Forums > General Industry > Question.....


Ayira Araceli

Posts: 210

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Kay...say you went for a tfp/cd shoot and it lasted three days (not over night but day-to-day). You missed three classes just to help this photographer out (and ofcourse, yourself) and after the three days of posing and helping and stuff you never hear back from the photographer. And for about two and a half months you still have not heard from this photographer regarding your cd or prints, even after sending messages his/her way...what do ya do?

Sep 10 06 03:19 pm Link


Right Toe

Posts: 5293

London, England, United Kingdom

I always find nailing someone's genitals to the nearest tree (with them still attached, of course) and leaving them there until they give you what they owe you always works a treat - assuming they are male, or course!  This could, of course, land you in prison, but some things are worth the risk.  This sounds like on of them!!

Sep 10 06 04:14 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Sounds like you got three days of education anyway.  You can continue to bug the guy, but either way you have to write it off - emotionally. 

We've all got too many stories like this.  Getting angry doesn't help.  What you've learned is maybe not to invest as much of yourself next time.  Or to do some homework so you can feel confident that the next guy you work with won't do that. 

But this kind of thing happens.  Mostly on the web, but it happens in the real world too. 

Learn from it.


Sep 10 06 04:15 pm Link



Posts: 772

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Send them an invoice for your time at a realistic commercial rate, remembering to include all incurred incidental expenses - travel, lunches, accomodation etc with a polite letter stating that as he's breached the agreed contract, you'd now like payment in full within 7days.

You also tell him that you'll be following this on day 7 with legal action to recover the costs (possible in the UK through the Small Claims Court).

Of coourse you could contact him telling him that you'll publicly name him as a contract breaker, and that on no account should no model ever work with him..

These are a few of your (remaining professional yourself) options.

Sep 10 06 04:20 pm Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

Tell anyone who'll listen that the guy's an a**hole, and put it down to experience.  Unless you can hire a hitman, that is.

There are models who don't turn up for a shoot when they promise to, and there are photographers who don't deliver the photo's after a shoot when they promise to.  What we need to do is get the two groups together, then no-one's time would be wasted.

Sep 10 06 04:28 pm Link


Sky Above

Posts: 250

Let it go. Honestly, it won't be worth your energy.  You probably learned a great deal about yourself as a model, and I imagine since you shot from then you get better and better. We all have similar stories, life's has too many amazing opportunities to worry about the past. :-)))

Sep 10 06 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Anona wrote:
Kay...say you went for a tfp/cd shoot and it lasted three days (not over night but day-to-day). You missed three classes just to help this photographer out (and ofcourse, yourself) and after the three days of posing and helping and stuff you never hear back from the photographer. And for about two and a half months you still have not heard from this photographer regarding your cd or prints, even after sending messages his/her way...what do ya do?

We live and die by our reputations, and the answer to this question is always the same.

Do everything you can to establish communication and a timeframe for delivery of what was promised. Be very clear in your mind what the photographer owes you as agreed upon compensation for your 3 days of effort. Assumptions are not 'legal' here!

If still no satisfaction after a reasonable amount of time, it becomes your obligation (IMO) to inform the rest of the community of this photographer's shinanigans, so others times are not wasted as yours may have been.  Shout his name from the highest tree that the rest may be wary.

This industry is too small, our reputations too valuable & vulnerable, to play this kind of game.

See Jessica MM#41806 for her professional response to Mark Wangerin's unethical handling of his TFCD responsibilities to her.

If I was you, I'd publish this photographer's name, warn the community, and then move on to better photographers-- but be very careful that you yourself have not misunderstood any details...

Sep 10 06 04:44 pm Link


Ayira Araceli

Posts: 210

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Update! Lol I heard the guy is wanted in FL for grand larceny (sp). 'aint that something??!!!! Im getting the details though...

Sep 11 06 12:39 am Link


Ayira Araceli

Posts: 210

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

And thanks for the words of advice. Never will I go to a shoot with out a signed agreement from both sucked. The C I got could've been a B...oh well. Live-n-Learn

Sep 11 06 12:41 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Daguerre wrote:
If still no satisfaction after a reasonable amount of time, it becomes your obligation (IMO) to inform the rest of the community of this photographer's shinanigans, so others times are not wasted as yours may have been.  Shout his name from the highest tree that the rest may be wary.

I don't think starting witch hunts is anyone's respnsibility. There are at least two sides to this story and an internet forum is a not a good place to find or post accurate opinions of someone's ethics.  Forums are not run like courts. There is no obligation to hear both sides, but there's plenty of opportunity for people to to jump to one side and convict someone based on completely invalid information.

Casse in point: all we know about the matter you referenced above is one model's perception of events. We don't know the photographer's story, but that didn't stop you from labeling his actions unethical and holding him up as an example of a bad man being chastised.

Sep 11 06 02:49 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Anona wrote:
Kay...say you went for a tfp/cd shoot and it lasted three days (not over night but day-to-day). You missed three classes just to help this photographer out (and ofcourse, yourself) and after the three days of posing and helping and stuff you never hear back from the photographer. And for about two and a half months you still have not heard from this photographer regarding your cd or prints, even after sending messages his/her way...what do ya do?

Keep on bugging him/her. Unfortunately, if one overcommits (especially if a photographer takes on too many TFPs).  There may be family or health issues, too.  But keep on bugging him until he gives you something.


Sep 11 06 02:53 am Link