Forums > General Industry > Why can't I get any models for this shoot????



Posts: 85

Holmen, Wisconsin, US

Hi all,

I have been recruited by a local performing arts facility to put together a calendar for them, so they can sell it for a fundraiser, as they are a non profit organization and rely on fundraisers to generate money for their facility.

Anyway, they want to do an implied nudity calendar of women who are nude, and posed around various places in the theatre, behind props and other objects.  I am located in Wisconsin, and have contaced many many area models, and I've gotten some responses back, but after that, NOTHING.  We can't pay an hourly rate for the project, but ARE offering a gas allowance for travel plus paying .32 a mile for reimbursement, and also giving the models photos either on CD or prints, whichever they choose.

So how come, I'm not getting any models?  I know I am fairly new to photography, but if I can't find models, I can't do this shoot.

Any help would be great.


Sep 08 06 10:30 am Link


Yasmin Al Tellawy

Posts: 179

Tonbridge, England, United Kingdom

you maybe just need to sell it better? make it sound a lot more exciting and show it would be a great job to be a part of etc etc?
I don't know..

                                       Yasmin xx

Sep 08 06 10:34 am Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

Because there's no pay involved.
Post an ad with $$ in it and you'll get tons of responses.
Unless you're a "Superstar" internet photographer, these ladies will only be interested in your $$.
Sad but true.

Good luck.

Sep 08 06 10:35 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Is there a MUA/hairstylist for this shoot?

Will tears be provided?

How long will the shoot take?

Without those questions answered, and not knowing Wisconsin well (except that Big Ten represents ;-) )...I'm not sure why models aren't responding...could you answer those?

Also- how are you approaching these models? Are the just net models or do they have some credits?


Sep 08 06 10:36 am Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

TheStudio wrote:
Hi all,

I have been recruited by a local performing arts facility to put together a calendar for them, so they can sell it for a fundraiser, as they are a non profit organization and rely on fundraisers to generate money for their facility.

Anyway, they want to do an implied nudity calendar of women who are nude, and posed around various places in the theatre, behind props and other objects.  I am located in Wisconsin, and have contaced many many area models, and I've gotten some responses back, but after that, NOTHING.  We can't pay an hourly rate for the project, but ARE offering a gas allowance for travel plus paying .32 a mile for reimbursement, and also giving the models photos either on CD or prints, whichever they choose.

So how come, I'm not getting any models?  I know I am fairly new to photography, but if I can't find models, I can't do this shoot.

Any help would be great.



You'll get alot of initial interest in the beginning but if you are not established in your area, the interest may wane. You might try or even the local colleges to get models. It would also help to have samples to show the potential ladies so they do not think you're looking to shoot soft porn or worse.
I am including a link to my "Curves" project so you might get an idea of my success rate with models for our type of project...
Best of luck!


Sep 08 06 10:36 am Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

My experience is that the most important thing is to have examples of what you plan to do in your portfolio so prospective models can see them.  People don't like surprises when they are naked.  Also, try local university newspapers, even Craig's List.  If you are legit, and appear legit, just the student body (sorry) of U Wisconsin should provide you with enough models.

Sep 08 06 10:38 am Link



Posts: 3702

Fresno, California, US

I don't know exactly why you are having trouble getting models.  My suspicion is that you haven't done much to express what is in it for them.

You talk about the theater and what it is and why it needs this, the calender project and how great that is and than .32 cents a mile for a model.

If I was a model, I wouldn't sign up for that.  Wait, a CD of the shots.  The CD is only worth the quality of the work and what it does for the model.  To assess this the model will check your portfolio - four or five shots isn't going to cut it.

The whole pitch to the model needs to be about them and what it will likely do for them.  Give them a something to grasp onto and get excited about.

The other thought might be that you are looking in the wrong place.  Maybe "real" models aren't the right answer and you should be looking for "regular" females - maybo local art models, theater junkies, etc.

Best of luck!

Sep 08 06 10:45 am Link



Posts: 85

Holmen, Wisconsin, US


Sure can..There will be a hairstylist provided, no MUA.  Tears will be provided and the shoot will last "roughly" 3 hours.

I do have samples of my work under my name here on M.M.  I'll have to get some more.


Sep 08 06 10:48 am Link



Posts: 3410

Seattle, Washington, US

It would seem easier to adjust the scope of your project to a level of comfort that appeals to a wider group of models. Maybe a theatrical theme would be seem more relevant to a theatre than implied nudes. The theatre should have access to talented MUAs who wish to support their cause and most have a good collection of wardrobe to assist in creative and interesting shots. Most models that are willing to do nude work clearly state that it is not TFP.
Good luck!

Sep 08 06 10:52 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

why can't they come up with a few models.. they should have some actors waiting in the wings

all the caledar shoots i can think of have the firemen, soccer players, etc from the team, org, involved..

there could be some actors that might like the idea

you could call and say

by the way, are there any actors that want to be in the calendar?


i'm having trouble getting models, would you meet me at the theatre and whip off your shirt

you know, spread the oportunity

Sep 08 06 10:54 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


TheStudio wrote:

Sure can..There will be a hairstylist provided, no MUA.  Tears will be provided and the shoot will last "roughly" 3 hours.

I do have samples of my work under my name here on M.M.  I'll have to get some more.


I think you should offer to have pizza delivered or something....

personally, I will shoot TFP if a tear that I can use is involved. Perhaps these girls don't think they'll be able to use the tear...

Is the hairstylist fantastic? You need a MUA. Definetly...why not hire one..a really good one?

I concur with the cl notion- craigs list works wonders. try over there.

did you try OMP?

Make it clear for what is in it for them.

Hope this helps- gl finding models- I would do it if I was out there ;-)


edit: someone said actors should be waiting in the wings (which, I, because I laugh at everything, found so funny...get the wings? they act? on the stage...the stage has wings?)....that's a good suggestion- why don't you ask the theatre if they have anyone available?

Sep 08 06 10:55 am Link



Posts: 6129

because the concept of non-paid nude calendar for non-profit or charity is a cliche used to 'get em naked'. what is the benefit for those posing? -- hard to find.

Sep 08 06 11:00 am Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US


Sep 08 06 11:04 am Link


Rachel Jay

Posts: 20441

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I think it's the way you're selling it. 

Saying, "they want to do an implied nudity calendar of women who are nude" makes it a bit confusing.  Will all models *have* to be nude, or can those not comfortable in the buff wear a thong and strapless bra?

Perhaps a link to the theatre/facility's website or just some more info about it would be helpful as well.  And maybe even some general shots of the inside of the theatre and shooting area?

Sep 08 06 11:05 am Link



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

If you have a letter from the agency to show who they are, and explain the project and also show that they are a legit 501C-2 you should will be credible and many will want to participate.   

In other words, you have to show that this is legit with actual info on their company letterhead.

ALSO, do you have more images to load up in you MM profile?  You need to show that you are legit with about 15 - 20 images at least to make models feel at home.

I have a writer in NYC who wants me to shoot for her book covers, but I can not accomplish this because she will not give me the data as needed with a letter of intent, outlining her needs from me to give to the models, along with phone numbers and such.

Sep 08 06 11:07 am Link


Kiran Patil

Posts: 315

Newark, Delaware, US

Go back and ask the non-profit organization/company for money to pay your models. Not much - $100/each should be enough to attract some attractive semi-pro models with talent. Many lower their fee for charitable causes or for the sake of "pure art". Don't be afraid to ask for some money. Just because they are non-profit doesn't mean it's not a business. It simply means that individuals in the company are not receiving significant financial reward from the profit the company makes. Hopefully, the money will go toward enriching the community through the theatrical arts.

The other option is asking the organization to agree to deferred pay for the models. Get it in writing. If the calendar is being used to raise money then there will be something in their coffers to pay the models with later. This isn't unheard of with modeling and actors. In fact, the SAG has low budget/non-profit deferred contracts that you can modify for models. If you need one let me know. I have a copy somewhere. Personally I don't like doing this - I want everyone paid off right away. Who wants to deal with paying someone later... but if you have to - it's an option.

You can't make money without spending some money. If they told you flat out that they can't give you a small budget either up front or deferred - walk away from this project. It's not worth the effort on your part.

Sep 08 06 11:21 am Link



Posts: 114

New York, New York, US

I think the real problem is why isn't the model going to get paid.  Fundraiser does not mean charity.  This is a nudie calendar for sale and any model in her right mind should be asking for money.

I shoot a lot and get published a lot and a tearsheet is only as good as 1) where it is from and 2) what the model looks like in it.  On the internet it has got some grand Holy Grail like quality to some models, but it isn't what people think it is.

Don't pay for food.  Don't pay some makeup or hair stylist.  And instead get $300 together for the model and you will have loads of great choices.

Definitely take the suggestions from people here to sell your shoot better.  I would even make a PDF from the theater describing the project.  Find examples on the internet of what you plan to shoot as a mock up.

I hate when clients try to figure out reasons why I shouldn't get I would hate to do it to others.  100% you should be paying the model for this even though many of us could get free models for this.  Getting naked (even implied) for free better have some benefits.  Exposure, experience and gas money don't cut it.  If you had a kick butt book and shot some modeling stuff for them as would be a different story.

Best of luck, but I say pay

Sep 08 06 11:31 am Link



Posts: 85

Holmen, Wisconsin, US

Thanks for all the great comments and advice guys, I do appreciate it.  And actually it's a 501 (c) 3......not 2......organization.

Anyway, I should have added a bit more detail to my very first post.  The theatre is a touring house...meaning we don't do "local" shows, so we don't have actors and actresses just hanging around waiting to pose for us.  That's why I came to M.M., so I could search for "area" models, no further than 100 miles away.  I am also keying the search to models just starting out, and wanting TFP and TFCD, those are the ones I have primarily contacted here at M.M. I know that I wouldn't get the more experiences models looking for Paid work.

Since I am a fairly new photographer and all, I knew I wouldn't be getting the "NEXT TOP MODEL"  but I figured I could get some Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Iowa girls looking to expand their portfoilio a bit, afterall, there seems to be an adundance of them listed on here looking for work.

Maybe I'll have to see if I can offer up a little "cash" and see if that helps.

Oh and yeah, if the model isn't comfortable being totally nude, they can certainly be wearing strapless bra and thongs. I am totally fine with that aspect of this shoot.

Hope that helps a bit.

Sep 08 06 02:02 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

I have had many calendars, books, magazines, projects, web sites, and other projects pitched to me for model for.

90% of those offers are by photographers who have an idea that if they tell a model that they are creating a work, I will automatically model for them and the work will automatically sell. Even if they have never done such a project before.

This translates into a lot of people BS there way into shooting models with no clear concept of why they are doing so they just need an great excuse to shoot models, ie "I'm shooting for a charity calendar"  the reality is that 90% of these projects never happin.

The same snow job as "Let's shoot for FHM and submit the images" when photogtrapher has never submitted anything and never plans to.

Here are the questions you need to answer.

Who is publishing the calendar?
Who will buy the calendar?
Who will sell the calendar?
How much does the calendar sell for?
Why is this calendar being produced?
What charity is this calendar for?
Where can this calendar be bought?
Does the model get a copy of the calendar?

You only have a few images in your portfolio and they so show you are a newer photographer that is a drawback, you need to get out there and shoot a little cleaner so that people will actually buy the calendar once it is produced.

You need to sell the project more than you shooting skills right now.

There is an old theater in downtown Fullerton called the Fox Theater it has just been taken in by a restoration team to be fully restored to it's former glory. *cries in happiness* I have seen this old theater for years and dreamt with my best friend if ever had enough money we would have bought it and restored it ourselves. Alas we were kids, yet due to my personal connection and feelings for this theater if a member of the restoration committee came to me and said we are shooting a calendar for fundraising to earn money to restore the theater I would drop trow in less than 10 seconds for that cause!!!

In a nutshell you need to tell models why this is the coolest project and make then want and beg to be a part or it. Then bring in models who will not only model for the clander but sell it as well.

Sep 08 06 03:05 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

P.S. put your project in your bio so models can read about it as well.

Sep 08 06 03:07 pm Link