Forums > General Industry > the anti comment whore thread

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

original title was
have deleted all images within last month

Brian Rawson has more than once.
I have a few times.

But this thread was inspired by someone who did it recently and is great and gracious.

Richard Dubois

last image added
Aug 19, 2006

member since
Jan 14, 2006

Add yourself if you have done so in the last month but you must also add someone else that has done so in the last month.

Added ALL new images within the last month.

Too many people are view hungry or comment hungry or tag hungry.
I appreciate to see new work.

Do you?

No comment whores allowed or I will lock or get your butt for thread hijacking.

Sep 13 06 11:16 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

is this anti- comment, anti -whore, or anti -thread?

Sep 13 06 11:55 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

lotusphoto wrote:
is this anti- comment, anti -whore, or anti -thread?

It is also a anti hijacking thread.
If the idea is dumb let it die.
It is something I appreciate.
Seeing new work, or old work presented as new but geez show us something different already.

Sep 14 06 12:03 am Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Sgt. Schultz da Mahatma wrote:
If the idea is dumb let it die.

I love the concept of this thread, I'm just having one hell of a time find someone who has completely revamped their portfolio in the past month..

But.. I'm still looking.

Sep 14 06 12:18 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I did, but no clue if it was within a month..

And who cares.. Don't let Mr. Rawson do it again!

At least not pic 2.. She's dreamy pretty..

*stares and sways*

*and drinks*

Sep 14 06 12:23 am Link