Forums > General Industry > I've just about had it....


Eric Jackson

Posts: 1290

Dayton, Ohio, US

Scheduled to shoot said model tomorrow. Everything was in place; location, wardrobe etc.  After countless emails planning, confirming, I get an email just now saying she has to cancel, and you guessed it, the boyfriend thing. Lack of communication blah, blah blah, mostly on his part, so she has to go be with him. Now we don't want to PISS him off now do we?!? Not looking for pity, I know other photogs, as well as models have gone through this. I'ts just my turn to rant.

Sep 09 06 03:49 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Eric Jackson wrote:
Scheduled to shoot said model tomorrow. Everything was in place; location, wardrobe etc.  After countless emails planning, confirming, I get an email just now saying she has to cancel, and you guessed it, the boyfriend thing. Lack of communication blah, blah blah, mostly on his part, so she has to go be with him. Now we don't want to PISS him off now do we?!? Not looking for pity, I know other photogs, as well as models have gone through this. I'ts just my turn to rant.

Grab another model and shoot anyways. I've heard other photographers that book two models for the same shoot. I just have a good number of local models I can call.

I have two shoots planned late this month. First shoot I have four models booked, the other one so far has two models boked. Each of the shoots can be shot with only one model.

Sep 09 06 03:56 pm Link


Stan The Man

Posts: 733

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

happened to me 2 days ago!!! but hey life goes on...  i am here on vacation just wanted to help start up this girl !!see i learned one thing b4 i leave my house i will call the  Model 2 make sure we still on if i end up on the cell phone voicemail  i will nicely say i am still home waiting for a reply we due to shoot in 2 hours if i dont get a reply withing 1 h i am staying home simple as that but it does suck when you have MUA and the whole 9 yard ready... its gonna happen a few more time but dont worry its common practice
little did she knew i was gonna hook her up with bigger work the following week with MUA and designer....

Sep 09 06 03:56 pm Link


Eric Jackson

Posts: 1290

Dayton, Ohio, US

The thing is I gave this woman my phone #, at least three times, she never gave me hers; I didn't feel I had to ask her for it.  You want to get a feel of what a person is like over the phone, instead of emailing each other to death.  And it was a paid gig, so I guess it was pretty much her loss.

Sep 09 06 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 36

Great Neck, New York, US

Well, in my case no boyfriend issues.......I had a shoot planned for today@1pm and today here in New england its gorgeous and I couldn't enjoy it. Guess what he never showed up!! A saturday for me wasted...........I'm flying out tomorrow for shoots, but now am realizing I could have gone today. I think most of these photographers think we don't have a life......which is wrong. Its sad to think I waste me time and my eneregy thinking more for them then anything........I'm tired of feeling pissed off, but at the same time I just want to be happy & not piss  anyone off.

Sep 09 06 04:19 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Heather75 wrote:
Well, in my case no boyfriend issues.......I had a shoot planned for today@1pm and today here in New england its gorgeous and I couldn't enjoy it. Guess what he never showed up!! A saturday for me wasted...........I'm flying out tomorrow for shoots, but now am realizing I could have gone today. I think most of these photographers think we don't have a life......which is wrong. Its sad to think I waste me time and my eneregy thinking more for them then anything........I'm tired of feeling pissed off, but at the same time I just want to be happy & not piss  anyone off.

Maybe Heather and Eric should hook up.  Photographically of course.

Sep 09 06 04:21 pm Link

Hair Stylist

rick lesser

Posts: 1116

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Why not send her a bill for the cost of the day?  I'm sure she will understand that since she canceled at the last minute, it's only fair that the others involved get paid.  Making sure you emphasize the  professional responsibility she has to the others.  You know she will never agree to it but at least it may bother her for a second or two that she put out not only you but the rest of the team as well. R-

Sep 09 06 06:21 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

I was supposed to have a shoot today but the photographer never got back to me on what time to meet.  :0/.
Things like this happen all the time.

Sep 09 06 06:23 pm Link


Audra O.

Posts: 23

Portland, Oregon, US

I HATE when people flake out.  Sorry about that.  I agree with grabbing another model to shoot.  And, if it was a paid shoot, DEFINATELY send her the bill.  smile

Sep 09 06 06:31 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Eric Jackson wrote:
The thing is I gave this woman my phone #, at least three times, she never gave me hers; I didn't feel I had to ask her for it.  You want to get a feel of what a person is like over the phone, instead of emailing each other to death.  And it was a paid gig, so I guess it was pretty much her loss.

When models won't give you their contact information thats not a good sign.
I never set up shoots untill I speak to the model.  If she won't give me some
sort of contact number no shoot.

Sep 09 06 06:33 pm Link



Posts: 6

Vancouver, Washington, US

It's all a game of odds. Some models are very responsible, others still don't realize how much a photographer that books them depends on them showing up.

But do the odds. Most are responsible, and they get the work.

Sep 09 06 06:35 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Ever cancelled an appointment without giving the other person a reason?  In fact, have you ever had someone call you because you weren't where you were supposed to be at an appointed time?  Ever had significant-other-issues that really did affect your working life?  Ever just have a day when everything fell apart and you couldn't do anything right?  Ever fuck up majorly over something that you could've easily prevented?

No?  On all counts?  Wow.  Nice.  Hey, y'know perhaps someday you could come visit the rest of us in a quaint little place we like to call reality...

Seriously though, you certainly have just cause to be pissed.  And I am not for one second suggesting that you should not expect people to be on time and professional.  That should definitely be the expectation, not the exception.  What I am saying is that when people show that they are, in fact, human and given to doing stupid, inexplicable shit that isn't appropriate or puts you in a bind... well, I'm suggesting that you not even give it a second thought because things like that certainly happen.  To all of us. 

I say prepare for the fact that people are human beforehand.  Like someone else mentioned, have a backup on call...

Sep 09 06 07:13 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Hollywood, Alabama, US

it never ends....and never will.
take a breath,
and move on.

TRUST me on this.

Sep 09 06 07:21 pm Link


Dr Molly Black

Posts: 663

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Unless it's a model I've shot before I try to always have a backup on call. And last night I was supposed to model but never heard from the photographer. Guess what? HUGE family emergency that made it totally okay that it didn't happen. However I couldn't have a backup photographer in place, because shoots don't really work that way. It's easier (for me anyway) to deal with the model problem than it is to deal with the photographer problem.

Not that I have one. I'm just saying, at least as photographers we can double book, but we can't do that as models.

I think that makes sense. *grin*

Sep 09 06 07:24 pm Link