Forums > General Industry > Why comment for comment?


Darren R Photography

Posts: 26

Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

I am new to this site so perhaps I’m missing the point therefore I am looking to all you longstanding members to put me on the straight and narrow!

Right now it was my understanding on joining this site that it was a place where Photographers, models, MUA’s and stylists could network with each other, and maybe for us as individuals to pick up tips and critiques from the more experienced practitioners of our chosen area of expertise with a view to helping us improve and become more successful.

So why is it I see so many people asking to trade comments with each other like its some kind of competition to get the most ‘good’ feedback?

Surely this is the kind of thing you would expect to see on a site such as ‘rate my body’ and has no place on a serious site such as this?

Or have I got it all completely wrong?

Sep 06 06 03:21 pm Link


Prairie Town Production

Posts: 100

Topeka, Kansas, US

Where do I find "rate my body"?

Sep 06 06 03:24 pm Link



Posts: 505

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I like to get comments on which images others like and which they don't. It helps me figure out which ones to print into my book and which ones to delete off my profile. Everyone likes to hear good things about their images!

Sep 06 06 03:28 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Rhonda M

Posts: 1089

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Midland Photographic wrote:
I am new to this site so perhaps I’m missing the point therefore I am looking to all you longstanding members to put me on the straight and narrow!

Right now it was my understanding on joining this site that it was a place where Photographers, models, MUA’s and stylists could network with each other, and maybe for us as individuals to pick up tips and critiques from the more experienced practitioners of our chosen area of expertise with a view to helping us improve and become more successful.

So why is it I see so many people asking to trade comments with each other like its some kind of competition to get the most ‘good’ feedback?

Surely this is the kind of thing you would expect to see on a site such as ‘rate my body’ and has no place on a serious site such as this?

Or have I got it all completely wrong?

I can understand where you are coming from and I even feel that way sometimes but I do participate.  I don't think this site is as serious as you may think.  It is definetely a fun place to be to do silly things at times and also network with other professionals.

And hey, I say if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! LOL!

Sep 06 06 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 505

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I like to get comments on which images others like and which they don't. It helps me figure out which ones to print into my book and which ones to delete off my profile. Everyone likes to hear good things about their images! And to show my appreciation for their comments and critiquing I will do the same for them and give my opinion.

Sep 06 06 03:28 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Wait..Did he say..SERIOUS site like this?

My friend, you are so green..Like a virgin..:-)

Welcome..I will leave you with this..

Once you learn to swim here on MM, you will find a great deal of knowledge and talent.

BE warned....DEM BE DEEP WATERS...


Sep 06 06 03:31 pm Link


Nekkid Girl

Posts: 855

Chicago, Illinois, US

Midland Photographic wrote:
So why is it I see so many people asking to trade comments with each other like its some kind of competition to get the most ‘good’ feedback?

Or have I got it all completely wrong?

When I post new photos, I ask to trade comments. Like most of us here, we don't mean: compliment my work and I'll compliment you.
It's more like let me know if there are things I could've done differently that would've improved this image. For models, maybe the pose doesn't work for them or they have a nice facial expression that works well that they should use again. Photographers, mainly are looking for angle, lighting and creative feedback. At least this is how I picture it.

Though, some may be on here just fishing for compliments.
My comments are usually a small critique (sometimes good, sometimes bad) of the others work. When I  get a negative comment, I just think of it as helpful critisism.

Sep 06 06 03:39 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Midland Photographic wrote:
I am new to this site so perhaps I’m missing the point therefore I am looking to all you longstanding members to put me on the straight and narrow!

Right now it was my understanding on joining this site that it was a place where Photographers, models, MUA’s and stylists could network with each other, and maybe for us as individuals to pick up tips and critiques from the more experienced practitioners of our chosen area of expertise with a view to helping us improve and become more successful.

So why is it I see so many people asking to trade comments with each other like its some kind of competition to get the most ‘good’ feedback?

Surely this is the kind of thing you would expect to see on a site such as ‘rate my body’ and has no place on a serious site such as this?

Or have I got it all completely wrong?

Myspace ring a bell?

Sep 06 06 03:39 pm Link


Darren R Photography

Posts: 26

Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

Jordanrr wrote:
I like to get comments on which images others like and which they don't. It helps me figure out which ones to print into my book and which ones to delete off my profile. Everyone likes to hear good things about their images!

I’m not saying you should not receive comments, on the contrary feedback is good.

What I am saying is surely it is better to get the feedback as it comes rather than going out and asking to trade comment for comment and therefore receiving what would most likely be a flattering (as opposed to truthful) comment in order for the poster to get the same thing in return?

Sep 06 06 03:42 pm Link


Ufa Fotografik

Posts: 12

New York, New York, US

Glad to see that someone feels the same way.  I never contribute to these threads, but this one I could not resist.

My only guess, and the general feeling that I've gotten is that this is more of a socializing network than anything else.  Most people on this that I 've come into contact with are self absorbed and really aren't interested in anything else than in getting praise from other people.  Why else do these people go trolling for comments and down right selling comments for comments.  This would also go hand in hand with the countless "models" that flake out after they are satisfied with the "all about them courtship", only to go on to the next photographer to make them "feel good." 

I'm not saying there aren't any responsible, professional models on this site...there are quite a few, but this site IS flooded with flakes with insecurity problems. 

Sofar, 100% of the models contacted outside this site have been reliable.  I have contacted at least a dozen models on this site.  SIX were all excited, couldn't wait to do it, loved my ideas, and then one day I never heard from them again.  THREE didn't work out because of time scheduals, and the last three are pending.....looks good now, but you just never know!

I basically use this site for ideas.

Sep 06 06 03:43 pm Link


Opus Lily

Posts: 822

New York, New York, US

I think people take the commenting way too seriously. Some of the best images on this site have next to no comments whereas some of the worst have many. So this can't be used as a guage of quality. It's also a popularity contest and that is fine. It is what keeps the site going. The only time it gets a bit annoying is when people keep begging for them as if they mean anything.

Sep 06 06 03:44 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

LiliOPhoto wrote:
I think people take the commenting way too seriously. Some of the best images on this site have next to no comments whereas some of the worst have many. So this can't be used as a guage of quality. It's also a popularity contest and that is fine. It is what keeps the site going. The only time it gets a bit annoying is when people keep begging for them as if they mean anything.

Ah hell!  I was hoping to trade some in for some sheet film.

Sep 06 06 03:55 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Midland Photographic wrote:
What I am saying is surely it is better to get the feedback as it comes rather than going out and asking to trade comment for comment and therefore receiving what would most likely be a flattering (as opposed to truthful) comment in order for the poster to get the same thing in return?

This is EXACTLY how I feel!

Sep 06 06 04:02 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

blah blah.. double post.

Sep 06 06 05:25 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Vance wrote:
My friend, you are so green..Like a virgin..:-)


Virgins are not green - EVERYBODY DON"T LISTEN TO HIM.

Sep 06 06 05:25 pm Link


Ms Elegant

Posts: 89

Los Angeles, California, US

At first when I was asked to trade comments, I thought it was because they valued my opinion. NOPE...that wasn't the case at all. I believe people love to prove they can have numerous comments. I'm surely not innocent, cause I always ask for people's opinions!  That's only because my view on my photos differ than the view from others. Like the other model stated it helps me decide which photos are better liked.

It's funny when people ask for comments, when they already have like 35 comments on their pics smile Obviously the pic is hot, right? So this site is fun, but it's only as serious as you take smile

Oh, and if you recieve a comment make sure you return the favor. I've had people not speak to me cause I didn't comment them back (at least right away) good luck smile

Sep 07 06 02:21 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


anyone want to trade comments?


Sep 07 06 02:34 am Link


Chris H

Posts: 629

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Even Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky... like to get a pat on the back.  A comment is a little pat on the back for your hard work.  Whats your harm in that?

Sep 07 06 02:37 am Link



Posts: 172

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Midland Photographic wrote:
I am new to this site so perhaps I’m missing the point therefore I am looking to all you longstanding members to put me on the straight and narrow!

So why is it I see so many people asking to trade comments with each other like its some kind of competition to get the most ‘good’ feedback?

Sites like MM are about being noticed. 

Shout box, these forums, and asking for comments are ways to get noticed and attract attention. 

Expect to find some useful info, and lots of meaningless or superficial chatter. tongue

Sep 07 06 04:00 am Link


Kiska Udachi

Posts: 4

New York, New York, US

Having somebody give you back good feedback is a sign of acceptance and/or approval, and I know I like that, I'm sure a lot of people feel that way... but it could also involve somebody giving someone else good feedback, maybe even "constructive cristism," and would like the person to do the same for them, it's helpful.

Sep 07 06 04:14 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1736

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, US

MsChris wrote:

When I post new photos, I ask to trade comments. Like most of us here, we don't mean: compliment my work and I'll compliment you.
It's more like let me know if there are things I could've done differently that would've improved this image. For models, maybe the pose doesn't work for them or they have a nice facial expression that works well that they should use again. Photographers, mainly are looking for angle, lighting and creative feedback. At least this is how I picture it.

Though, some may be on here just fishing for compliments.
My comments are usually a small critique (sometimes good, sometimes bad) of the others work. When I  get a negative comment, I just think of it as helpful critisism.

EXACTLY... Also, just to add, most of us only have room to put up 20 images and others' HONEST feedback is helpful in deciding what to keep and what to rid of when making room for newer photos.

smile Caroline
(who's always open to exchanging comments/critique)

Sep 07 06 04:18 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1736

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, US

Ufa Fotografik wrote:
Glad to see that someone feels the same way.  I never contribute to these threads, but this one I could not resist.

My only guess, and the general feeling that I've gotten is that this is more of a socializing network than anything else.  Most people on this that I 've come into contact with are self absorbed and really aren't interested in anything else than in getting praise from other people.  Why else do these people go trolling for comments and down right selling comments for comments.  This would also go hand in hand with the countless "models" that flake out after they are satisfied with the "all about them courtship", only to go on to the next photographer to make them "feel good." 

I'm not saying there aren't any responsible, professional models on this site...there are quite a few, but this site IS flooded with flakes with insecurity problems. 

Sofar, 100% of the models contacted outside this site have been reliable.  I have contacted at least a dozen models on this site.  SIX were all excited, couldn't wait to do it, loved my ideas, and then one day I never heard from them again.  THREE didn't work out because of time scheduals, and the last three are pending.....looks good now, but you just never know!

I basically use this site for ideas.

Sorry that this has been your experience (and others as well given the number of posts about models "flaking").  I can tell you though that not all of us do that. I have never flaked and the worst has been that I've gotten to a shoot a few minutes late due to getting lost (mapquest sometimes stinks - one of these days I'll get a GPS unit for my car)...

On the flipside of the coin, however, I can't tell you how many times photographers have flaked on me.  I've never had a photographer simply not show up, but there have been MANY times where I've gotten a call last minute to say they had to reschedule. We always reschedule and then the shoot goes fine, but why call literally as I am on my way to the shoot to tell me, "I got a paid shoot and this takes precedent over TFCD" at the last moment?  Surely the photog knew earlier about his shoot and could have called sooner?

As for comments, I am one who looks to exchange comments. It has nothing to do with self absorption for me (though no doubt this may be the case for some).  It has everything to do with wanting feedback (hopefully honest) about the images I am putting up. It helps me to figure what I am doing right and what I can improve on. 

smile Caroline

Sep 07 06 04:27 am Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1736

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, US

e-string wrote:

This is EXACTLY how I feel!

True, I do agree that this is the better way though with soooooo many members on this site and only a limited amount of time, many people are more likely willing to visit your port if you are willing to give them the same courtesy.  To add though, I would never say "comment for comment". I leave comments for people who give me feedback and way more for those who don't.  And I leave comments on any photos that truly catch my eye. In the event where none of the images catch my eye, I will leave constructive critisicm on the photos that I think could have potential.

smile Caroline

Sep 07 06 04:32 am Link


Aesthete Studios

Posts: 2088

Oakland, New Jersey, US

Comments and tags are a great way to market your portfolio for more work, both paid and TFP. More tags/comments = more visibility.

Sep 07 06 04:42 am Link


GW Burns

Posts: 564

Sarasota, Florida, US

My friend, you are so green..Like a virgin..:-)

Fruits are green!  Virgins are....well....not green lmao

Sep 07 06 05:30 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

GW Burns wrote:
My friend, you are so green..Like a virgin..:-)

Fruits are green!  Virgins are....well....not green lmao

I know, totally!
IT should be said: My friend, you are a fruit!

Sep 07 06 09:01 am Link


Darren R Photography

Posts: 26

Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

MrsElegant wrote:
At first when I was asked to trade comments, I thought it was because they valued my opinion. NOPE...that wasn't the case at all. I believe people love to prove they can have numerous comments. I'm surely not innocent, cause I always ask for people's opinions!  That's only because my view on my photos differ than the view from others. Like the other model stated it helps me decide which photos are better liked.

It's funny when people ask for comments, when they already have like 35 comments on their pics smile Obviously the pic is hot, right? So this site is fun, but it's only as serious as you take smile

Oh, and if you recieve a comment make sure you return the favor. I've had people not speak to me cause I didn't comment them back (at least right away) good luck smile

Ufa Fotografik wrote:
Glad to see that someone feels the same way.  I never contribute to these threads, but this one I could not resist.

My only guess, and the general feeling that I've gotten is that this is more of a socializing network than anything else.  Most people on this that I 've come into contact with are self absorbed and really aren't interested in anything else than in getting praise from other people.  Why else do these people go trolling for comments and down right selling comments for comments.  This would also go hand in hand with the countless "models" that flake out after they are satisfied with the "all about them courtship", only to go on to the next photographer to make them "feel good." 

I'm not saying there aren't any responsible, professional models on this site...there are quite a few, but this site IS flooded with flakes with insecurity problems. 

Sofar, 100% of the models contacted outside this site have been reliable.  I have contacted at least a dozen models on this site.  SIX were all excited, couldn't wait to do it, loved my ideas, and then one day I never heard from them again.  THREE didn't work out because of time scheduals, and the last three are pending.....looks good now, but you just never know!

I basically use this site for ideas.

Thanks Good to see its not just me!!

Sep 14 06 10:53 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12994

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Because mother didn't pay attention to little jonny

(seriously though....  the comment Whoring is a little sad)

Sep 14 06 01:28 pm Link


Darren R Photography

Posts: 26

Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

Chris Macan wrote:
Because mother didn't pay attention to little jonny

he he

Sep 14 06 02:32 pm Link