Forums > General Industry > Need Help with Modeling... Please



Posts: 58

Wabasha, Minnesota, US

I am a model with some experience and would love to get into magazine, burlesque, fashion shows, and ad's/ catalogs (most likely of a fetish/gothic or alternative nature) but can't seem to figure out how to. I've been in one book and going to shoot for the sequal. I have a decent portfolio started, especially on DA... Do you think it is best to work with an agency or try and contacting companys on my own? I just don't know how to progress. Any help, advice or ideas will be appreciated greatly. Thanks, Laura B.

Sep 08 06 06:45 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

LauraB wrote:
I am a model with some experience and would love to get into magazine, burlesque, fashion shows, and ad's/ catalogs (most likely of a fetish/gothic or alternative nature) but can't seem to figure out how to. I've been in one book and going to shoot for the sequal. I have a decent portfolio started, especially on DA... Do you think it is best to work with an agency or try and contacting companys on my own? I just don't know how to progress. Any help, advice or ideas will be appreciated greatly. Thanks, Laura B.

BURLESQUE!!!! old are you?.....haven't seen that term since the 50s!

Sep 08 06 07:03 am Link


Maja J

Posts: 36

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

I´ve been asking for burlesque inspiration here for a week now......

Sep 08 06 07:05 am Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Most agencies aren't going to accept alternate/goth models nor will they likely take anyone with a portfolio like yours (with mostly nude/bondage/fetish). You are also 5' 2" which makes it difficult for you to get onto the runway in most major markets.

Magazine and local runway maybe possible, but you will have to network with the local merchants and find photographers or magazines in your gender. You can also try submitting to websites, which may be easier.

Sep 08 06 12:03 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US


As leonard said agancys don't work with alternative models.

You  state you have a great profile on DA, that is great, now you have to get that  portfolio on this website as well, no one cares about your other profiles put your best work twards your clients. If you go to a casting call and hand the client your book and say "here is my book oh my better book is at home" you will not get a job.

Check yout these guys for alternitive work.

And look in your local market. Who is doign burlesque where you live go to a show or two then ask when adutions are, show up and give it all you got.

Below is a general essay on how to market your self independently.

Diversification in networking: Don't only rely only on MM there is OMP, Craig's list,, local networking parties and events, yahoo groups, myspace, tribe, workshops, night clubs, and other avenues to get your name out in several markets not just one. Remember networking is key, a lot of artists and photographer share names of models they have worked with. Do one workshop with 5 photographers and that is  5 potential photographers who may have a job for you in the future don’t forget the photographer who is teaching the class as well. And better yet each of  those photographers may know someone else who is looking for a person to play a bit part in the new movie they are having trouble casting.

Diversification in jobs: What genre do you want to work in? The real question is how many genre’s CAN you work in? Art & figure modeling, runway, glamour fetish, commercial, now think outside of the box, there are many artists who need models not jus photographers, sculptors need models, as do painters, and art teachers and art students, Some artists need models for body castings. Not all art is pretty and glamorous. I played a dead girl in a bath tub once. Some models also work with promotions passing out samples and information, or wearing new outfits by local designers to clubs, movie bits, and the good old fun job of go-go dancing.

Contacts: make your self easy to find, every photographer and artist has a different venue they go to find models some you meet on the street, some you meet in galleries some you meet at book signings. Always have your business card or comp card at all times I recommend a web site with email. Easy to say, easy to spell, easy to remember. Have your cell number usable at all times or get a modeling cell only if you are worried about privacy. If a photographer thinks of you for a project you need to make sure he/she can FIND YOU and contact you in 2 minutes or less. I know a lot of photographers who lament about the model they though of and don’t have any info on. They can’t recall the OMP number or the last name…

Replies: Now you have photographers and artists contacting you. Reply back to them even if you do not want to work with that job. A simple no thank you I’m booked that day or I do not think that job is right for me but please keep me in mind for other jobs you may have in the future. Will do just that, it will keep you out of the little black books everyone professes to have. After each job send a little thank you email letting them know you appreciate the fact that they hired you and picked you for the job. This goes for studio managers as well as photographers. Sometimes just a “it was great to meet you” is all that is needed to get you on a mental list of models to work with.

Sep 08 06 12:11 pm Link


Mistriss de morte

Posts: 620

Wilmington, Delaware, US

i've been trying to find info about burlesque as well.
if anyone reads this and knows something, please message me.

-miss beth

Sep 08 06 12:26 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
BURLESQUE!!!! old are you?.....haven't seen that term since the 50s!'re joking, right? … gle+Search

I recently threw in my garters for good after several years of performing with various burlesque troupes and cabarets along the west coast.  And I know TONS of people who are still actively performing.  Burleque didn't go anywhere.

There are even some HUGE convention/pageants that happen every year!

As well as smaller ones...



As far as agencies go-- at 5'2", you shouldn't hold your breath.  I discovered years ago that none would give me the time of day (I am also 5'2"), even though I am totally tattoo-less, piercing-less, and while not exactly skin-skin-skinny, do consider myself to be relatively fit.  Even with those things, I am not agency material.  At the same height and outside even that range of mainstream normalcy... your chances are not good.

Like I tell most shorties, you've got pretty much two choices if you want to make a sole living doing modelling-- either do tons of promotional modelling gigs (basically sales work, and those agencies don't care for tattoos/piercings much; they like the girl next door look for the most part) or do "adult" stuff (paid nudes, etc).  Neither of those things is really my idea of fun, so I keep the dayjob. :p

Definitely check out Wicked Talent ( ).  It's not an agency though, more like a referral service and community of like-minded hobbyist models.

If you want to submit photos to magazines, you will need to make sure you have the photographers' written permission to send photos.  Either that or have the photographers submit the photos themselves.  NOTE: Most magazines do NOT pay (they consider the "exposure" payment enough), so many photographers are unwilling to let their photos be used for that sort of thing unless the magazine has a HUGE readership AND credits their photos correctly.

For burlesque shows, you will need to either find a place that does open amateur nights, or start contacting your local troupes to see if they're auditioning for new members.  Some even offer classes from time to time.

As far as getting into catalogs go, you'll either need to know a photographer who's shooting for a designer, or make friends with a designer who will loan you stuff specifically to shoot in for them (but again, some photographers won't want to share photo rights with a 3rd party, so make sure you get all of that hashed out *before* shooting).

Basically, you're going to have to contact most photographers, designers, etc etc on your own, and work hard to make anything happen.

And unless you plan on jumping headfirst into the adult side of alt, don't expect much.

The ONLY successful [adult] alt models I know are Kumi and Darenzia.  Everyone else is an amateur/hobbyist/part-timer to some degree.

Recommended reading:

Sep 08 06 05:12 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Maja J wrote:
I´ve been asking for burlesque inspiration here for a week now......

Miz Beth wrote:
i've been trying to find info about burlesque as well.
if anyone reads this and knows something, please message me.

-miss beth

You need to find a talent agent (like for live shows, bands, variety acts) or go to a venue where they have Burlesque to get work. You'd better have some experience in dance or actual work. The closest I have known to it are models who have been dancers in Vegas, Paris and South Africa shows. They don't make much money - around $150 a show in the line, maybe two shows a night. No pay for practice, fittings. You have to meet show requirements as far as height (they like tall), weight, size. Requires long legs. Unless you get the lead. Sandra was a lead dancer at the Lido, MGM Grand and made decent money (have to be topless).

Burlesque is a strange crowd and the pay range is large - depending on your draw power and "headliner" status. Big boobs get more money.

Sep 08 06 08:09 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Another piece of advice that's shorter. 

If you want to get into alternative magazines, find an excellent photographer that shoots it, beg him to photograph you and to submit the pictures himself.  No copyright issues to contend with, he's probably already published in those magazines and won't be a stranger, and he probably knows exactly what they want. 

No, as Josie said, there won't be any money in it, and the exposure is of questionable value in getting more work, but it's still cool to have some magazines with you in them socked away somewhere.


Sep 08 06 08:55 pm Link


Le Beck Photography

Posts: 4114

Los Angeles, California, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:

BURLESQUE!!!! old are you?.....haven't seen that term since the 50s!

Have you heard of the Pussycat Dolls? or the Forty Deuce In Los Angeles with a second store in Las Vegas. Or The Crazy Horse Saloon in Paris and their show "La Femme" in Las Vegas? Burlesque is alive and well.
Old fashioned Burlesque. Wonderful stuff!! Carolina Cerisola from Buenos Aires is to die for. She was profiled in The LA Times a year or two ago. … -show.aspx

Sep 08 06 09:19 pm Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

theres always internet sites

Sep 08 06 09:22 pm Link