Forums > General Industry > Are you a fraud?



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Bob you know me well but shut up because my fat ass will never get laid again.

Sep 14 06 09:55 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

The day I stop crying "I'm a fraud" from the rooftops...  Kill me..

Sep 14 06 09:56 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Kevin Connery wrote:
I seem to recall that other renaissance painters also used the edge-enhancement techniques so often cited as developed by El Greco, but that could be old age and faulty memory.

OTOH, while I do make crappy pictures, I don't call them art. And if I called myself an artist, though (which I don't), why would it make a difference if I knew the names of "famous artists"?

I will admit I've let my subscription to Art & Antiques magazine lapse, and haven't picked up many new art books in recent years, but the first was because the magazine was boring, and the second was due to lack of space.  (Besides, a dozen pre-Raphaelite books, and a handful on each of various renaissance painters has been enough for my purposes to date--I'm not much of a pointillist, expressionist, or impressionist. And Dali is beyond my capabilities.)

Having a bad day, Bob?

No I'm not, I'm having a blast. I asked a question and every insecure person on the planet is going to think it was aimed at them and respond to the post. I in turn will get to learn something new like the El Grecco debate. I always thought he was the inovator and used it the first time on a picture of Christ with a cross. Also, I'm waiting for the heavy hitters to wake up. Because by their nature they are true artists, they get to sleep in and avoid the rush hour.

Sep 14 06 09:59 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Fotticelli wrote:
Bob you know me well but shut up because my fat ass will never get laid again.

Shhhh, your secret is safe with me.


Sep 14 06 10:02 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

No I'm not, I'm having a blast. I asked a question and every insecure person on the planet is going to think it was aimed at them and respond to the post. I in turn will get to learn something new like the El Grecco debate. I always thought he was the inovator and used it the first time on a picture of Christ with a cross. Also, I'm waiting for the heavy hitters to wake up. Because by their nature they are true artists, they get to sleep in and avoid the rush hour.

The heavy hitters?  Man, trying to instigate class warfare before 10am is not cool!

Sep 14 06 10:03 am Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Jesus died for your frauds..

Sep 14 06 10:03 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Dean Solo wrote:
Jesus died for your frauds..

But did his dad sign a release?

(I'm so going to hell..)

Sep 14 06 10:04 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:

But did his dad sign a release?

(I'm so going to hell..)

I'll be waiting for you!

Sep 14 06 10:08 am Link



Posts: 208

Mustang, Oklahoma, US

All I call myself a dedicated amature. I make no representations about the quality of my works beyond "I do my best".
Then I direct a model to look at my port and draw her own conclusion and then decide if she wants to work with me.

So, no. I am quite comfortible sayig I am not a fraud.

Sep 14 06 10:08 am Link



Posts: 558

Bob, I need to know, am an an artist or not.

It must be decided !!!!!!

I am paralysed with the self doubt that you have caused me.

Please put me out of my misery.

Sep 14 06 10:09 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Fluffytek wrote:
Bob, I need to know, am an an artist or not.

It must be decided !!!!!!

I am paralysed with the self doubt that you have caused me.

Please put me out of my misery.

OK OK, this response was inspired bythe fraud at the top of the page. So here goes.

"The Italian painter, Sandro Botticelli was Florentine and extremely successful at the peak of his career, with a highly individual and graceful style founded on the rhythmic capabilities of outline. With the emergence of the High Renaissance style at the turn of the 16th century, he fell out of fashion, died in obscurity".

If this is how you want to wind up, then yes you are an artist. Now go away, I never want to hear about you ever again.

Sep 14 06 10:15 am Link


Jeni May Walker

Posts: 4

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Boy or boy do you guy's ever waste your time with so much Blah, blah, blah....just get out there and create. Create from your heart, fill the world with beautiful images, don't try to define what your doing...fuck it, just go do it.

Sep 14 06 10:19 am Link



Posts: 558

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
OK OK, this response was inspired bythe fraud at the top of the page. So here goes.

"The Italian painter, Sandro Botticelli was Florentine and extremely successful at the peak of his career, with a highly individual and graceful style founded on the rhythmic capabilities of outline. With the emergence of the High Renaissance style at the turn of the 16th century, he fell out of fashion, died in obscurity".

If this is how you want to wind up, then yes you are an artist. Now go away, I never want to hear about you ever again.

Oh Bob,

Can I borrow that sweater of yours to wipe the tears from my eyes and the snot from my face (please wash it first I dont want to catch anything). You have touched me in a way that one man should not touch another.


Sep 14 06 10:20 am Link



Posts: 558

Jeni May wrote:
Boy or boy do you guy's ever waste your time with so much Blah, blah, blah....just get out there and create. Create from your heart, fill the world with beautiful images, don't try to define what your doing...fuck it, just go do it.

I'm sitting at my desk with a headache, waiting to go and get the kids from school and with an empty studio, so right now, this is a hell of a lot more fun than watching the snot on Bobs sweater dry.

Sep 14 06 10:22 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Fluffytek wrote:

Oh Bob,

Can I borrow that sweater of yours to wipe the tears from my eyes and the snot from my face (please wash it first I dont want to catch anything). You have touched me in a way that one man should not touch another.


Bob's all about the inappropraite touching.

Sep 14 06 10:25 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Jeni May wrote:
Boy or boy do you guy's ever waste your time with so much Blah, blah, blah....just get out there and create. Create from your heart, fill the world with beautiful images, don't try to define what your doing...fuck it, just go do it.

What you don't understand is my history. I was never meant to be a photographer. I don't like it and I want out, but I'm stuck here writing files off to disk and rendering other files to .psd from some fucking program called mine or mya or something and all I ever wanted to do was write. I was a journalism major or bflat minor or some such shit back in grade school and i want to (sorry about that ee cummings slip up there, but when i wr I write i I never nk know who i amIam any more i grt I get sewlooost init) right, yes just right for all of you little people out their. i am fuking it iamiamiam.

Sep 14 06 10:28 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

i wish i could be an artist, but i can't draw.. flunked it in college..

Sep 14 06 10:32 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

Christopher Brady wrote:

Exactly what I thought! thank you!

If this is true who did the very first artist study?

The second artist, or possibly the first art dealer.

Sep 14 06 10:46 am Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

(---  fraud.

(comfortable with it.)

(anyone has a problem with it they can bite my butt)

( smile )

Sep 14 06 10:51 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

...Stacy wrote:
(---  fraud.

(comfortable with it.)

(anyone has a problem with it they can bite my butt)

( smile )

I don't have a problem with it, but I'd like to bite your butt.

Sep 14 06 10:56 am Link


Old Ska Punk

Posts: 2677

Crivitz, Wisconsin, US

You see, the first problem is your usage of the word "art."  That is just a word bandied about much too easily these days.

I just finished a book about Camille Pissarro. As a teen, he drew incessantly. In his twenties, he went to South America for two years just sketching everything he saw. He made an occassional watercolor. He had never done a painting with oils on canvas that whole time because he felt he was not worthy enough. When he relocated to Paris, it was during the World Fair of 1855, where all of the masters displayed their work in the grand exhibition hall. He went there every day for weeks, learning. He studied under Corot. Got tutelage from Melbye, Courbet and Delecroix. After a year in Paris, he finally made his first oil painting. He gave it away because it was worthless. THAT was an artist.

Now, anyone that can doodle on a cocktail napkin is an "artist." Way back, when we had the outhouse round back, we'd call that TP.

Me? Nah, I'm no artist. But I am not a fraud either. I am a whore. As Jack D. Trute use to say "Pay me now!"

Sep 14 06 11:00 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Something along similar lines that I thought was odd - when OMP had an artistic nude competition almost ALL the shots were PURE GLAMOUR. People don't get what art is. You're right. And that's not even getting into the whole deal with the idiots who take snapshots of naked chicks and call it artistic. And they think their work is good. Talk about delusion.

As for me.. am I a fraud? Well, I certainly try to put time into learning a bit about what makes good photography good and who the talented famous photographers are. I try to improve my own craft by studying other models who seem to be good at it, and practicing.

Sep 14 06 11:07 am Link


SI Photography

Posts: 1894


I've seen a photog who shoot crap. No really, piles of crap. Swirls, splats, drips, runs, piles, logs, pellets, whatever and sells them at gallery and makes bank. Art, fart, it's all in one's mind.

Sep 14 06 11:10 am Link


SI Photography

Posts: 1894


I've seen a photog who shoots crap. No really, piles of crap. Swirls, splats, drips, runs, piles, logs, pellets, whatever and sells them at gallery and makes bank. Art, fart, it's all in one's mind.

Sep 14 06 11:10 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

"good" is as highly subjective a term as "art"..

I can't get the voices in my head to agree on what "good" is..  Screw "art".. 

There is a value to the word "art" and that value is this:  If you use it.. People will argue..

Sep 14 06 11:11 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

SI Photography wrote:
I've seen a photog who shoots crap. No really, piles of crap. Swirls, splats, drips, runs, piles, logs, pellets, whatever and sells them at gallery and makes bank. Art, fart, it's all in one's mind.

The little murders line rings.

Sep 14 06 11:18 am Link


Ryan L Holbrook

Posts: 631

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

A hack maybe, but not a fruad, lol.  I have had some formal education, and lot of abstract education from my mother and a good friend of mine who have been doing this for way longer then I have...  I admit I dont know much about art.  I admit the only historicly famous photographers I know of are Ansel Adams and Man Ray.  I will also admit that I really dont give a danm who any famous person in the past was, because if you dwell to much in the past, you loose the present.  I undstand the evolution of art, but something you cant  learn in a book is what DRIVES it all.

Do I wanna be famous, yes.  Do I think ill be famous, no.  Do I think my work will make a diffrence in the world, HELL NO.  But what I do know is I enjoy what I do, and no one can take that from me.

Sep 14 06 11:23 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

To respond seriously to a facetious thread, I often feel like a fraud.  I'm periodically convinced that it was just a fluke that I ever took a decent photograph, and that if anyone ever actually saw how I work they'd see right through me.

Sep 14 06 11:26 am Link


Absinthe Photography

Posts: 118

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Art, heh...

Remember when some guy was smashing rats with a brick and calling it "art" in New York?  People were appalled...and he sold a ton of them.

What's art other than what we individually find beautiful, ugly, atrocious, moving...whatever we want to label it.

I'm not an artist, I'm not a photographer...I'm an evolved monkey who likes to play at things.  wink

Actually, if we were evolved monkeys, wouldn't there be no more monkeys?  Hrm...whatever.


Sep 14 06 11:31 am Link


EvoQ Images by Travis

Posts: 4

Lexington, Kentucky, US

I have long listened to people claiming that to be an artist you must posess certain qualities,be able to perform certain tasks, and to recall the names and dates of the history of your craft.  That you must be able to perform certain techinques and acheive a certain skill level before you can call yourself an artisit. 
  Funny, I though being an artist meant taking something from inside yourslf and expressing it to the world via print, sculpture, music, etc.  Then other people see or hear what you have done and they will either relate to it  or not.  Some will be moved and inspired and love it.  Some will dislike it and be inspired to never produce anything like it. And some, will simply be indifferent to it. 
  But who is to say what an artisit is or isn't.  Is not the definition of an artist simply derived from human experience over thousands of years?  Could our idea of what an artisit is have evolved differently over time to include a completely different set of rules and guidelines?  It is ALL relative. 
  Well, I say to you... I AM AN ARTIST.  I do not have a diploma telling me so, nor do I have major galleries clamouring to get my work.  But when I finish a photo, I have put some of ideals, my passions, my hatred, and my kindness, and in short..a part of me is in that photo.  I know at that point that a part of who I am, and what I stand for will live on.  When that is accomplished...I consider myself an artist. Be it a fraudlulent one, or not.

Sep 14 06 11:40 am Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US

hmmm, i think the art historian type that suck at photography can be even more annoying. They are much better at defending their crap. lol,

alumni Paul Parkus

Jackson Pollack School of Photography

Sep 14 06 11:45 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Absinthe Photography wrote:
Art, heh...

Remember when some guy was smashing rats with a brick and calling it "art" in New York?  People were appalled...and he sold a ton of them.

What's art other than what we individually find beautiful, ugly, atrocious, moving...whatever we want to label it.

I'm not an artist, I'm not a photographer...I'm an evolved monkey who likes to play at things.  wink

Actually, if we were evolved monkeys, wouldn't there be no more monkeys?  Hrm...whatever.


you reminded me of a 'photographer' who was tying his nikon f4s to weather balloons, the f4s, as you will no doubt recall, has a feature that allows you to start taking pictures in rapid succession after a certain time has elapsed

he would get the camera up in the air, pull a cord that released the camera, and have a few pictures taken as it plummeted to the ground

he bought the camera at ritz and got the extended service plan that included replacement

first two times he brought the camera back he got swapped out by some brainac, third time he was intercepted by a manager and had to eat the cost of an f4s for a couple of crappy photos


Sep 14 06 11:49 am Link


BlankLogo Photography

Posts: 281

Vancouver, Washington, US

I had to go back and re-read the original post, cause I totally forgot what the original question was.

Nope, I've never called anything I've produced art, nor called myself an artist and I'll probably never dare to, but I do strive to create art each time I take off the lens cap.

I guess this means I'm not a fraud!  Oh, I'm so happy...and I have Bob to thank for that!


Sep 14 06 11:51 am Link



Posts: 2463

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

The Early Renaissance artists played the 'art card' on the  Byzantine artists.

The Baroque Artists played the 'art card' on the  Early Renaissance artists.

The Neoclassicist artists played the 'art card' on the Baroque Artists.

The Romanticist artists played the 'art card' on the Neoclassicist artists.

The Symbolist artists played the 'art card' on the Romanticist artists.

The Impressionist artists played the 'art card' on the Symbolist artists.

The Post Impressionist artists played the 'art card' on the Impressionist artists.

The Fauvist artists played the 'art card' on the Post Impressionist artists.

The Expressionist artists played the 'art card' on the Fauvist artists.

The Cubist artists played the 'art card' on the Expressionist artists.

The Dada artists played the 'art card' on the Cubist artists.

The Abstract Expressionist artists played the 'art card' on the Dada artists.

The Pop artists played the 'art card' on the Abstract Expressionist artists.

The Minimalist artists played the 'art card' on the Pop artists.

And Post Modernism in general sticks it's thumb in the eye of it all.

Thank god for the 'art card'!

Sep 14 06 11:52 am Link


Jeff Searust

Posts: 920

Austin, Texas, US

Maybe it's "Do your models care?"

I dragged out a Balthus book of prints to show a model I was meeting with, and explained that I wanted to do a shot that looked somewhat like one of them in design, then the next week to do the shot, she never showed up. Maybe I creeped her out by mentioning art?

I have a degree in physics---want to talk about optics. The wife who assists me has a BA in studio art, and an MA in art history. She's much better in the darkroom, and has a much better colour sense than I, but can't frame a picture to save her life...ouch stop hitting me.

So do models want to do art? do they want to create something special? do they want to spend the time?---not really so far as I have seen, I just keep thinking I havent met the right model, and I need to just keep cranking out Headshots and such.

Sep 14 06 11:53 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
You are missing the point entirely. I think up insane shit to post so that people will notice my avatar and go to my MM site to see what I'm up to. Then they send me a tag or email or something else and I maybe get to work with them or sometimes become friends with them. I've worked with wonderful models here because of my stunts and I have a number of new friends that I talk with on the phone or email with. We discuss many things including photography.

You absolutely want to be me. Your just afraid to admit it.

That is so, what do they call it, EMO. LOL. Your an old EMO. Nee-ner nee-ner.

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
I asked a question and every insecure person on the planet is going to think it was aimed at them and respond to the post. I in turn will get to learn something new like the El Grecco debate. I always thought he was the inovator and used it the first time on a picture of Christ with a cross. Also, I'm waiting for the heavy hitters to wake up. Because by their nature they are true artists, they get to sleep in and avoid the rush hour.

Yeah, yeah. I consider myself an artist.

I started drawing stick figures, then moved on to better stuff. I've sculpted, played guitar, painted (oil, acrylic and water), done tattoos, and many other medias. I did photography when I was younger and have now returned to it.

Now, I'm doing stick figures, per se, with my camera. I'm trying to get better. Any models in my area wanna help?

Can I be called an artist, Bob. Please, huh, please, huh, please.

Sep 14 06 11:56 am Link



Posts: 255

Valencia, California, US

Hmmmm...interesting thread....

a fraud...well that depends....I think half of the "great artists" of the 20th century are frauds....

Like the splatter paint work Jackson Pollock is famous for..."PLEASE that had to be accompanied by an amazing line of BS!"

Art unfortunately is not about great my opinion it's all about the sales pitch..the better the pitch, persona and attitude the higher price the work.

I'm in three gallery shows right now...does that make me an "artist"...according to some it does...

I have to be happy with myself...and believe in my work so that I can create a great line of BS to pitch it with, just like everyone else...

so we are all frauds and used car sales men....

don't you think?


Sep 14 06 12:01 pm Link


Absinthe Photography

Posts: 118

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

lotusphoto wrote:
you reminded me of a 'photographer' who was tying his nikon f4s to weather balloons, the f4s, as you will no doubt recall, has a feature that allows you to start taking pictures in rapid succession after a certain time has elapsed

he would get the camera up in the air, pull a cord that released the camera, and have a few pictures taken as it plummeted to the ground

he bought the camera at ritz and got the extended service plan that included replacement

first two times he brought the camera back he got swapped out by some brainac, third time he was intercepted by a manager and had to eat the cost of an f4s for a couple of crappy photos


Aaaahhhahahaha!  That's awesome!  Man, the things people do.  wink  Wish I had that kind of extra money laying around.  Granted, I wouldn't waste it like that, but it'd be nice to have, ha!


Sep 14 06 12:04 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

DAF Productions wrote:
I will also admit that I really dont give a danm who any famous person in the past was, because if you dwell to much in the past, you loose the present.  I undstand the evolution of art, but something you cant  learn in a book is what DRIVES it all.

Not caring about famous people is fine, but what about your vocabulary. Do you like to communicate with people. Without history you would have no way of doing that. How could you be taught to speak if we didn't have a firm appreciation of history. Logically, you can't evolve as an artist without a firm appreciation or grasp of history.

Sep 14 06 12:05 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Jeff Genung wrote:
Maybe it's "Do your models care?"

I dragged out a Balthus book of prints to show a model I was meeting with, and explained that I wanted to do a shot that looked somewhat like one of them in design, then the next week to do the shot, she never showed up. Maybe I creeped her out by mentioning art?

I have a degree in physics---want to talk about optics. The wife who assists me has a BA in studio art, and an MA in art history. She's much better in the darkroom, and has a much better colour sense than I, but can't frame a picture to save her life...ouch stop hitting me.

So do models want to do art? do they want to create something special? do they want to spend the time?---not really so far as I have seen, I just keep thinking I havent met the right model, and I need to just keep cranking out Headshots and such.

ditto physics degree, ta'd a class in atomic physics (sophmore level) for owen chamberlain, worked for luiz alvarez for 4 years as an astronomer at uc berkekely

met alexander calder when i was in high school working at the general store where he shopped, didnt know who he was til i visited his studio one day..

though i have a deg in physics i see alvarez and chamberlain has physicists, and though i try to do the occasionl 'artwork', calder set the bar for being an artist

you say calder to the average art student now a days and they dont know who he was...

(calder brought mobile to the paris exposition in 1923, one of the 3 most importan sculptos in the 20th century along with henry moore and picasso)

Sep 14 06 12:05 pm Link