Forums > General Industry > why do you do this?



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

you're right...  I quit.

Sep 08 06 04:10 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Sep 08 06 04:11 pm Link


Renada Nicole

Posts: 281

Albany, California, US

WOW...Get a clue ! Some people, Models and Photographers, are'nt trying to get signed or become the next big thing. For a lot of people it's all about the passion and love they have for creating beautiful images !!

Sep 08 06 04:17 pm Link



Posts: 1312

Santa Cruz, California, US

why do we do anything in life... to conquer the world of course!  Pinky, Pink and the Brain Brain Brain


Sep 08 06 04:31 pm Link


Ken Rieves Photography

Posts: 934

Avon Lake, Ohio, US

I really don't shoot a lot of models. I've only shot 2 for commercial purposes since I started my studio in April. Every now and then I'll shoot a TFCD, because it's fun to work with someone that knows how to pose and how to move. Mostly I shoot portrait, commercial, and products.

I reason I'm here at MM is not to shoot models (unless they pay me), but it's just a fun place to hang out online. There are some cool characters here that make me laugh.

Sep 08 06 05:16 pm Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

mcStudio wrote:
why do we do anything in life... to conquer the world of course!  Pinky, Pink and the Brain Brain Brain



Sep 08 06 05:20 pm Link


Kris Perry Photography

Posts: 872

Placentia, California, US

JM Giordano wrote:
After skimming through the site. it seems that EVERTHING has been done. Every position, angle, PS tactic and technique.
Do you think that magazines actually look at this site for photographers?
I don't.
why do we prop women up against walls (over and over and over again), make them squat on traintracks and seriously OVER photoshop everything, when many of us will NEVER see our work on the cover or inside a glossy.
What makes you do this?

I'm just wondering.
Same goes for the models here.

Well I guess i'll stick to being a recordist then and sell pics for $10 bucks a pop at fairs....

Sep 08 06 05:25 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

LGL Underground wrote:
I left out rope burns.


20 lashes...  please?

You've been good ...
maybe one ...

fwwwwa ttttchhhhhh!


Sep 08 06 05:41 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I do it 2 get hot chix nekkid

Sep 08 06 05:57 pm Link


Harold Rose

Posts: 2925

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Why do you work you ass off,  search for models, shoot sunsets,  the begger on the corner,  then go out to find something else... hunt for that magic piece of equipment that will make you a professional..


I started 60 years ago,   but I am one of the luckyest people in the world.. I went to work for 2 Master Photographers..  No that is not just a word,  it is earned.  I processed film,  and rushed out prints  when I got good enough.   And everything had to be perfect.  Master Photographer perfect.   Little by little I learned from these two brothers.  Most importantly  I learned how and why.  2 or 3 years of this  I got the oportunity to field test color for kodak..   my two Masters had confidence in me..  Kodak had confidence in the two Masters.  This was way before color prints were made in the studio.   

       As they began to let me shoot some, and my skill grew, my things began to be published.. Of course via the Martin Studio..  Then my photography began to be in catalogs,  magazine advertising... etc. 

       What ever I shoot today is published or for individual use and is paid for..I do not do anything on speculation..  In the last year  as I phased off part of my business I began to take on some  FTCD.   Just to help young people along.

       Know photography,  know it so well that if your exposure meter went bad you would not even miss it.. Harold Rose

Sep 08 06 06:18 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

Aww shoot.  I have some wall pics. smile

JM Giordano wrote:
I guess my question was more for the people on the site who want to make a career out of shooting models with the hope of getting published.
At what point do you say, "I'm not getting anywhere" and decide to do something else.
I see what you mean about the social website thing. Maybe I'm taking MM too seriously.
Don't get me wrong, I love the models I've worked with, but I've just come ot a point where I've began to question if what I'm doing is good enough to contend.

This my friend is a whole different question.  There is a lot more involved to be successful in this business then sheer talent.  One must be a skilled entrepreneur and have plenty of business sense.  Persistent and luck plays a pretty large role.

Sep 08 06 06:32 pm Link


queen of cards

Posts: 38

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

Everyone has their own reasons for doing it.Everyone has a vision and just because there are some of the same ideas not all of them look alike.Each photo has it's own uniquness to it weather it be location,model,clothes angle or whatever it's an art.Are people going to get famous from here most probily not but their are some successful people on here who have been in magazines and also nationaly recognized.I know that because of who I have worked with check out my profile and look at the body paintings.Wayne Collins does awsome work and has worked with some really famous people.Ihave seen documentaries of him.No not everyone is going to get famous but there is always hope and dreams people have and if you can make a little money doing something you enjoy then why not do it?

Sep 08 06 06:42 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
Why do I do this? Because I want too, and nothing else matters, nothing.

Even me?

Sep 08 06 07:04 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

oldguysrule wrote:

Sep 08 06 07:08 pm Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

When I was a young man
At the age of nineteen

Dunt na nuh na nunt

I looked at a stack of pictures
So many, I had seen

Dunt na nuh na nunt

I went out that day!
A camera, I did buy

Dunt na nuh na nunt

My money I did give
Now I'm a camera totin' guy!
Click on!  Yea-ah! Click on!
Snap the shutter flash the light
It's gonna be real bright Click on!

Dunt da na na na na na     na na na na
nananana na na  Dunt duh!


Photography is the visual equivelant of The Blues (or Rock 'n' Roll).  Take five chords and play them in the same order (Dunt na nuh na nunt).  BB King and John Lee Hooker and others are masters of those chords (or are they notes?).

Its the same with beer.  How many ingredients?  Water, malted barley, hops and yeast.  How many styles and flavors?

Yeah, it's all been done before, but tell me, what do you bring to the table?  I hope your answer is:  "My personal style." 

Are you using MM as a marketing tool?  Gosh, I hope not.  MM is like marketing to your sister.  Sometimes she might pay you, most of the time she will want to trade for a cd.  I believe that MM can be a very valuable tool if used in the correct manner.

MM is a GREAT place to practice.  Got a new piece of equipment? Wanna perfect a new style?  Work it, baby.  MM is also a really great place to network, pick the brains of others and develop a sense of community. 

Without it, we would be paying models at an agency or grabbing models off the street.  Models, would have to be paying photographers for ...   HEY!  Wait a MINUTE!

Sep 08 06 07:53 pm Link