Forums > General Industry > Percentage-Wise for photographers



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

For photographers that do alot of "model" shoots. Do you shoot more Models that find off the streets that you may run into, or more from these Model Sites?

And my question: Say you are out and about, and you just happen to see a very gorgeous woman in a store, a party, a halloween parade in your town, or anywhere....and you thinking to yourself..." I'd like to get her in to my studio to do a shoot, even if she doesn't even model or never modeled in her life". How do you approach something like that and what to say?

Sep 13 06 11:18 am Link


Mark Ellison

Posts: 1210

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I usually introduce myself, tell him / her that I'm interested in photographing them and why, and leave them with a business card.  I tell them to think about it and to contact me if they're interested. 

By doing it this way, there is no pressure on the model and they have time to look at my website (which is listed on the card) and make a choice.  I have, at times, never heard from models that were very photogenic, but that's part of the trade-off.  If I hear from a model, then I know she's also very interested and probably won't flake out versus me begging and calling and begging (lol) some more until they say yes (only to flake out later).

Sep 13 06 04:31 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

In the last year or more all have come from MM. 

I don't approach potential models, and don't much hang anywhere else.  I have got two servers from my favorite restaurant that are threatening to model for me, so that may change the mix if it happens.


Sep 13 06 08:06 pm Link