Forums > General Industry > would you get the job? pretend im an art director


Maja J

Posts: 36

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Hm....I´m in! Got at least a great smile wink

Sep 11 06 03:24 pm Link


Maja J

Posts: 36

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Sep 11 06 03:25 pm Link


Maja J

Posts: 36

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Sep 11 06 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 6129

parkus photography wrote:
lmfao , you are so good that you will turn down 7500 dollar a day, note this is your pay not the budget for the shoot,  if you think 7500 for a day and two 1/2 paid prep days is unrealistic for your photography fee, your not old enough or have never shot commercially. This is the rate that Keystone Beer paid for a national ad placement and a point of purchase display to be shot.  the rate is legit.

not to drag my ass outta retirement. sorry.
when i had to support a staff, i'd whore for sportswear catalogs.

this is a fun idea. i just have sworn that i would never again participate in a critique thread here, and while this is an interesting turn on a critique, it is a critique nonetheless. my experience tells me that few are mature enough to handle the critique when offered, and many don't have the chops to critique.

i will watch ya'll play though, and hope that the outcome is unusual.

Sep 11 06 03:27 pm Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US

the models and photographers are completely separate as far as hiring.  However there could be some cross over connection and consideration on who would work good with who. I just wanted more models now to start the process,  usually the photographer is involved in selecting the models, unless they are spoke models, etc, but this is just a mock job  trying to see the process, the thinking of those who hire us professionally for a job.  the art director is going to pitch five photographers and models to HIS client Baskin Robbins, to shoot this shot,  he wants a strong hand. He needs to know you can deliver.

Sep 11 06 03:33 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

parkus photography wrote:
the models and photographers are completely separate as far as hiring.  However there could be some cross over connection and consideration on who would work good with who. I just wanted more models now to start the process,  usually the photographer is involved in selecting the models, unless they are spoke models, etc, but this is just mock job  trying to see the process, the thinking of those  who hire us professionally for a job.  the art director is going to pitch five photographers and models to HIS client Baskin Robbins, to shoot this shot,  he wants a strong hand. He needs to know you can deliver.

Ahh ok...I was thinking I had to shoot the shot first... ok...nevermind then smile
So technically, I'm just supposed to post a link to the "portfolio" that would get me the job to shoot for Baskin Robbins.....
I am way overthinking this...i think...

Sep 11 06 03:38 pm Link



Posts: 1237

New York, New York, US

Getting PAID to eat Baskin Robbins Ice Cream???
My kinda job!
That alone would make me S-M-I-L-E-
smile     smile     smile     smile     smile     smile     smile     smile    smile     smile

Sep 11 06 03:44 pm Link



Posts: 213

Arlington, Georgia, US


Sep 11 06 03:52 pm Link


Cristina Ashley

Posts: 1294

Buffalo, Illinois, US

Well I decided to play along, but not for the job....but to offer some people I browsed for who I thought might be good.

I searched ONLY Florida models because that's where i'm from, and because my computer is being slow and I only got through maybe 7 pages before I got annoyed....

But I picked for models:

Sarah Long- #64789
Bridgham- #198676
Whitney Cunningham- #212145

The reason I picked all of these models was because while browsing through, their avatar caught my eye, as many girls did, but once I looked in their port that had atleast one great pic with a gorgeous smile and that sparkle in their eye. I'm sure there were many more models, including males, that I could have found...or more models that had not so great avatars but good for the job, but I wasn't going to spend hours doing this little mock up ice cream thing.

And for photographers.....only in Florida again.... I gave up after a few pages because my computer is annoying but I chose:

Tyat- # 28820
Eric Wimberly- # 104624

There were so many great photogs but alot were very high fashion. I would have looked longer but like I said before, my computer is annoying me.

I based looking into ports on avatars, and i'll compare that to a first impression durring a regular casting call type deal.

My two cents.
And I hope I don't offend anyone by putting them out there. I hope this doesn't turn into a critique thread. smile

Sep 11 06 03:56 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

oldguysrule wrote:

7500 for national?

nope, can't do it.

You just revealed your hand. $7500.00 per day plus $7500.00 per year usage, 2 year minimum, plus $7500.00 buyout. $37,500.00 for one ad and you won't do it? Move over, Albert Watson wants to talk to the AD.

Sep 11 06 03:56 pm Link


DSmith Photo

Posts: 418

Melrose, Iowa, US

If the game's still open, I'll play.  I enjoy periodic humiliation as much as the next guy.

When do you want images put up?

Sep 11 06 05:55 pm Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

OK, I'll throw my hat in the ring. I have a good commercial look. Since it's in a women's magazine, you want the "mom" type. I can pull that off. I cna also pull off youthful and have a great "laughing" look. Very versitile. What do you all think?

Sep 11 06 06:01 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
What's an art director?


Sep 11 06 06:05 pm Link


J & X Photography

Posts: 3767

Arlington, Virginia, US

when's the due date?

Here's my first attempt (for right now)....

Theme:  Sad girl about to cry because her mom bought McDonald's ice cream instead of a baskin's robbins...

the caption could read:
Our 31 flavors will keep her from being sad...


"don't feel caged in, at Baskins robbins we have 31 flavors"

Sep 11 06 06:28 pm Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US


4.Synthetic Shadow
5.Really Randy
6. BLue Tree images
7. Dale 99
8. Bob Randall
9. JNX


1. Little Apple Blossom
2. Idaho Edokpayi
3. E String
4. Maja J
5. Melissa Baker
6. Suellen
7. Cary K

Sep 11 06 08:08 pm Link


DSmith Photo

Posts: 418

Melrose, Iowa, US

OK, J n X, now if FKV shows up, I'm toast.

Sep 11 06 08:12 pm Link


DSmith Photo

Posts: 418

Melrose, Iowa, US

Navy boys, know thine enemy...or judge in this case.  Parkus' work is heavily stylised, layered.  Great quality, but a style I don't posess.  Of course, gathering good intelligence won't necessarily mean you survive!

Sep 11 06 08:19 pm Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US

The list closes tonight at 3:00 am    i will put on a beret and pretend i am an art director, i will have no emotional attachment , i just want to pick somebody for this job who i think can deliver.  This is job specific casting,  not getting the job does not mean that you are not good, its just you were not what we (me and my imagination) were looking for. 

the process: i will look at everybody's port,  if you have any shots that are not in your port that you think would nail the job, post them here. (you can post after 3:00 that is just when the list closes)

i'll pick the top five photogs and models that i think are best for the job, and i'll rank those with why i think so. 

any one can post who they think should get the job and why as well, this is totally open. 

here are some things i am looking for


1. confidence you can do the job
2. ability to shoot laughing people in head shots.
3. ability to light and shoot food well,  in particular while shooting people
4. your over all talent.


1. confidence you can do the job
2. your smile is key, i want to see versatile smiles as well,
3. i need a wholesome beautiful look
4. i want to see your hands

any one can post who they think should get the job and why as well, this is totally open. 

*im only using the people who actually posted they wanted to be in, i dont want to talk about people who do not know they are being talked about in a thing like this.  i'll close it tonight at 3:00 a:m

Sep 11 06 08:24 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Ooh wholesome. I'll play.

Sep 11 06 08:25 pm Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US


4.Synthetic Shadow
5.Really Randy
6. BLue Tree images
7. Dale 99
8. Bob Randall
9. JNX
10. Blindmike


1. Little Apple Blossom
2. Idaho Edokpayi
3. E String
4. Maja J
5. Melissa Baker
6. Suellen
7. Cary K

Sep 12 06 12:47 am Link



Posts: 6129

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

You just revealed your hand. $7500.00 per day plus $7500.00 per year usage, 2 year minimum, plus $7500.00 buyout. $37,500.00 for one ad and you won't do it? Move over, Albert Watson wants to talk to the AD.


Sep 12 06 12:51 am Link


Aurora Natrix

Posts: 458

Miami, Florida, US

I've got the cheesecake modelling down. Now it's time for the ice cream! 

I'm bored. Count me in. Mint Chocolate Chip Please!

Sep 12 06 12:57 am Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US

maybe a "make a bid" thread on a hypothetical job would be interesting.   

B, O, Youre ask to shoot 16 models with two trained monkeys on location in spain, its a two week shoot. you are shooting at 12 locations,  take into account all cost, your crew cost, travel, food, rvs, kraft services, generators, wages, monkey trainers/handlers ,transportation etc etc.

The job is for 20 shots, to run in monkey magazine, national (US) mag, circ 600,000, south american (Continental) circ 150,000 and in a regional part of greenland markets (circ) 10,000 in print, also they want world wide web usage.

they want  two years usage and do not want a buy out.

Breakdown the cost, list them and give me a bid


Sep 12 06 01:28 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

All that research for flight & hotel prices online... would be a pain

Sep 12 06 01:30 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

would you hire me if I made the ice cream eat the model?

Sep 12 06 01:39 am Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US


4.Synthetic Shadow
5.Really Randy
6. BLue Tree images
7. Dale 99
8. Bob Randall
9. JNX
10. Blindmike
11. Koray


1. Little Apple Blossom
2. Idaho Edokpayi
3. E String
4. Maja J
5. Melissa Baker
6. Suellen
7. Cary K
8. Aurora Natrix

Sep 12 06 01:48 am Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

parkus photography wrote:
lmfao , you are so good that you will turn down 7500 dollar a day, note this is your pay not the budget for the shoot,  if you think 7500 for a day and two 1/2 paid prep days is unrealistic for your photography fee, your not old enough or have never shot commercially. This is the rate that Keystone Beer paid for a national ad placement and a point of purchase display to be shot.  the rate is legit.

No Clay, LMFAO.  Sometimes, researching a little who you are really talking to doesn't hurt.  Now...I'll go LMFAO again.  lol

Sep 12 06 01:51 am Link



Posts: 6129

parkus photography wrote:
maybe a "make a bid" thread on a hypothetical job would be interesting.   

B, O, Youre ask to shoot 16 models with two trained monkeys on location in spain, its a two week shoot. you are shooting at 12 locations,  take into account all cost, your crew cost, travel, food, rvs, kraft services, generators, wages, monkey trainers/handlers ,transportation etc etc.

The job is for 20 shots, to run in monkey magazine, national (US) mag, circ 600,000, south american (Continental) circ 150,000 and in a regional part of greenland markets (circ) 10,000 in print, also they want world wide web usage.

they want  two years usage and do not want a buy out.

Breakdown the cost, list them and give me a bid


the gauntlet is tossed...

Sep 12 06 01:57 am Link


DSmith Photo

Posts: 418

Melrose, Iowa, US

Are they open to 16 monkeys and 2 trained models, instead?

Sep 12 06 09:14 am Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US

lll wrote:
No Clay, LMFAO.  Sometimes, researching a little who you are really talking to doesn't hurt.  Now...I'll go LMFAO again.  lol

you could miss the point on an arrow, this thread was for fun and about a fictional art director hiring a photographer and model for a job.  It was not about the pay, which i have clearly stated about 5 times already.   People  post for three reasons, to find out things, to make a joke, or to try to impress you with their knowledge.  The latter can be annoying especially when it is unrelated and condescending.

taking guard off of epee

Sep 12 06 11:08 am Link



Posts: 558

I'll make my bid.

I will pay you $1,000,000 dollers in a personal cheque if you give me the job. The money wont be tracable and I'll put in a numbered swiss account if you want.

I'll look forward to the contact in the post smile

Sep 12 06 11:13 am Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US

the list is closed,   ill post my selections tomorrow  with who got the job,

example of current BR images on their website

Good Luck,

Clay Pigeon AD.


4.Synthetic Shadow
5.Really Randy
6. BLue Tree images
7. Dale 99
8. Bob Randall
9. JNX
10. Blindmike
11. Koray
12. Fluffytech


1. Little Apple Blossom
2. Idaho Edokpayi
3. E String
4. Maja J
5. Melissa Baker
6. Suellen
7. Cary K
8. Aurora Natrix

Sep 12 06 01:48 pm Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US

"the exercise was:  ad agency xyz needs to hire a photographer and model for their client,
baskin robbins ice cream,  it is for print in a national publication and there is a good budget,  the shot is of a model laughing and eating ice cream, it is primarily a head shot.  the ad is in national women's magazine,  its target market is moms and families.  we are selling happiness."

Who got the job?   drum roll, model, little apple blossom  and photographer jay bowman.

i realize people ports are not set up for this specific job and that you could have placed more smiling head shots in, and that is exactly what  i would have asked you to do,  if this had been a real job and i was really considering you.
I looked at everyone port, a few times and made notes, for this job.  if you want to know the notes on yourself just email me.

i tried to be objective as possible, this was a type specific job, not being picked or higher up on the list, was not luck of the draw,  but rather who I felt could deliver on a professional level and has the style and look for this job.   

models. in order of selection

1. little apple blossom
2. melissa baker
3. maja j
4. Aurora Nartrix
5. Cary K

photographers, in order of selection

1.  Jay Bowman
2.  Bob Randall 
3.  Dee
4.  Blindmike
5.  Synthetic Shadow

thanks for playing.


Sep 12 06 06:40 pm Link


Warren Leimbach

Posts: 3223

Tampa, Florida, US

parkus photography wrote:
post a shot or link book or group of shots that you think will land you the job.


Dear Art Director,

I am not sure how to post a photo into this forum, but if you will go to my MM portfolio there is a shot of a fellow eating there which might fit your needs.

Thank you for your consideration,

Sincerely etc. etc. etc.

Sep 12 06 06:49 pm Link


Year of the Dragon

Posts: 3418

San Francisco, California, US

Dear Warren, very cool work, but you missed the cut off, the job has already been filled, thanks for playing, or trying to, lol


Clay Pigeon AD

Sep 12 06 06:55 pm Link


AU fotografia

Posts: 1723

Houston, Texas, US

Sep 12 06 06:58 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

parkus photography wrote:
We can all be AD's!  If you do not want to enter into this as a photographer or model, come back and say who you would choose for the job if you were the AD. Basically,  this is just to have us put ourselves also on the other side of the hiring process. 

pretend, i need to show my imaginary clients, a photographer that can handle food (ice cream) and people in a cool way. i can not risk failure, because my job is also on the line,  for the model i want one that can smile and has personality and a wholesome look. 

BTW, it is never the luck of the draw.

these are important words and he did say never

Sep 12 06 07:45 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

parkus photography wrote:
photographers, in order of selection

1.  Jay Bowman
2.  Bob Randall 
3.  Dee
4.  Blindmike
5.  Synthetic Shadow

thanks for playing.



I... c... can't bruh... can't breathe... can't... th-think... so huh...

This is the best.  This makes up for all the sand that's ever been kicked in my face on the beach and getting cut from the basketball team in Junior High.  I have finally arrived.

On the other hand, this was for a mock job.  So I don't get jack.  This blows.  This is the last time I play with you guys anymore.  Bastids...

Sep 12 06 08:22 pm Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


Hey I've been looking for this thread and hey look, I won! even though it's fake it's still flattering because I saw some beautiful smiles in the other models ports. in an attempt to be as cool as Mr. Jay bowman, this makes up for having my prom date dump me to go with another girl.

Sep 13 06 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 558

The job may have been fake but the competition was not. Just because there is no prize doesnt belittle the winners having won.

Kudos to you.

Sep 13 06 12:20 pm Link