Forums > General Industry > I dont understand this lingo yet.


Anthony Amenta

Posts: 6

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Hey everyone.

Ok ive seen a bunch of short-term words that i dont get yet.
Can someone help me out on this one...


Much appreciated,


Sep 16 06 12:43 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Not without you telling us what the terms you don't get are.....?

Sep 16 06 12:43 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

I don't get W.G. Rowland

Sep 16 06 12:44 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

thanks means

Sep 16 06 12:44 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US


Sep 16 06 01:45 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

and lol means laugh out load. or it can also mean loaded on life.

Sep 16 06 02:31 am Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

If you hit Alt F4 it displays a list of the most common abreviations use on the site.

Sep 16 06 08:24 am Link


Ivan Aps

Posts: 4996

Miami, Florida, US

Maxwell Digital Art wrote:
If you hit Alt F4 it displays a list of the most common abreviations use on the site.

You're just mean. smile

Sep 16 06 08:27 am Link


Maynard Southern

Posts: 921

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

mfm= man for man
wfm= woman for man
tfm= transexual for man
mfw= man for woman
wfw= woman for woman
tfw= transexual for woman
tft= transexual for transexual
tfm= transexual for man
tfw= transexual for woman
pfm= plushie for man
pfw=plushie for woman
pft= plushie for transexual
pfp= plushie for plushie
pff= plushie for furry
fff= furry for furry
ffm= furry for man
ffw= furry for woman
fft= furry for transexual.

That covers most of the abbreviations that WG Rowland uses...if you need help with anything else, let me know.

Sep 16 06 08:34 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Dude.. You forgot the most important one!

TFP = Time For Pie!

(To the OP.. Just because we're not mean, but DO like to be funny.. Here's the 3 I see most:

TFP = Time For Prints (an arrangement between a photog and model in which the model's time and work is exchanged for prints from the photog instead of money)..
TFCD = Time For CD (same deal, just the model gets a disk of the images.)
GWC = Guy With Camera (or more accurately a Groper With a Penis.. Who's into photography only to try and get laid..  But it gets used way too much, so if you see it, don't worry about it..)

Now back to the fun....

(I Like Pie!  Do you Like Pie?  Would Jesus Like Pie?)

Sep 16 06 09:02 am Link



Posts: 27

Fremont, California, US

what kinda pie?

Sep 16 06 09:11 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

what kinda pie?

Asking what kind of pie is asking which is the one true religion..

I try to stay out of debates that might get me killed..

Sep 16 06 09:14 am Link



Posts: 142

Buffalo, New York, US

I told W.G. Rowland that I didn't plan to post a lot on this site after the gracious comment he left me on the computer crashing post from a couple of days ago, and I'm really not. Doesn't mean I'm not quietly around just observing. I've learned a lot about this little dysfunctional cyber family, of which I am now a member, by choice.

Not to hijack this thing guys, and dolls, but you cats are just fucking mean man! All of you. This is doubtlessly on purpose for some of you, for some it is a half assed attempt at anecdotal humor. Or if you took the time to check W.G.'s blog site, some odd form of cyber social internet addiction? What the fuck?

The kid (meaning the op) is new. He dosen't know what the fucking abbreviations mean. Everyone on here that responded with anything less than helpful to the guy is exemplary of... Hey not to cut myself off in mid sentence, but you know what you guys remind me of? That Brian Depalma movie "Casualties of war". If you haven't seen it, it stars Sean Penn, and Michael J. Fox.

It takes place in Vietnam just prior to the Tet offensive. Fox plays a character not too dissimilar from Charlie Sheen's character in Oliver Stone's "Platoon". You know very idealistic at first, and then over the course of time spent in the literal, and metaphorical jungle of apathy, and disregard, becomes as jaded as the rest of his seasoned war buddies; who later go on to rape this village girl, kill her, and cover up the body.

Now in a way what you all jokingly do to anyone who is new to this site is very much the same thing, metaphorically speaking of course, especially the mega high posters *ahem* (no names neccessary), and some mods. You all have been around long enough to not only know the ropes but what it's like to be new. Somewhere. Anywhere. But now you've all been "In country" so long, you don't think about the how a new person may feel walking into your "house" as it were. Now I know that that's W.G.'s, and all of your sorry attempts at a welcome for the kid, but the op just wanted to know some terms people.

Fuck it. I'll do it. Hey, new guy! Can't you read cherry? Right underneath that horrible banner picture of Tyler in drag, there are listed several options. These options include one labeled "INFO". This option is no less accessible than the others. Upon accessing it you will find the answers that you are so innocently seeking. Once you find them, a word of advice...stay out of the forums. Don't post here. Some people aren't kind souls like me. They don't want to help you. They aren't purposely being mean. They've just been in the jungle too long. They've got that "thousand yard stare". If you don't want to end up jaded like most of these guys...stay away.

Hell, but that's just my advice, maybe you came here to join the "gang". Stick around long enough some of this crap may actually rub off on you! Ha ha! And I like W.G. too! I really do. Parabola I suppose.

At least he, W.G., actually helped the freakin kid! Everybody needs to take a page out of W.G.'s book! Eventually, once you sift through the madness, he's probably one of the most helpful, albeit cryptic people on this site. He is the greatest! He is the best! You people tear him down every chance you get, and you don't even know him!

Woah! Woah. Do I hear the throes of Amber Dean? Doth they echo from some distant chamber? Ok, I'll stop now. Ha ha! I shall diminish. To speak her name may eventually evoke some wrath that I am not presently equipped to deal with.

Hey new guy? Do you understand the "lingo" yet? Just messin with you kid, welcome aboard. Have fun while you're here. Real word of advice, don't take any of this shit to seriously man.

"They're just like pictures in a book Danny". "Just like pictures in a book". -Danny Torrance, from The Shining

Oh, MM, what have you done to me?

Sep 16 06 09:48 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Now I feel guilty....

I think you're taking it a little TOO seriously though..

There SHOULD be disclaimers at the top of every forum announcing, "Abandon all seriousness, all ye who enter here.."

Primer, if you're new:

MM isn't all that mean of a place.. But the forums are filled with people with too much idle time on their hands.  People who've been here a while have often made friends (and occasionally enemies), and spend far too much time joking around with them.

These jokes often jump from forum topic to forum topic, and if you don't have the time to waste catching up (and that's probably a good thing)..  About 75-90% of responses you see on here will not make any sense..

It's generally safe to assume, that if you don't get it or someone sounds overly rude... They're probably carrying over baggage from somewhere else on the forums and you're probably safer not taking it personally.

Oh.. And MM has lots of crazy people..

- a crazy people.

Sep 16 06 10:14 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I'm reading Oliver Twist but I don't know what some of the longer words mean.  Can you help?

Sep 16 06 11:10 am Link


Druid Sacrifice

Posts: 28

Now I just want to know what really happens when I press alt F4, but I'm afraid to try it...

Sep 16 06 11:54 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
Dude.. You forgot the most important one!

TFP = Time For Pie!

(To the OP.. Just because we're not mean, but DO like to be funny.. Here's the 3 I see most:

TFP = Time For Prints (an arrangement between a photog and model in which the model's time and work is exchanged for prints from the photog instead of money)..
TFCD = Time For CD (same deal, just the model gets a disk of the images.)
GWC = Guy With Camera (or more accurately a Groper With a Penis.. Who's into photography only to try and get laid..  But it gets used way too much, so if you see it, don't worry about it..)

Now back to the fun....

(I Like Pie!  Do you Like Pie?  Would Jesus Like Pie?)

Doesn't Groper With Cock work better? Tehe...I said cock...

Sep 16 06 11:57 am Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

Druid Sacrifice wrote:
Now I just want to know what really happens when I press alt F4, but I'm afraid to try it...

come on, do it!

Sep 16 06 11:59 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

You all have been around long enough to not only know the ropes...

Apparently you haven't been around long enough to know the ropes...keep the expletives to PMs...non-members can easily access this section of MM, therefore cursing is not allowed here. And chill out. For real. It's a silly website. There's no need for YOU to go on berating the people here who are trying to keep the mood light. Especially not in an email whose general gist is that people should be nice to each other.

PS...OP (original other words, the person who started the thread...there's another one explained for you smile), if you ever have any questions about particular abbreviations and you don't feel like wading through crap here in the forums, feel free to email me and just ask me personally. If I don't know...I'll ask someone who does so you don't have to worry about searching for hours for an answer.

Sep 16 06 12:03 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

cursing's not allowed?

I'm in twouble!

Sep 16 06 12:21 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US


There you go. Perfect!

Sep 16 06 12:25 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US


(Please stop now.  My Butt Is Sore.)

Sep 16 06 12:28 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:

(Please stop now.  My Butt Is Sore.)


Sep 16 06 12:33 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Doesn't Groper With Cock work better? Tehe...I said cock...

Googler with Cunt i think... Tehe...I said cunt...

Sep 16 06 12:42 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

oldguysrule wrote:

Googler with Cunt i think... Tehe...I said cunt...

I love that's so offensive.

Sep 16 06 03:48 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

I love that's so offensive.

Tehe is offensive?!?!?!

Sep 16 06 03:49 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

Apparently you haven't been around long enough to know the ropes...keep the expletives to PMs...non-members can easily access this section of MM, therefore cursing is not allowed here. And chill out. For real. It's a silly website. There's no need for YOU to go on berating the people here who are trying to keep the mood light. Especially not in an email whose general gist is that people should be nice to each other.

PS...OP (original other words, the person who started the thread...there's another one explained for you smile), if you ever have any questions about particular abbreviations and you don't feel like wading through crap here in the forums, feel free to email me and just ask me personally. If I don't know...I'll ask someone who does so you don't have to worry about searching for hours for an answer.

Actually, swearing is allowed in the forums. Just not in thread titles.

Sep 16 06 03:54 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Pimento wrote:
Hey everyone.

Ok ive seen a bunch of short-term words that i dont get yet.
Can someone help me out on this one...


Much appreciated,


Under the info tab on the tool bar above.

Sep 16 06 03:58 pm Link


Maynard Southern

Posts: 921

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Everybody needs to take a page out of W.G.'s book! Eventually, once you sift through the madness, he's probably one of the most helpful, albeit cryptic people on this site. He is the greatest! He is the best! You people tear him down every chance you get, and you don't even know him!

W.G. is a very nice guy. I am sorry I made fun of his furry/plushie problems. It was very childish, and I apologize.

Sep 16 06 04:00 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
Dude.. You forgot the most important one!

TFP = Time For Pie!

Portugese man.

oh and W.W.B.C.G.D?

Sep 16 06 04:02 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Oh, MM, what have you done to me?

Who are those guy's?

Name that movie. You should have seen what they did to me when I asked the same question the OP asked, why they simply hijacked the thread and I've never been the same. I cry all the time and I miss my mommy.

Besides, what guy in his right mind calls himself pimento? HDWHG!

Sep 16 06 04:03 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Maynard Southern wrote:

W.G. is a very nice guy. I am sorry I made fun of his furry/plushie problems. It was very childish, and I apologize.

My plush furries are not a problem!

I call them, Bob.

Sep 16 06 04:03 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Maynard Southern wrote:
W.G. is a very nice guy. I am sorry I made fun of his furry/plushie problems. It was very childish, and I apologize.


Sep 16 06 04:05 pm Link


Maynard Southern

Posts: 921

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

Yeah...well...after Cicada made a reference to Vietnam and The Shining in his post...I figgered I better cover my bases.

The first step to conquering your addiction is admitting the problem, W.G.!

Sep 16 06 04:09 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Maynard Southern wrote:

Yeah...well...after Cicada made a reference to Vietnam and The Shining in his post...I figgered I better cover my bases.

The first step to conquering your addiction is admitting the problem, W.G.!

But what do you do about a problem like my Randall?

Sep 16 06 04:21 pm Link


Anthony Amenta

Posts: 6

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Well the first day I arrived on MM I was very eager to be on the same page as everyone.

So I quickly made a post in the forums but did not take the time completely examin the website. I did miss the info section >_< .

Sorry for the lousy thread.

I do understand some of the short term phrases such as TFP/CD now.. and thats all I really needed to know at the time.

Thanks for welcoming me to MM in this unique and rather interesting flamed way smile
Sarcasm can be fun but it does have a limit.



Sep 16 06 07:20 pm Link


Ed Stringbourne

Posts: 16319

Kansas City, Missouri, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:

Tehe is offensive?!?!?!

I thought Tet was offensive. Or was that Brusilov? I often get the two confused.

To be honest I do see some abbreviations on here that I don't have a clue what they mean - but be summat to do with me being a Limey and all that. So I just scratch my head and then make a poorly-educated gues.

Sep 16 06 07:30 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

I love that's so offensive.

"C U Next Tuesday"

Sep 16 06 07:38 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
Besides, what guy in his right mind calls himself pimento?

the guy hoping to get inside olive, of course.

Sep 16 06 07:40 pm Link


Anthony Amenta

Posts: 6

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Olives are awesome,
and its my nickname!

Sep 16 06 07:42 pm Link