Forums > General Industry > Where is the gray area?



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

So just an informal poll, if you saw a photograph of a sexy girl smoking and her profile said she was 16 would you find this appropriate?

If she was 15 would it be worse?

17 would it be better?

What if it was a 16 year old boy holding a pack of smokes but not smoking?

Is that better or worse than a bong?

What if it was a photo of her snuggling with a boy?

A girl?

Would you be more offended by the smoking or by implied nudity in an underage port?

If you are ok with the smoking, why?

If not, why not?

Sep 07 06 12:26 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

As smoking images go this one gives more pause for thought than any of your examples. Check out the cop in the background [arrow] with the ciggie hanging out of his mouth searching around in his shirt pocket for a light... Maybe he should just ask the monk for a light.


Sep 07 06 07:45 am Link


mad city fine arts

Posts: 137

Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, US

would location come into play at all?  Some places I've travelled to, I've seen kids that looked to be around 12 or 13 smoking cigs.  I'm sure a 16 year old with smokes wouldn't be offensive there. 

In a lot of places, even where there are laws thatstablish 18 as an age for several things, it's a lot greyer of an area.

Sep 07 06 09:56 am Link