Forums > General Industry > people who get STIFFED by photographer's


Sindy Vidal

Posts: 22

Miami, Florida, US

Add a line to the tfp model release:  If images are not provided as agreed upon within 6 weeks (or whatever the timeframe is) models full day rate of $1,200 is due and payable upon demand.

If you don't get it in writing, it's just BS and you have no one to blame but yourself if you get screwed out of your images.  If the photographer has a problem with putting his end of the bargain in writing but demands your end in writing, beware.

(PS:  If you cancel at the last minute, you should have to pay the photographers day rate for wasting his time.  Fair is fair.)

Sep 10 06 11:57 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28747

Phoenix, Arizona, US


Sep 10 06 11:58 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Best bet, maintain contact with the photographer, be polite and profesional in all of your contacts. Most problems are simply a problem in communication. But ... when they break off contact, don't respond to your emails and simply refuse to  provide what was promised, the hunt them down, kill them and eat their hearts. Word will spread and that will eventually stop the problem.

Sep 11 06 12:07 am Link



Posts: 6129

Stephen Melvin wrote:
Where's OGR to comment on the title of this thread when we need him?

stiffing on images is pornography! (or art, i guess)

as for suggesting that it is the job of the networking website to do the homework on members that you yourselves fail to do... c'mon now, you really need a babysitter? are there enough babysitters to go around considering the 1-to-1 ratio required by most members?

the site is degraded? good lord what do you think this site is?

Sep 11 06 12:12 am Link



Posts: 1087

Dallas, Texas, US

Sindy Vidal wrote:
Add a line to the tfp model release:  If images are not provided as agreed upon within 6 weeks (or whatever the timeframe is) models full day rate of $1,200 is due and payable upon demand.

If you don't get it in writing, it's just BS and you have no one to blame but yourself if you get screwed out of your images.  If the photographer has a problem with putting his end of the bargain in writing but demands your end in writing, beware.

(PS:  If you cancel at the last minute, you should have to pay the photographers day rate for wasting his time.  Fair is fair.)

If they canceled, they never showed up to sign the agreement yet I am still prepared with crew and expenses sometimes already paid.

Sep 11 06 12:37 am Link


Sindy Vidal

Posts: 22

Miami, Florida, US

MalameelPhotography wrote:
If they canceled, they never showed up to sign the agreement yet I am still prepared with crew and expenses sometimes already paid.

So who's fault is it for not having a contract in advance of the shoot?

Hint:  YOURS.

Sep 11 06 12:47 am Link



Posts: 1087

Dallas, Texas, US

Sindy Vidal wrote:
So who's fault is it for not having a contract in advance of the shoot?

Hint:  YOURS.

You cannot always meet the model in advanced or the shoot is already last minute and you are trying to be active in making things happen.  Maybe you get a model that is traveling into town, or you are traveling yourself.

Money doesn't work either because I have models for paid shoots simple not show up.  No respectable model is going to sign a $1,200 penalty clause anyway.  So why would an internet model do so?

You have to work with what you can get.  We can act all high and mighty, but the reality of the situation, is that in the real world... poop happens.

Sep 11 06 12:59 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 127

Los Angeles, California, US

AGFA Guy wrote:

yep smile I agree 100%

Well I don't agree, because i worked on a PAID shoot and hvae not received the promised pics, which he said he would get to me in "one week"

anyways everyone I hope this helps I just found this Form Online. I am going to use it for all my shoots just in case, even though it says it's for Testing

I just found this on

good luck all
LMA smile

Sep 11 06 02:03 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

I have had this problem with non MM people .... and I got stiffed for prints once in 92 and that didn't happen again until uh digital hit the big time , this i do not understand , you would think it would have been the other way around.

Sep 11 06 06:17 am Link


Southwest Photography

Posts: 288

Boston, Massachusetts, US

This is beginning to sound like a Jerry Springer segment.

How about, "Green-Eyed Divorcees from Keokuk who are stiffed by photographers."

Sep 11 06 06:42 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

K8ygirl wrote:
Keeping this site 'pure' as you say is the whole point! However, due to a shared experience with ST, and having worked with this self proclaimed "professional", unfourtunatly this particular photographer has blown us off. Leaving us with nothing to show for many hours of our time per his request to test.

NOW, that said, many many models have had this happen I know, and many a photographer has in turn not followed through with the images ect...The problem here is that over the course of 6 months more and more models on this site have been specifically picked by this man and encountered the same issue as we have.
And we have somehow managed to keep finding one another by chance because in each instance these models have been too afraid to pursue this issue. Fear of backlash and being the only one is the most common thread.

Yes you can do your reference checks and such, we know this, but when the photographer is quite well known and has people consistantly tagging his page in regards to how "utterly amazingly beautiful" his work is, and how they are willing to walk the ends of the earth just for a single session with him, then it can be quite difficult to try and approach the subject of being blown off and treated horribly by this same person.

The rules of engagement on this site are also an issue. How are we to stop people like this from continuing in this unprofessional manner when we, as members of this site, are too afraid to ask questions about specific people in these forums, for fear that we will be banned for trying to come together and prove that a photographer such as he should be the one who is banned. I say this because he keeps doing this to not only models but stylists and MUA's alike-HE KNOWS HE CAN GET AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE NO ONE CAN OUT HIM!

If situations like these don't get handled by the Mod's stepping in, then once again the standard(s) is and are lowered. And this site becomes a sleazy free for all cloaked as a reputable community of professionals coming together to reach common goals.

The sucky thing is that even if the mods did ban this guy, no one would know why. The mods won't reveal anything (which they should if they found an "allegation" to be true) thereby NOT protecting their users. There are many other forums on the internet that when a member is banned (temp or perma) it is posted why. The MM mods are just paving the road for later on when a model is attacked or worse by a photographer, that MM may have to bear some of the responsibility (morally or legally) of not taking a pro-active role in alerting/warning people.

Sep 11 06 06:58 am Link



Posts: 114

New York, New York, US

I don't like the idea of a rating system, too much possibility of abuse.  Some of us in the public eye have already seen jealous competitors finding innovative ways to trash us, libel us, and try to hurt our businesses.  This would just give them another tool.

I am not sure how much not getting your images is a problem.  I see it happens and I think makeup/hair people get stuck more than models as they often don't get a CD right away. The real offense I see is when models pay for a test shoot and can't get the images later.  It doesn't happen that often, but I have friends this has happenned to.

I stress good communication, continual communication.  I don't know much about the specific case here, but many of us photographers have been party to owing somebody something, whether it be a week or much longer.  We are in control of the images which gives us and us alone this responsibilty.   But I think most people who wait wait for a reason; usually communication problems (ie, giving us the wrong numbers, bad choices) and rarely behavorial issues (like teeing off the photographer).  I don't have this, but know stories.

I am not a big fan of the idea about giving them a subtle but negative tag.  I think if the photographer isn't sending you images, that that might just provoke him to put you at the back of the line. I always suggest being polite, but continual. 

I strive hard to get all my clients and TFPs their work ASAP, but there are times you just can't keep up with all the requests.  The key for us is to just part with that CD as soon as you can.  I personally always give a CD/DVD same day.  The only difficult thing I have is getting non-paid retouching done, as I have a never ending list of paid retouching.  I think this is another reason makeup artists get stuck as they often want not a CD but retouched images (and not pay regular retouching rates). (I don't think this has anything to do with the specific case here).

I guest lecture on fashion production at FIT, LIM, George Washington University and always tell fashion people to get on board with at least light photoshop skills.  The number of calls I get about resizing an image for the internet, lightening or a touch of contrast, or even not being able to read a CD (and it is NEVER a corrupt CD).  I think the busy photographers get overwhelmed by requests, but try really hard to get everything out to who needs it.

To turn this around though.  This is a photographer problem as we are in control of the images.  But last year I did a shoot, burned a CD and gave it away.  Person leaves and 10 minutes later my computer crashes.  I lose the whole shoot (lucky I had backed up the rest of my system).  How long do you think it took to get a copy of those images?........almost 2 months even though they lived in New York as well.  I think I only got them back because they wanted me to retouch them!!!!  You know who also had to wait: the Makeup artist.

Best of luck everybody
Michael Creagh

Sep 11 06 07:05 am Link



Posts: 1508

New York, New York, US

Ok, I told you I'd give you my two cents here.

I don't think you're getting anywhere with the people in this forum because they are all internet models/photographers/mua's.  That means they handle their business that way.  On their schdeule.  There's like this completely unspoken rule of unprofessionalism that comes along with using people off this site - you and I should know this by now.  I'm not saying everyone, so to anyone that's going to reply saying "ZOMG not true" don't waste your time.  Most of the people that have given responses might not even understand exactly what your situation is, and if they did, would be equally if not MORE pissed about it.  I definitely think that the contract would be a great idea.  Anyone that is willing to make you spend 12 hours a day for 3 days straight shouldn't have the least bit of problem with this.  If they do, you know maybe you shouldn't work with them to begin with. 
Sad to say, but this will continue to happen.  Especially with the attitude that the majority have of, "That's just how it is."  It shouldn't be, and we aren't getting anywhere by not doing anything about it.

Sep 11 06 08:59 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Sharon Tabb Hair Makeup

Posts: 41

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

kate f wrote:
Ok, I told you I'd give you my two cents here.

I don't think you're getting anywhere with the people in this forum because they are all internet models/photographers/mua's.  That means they handle their business that way.  On their schdeule.  There's like this completely unspoken rule of unprofessionalism that comes along with using people off this site - you and I should know this by now.  I'm not saying everyone, so to anyone that's going to reply saying "ZOMG not true" don't waste your time.  Most of the people that have given responses might not even understand exactly what your situation is, and if they did, would be equally if not MORE pissed about it.  I definitely think that the contract would be a great idea.  Anyone that is willing to make you spend 12 hours a day for 3 days straight shouldn't have the least bit of problem with this.  If they do, you know maybe you shouldn't work with them to begin with. 
Sad to say, but this will continue to happen.  Especially with the attitude that the majority have of, "That's just how it is."  It shouldn't be, and we aren't getting anywhere by not doing anything about it.

I didn't do 3 12 hour day's, just 2 full day's and a short 3rd day.... maybe had I done 3 full day's I would have gotten my images.  LOL

Sep 13 06 05:55 pm Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Foxy Tigress wrote:
...  and thats why paid shoots are SO MUCH EASIER to handle...

Sep 13 06 11:41 pm Link