Forums > General Industry > Come to Maui and be my model/muse/loveslave/bitch



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

This is a message I received from a photog on this site:
"Come to Maui and be my model/muse/loveslave/bitch for a spell...

cj wink"

I replied
"I think you should remove yourself from this site"

This tag was left:
"at least admit that it excited you a bit...

His response to my message:
"i was just being


sorry if i offended...

i did not mean to


My response to that"
"of course it offended not contact me"

This photog has approached me before and at one point had an avatar containing a woman and a questionable male bodily fluid.

I am completely fed up with inappropriate behavior from so-called "pros" on this site.

Sep 12 06 02:56 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

use CAM and have them booted from the site.

Sep 12 06 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Sorry Sweetie, some people think that because they have an awesome portfolio and x amount of years of experience, they can talk to people however they want. Just let it roll right off of your back. You are too gorgeous to let some asshole get to you.


Sep 12 06 03:26 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Cat Platz wrote:
This is a message I received from a photog on this site:
"Come to Maui and be my model/muse/loveslave/bitch for a spell...

cj wink"

I am completely fed up with inappropriate behavior from so-called "pros" on this site.

How dare another photographer steal my approach!

Sep 12 06 03:31 pm Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Lamonica wrote:
Sorry Sweetie, some people think that because they have an awesome portfolio and x amount of years of experience, they can talk to people however they want. Just let it roll right off of your back. You are too gorgeous to let some asshole get to you.


Thank you for those kind words!
I was just so heated in the moment, that I had to share it!

Sep 12 06 03:35 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

So since you’re obviously offended by this rude, insulting, perverse, psychotic, sleazy and unprofessional behavior……… can I go instead?…. big_smile

Sep 12 06 03:36 pm Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

C R Photography wrote:
So since you’re obviously offended by this rude, insulting, perverse, psychotic, sleazy and unprofessional behavior……… can I go instead?…. big_smile

Be my guest.

I know that this is easy to joke about, but it should bother memebers of this site (at least a little) that someone claiming to be a pro would conduct themselves in this manner.

If I were a pro photog, I would be irritated that someone was representing pros in that way.  And models should pay attention to who they choose to shoot with.

Sep 12 06 03:41 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Cat Platz wrote:
I know that this is easy to joke about, but it should bother memebers of this site (at least a little)

Yeah. Life experiences of this magnitude should bother people ... If they want to die from an ulcer at 27.

So someone made a tasteless joke? Big deal.

Some women would laugh. Others, like yourself, become offended.

The photographer is guilty of no wrong other than being a poor judge of character for his comedic audience.

Sep 12 06 04:03 pm Link



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

Yes it does.

Since the digital world when into full effect, the amount of assholes has increased substancially.

I have to spend time trying to convince people  that I am not a perv. It sucks and it takes alot from my business. I have a great reputation with my colleges, Models and industry professional because of my conduct and work. But, it just takes Photogs like that to really put people on the defensive.

I am sorry for you experience and hope that you don't have to deal with that again.



Sep 12 06 04:08 pm Link


Lauren F.

Posts: 60

Tuscumbia, Alabama, US

I received the same message on my port..I was a bit taken back by it as well.

Sep 12 06 04:12 pm Link


Beauty of Tiferet

Posts: 533

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Cat Platz wrote:
This is a message I received from a photog on this site:
"Come to Maui and be my model/muse/loveslave/bitch for a spell...

cj wink"

That language is totally out of line. As a model I wouldn't want anybody to approach me in that manner and as a photographer it offends me that people think that it's "cute" or "funny" to do that.

I agree that should go to the contact-a-mod system.

Sep 12 06 04:16 pm Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

E|||B wrote:

Yeah. Life experiences of this magnitude should bother people ... If they want to die from an ulcer at 27.

So someone made a tasteless joke? Big deal.

Some women would laugh. Others, like yourself, become offended.

The photographer is guilty of no wrong other than being a poor judge of character for his comedic audience.

I'm not going to lose sleep.....I'm simply pointing out that this is inappropriate condut, especially from a "pro".

I can not believe you would say that photog has done nothing wrong.  He wouldn't know enough of my character to make a "joke", as you put it.

Sep 12 06 04:23 pm Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3898

Germantown, Maryland, US

Far from a 'tasteless joke', totally inapproprite to send to someone you don't know at all.

look at his profile " I am an Artist, Don't waste my precious time"

Sorry it happened to you.

Sep 12 06 04:52 pm Link


Lauren F.

Posts: 60

Tuscumbia, Alabama, US

And me sad

Sep 12 06 05:06 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Cat Platz wrote:
I am completely fed up with inappropriate behavior from so-called "pros" on this site.

1. so why did you answer him?

2. he contacted you privately without malice

3. you now smear and defame him publicly here in this forum with links to his portfolio.

So I wonder, ...

1. why are you being so mean and vindictive?

2. Why do you have a grudge against this guy? Do you know him?

3. Why do you want to make a mess out of something you say you are fed up with?

You are also being exceptionally unprofessional, and your public gossipy soap opera attack here reflects more on you than it does on the guy who sent you an invitation.

His was an invitation, perhaps with words that are not your style. Lots of women around here talk like that themselves in jest and teasing.

Yours is a mean spirited attack against him personally, and against the nameless others around here that you despise.

The problem here is yours, coming from the inside out.

Cool your jets a little.

Click Hamilton

Sep 12 06 06:49 pm Link


Studio Ink

Posts: 17

Loganville, Georgia, US

markEdwardPhoto wrote:
Yes it does.

Since the digital world when into full effect, the amount of assholes has increased substancially.

I have to spend time trying to convince people  that I am not a perv. It sucks and it takes alot from my business. I have a great reputation with my colleges, Models and industry professional because of my conduct and work. But, it just takes Photogs like that to really put people on the defensive.

I am sorry for you experience and hope that you don't have to deal with that again.



i agree with this guy...i'm sorry you had this happen.

Sep 12 06 06:55 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Does asking women to come be your bitch actually work?

Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong.

Sep 12 06 07:03 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
Does asking women to come be your bitch actually work?

Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong.

It depends on the tone and inflection  ;-)

Ms Zena came down from Los Angeles for a 3 day photo shoot for content for her dominatrix gallery. She said she was going to make me her "Toe Bitch"

I said "good luck" (big grin)

Here's a very charming video interview of Ms Zena talking about toes ...

Sep 12 06 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Click Hamilton wrote:

1. so why did you answer him?

2. he contacted you privately without malice

3. you now smear and defame him publicly here in this forum with links to his portfolio.

So I wonder, ...

1. why are you being so mean and vindictive?

2. Why do you have a grudge against this guy? Do you know him?

3. Why do you want to make a mess out of something you say you are fed up with?

You are also being exceptionally unprofessional, and your public gossipy soap opera attack here reflects more on you than it does on the guy who sent you an invitation.

His was an invitation, perhaps with words that are not your style. Lots of women around here talk like that themselves in jest and teasing.

Yours is a mean spirited attack against him personally, and against the nameless others around here that you despise.

The problem here is yours, coming from the inside out.

Cool your jets a little.

Click Hamilton

I thought I made this all clear, but I'll answer again:

1. I replied to tell him I found his message inappropriate and I don't wish to be contacted by him again.

2.  He messaged me privately, but left a public tag refrencing the message.  I did find the words "loveslave/bitch" malicious.

3.  I am not smearing or defaming him---I am sharing my experience.  I have not shared his name, and it is the readers' of this post decision to look at my page and click on the tag which he made public.

So, wonder no more....

1.  I do not feel I am being mean or vindictive.

2.  I do not know this man--nor will I ever care to--and I have no grudge.

3.  I am not the one "making messes" by contacting people from this site with inappropriate messages.

I am sorry that you feel I have acted more inappropriately than the photog.  But, I think few would agree with you.  If you feel this is a soap opera you do not like, change the channel.  If the photog did not wish this to be a public matter, he should not have left a public tag.

As for his message being an invitation....I am not a whore, hooker, or prostitute and would in no way regard those words as an invitation to anything.

I am not responsible for how other women conduct themselves on this site.  If they, too, are acting in this way, I feel it is just as inappropriate as the photog's behavior.

I am not attacking the photog---only his inappropriate conduct.  I despise no one here.  Most everyone has been professional, helpful, and appropriate.  I'm sorry you feel this was mean spirited on my part, but this conduct can not go ignored.

From the inside out, your view of the problem is not very good.

Sep 12 06 08:01 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

feel better now?

Click Hamilton, at your service :-)

I think I'll add "lightning rod" to my Odd Jobs gallery

Sep 12 06 08:09 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Cat Platz wrote:

E|||B wrote:
The photographer is guilty of no wrong other than being a poor judge of character for his comedic audience.

I can not believe you would say that photog has done nothing wrong.  He wouldn't know enough of my character to make a "joke", as you put it.

I didn't say he did nothing wrong. Read more carefully.

I said he did no wrong OTHER THAN ... and proceeded to explain what his wrongdoing was - he was a poor judge of character for the joke.

Heck, I've offended PLENTY of people in my life with my off-color humor. Thankfully, the majority of people I seem to encounter are obnoxious and anti-politically-correct enough to find my own crudity amusing.

Sep 12 06 08:39 pm Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Cat Platz wrote:

I'm not going to lose sleep.....I'm simply pointing out that this is inappropriate condut, especially from a "pro".

I can not believe you would say that photog has done nothing wrong.  He wouldn't know enough of my character to make a "joke", as you put it.

Read more carefully....I said he wouldn't know enough of my character to make the "joke", so how could he be a poor judge of it.  Things do not come across typed out as they might if actaully spoken, so he should have been more careful of his choice of words.

Sep 12 06 10:17 pm Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Cat Platz wrote:

I'm not going to lose sleep.....I'm simply pointing out that this is inappropriate condut, especially from a "pro".

I can not believe you would say that photog has done nothing wrong.  He wouldn't know enough of my character to make a "joke", as you put it.

Read more carefully....I said he wouldn't know enough of my character to make the "joke", so how could he be a poor judge of it.  Things do not come across typed out as they might if actually spoken, so he should have been more careful of his choice of words.

Sep 12 06 10:17 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Cat Platz wrote:
My response to that"
"of course it offended not contact me"

So you blocked him, right?  The "block this member" feature is one of my new favorites!

Sep 12 06 10:20 pm Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

It's a great feature, and this a perfect example of why!

Sep 13 06 08:22 am Link


Klassic Photo

Posts: 1308

Bullhead City, Arizona, US

Yes his approach/joke was tacky and tasteless, (certainly not my style)  but somehow I don't find it to be a world changing event of the magnitude that I'll remember what I was doing on that day.

Sep 13 06 08:48 am Link



Posts: 482

Columbia, Alabama, US

he apologized.  i think that should be the end of it.

Sep 13 06 08:54 am Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

The end of it, of course is that he's gone from the site.  I'm somewhat more concerned that a single tasteless joke turned into forum drama-of-political-correctness can be the basis for a member's departure than I am about his behavior in the first place.

Ugly people turn me off, and the two principles here certainly conducted themselves in a thoroughly ugly manner.  I wouldn't want to work with either one of them.

Sep 13 06 09:11 am Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Bullhead Photography wrote:
Yes his approach/joke was tacky and tasteless, (certainly not my style)  but somehow I don't find it to be a world changing event of the magnitude that I'll remember what I was doing on that day.

I am not losing sleep over the matter.  And though he seemingly apologized, it was foull of those LOLs, which makes it seem less sincere.  I simply wanted to get others opinions on the matter.

Sep 13 06 08:45 pm Link