Forums > General Industry > terminology


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

When reading post I am jaded due top the terminology used. When I see word like “click” “pic” “photog”  “pretty pic” “umbrella light “I expect to see the work of a GWC I am a photographer I don’t “click the camera” I release the shutter I don’t create “pics” I create images, I have never tried to shoot a “pretty pic” I create strong images. What the hell is an umbrella light ooh that’s some type of strobe or hot light with a umbrella as a light modifier.

If you don’t think your career is worth the cost of professional images why should I think you are worthy of professional images?

Sep 19 06 09:02 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

click is for the mouse you got it all wrong man big_smile

Sep 19 06 09:08 am Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Koray wrote:
click is for the mouse you got it all wrong man big_smile


Sep 19 06 09:16 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

D Robert Gray wrote:



Sep 19 06 09:19 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

What's wrong with Click?  He's cool.

Sep 19 06 10:47 am Link


Opus Lily

Posts: 822

New York, New York, US

D Robert Gray wrote:
When reading post I am jaded due top the terminology used. When I see word like “click” “pic” “photog”  “pretty pic” “umbrella light “I expect to see the work of a GWC I am a photographer I don’t “click the camera” I release the shutter I don’t create “pics” I create images, I have never tried to shoot a “pretty pic” I create strong images.

I do agree with this, but everyone's defintion of what a GWC is differs. To me a GWC is someone whose work lacks style. A GWC usually has no grasp of styling, be it MU, hair, or clothing. They don't care who they photograph. Some of the best technical photographers fall under this definition of GWC. A GWC can learn lighting, composition, and all the technical things that come with photography. Style is personal taste. It's a sensibility that usually can't be learned. This to me is what seperates good photographers from the GWCs.

Sep 19 06 10:53 am Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

i refer to my pics as pics.  i refer to much of my equipment as "that thingy" or "doohickey".

Sep 19 06 10:56 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

click is for the pen you should use to write off the internet if these little foibles concern you so.  contrary to what some would believe, the internet is a good place to make discovery, not a destination place for those that have arrived.

--face reality

Sep 19 06 11:00 am Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

FaceReality wrote:
click is for the pen you should use to write off the internet if these little foibles concern you so.  contrary to what some would believe, the internet is a good place to make discovery, not a destination place for those that have arrived.

--face reality

Time for the p***ing contest (joke)

This is a craft just like any other respect your craft by at lest learning the correct terminology. Just as if you went to your auto mechanic and he said I have to replace the dohicky that operates the whama ho so the clicky thing will make your breaks work.

If you don’t think your career is worth the cost of professional images why should I think you are worthy of professional images?

Sep 19 06 11:29 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

D Robert Gray wrote:
If you don’t think your career is worth the cost of professional images why should I think you are worthy of professional images?

Why do you keep asking this question?  What does it have to do with this discussion?  I'm confused.

Sep 19 06 11:47 am Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

Why do you keep asking this question?  What does it have to do with this discussion?  I'm confused.

My auto signature inserted in all my post. Its my anti TFP PSA

If you don’t think your career is worth the cost of professional images why should I think you are worthy of professional images?

Sep 19 06 12:03 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

D Robert Gray wrote:

My auto signature inserted in all my post. Its my anti TFP PSA

If you don’t think your career is worth the cost of professional images why should I think you are worthy of professional images?

Pardon the homophobic undertones, but that's gay.

Sep 19 06 12:39 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

D Robert Gray wrote:
My auto signature inserted in all my post. Its my anti TFP PSA

Oh, so you're spamming.  The more models you can degrade, the more likely they are to pay you.  I see.

Sep 19 06 12:50 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

D Robert Gray wrote:
When reading post I am jaded due top the terminology used. When I see word like “click” “pic” “photog”  “pretty pic” “umbrella light “I expect to see the work of a GWC I am a photographer I don’t “click the camera” I release the shutter I don’t create “pics” I create images, I have never tried to shoot a “pretty pic” I create strong images. What the hell is an umbrella light ooh that’s some type of strobe or hot light with a umbrella as a light modifier.

If you don’t think your career is worth the cost of professional images why should I think you are worthy of professional images?

For someone who cares so much about proper terminology, you have horrid grammar. I think that makes you look less professional than saying "pic" on the internet would.

Sep 19 06 12:53 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I'm also does using an umbrella as a modifier make one a bad photographer?

Sep 19 06 12:57 pm Link


caramel delight

Posts: 3

Columbia, Alabama, US

Sep 19 06 01:09 pm Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Oh, so you're spamming.  The more models you can degrade, the more likely they are to pay you.  I see.

No Spam and no degradation, but asking me to work for free (TFP) degrades my work. Its a statement of value, value  your art because I value mine. The highest form complement is payment.

It states that if you value your art then don’t be afraid to go for the best you can afford. It is self-serving a bit  but I always advocate for models to hire  professionals  to get professional  quality. I don’t’ try sell myself but any professional.

We all do what important to us. If someone wants quality work then don’t be afrade to pay for it.  I want learn from Tim Dolph I don’t shoot fetish but I like his conceptual work. He is putting on a workshop the cost is almost 1,000 so I am cutting something else out of  my budget to attend because I value my career and my career is worth it .   

Or I could call Tim and say hay I want to come to your workshop  but its not worth me paying for It give it to me free.

Sep 19 06 01:12 pm Link


GW Burns

Posts: 564

Sarasota, Florida, US

D Robert Gray wrote:
When reading post I am jaded due top the terminology used. When I see word like “click” “pic” “photog”  “pretty pic” “umbrella light “I expect to see the work of a GWC I am a photographer I don’t “click the camera” I release the shutter I don’t create “pics” I create images, I have never tried to shoot a “pretty pic” I create strong images. What the hell is an umbrella light ooh that’s some type of strobe or hot light with a umbrella as a light modifier.

If you don’t think your career is worth the cost of professional images why should I think you are worthy of professional images?

Come on man dont you watch CSI?  Click is the sound a gun makes before it goes off.  Photog is the file of pictures of the crime scene.  Pretty Pic is the device used to scrape up the remains and make it look nice again.  Umbrella Light is the beer you have when you have solved the case....geeesh everyone knows that!  lol

Sep 19 06 01:17 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

D Robert Gray wrote:
No Spam and no degradation, but asking me to work for free (TFP) degrades my work. Its a statement of value, value  your art because I value mine. The highest form complement is payment.

It states that if you value your art then don’t be afraid to go for the best you can afford. It is self-serving a bit  but I always advocate for models to hire  professional  to get professional  quality. I don’t’ try sell myself but any professional.

We all do what important to us. If someone want quality work then don’t be afrade to pay for it.  I want learn from Tim Dolph I don’t shoot fetish but I like his conceptual work. He is putting on a work shop the cost is almost 1,000 so I am cutting something else out of  my budget to attend because I value my career and my career is worth it .   

Or I could call Tim and say hay I want to come to your workshop  but its not worth me paying for It give it to me free.

You're more than welcome to not do collaborative shoots, no one is questioning that.  The question is, why are you inserting a signature with every post on a board that doesn't have signatures, to advertise that fact?  It's confusing, as you can see in this thread.  Isn't putting it in your profile enough?

Sep 19 06 01:19 pm Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
I'm also does using an umbrella as a modifier make one a bad photographer?


My point was that using the term umbrella light Vs strobe or hot light with an umbrella. Not that use of slang terminology will make one a bad photographer, is the PERCEPTION I am referring to

If you don’t think your career is worth the cost of professional images why should I think you are worthy of professional images?

Sep 19 06 01:20 pm Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
I'm also does using an umbrella as a modifier make one a bad photographer?

Oh yes my grammar sucks that why I work in a visual medium

If you don’t think your career is worth the cost of professional images why should I think you are worthy of professional images?

Sep 19 06 01:21 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

D Robert Gray wrote:

Oh yes my grammar sucks that why I work in a visual medium

If you don’t think your career is worth the cost of professional images why should I think you are worthy of professional images?

Then maybe you shouldn't get all high and mighty about terminology!

p.s. Wanna do TFP?

Sep 19 06 01:25 pm Link



Posts: 4062

Charleston, South Carolina, US

D Robert Gray wrote:
If you don’t think your career is worth the cost of professional images why should I think you are worthy of professional images?

Why don't you just post your rates and say "no TFP at this time"? You're being confrontational with your potential client base right off the bat.

Remember that highly successful NIKE campaign with the slogan, "Just Pay For It. We Know You Want It For Free, But What Do We Look Like To You? Our Beautiful Shoes Should Be Worth It To You. If Not, We're Not Sure You're Worthy Of Buying Them."

Marketing genius.

Sep 19 06 01:29 pm Link


caramel delight

Posts: 3

Columbia, Alabama, US

Sep 19 06 01:39 pm Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

e-string wrote:
Then maybe you shouldn't get all high and mighty about terminology!

p.s. Wanna do TFP?

TFP for you sure I will I have been waiting for this moment all my life. This will make me. I have a first class bus ticket at the bus station waiting for you. Just tell them at the gate you will be traveling in the TFP section

Sep 19 06 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

D Robert Gray wrote:

TFP for you sure I will I have been waiting for this moment all my life. This will make me. I have a first class bus ticket at the bus station waiting for you. Just tell them at the gate you will be traveling in the TFP section

I wonder if you caught my real meaning.

Sep 19 06 01:41 pm Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

e-string wrote:

I wonder if you caught my real meaning.

If you feel the need to explain a joke or sarcasm it was ineffective. I may acknowledge you when you have published your first book, or when you are published monthly on a national basis. Until then I wish you happiness Betty White

Sep 19 06 01:52 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

e-string wrote:

I wonder if you caught my real meaning.

I doubt it.  He just wants to hear himself talk about how professional he is.

Sep 19 06 01:54 pm Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
I doubt it.  He just wants to hear himself talk about how professional he is.

Hush can’t you see two men are talking … When I want to hear from you I will rattle your cage

e-string I am not refering to you as a man  it's a line form a song

Sep 19 06 02:08 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Mmmm Mmmmm..

Arrogance tastes just like chicken!

Sep 19 06 02:11 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

D Robert Gray wrote:

If you feel the need to explain a joke or sarcasm it was ineffective. I may acknowledge you when you have published your first book, or when you are published monthly on a national basis. Until then I wish you happiness Betty White

And where exactly did I explain my joke? I was simply pointing out that you didn't seem to catch it. And it seems that someone else did catch it, which was my main goal.

lol @ you not reading my credits and thinking you have anything better. Are YOU published nationally on a monthly basis? (Or published monthly on a national basis, as you call it.) Your trying to start some sort of pissing contest is pretty laughable.

Sep 19 06 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

I doubt it.  He just wants to hear himself talk about how professional he is.

Which, in itself, is unprofessional! wink

Sep 19 06 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I smell a troll!

Sep 19 06 02:19 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

D Robert Gray wrote:
Hush can’t you see two men are talking … When I want to hear from you I will rattle your cage

Oh, I get it now.  He's not just a professional photographer, he's a professional sexist.  Glad we cleared that up.  smile 

Ladies, how many of you are lining up to hand this man your cash?  Show of hands, please.  I'm just curious.

Sep 19 06 02:19 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

D Robert Gray wrote:
My auto signature inserted in all my post.

There are no auto-sigs on MM. You're manually pasting it into every message you post.

D Robert Gray wrote:
No Spam and no degradation, but asking me to work for free (TFP) degrades my work. Its a statement of value, value  your art because I value mine. The highest form complement is payment.

That's what I call bullshit. But, um, to each his own.

Shorthand is not a sin.

Sep 19 06 02:21 pm Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

e-string wrote:
I smell a troll!

I believe that is your top lip you smell

Sep 19 06 02:22 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Shyly wrote:
Oh, I get it now.  He's not just a professional photographer, he's a professional sexist.  Glad we cleared that up.  smile 

Ladies, how many of you are lining up to hand this man your cash?  Show of hands, please.  I'm just curious.

Not my cash, but I certainly would line up to give him something else.  smile

ETA:  Oh and Robert, the highest form of compliment/flattery is imitation, not payment.

Sep 19 06 02:22 pm Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US

i think the ability to continue to grow as an artist is of great importance.  On a paid gig it is not the place to experiment or TEST.

from a fellow photog who takes lots of pixs.


Sep 19 06 02:23 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Shyly wrote:

Oh, I get it now.  He's not just a professional photographer, he's a professional sexist.  Glad we cleared that up.  smile 

Ladies, how many of you are lining up to hand this man your cash?  Show of hands, please.  I'm just curious.

Ooh me! I just love his artistic vision of how money is more important than anything else.

Sep 19 06 02:23 pm Link


D Robert Gray

Posts: 40

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Ched wrote:

D Robert Gray wrote:
My auto signature inserted in all my post.

There are no auto-sigs on MM. You're manually pasting it into every message you post.

That's what I call bullshit. But, um, to each his own.

Shorthand is not a sin.

its an activex snipit that I wrote

Sep 19 06 02:23 pm Link