough to get satisfied........Anyway enough of the blab. As seen as I can
find out how to get to some of your work I check it out and let you know
what I think......However I am not a pro    I do know what I like
and I will speak on that.........Hope to hear from you.......
Take care of yourself and best wishes!!

Paul E Brumit

Sep 21 06 11:38 am Link