Forums > General Industry > State Of Emergency by Steven Meisel


Chaya Phally

Posts: 7738

New York, New York, US

Sep 07 06 09:34 am Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

fashion photographers against totalitarianism

kewl, although i find much of it a bit too "posey" and stiff - even though it appears to be intentional.  that's why i don't respond to as much of meisel's work as i would like to. 

i like the spilled starbucks coffee  - complacency and decadence paves the way for absolute power.

Sep 07 06 10:01 am Link


Mistriss de morte

Posts: 620

Wilmington, Delaware, US

these are really good.
evokes an emotion in me that i  can't quite describe...

Sep 07 06 10:05 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Best work of his I've seen since the paparrazi editorial last spring. This has always been his greatest forte, making fashion statements with a fashion groove in another photographic idiom.

Sep 07 06 10:06 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Very inspirational…… to become a cop with great teeth big_smile

Sep 07 06 10:10 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Sexy!...I am a perv though.

Sep 07 06 10:12 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Life imitating art... Paris Hilton was arrested yesterday for DUI. LOL


Sep 07 06 10:13 am Link



Posts: 1598

Moorpark, California, US

I'm really torn....  Photographically, I think they're very well done (obviously).  However, the marriage of beautiful women and violence is a bit disturbing. 

I teach a class in the rhetoric of popular culture and we spend a lot of time discussing the power of visual rhetoric.  One of the most challenging issues is: how much of an impact does violence perpetrated against women in images affect the collective psyche of our culture?  The research would seem to suggest that imagery such as this has a desensitizing effect at best, and at worst - normalizing effect...

Sep 07 06 10:17 am Link



Posts: 6129

the definitive meisel for the year.
where to next year, one wonders?

Sep 07 06 10:17 am Link



Posts: 6129

eyelight wrote:
I'm really torn....  Photographically, I think they're very well done (obviously).  However, the marraige of beauty and violence is a bit disturbing. 

I teach a class in the rhetoric of popular culture and we spend a lot of time discussing the power of visual rhetoric.  One of the most challenging issues is: how much of an impact does violence perpetrated against women in images affect the collective psyche of our culture?  The research would seem to suggest that imagery such as this has a desensitizing effect at best, and at worst - normalizing effect...

The desensitization has occurred, and it becomes increasingly difficult to grab anyone's attention. This editorial is on pretty safe ground considering the current content of any current movie, tv show, et al

Sep 07 06 10:21 am Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

eyelight wrote:
One of the most challenging issues is: how much of an impact does violence perpetrated against women in images affect the collective psyche of our culture?  The research would seem to suggest that imagery such as this has a desensitizing effect at best, and at worst - normalizing effect...

i think that is really secondary here - the main impact SHOULD be from considering who is doing the violence to those women.  if we have to show images of kittens and babies being slaughtered with nightsticks to get the point across that police states are not desirable, then do it.  stupid patriot act.

i tend to take things very politically.

Sep 07 06 10:22 am Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Fantastic editorial... really fantastic.

Sep 07 06 10:25 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

very thought provoking

Sep 07 06 11:00 am Link



Posts: 271

all those guns and no one is shot - I'm not impressed hmm
atleast add some red lipstick. I like blood dammit!

Sep 07 06 11:06 am Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Fuc*** A!!  Finaly Meisel has done something worthy of praise.

It's raw, brutal and vilolent, but also incredibly sexy and thought provoking.
This timed he rocked!

Sep 07 06 11:07 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

This is stupid.

Sep 07 06 11:27 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Sep 07 06 11:29 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Dona , my sincerest apologies for jamming up your post by reposting your photos x3....adn then not being able to locate this thread again

Sep 07 06 11:29 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Sep 07 06 11:29 am Link


studio L

Posts: 1775

Oakland, California, US

hmmmm, I don't find it arresting or thought provoking at all.

I mean, the point of this piece is....?

To me, I find it trite and pointless-almost sarcastically surreal.

As if beautiful white fashion models would ever receive this form of treatment.

It's a slap to those who really experience this sort of treatment at the hands of the status quo power elite.

Summary-nice camera/production work to be sure, lame as hell concept.


Sep 07 06 11:42 am Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

Shouldn't the models be middle eastern looking if they were being treated this way(in some of the shots)?

Otherwise its quasi-hot and a bit of erotic. 

Yes models do look a bit stiff, esp the one with her face on the windshield.

But otherwise looks like a fun shoot.


Sep 07 06 11:46 am Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Some might say the real crime is that they made that young woman drop and spill her Starbucks coffee. Oh, the humanity!

Cool shots, BTW.

Sep 07 06 01:29 pm Link


DSmith Photo

Posts: 418

Melrose, Iowa, US

I like this.  A sarcastic, if not sad, statement about our current state of affairs with a very funny twist.

Is he related to Jay Meisel?

Sep 07 06 01:42 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

It's hard to look so scared or in pain and still be gorgeous like the models are pulling off in some of those shots! I love this series.

Sep 07 06 01:45 pm Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

For anybody who ever saw a couple of photos by Helmut Newton.

1. A dead looking blonde on a balcony floor with a Yellow cab beneath in the Manhattan street. ( I am sure Newton must have paid off some cab drivers)

2. A woman trying to keep a chained hotel room door from being busted open.

These photos are bad imitations by a photographer who has good press agents but talent that never even gets close to Newton's.

Sep 07 06 01:53 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

alexwh wrote:
For anybody who ever saw a couple of photos by Helmut Newton.

1. A dead looking blonde on a balcony floor with a Yellow cab beneath in the Manhattan street. ( I am sure Newton must have paid off some cab drivers)

2. A woman trying to keep a chained hotel room door from being busted open.

These photos are bad imitations by a photographer who has good press agents but talent that never even gets close to Newton's.

while i love to call foul when someone rips off newton, i'm not seeing that here.  i agree that meisel doesn't even touch newton's strength in terms of vision, but these particular images do not evoke any of the same violence that newton alludes to in the photos you mention.  these are really topical and contemporary, and i like the message, but i have issues with some of the stylistic choices.  a couple of those images are quite arresting though (pun intended).

Sep 07 06 02:03 pm Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Christopher Bush wrote:

while i love to call foul when someone rips off newton, i'm not seeing that here.  i agree that meisel doesn't even touch newton's strength in terms of vision, but these particular images do not evoke any of the same violence that newton alludes to in the photos you mention.  these are really topical and contemporary, and i like the message, but i have issues with some of the stylistic choices.  a couple of those images are quite arresting though (pun intended).

You are absolutely right.

Specially when you mention that they are topical and contemporary. The implied violence of Newton's was and for me still is much more disturbing than what look like stills from a TV movie. Much of contemporary stuff has lost its subtlety. Shakespeare would have problems writing a contemporary screenplay. Producers would say, "We don't want all that verbage, just say, "I want to fuck," instead."

This is why film noir is still so popular. The lighting was interesting. The widespread use of wide "umbrella canopy"lighting (where actors can move at will without changing the light on their faces) is what makes so many contemporary movies look like contemporary TV movies of the week.

Sep 07 06 02:09 pm Link


Taurus Artworks

Posts: 44

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Hot models strip-searched, cuffed & taken away... I like it!

If there's a political message behind it then it's laughable... pure artsy, hysterical, high fashion, drama queen material... As John Stossel would say 'Gimme a Break'! smile

Sep 07 06 02:27 pm Link



Posts: 15

Lynchburg, Virginia, US

Well Meisel is getting paid big bucks doing what he loves...hate it, love it? I bet he doesnt really give a rats ass lol.  Wish I had his paycheck smile

Sep 08 06 03:18 pm Link


Chaya Phally

Posts: 7738

New York, New York, US

dale99 wrote:
Is he related to Jay Meisel?

Not sure. hmm

Sep 10 06 05:25 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

The photo hobbyist in me thinks, "Wow, look at all the people he had to pay and the props and costumes he had to pull together to do this. Wish I could."

The political inclinations in me thinks, "I don't see anything political in here."

The art appreciater in me thinks, "Reasonably cool-looking."

I agree that as a political statement, it would be better done with Semitic-looking people or poverty-stricken types. I don't see any great societal problem with fashion models being treated badly by Homeland Security. The blonde sniper is really quite silly, but fun looking.

Sep 10 06 06:10 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

Justin wrote:
I agree that as a political statement, it would be better done with Semitic-looking people or poverty-stricken types. I don't see any great societal problem with fashion models being treated badly by Homeland Security.

then you are not nearly paranoid enough

Sep 10 06 06:13 pm Link


Ivan Aps

Posts: 4996

Miami, Florida, US

Freaking LOVE IT!  Nice to have big budgets, huh? smile

Sep 10 06 06:21 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Christopher Bush wrote:
then you are not nearly paranoid enough

I'm concerned as anyone about the potential and actual excesses inherent in our "enhanced security" in the post-9/11 era. The balance between security and freedom is inherent in any society.

Sorry for straying off-topic. Um..... I see he had to rent out a dog, too. Wow. Did he front this on his own, or working off some type of commissioned arrangement?

Sep 10 06 06:27 pm Link


Chaya Phally

Posts: 7738

New York, New York, US

Justin wrote:
Sorry for straying off-topic. Um..... I see he had to rent out a dog, too. Wow. Did he front this on his own, or working off some type of commissioned arrangement?


Not sure.

Do male "models" look real? Were the security guards and the police with the K-9 dog on their duty? They are shorter than the female models. I think they were soft when they cuffed them. They were afraid of getting kicked in the balls. That probably explains why some of the female models overposed.


I love "non-sense politics" fashion photography.

Sep 10 06 08:01 pm Link


Chaya Phally

Posts: 7738

New York, New York, US

Garry k wrote:
Dona , my sincerest apologies for jamming up your post by reposting your photos x3....adn then not being able to locate this thread again

Thanks for not making me cry. smile

Sep 10 06 08:03 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Awesome.. Now I can't wait for my issue to arrive! =P

Sep 10 06 08:06 pm Link


Chaya Phally

Posts: 7738

New York, New York, US

Dax wrote:
Awesome.. Now I can't wait for my issue to arrive! =P

Dude, funny thing is every day we get more freebies. Like I found those images online. In the future, we would be chained to a computer appliance. No more prints. Save trees. Am I making any sense? I gotta return to studying math. tongue

Sep 10 06 08:19 pm Link


Yerkes Photography

Posts: 459

Kingston, New York, US

awesome ... theres a statement there ... and i love it ...

very creative ... well done ... i'm inspired ...

thank you ....

Sep 10 06 08:27 pm Link


Ivy Jo

Posts: 2188

Amarillo, Texas, US

studio L wrote:
hmmmm, I don't find it arresting or thought provoking at all.

I mean, the point of this piece is....?

To me, I find it trite and pointless-almost sarcastically surreal.

As if beautiful white fashion models would ever receive this form of treatment.

It's a slap to those who really experience this sort of treatment at the hands of the status quo power elite.

Summary-nice camera/production work to be sure, lame as hell concept.


I think that's why the model are "beautiful white." If this was being done to models/pretty white girls, wou't the middle clabe enrged, instead of iging it the way they do.

This is slightly off topic but, in 1997(or 98) a punk rocker was run over by a rich kid in Amarillo, Tx. There were witnesses that heard the rich kid make comments like, "I'm a ninja in my caddy," "I bet he liked that." ect. He convicted, but only given probabtion. The moral of the story, if you're not pretty/all american, your life is worthless.

I think this editorial had to be done using white women; its the only image that really  inflames people against a situation. If they were black, middle eastern, male, fat or ugly, no one would care. No one would think twice about it.

Unfortunate, but thats the world we live in.

Sep 10 06 08:57 pm Link