Forums > General Industry > Does Fashion Photography Degrade Women


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Well in bashing the bondage types ( for degrading women )  in some other forums - I as a fashion photographer have been bashed ..... ie Fashion Photography degrades women cuz it shows physical standards ie height and beauty that are unattainable by the average person

So whats your view ?

Myself I see more of women buying Vogue at the local Magazine Store than Bondage Monthly - but maybe I am just travelling in the  wrong circles ........

Sep 11 06 02:38 pm Link


Cristina Ashley

Posts: 1294

Buffalo, Illinois, US

No it isn't degrading at all.

Why should girls be put down because of how they were born? Alot (not all) of the models you see in those magazines are NATURALLY thin and tall...gee imagine that. They didn't starve themselves or jump on some crazy medieval stretching machine.

Fashion modeling isn't for everyone...and it shouldn't be.

When I look at a fashion ad i'm looking at is as a 'piece of art' in a way. The clothing is beautiful, the women are a certain standard, the photography is beautiful.

So I guess maybe you can say that fashion modeling/ads are degrading- for the weak, self-concious, jealous girls.

*edit* ...and I just wanted to make clear that in no way do I think I personally fall into the 'fashion model' material....

Sep 11 06 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

My veiw is it's all retarded. (the whole idea). the only thing that can degrade women is themselves.  Anything else is secondary.


no one will agree with me though, cause everyone would rather just get on the internet and fight about garbage, cause thats what the internet if "for".  go ahead, carry on, sorry to interrupt.

Sep 11 06 02:43 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Garry k wrote:
So whats your view ?

What is 'degrade'?


Sep 11 06 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Degrade wouldn't be the right word for it. Women ogling women - especially if it's more about the clothes than the model - is hardly degrading (of course there are exceptions to everything, but I'd guess they're rare here).

You're referring to women acquiring unrealistic ideals for their own bodies. Different concept.

Sep 11 06 02:44 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I buy Vogue...but I also buy Skin Two, Marquis, and if there was such a magazine as "Bondage Monthly" I'd probably subscribe.  Neither bondage modeling, fashion modeling, or any other kind of modeling is degrading to the independent and confident woman who enjoys doing what she does.

Sep 11 06 02:47 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Only when they are asked to dress like clowns.

And I think the people that said it degrades women were just being spiteful because of you.  For if they REALLY feel it was degrading, it might make them look to be hypocrits.

Sep 11 06 02:50 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:

What is 'degrade'?



Sep 11 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Susi wrote:
I buy Vogue...but I also buy Skin Two, Marquis, and if there was such a magazine as "Bondage Monthly" I'd probably subscribe.  Neither bondage modeling, fashion modeling, or any other kind of modeling is degrading to the independent and confident woman who enjoys doing what she does.

Well put.

Sep 11 06 02:52 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

I dunno...I haven't seen fashion in so long.

I tried to buy Vogue at Walmart, but it was gone.... I'm betting they pulled it due to some underage nudity or something, lol...which would be fitting, since they're advertising in it.

Sep 11 06 02:54 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Garry k wrote:
Well in bashing the bondage types ( for degrading women )  in some other forums - I as a fashion photographer have been bashed ..... ie Fashion Photography degrades women cuz it shows physical standards ie height and beauty that are unattainable by the average person

So whats your view ?

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Sep 11 06 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Kevin Connery wrote:
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

That is the absolute best movie in the whole wide world.  Go Kevin.

Sep 11 06 06:01 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Garry k wrote:
Well in bashing the bondage types ( for degrading women )  in some other forums - I as a fashion photographer have been bashed ..... ie Fashion Photography degrades women cuz it shows physical standards ie height and beauty that are unattainable by the average person

So whats your view ?

Myself I see more of women buying Vogue at the local Magazine Store than Bondage Monthly - but maybe I am just travelling in the  wrong circles ........

I think I'd be retarted bondage or not/fashion or not.

Sep 11 06 06:03 pm Link


studio L

Posts: 1775

Oakland, California, US

Shyly wrote:

That is the absolute best movie in the whole wide world.  Go Kevin.


It is INCONCEIVABLE that anyone would think different.

Sep 11 06 06:06 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

studio L wrote:


It is INCONCEIVABLE that anyone would think different.

No more rhymes now, and I mean it!

Anybody want a peanut? lol

Sep 11 06 06:12 pm Link


studio L

Posts: 1775

Oakland, California, US

e-string wrote:

No more rhymes now, and I mean it!

Anybody want a peanut? lol

damn i hate everybody that can type faster than me, which is um, everybody. (smile)

Sep 11 06 06:16 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

studio L wrote:

damn i hate everybody that can type faster than me, which is um, everybody. (smile)

Don't worry, I type faster than most people (90 WPM) wink

Sep 11 06 06:23 pm Link



Posts: 94

Sacramento, California, US

does pro football degrade men?


but most men will never be pro football players!

so what.

Sep 11 06 06:37 pm Link


studio L

Posts: 1775

Oakland, California, US

e-string wrote:
Don't worry, I type faster than most people (90 WPM) wink

um, say-what would you charge to type my pointless remarks for me?

i mean, it is frustrating enough trying to alienate everyone as it is, but at .008wpm, life is just too short for me to actually succeed.

Sep 11 06 06:40 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

studio L wrote:
It is INCONCEIVABLE that anyone would think different.

Book was better, though. smile

Of course, both the book and movie were far superior to the original post...

Sep 12 06 03:26 am Link


nick latino

Posts: 291

Tucson, Arizona, US

When I first came across this posting I thought to myself that there is only one answer that fits the question, but I never posted my response.

Degrading someone through photographs, paintings, drawings, ect. is not as defined as does it or doesn't it.  It's all about your own opinion and it may or may not fit with the intent of the artist who created the piece.  If your views are on the conservative side of things you might find them to be offensive, if your views are on the liberal side of things you might find them tame, then again you might find a puppy licking the face of a child to be pornographic as well.  It all depends on what you have in your own heart and mind in regards to what is degrading to another or a group.

Good luck in sorting out the way you choice to live and express yourself, because when it is all said and done it's your opinion and not mine.

Sep 12 06 03:37 pm Link