Forums > General Industry > What is art?


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Pretty simple question...only 3 words even...but what an impossible one to answer! I recently stated in a thread that "art is supposed to evoke emotion," and I received a response stating that I was treading on a slippery slope by trying to define what art is. Granted...this person was completely right in saying that I shouldn't try to define art for other people, because I can really only define it for my statement a fair one to make? I feel it just may be.

I'm genuinely my question to you is this...can you think of anything that to you warrants a title as powerful as "art" that doesn't make you feel anything? (post pictures if you have examples...I love seeing new photos)

Sep 15 06 09:01 pm Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

A bullwhip in a guys butt I think they said wasnt

Sep 15 06 09:02 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Maxwell Digital Art wrote:
A bullwhip in a guys butt I think they said wasnt

Thanks for ruining what was supposed to be a serious discussion tongue

Sep 15 06 09:06 pm Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

Thanks for ruining what was supposed to be a serious discussion tongue

The amazing thing isn't that someone ruined the 'serious discussion' it is that it only took 1 posting to do it.

Sep 15 06 09:08 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Mark Reese Photography wrote:

The amazing thing isn't that someone ruined the 'serious discussion' it is that it only took 1 posting to do it.

You put bullwhip and butthole in the same sentence and I don't care if it's about the Holocaust...the discussion is dead. lol

Sep 15 06 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

Art is not for me to say but for you to feel.
"Music, Music, Music"
"...And God Created Woman"

Both created with 35mm film and a point 'n shoot Nikon.
No digital engineering.
Art, however, comes in many forms all of which have a place in our hearts and minds.
Create and have fun.

Sep 15 06 09:13 pm Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

On my first day, I sure know how to make friends smile

Art has to make you feel.  Feel beauty, feel stupid, feel alone, feel love, feel something. 

Sometimes you may not know what you feel, but you know its something.

Which is why no one person or group can ever say what is art, but you dont know what you consider worthless will make someone else feel.

I have photos like this one

People tell me it looks like a senior photo or just a snap shot.  But I have known this model for 3 years, shes posed for me a dozen times.  I captured something in that shot I never did with her before, her deep in thought, worried about her wedding (its tomorrow).  When I look at that photo I feel everything compassion for everything she's worried about and hope for her future. 

Maybe I only feel that because I know the model.  And maybe to the world it will always just be a snap shot.  But to me, its Art.  So tongue

Sep 15 06 09:16 pm Link


Carl Snider

Posts: 145

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US


At least that's what I'm thinking!

Sep 15 06 09:17 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
You put bullwhip and butthole in the same sentence and I don't care if it's about the Holocaust...the discussion is dead. lol

Actually he's referring to the Robert Mapplethorpe Self portrait which DID show in MoMA so I think it was consider Art by some in the know. And actually illustrates the point that art is like porn. You know it when you see it but you can't make an ironclad written definition of it. And 5 people in a group trying to write one will have 6 different opinions of what is and isn' or art.
To me art is doing something because you feel you have to do it or you are less. NOT because anyone else likes it and definitely NOT for the money. Art is a personal experience that when shared may or may not mean anything. I see things in my images no one else could possibly know. Doe that make them less/ Nope..Casue you'll see things I maybe didn't notice and that will make it a good experience for you. We each have a field of experience that colors everything perception we have. Again, one person's art is another's porn..or maybe matches that couch in the living room so perfectly in its use of color.

Sep 15 06 09:21 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Maxwell Digital Art wrote:
I have photos like this one
[img]=""]Kat #19[/img]

People tell me it looks like a senior photo or just a snap shot.  But I have known this model for 3 years, shes posed for me a dozen times.  I captured something in that shot I never did with her before, her deep in thought, worried about her wedding (its tomorrow).  When I look at that photo I feel everything compassion for everything she's worried about and hope for her future. 

Maybe I only feel that because I know the model.  And maybe to the world it will always just be a snap shot.  But to me, its Art.  So tongue

Or you are just to personally involved to see how ordinary the image actually is. That's why I never select the final imges for my shows or publications. I am to personally involved and choose an image, like you and this image, that to me is spectatular for the very reasons you like yours. And no one else could ever guess them..probably wouldn't even care. So it's a scrap. A souviner. Not art. Or maybe personal art not ready for public consumption. If the viewer is required to understand YOUR field of expierence and disreguard theirs then you are asking way to much of them. I do this all the time.

Sep 15 06 09:29 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

*sigh* is it possible that I've only had one reply so far that actually answered my question? How did my thread go so wrong? sad

Sep 15 06 09:30 pm Link


Rachel Bulisky

Posts: 100

San Francisco, California, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Pretty simple question...only 3 words even...but what an impossible one to answer! I recently stated in a thread that "art is supposed to evoke emotion," and I received a response stating that I was treading on a slippery slope by trying to define what art is. Granted...this person was completely right in saying that I shouldn't try to define art for other people, because I can really only define it for my statement a fair one to make? I feel it just may be.

I'm genuinely my question to you is this...can you think of anything that to you warrants a title as powerful as "art" that doesn't make you feel anything? (post pictures if you have examples...I love seeing new photos)

Sep 15 06 09:30 pm Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

Mike Walker wrote:
to me art is doing something becasue you feel you have to do it or you are less. NOT becasue anyone else likes it adn definately NOT for the money. Art is a personal expierence that wehn shared may or may not mean anything. I see things in my images no one else could possibly know. Doe that make them less/ Nope..casue you'll see things I maybe didn't notice and that will make it a good expierence for you. We each have a field of expierence that colors everthing perception we have. Again, one person's art is another's porn..or maybe matches that couch in the living room so perfectly in it's use of color.

you type wisely Mr. Walker smile

Sep 15 06 09:33 pm Link


Rachel Bulisky

Posts: 100

San Francisco, California, US

a lesb5an friend once told me
i know some g4ys who agree

Sep 15 06 09:33 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

My "today" definition of art is Kaitlin Lara nude in the desert with me behind the camera. And people WILL feel something when they see the images. But art is also about experiencing something. Not just feelings but intellectual stimulation. Also a bit of loose storytelling. Maybe empathy or a chance to live vicariously too.

Sep 15 06 09:34 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Art is what artists make or do.

Art as material object is defined differently by different schools.  It is always made by humans, so it isn't nature.  It may be defined by its beauty.  It may be defined by it's reflections on the life and times of the artist.  It may be defined more closely than that, requiring it ask questions about the human condition.

Art as a process is what artists do. It is the act of making the final product.  It can be cutting stone or printing photographs or developing a score.  It can be in the living, as an artist for example, rather than as a soldier. 

Art is also a diminutive of Arthur.


Sep 15 06 09:37 pm Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

Now I know a model is gonna want an escort if I ask her, "So you wanna go for a drive in the desert?"

Sep 15 06 09:37 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Mike Walker wrote:
My "today" definition of art is Kaitlin Lara nude in the desert with me behind the camera. And people WILL feel something when they see the images. But art is also about experiencing something. Not just feelings but intellectual stimulation. Also a bit of loose storytelling. Maybe empathy or a chance to live vicariously too.

smile Thanks for actually answering the question...and nude in the desert? Sounds long as I don't get sand in my vag...I'm game.

Sep 15 06 09:37 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Art is an intention

If it has input it can be appraised as output

If it was process driven rather than results driven can it be mistakenly or correctly seen as ART - tell me what you think

If done by accident and attributed with ART quality later ... it's possibly valid to the observer/participant but not really ART
(as in when they find it was painted by an  elephant a cat or or a chimpanzee..)

I think intention is a big part if it
Also personally i think SKILL (with the chosen medium) is a major part of it

Sep 15 06 09:39 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Maxwell Digital Art wrote:
Now I know a model is gonna want an escort if I ask her, "So you wanna go for a drive in the desert?"

Actually hardely ever do they bring one. Like 1 in 20 times. the escorts usually come along when we shoot locally. go figure? Another defining art

Sep 15 06 09:39 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Art is also a diminutive of Arthur.


Lol...I love that you closed such a lovely statement with such a horrible goodness...I really have a problem. I laugh way too much about stuff like that.

Sep 15 06 09:39 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Kaitlin Lara wrote:

smile Thanks for actually answering the question...and nude in the desert? Sounds long as I don't get sand in my vag...I'm game.

i garentee you will get flies....

Sep 15 06 09:39 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

smile Thanks for actually answering the question...and nude in the desert? Sounds long as I don't get sand in my vag...I'm game.

Ready when you are! And I always carry lots of water both for drinking AND for 'cleaning up" when necessary. LOL!

Sep 15 06 09:40 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
Also personally i think SKILL (with the chosen medium) is a major part of it

Yep.  Craft is necessary to art.  Picasso was a trained and skilled classic painter before he invented (disputed, of course) Cubism. 


Sep 15 06 09:41 pm Link


Carl Snider

Posts: 145

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
*sigh* is it possible that I've only had one reply so far that actually answered my question? How did my thread go so wrong? sad

I guess you don't find single word poetry artistic or descriptive, oh well, guess it's all in the eye of the beholder.


Sep 15 06 09:41 pm Link


C h r i s H e n r y

Posts: 90

Phoenix, Arizona, US

When you try and define art you only succeed in defining yourself. All your influences, experiences, biases and values come forth in the definition. Trying to define art is like trying to define beauty, truth or justice. It is different for everyone and also changes over time. What was beauty a hundred years ago is different than what it is now and what it will be in the future. Same for art. Why would you want someone else's definition of art or beauty or truth to be your definition of such things. You know it when you believe it and that is all that matters. Know yourself and you will know your art, beauty, truth, etc. This is why we must defend to the death freedom of speech so that others may be able to define their own art, beauty and truth.

Sep 15 06 09:54 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Studio 210,

Hmm, interesting comment.  Of the definitions I used above, I only believe one to be true.  The other definitions are those followed by other folks.  But there are so many people that use each of them that they can't be dismissed out of hand.


P.S.  "Art" is a word that does in fact have a defiinition (or several) like most English words.  The easiest thing would be to check a reputable dictionary.  That the O.P. is asking means she wants opinions on art (which is what people are providing), that are not the same as the real definitions.  Opinions can be had by anyone.  But to communicate, we need the dictionary.

Sep 15 06 09:56 pm Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

Sand in the vag...  is that international or local..  Guy says he doesnt want another beer you say, "Whats wrong, got sand in your Vagina" and he take the beer anyway?

Sep 15 06 09:58 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

IMO Those that consciously TRY to define art will never create it.  Art happens.  Kinda like shit.

Sep 15 06 10:00 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Ransom J wrote:
IMO Those that consciously TRY to define art will never create it.  Art happens.  Kinda like shit.

I think that's wrong.  Those that set out deliberately to be artists know what they're about and are the ones most likely to succeed.  Art isn't something you luck into, it's something you deliberately do or make, and one can't make something he doesn't understand.


P.S.  That's like getting lucky when repairing a car or building a house.  Might happen if you don't know squat, but not likely.

Sep 15 06 10:05 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:

I think that's wrong.  Those that set out deliberately to be artists know what they're about and are the ones most likely to succeed.  Art isn't something you luck into, it's something you deliberately do or make, and one can't make something he doesn't understand.


I didn't say art is something you luck into, I said it happens.  Art isn't accidental, but it isn't contrived either.  People that TRY to make art rather than TRY  to convey their emotions, ideas, or feelings onto a canvas (be it photographic in nature or not) will fail every time IMO.  Great works of art weren't made with the idea of making "art" they were made with the idea of getting across the soul of the artist, and art happened.

Sep 15 06 10:10 pm Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

oh I beg to differ a little there.  I dont think it just happens consitently, but it has shown up mixed in where I didnt expect. 

You see a great shot and love it, well there is no garantee the photographer did it on purpose or just pushed the buttom trying to change batteries smile

Sep 15 06 10:11 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Ransom J wrote:
Great works of art weren't made with the idea of making "art" they were made with the idea of getting across the soul of the artist, and art happened.

"Mademoiselles d' Avignon" was pretty damned deliberate and it changed the face of the 20th Century.  So were the buildings of Frank Lloyd-Wright or the photography of Man Ray.  They were deliberate actions by studied artists to push boundaries and make art.

You can dump all the soul you want into something, but without craft and an understanding of what art is - at least one school of art - you're not gonna make anything memorable.  Unless maybe you're Grandma Moses.


Sep 15 06 10:15 pm Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

weird you say that, I am Grandma Moses, this is my alias

Sep 15 06 10:19 pm Link


C h r i s H e n r y

Posts: 90

Phoenix, Arizona, US

D. Brian Nelson
I didnt say you couldn't define art, but I will say you can not come up with a definition/opinion that will satisfy everyone. I certainly will not live by the definition in a dictionary as there are numerous dictionaries and I am sure their definitions vary. Take Jackson Pollock's works for example. Some will call it some of the greatest art ever and other's will say it is crap. Who is right? My point being, it all depends upon your viewpoint, which is colored by your experiences, values, knowledge, biases, desires, etc. I do not mean any disrespect to the OP or any of the responses or to you. I do not see where she is requesting opinions, she just asked a question and a cavernous door is now wide open for entry. Step right in and say your piece. I am not dismissing any definitions or opinions, but when you speak about art/beauty/truth no one can espouse the absolute about any of that as we are all limited in our own simple capacities to experience art/beauty/truth. To each their own. Art crosses so many mediums, visually, musically and in the written word and across cultures and across time. Be happy for all the wonderful viewpoints in the world!

By the way, you have some wonderful work!

Sep 15 06 10:20 pm Link


Richard Maxwell

Posts: 242

Somerville, Massachusetts, US

Dont tell me what I cant define.

[b]art1  /ɑrt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ahrt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1.    the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.
2.    the class of objects subject to aesthetic criteria; works of art collectively, as paintings, sculptures, or drawings: a museum of art; an art collection.
3.    a field, genre, or category of art: Dance is an art.
4.    the fine arts collectively, often excluding architecture: art and architecture.
5.    any field using the skills or techniques of art: advertising art; industrial art.
6.    (in printed matter) illustrative or decorative material: Is there any art with the copy for this story?
7.    the principles or methods governing any craft or branch of learning: the art of baking; the art of selling.
8.    the craft or trade using these principles or methods.
9.    skill in conducting any human activity: a master at the art of conversation.
10.    a branch of learning or university study, esp. one of the fine arts or the humanities, as music, philosophy, or literature.
11.    arts,
a.    (used with a singular verb) the humanities: a college of arts and sciences.
b.    (used with a plural verb) liberal arts.
12.    skilled workmanship, execution, or agency, as distinguished from nature.
13.    trickery; cunning: glib and devious art.
14.    studied action; artificiality in behavior.
15.    an artifice or artful device: the innumerable arts and wiles of politics.
16.    Archaic. science, learning, or scholarship.
[Origin: 1175–1225; ME < OF, acc. of ars < L ars (nom.), artem (acc.)]

Sep 15 06 10:22 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Studio 210 wrote:
... I am sure their definitions vary. Take Jackson Pollock's works for example. Some will call it some of the greatest art ever and other's will say it is crap. Who is right?

I don't have the answer on Pollack.  I do know it his famous splatter paintings were a deliberate effort to sell more work by making a (very obscure) statement about the nature of art.  He too was a classically trained painter, and not just some schmuck. 

Frankly, I don't much like either the paintings or his calculated method, which may be either pushing the boundaries or a scam.    But...the huge consensus is that either those paintings are art, or the way he decided to make them is.  In something like this, taking on the huge consensus of art buyers, art critics and art galleries and museums is like opinion suicide. 

Those who say they don't know about art, but know it when they see it are most likely those that adore fluffy kitten calendars.  It's both lazy and disingenuous.

Thanks, BTW.


P.S.  OK, that was fun.  Thanks folks.  Gotta get my beauty sleep, but feel free to continue without my sarcastic comebacks.

Sep 15 06 10:29 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:

"Mademoiselles d' Avignon" was pretty damned deliberate and it changed the face of the 20th Century.  So were the buildings of Frank Lloyd-Wright or the photography of Man Ray.  They were deliberate actions by studied artists to push boundaries and make art.

You can dump all the soul you want into something, but without craft and an understanding of what art is - at least one school of art - you're not gonna make anything memorable.  Unless maybe you're Grandma Moses.


And on the flipside you can have all the craft in the world and have studied all day long in a "school of art" but if there was no soul poured into the piece then  what you have is a pretty picture.  No more no less.

But opinions are like assholes.  And that's mine.

Sep 15 06 10:37 pm Link


C h r i s H e n r y

Posts: 90

Phoenix, Arizona, US

The history of art is filled with artists and critics who have risen and fallen and sometimes risen again due to economic, political, religious and cultural changes. It is true, someone may think a calandar of kittens is art, but that is a reflection of their knowledge, values, biases, etc. Take a look at De Koonings works, many so called expert critics disagreed about his greatness and his art then and now. There is NO ONE who knows it all, has perfect knowledge and is completely unbiased in assessing what is and what is not art or great art. If you are an artist, you absolutely must stay true to your vision. Oscar Wilde said it very well, once you start to create work to please someone else, you are a craftsman and not an artist. The answer to what is art can only be satisfactorily answered by you for you. To some, putting a US flag in the toilet is art, and I bet some militant muslims would say that is great art! I don't think it is art, but that only matters to me. In this world of 6 billion people, you can always find someone who agrees with you and who disagrees with you and what you think is art. Art is a matter of personal taste! There are lazy "artists" and lazy viewers, just as there are serious "artists" and serious connoisseur's of art. I will be damned if anyone if going to tell me what is and what isn't art! Only time will tell if its worth remembering.

Sep 15 06 10:56 pm Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

Art is the language that allows me to speak my spirit.

Sep 15 06 10:58 pm Link