Forums > General Industry > When life gets in the way?



Posts: 49

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Hey guys, how are we all today?

I'm having some issues right now and need some advice. I enjoy my modelling a lot, it's something that i'd like to be able to put money into to create something memorable. Now by no means does this indicate that i want to be a superstar, i just enjoy the random modelling i do, this isn't a career move for me. However with life being so busy right now i'm finding it harder and harder to fit modelling into my schedule and i'm having trouble keeping up with surviving, having fun, and working towards my dreams. I recently got myself a job, and after only a month of working there have been promoted to floor supervisor of one of their departments, so Monday to Friday from 9 - 5:30 i'm run off my feet. My boyfriend's very supportive of all that i do, but he recently quit his job and is doing temp work here and there, and is also studying, so i find myself having to support him financially. And lastly i'm due in for corrective jaw surgery (some time) this year, and am continually being told different dates etc, and although i've been trying to let people know about this so that it doesn't affect plans etc, with the continual changes i feel like a flake for having to make and re-make arrangements.

The question i want to ask is basically how do you guys do it? How do you keep yourself organised? Also i suppose i'd like some advice on whether i should put my modelling on hold for a while until life has either settled down or i've become accustomed to the hustle and bustle, or should i just do my best to fit it in when i can?

Oh that turned into such a rant.

Sep 06 06 11:42 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

I have a full time white collar job, two businesses, and a small farm.  I keep a calendar on me all the time. I make appointments with beginning and ending times, and keep them.  I work hard when it's work time and don't waste time.  I also make "appointments" for my personal time and keep those just as strictly.  I sleep 8 hours every night, and I take Sunday afternoons off.  Some say my calendar runs my life.  I say my life runs my calendar.  If you want to fit it all in, you can.  It just takes discilpline.

Sep 06 06 11:54 pm Link



Posts: 49

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Tim Hammond wrote:
I have a full time white collar job, two businesses, and a small farm.  I keep a calendar on me all the time. I make appointments with beginning and ending times, and keep them.  I work hard when it's work time and don't waste time.  I also make "appointments" for my personal time and keep those just as strictly.  I sleep 8 hours every night, and I take Sunday afternoons off.  Some say my calendar runs my life.  I say my life runs my calendar.  If you want to fit it all in, you can.  It just takes discilpline.

I'm a calender person too, i set reminders the day before appointments etc. But i find i'm a bit run down at the moment, this thread is in part due to the fact that i'm not well right now and have had to cancel on work, my social engagements, and a "just for fun" shoot that i was very much looking forward to, but am not physically up to. Fitting everything in isn't the problem so much as maintaining a healthy balance.

Sep 07 06 12:03 am Link



Posts: 6129

only one answer i've ever found that works. secretary (for white collar conflicts), personal assistant, or producer. or all of the above.

the downside to delegating one's self-management to others is the atrophy those 'muscles' suffer.

i've not yet found the solution to that atrophy.

Sep 07 06 12:07 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

We never lost an American in space and we're sure as hell not going to lose one on my watch. Failure is not an option.

Sep 07 06 12:12 am Link



Posts: 49

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Well an assistant is most definately out of the question, both financially and as a personal prefference. =P

Ah Yoda, always with the black and white, never with the grey area. However with that particular bit of advice, i'd lean hevily towards "do not" atleast for now.

Sep 07 06 12:21 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

I pretty much only shoot once a month or so.  I've been working 7-day work weeks for the last month or so (although we got this last weekend off) to finish a project we're trying to ship before our competitor's.  Work that pays the bills always comes before hobbies...

Sep 07 06 12:51 am Link



Posts: 49

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Josie Nutter wrote:
I pretty much only shoot once a month or so.  I've been working 7-day work weeks for the last month or so (although we got this last weekend off) to finish a project we're trying to ship before our competitor's.  Work that pays the bills always comes before hobbies...

Unfortunately yes it does =/ I think i'm going to have to go on that basis right now, one project a month, and some of my more intricate shoots will have to be put aside till i can cover all my bases. I like doing things right, i hate rushing and settling for scraps.

Sep 07 06 12:57 am Link