
Ken Myers Photography

Posts: 70

Garland, Texas, US

well, I have booked 4 models through MM so far.
The second one was scheduled for today,
now that make two no shows in a row!
Another half day wasted!
I hope you other photographers have better luck than I do.

Sep 09 06 11:56 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Let's see, Ashley Vest, MM#131881 is in the makeup room with Skifandra MM#2855 as I type. We are working on a restiction image and they both showed up on time. Actually, Ashley was way early. First time I've worked with either. Cristilyn mm#140305 is due here at 1:00 PM. I'll let you know how it goes.

Sep 09 06 12:08 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Translation.. Keep at it.. It gets better.

Sep 09 06 12:10 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
Let's see, Ashley Vest, MM#131881 is in the makeup room with Skifandra MM#2855 as I type. We are working on a restiction image and they both showed up on time. Actually, Ashley was way early. First time I've worked with either. Cristilyn mm#140305 is due here at 1:00 PM. I'll let you know how it goes.

Woohoo! Oh... er... wait.. I mean to say: Show off!


[edit] I just looked at Skifandra's port; she looks like a lot of fun to work with! I'd be very interested in seeing what you phine pholk come up with!

Bob has all the fun...

Sep 09 06 12:10 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
Let's see, Ashley Vest, MM#131881 is in the makeup room with Skifandra MM#2855 as I type. We are working on a restiction image and they both showed up on time. Actually, Ashley was way early. First time I've worked with either. Cristilyn mm#140305 is due here at 1:00 PM. I'll let you know how it goes.

Ashley I don't know, but Skifandra rocks my socks.

And as far as my own experiences, I would say that I have had very good results booking from Model Mayhem. I have booked both TFP and paid work and my flake rate is less than 10%.


Sep 09 06 12:16 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

OK, an update from today's shooting.

Ashley Vest MM#131881 is teriffic, I highly reccomend her She was paid for her time..

Skifandra MM#2855  was a gem. She did all that was aked and more, she brought energy galore. She was paid for her time.

Cristilyn mm#140305 is new and we didn't sync up as fast as I normally do , but she worked hard and was eager and willing and I got a number of quality images which I will probably post later. She wasn't paid, it was testing or TFP or barter or trade or stealing from another shooter or down right wrong to be taking the bread off another photographers table.

Everyone showed up on time as scheduled.

Sep 09 06 04:35 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

This from one of the three setups we did today. I said I would post something if I could and I'm doing this for a few reasons. First of all I never have the bad experiences that many of you complain about with regard to flakes not showing up. I don't know why, but I just don't. I don't seem to be plagued by newbie problems either. The model on the left is brand new to modeling of any kind. Her name is Cristilyn mm#140305. That glorious creature in the background behind the glass is Skifandra MM#2855. They both took direction very well and added a great deal of their personality and input as well. Ashley Vest MM#131881 did the make up and she is great. Maybe instead of complaining about what went wrong we should ask question about how to make it go right.

Sep 09 06 08:02 pm Link


Yerkes Photography

Posts: 459

Kingston, New York, US

there should be some sort of feedback system , like ebay ...

not that i want to "blacklist" anyone ... but it would be nice to know who has a problem and who is timely ...

Sep 09 06 08:08 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Yerkes Photography wrote:
there should be some sort of feedback system , like ebay ...

not that i want to "blacklist" anyone ... but it would be nice to know who has a problem and who is timely ...

This "no show" / "flake" thread never dies.  A new thread is posted every few days.

Since the thread is redundant, perhaps people are posting first & reading later.  So I'll be redundant with my comments:

You can't do anything about a true "flake" -- they will flake on you no matter what you do.  But in some cases, perhaps the no-show happens because the photographer fails to inspire & motivate the model.  Did you sufficiently communicate your enthusiasm?  Was she excited about the concepts you were going to try?  Was she happy with the compensation she expected to get?  In short -- did you do your part in setting yourself up for success?  I contend that there might be some steps a photographer can take to improve their odds.

A rating system is a bad, bad, bad, bad idea.  One often hears of photographers who want to post the names of their no-show models on their profiles.  Hey, your profile is supposed to be the first impression you make to potential models & clients -- do you want that first impression to say "I'm a vindictive SOB"?  Keep your profile positive.

Besides, why should we take your word for it?  Perhaps you gave the model the wrong location or date or time?  Perhaps you were the one who didn't show?  Why should we believe your side of the story, especially since her side of the story is absent?  How would you feel if a model rates you as "touched me inappropriately"?  What can/should you do?  (Remember:  the truth is relative.)

I won't go into legal implications, both for you and for MM.

Your only recourse is that if someone asks you privately about a model, go ahead & tell them what you know.  Otherwise, your energy is better spent of making the prospect of working with you so exciting that no model would dare flake on you.

Sep 10 06 11:39 am Link