Forums > General Industry > Should you be licensed....


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

before giving critiques, or can anyone do them?

Sep 06 06 09:42 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12993

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

every A$$hole is entitled to an opinion

Sep 06 06 09:46 am Link



Posts: 988

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
before giving critiques, or can anyone do them?

I think that you, Bob, will now be critiqued on your recent posts.

You have used colour well, and even got some replies on that subject, and your use of space is very impressive.  Your texture is a little flat for my liking though, and you have not introduced any shape or form to the discussions.

You have a wonderul Rhythm and Movement throughout your posts, this morning, and there is wonderful variety, although you emphasis seems to be on the inane. Your proportions are heavily weighted toward the dull and listless. The threads are extremely unbalanced.

thus far i would have to say that your work, this morning, although lacking in harmony, displays a unity of singular vision, and therefore is reasonably successul.  I'll give you an 85/100

Sep 06 06 10:21 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

ert3006 wrote:

I think that you, Bob, will now be critiqued on your recent posts.

You have used colour well, and even got some replies on that subject, and your use of space is very impressive.  Your texture is a little flat for my liking though, and you have not introduced any shape or form to the discussions.

You have a wonderul Rhythm and Movement throughout your posts, this morning, and there is wonderful variety, although you emphasis seems to be on the inane. Your proportions are heavily weighted toward the dull and listless. The threads are extremely unbalanced.

thus far i would have to say that your work, this morning, although lacking in harmony, displays a unity of singular vision, and therefore is reasonably successul.  I'll give you an 85/100

I agree.  good critique

Sep 06 06 10:28 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12993

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

ert3006 wrote:

I think that you, Bob, will now be critiqued on your recent posts.

You have used colour well, and even got some replies on that subject, and your use of space is very impressive.  Your texture is a little flat for my liking though, and you have not introduced any shape or form to the discussions.

You have a wonderul Rhythm and Movement throughout your posts, this morning, and there is wonderful variety, although you emphasis seems to be on the inane. Your proportions are heavily weighted toward the dull and listless. The threads are extremely unbalanced.

thus far i would have to say that your work, this morning, although lacking in harmony, displays a unity of singular vision, and therefore is reasonably successul.  I'll give you an 85/100

I don't know...
His choice of topics to post has been a tad heavily weighted to the tastes of teen age boys,
Toilets, tape and stringing her up.
I give this mornings post a "C"
Entertaining but ultimatly lacking in substenence

Sep 06 06 10:33 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Chris Macan wrote:
I don't know...
His choice of topics to post has been a tad heavily weighted to the tastes of teen age boys,
Toilets, tape and stringing her up.
I give this mornings post a "C"
Entertaining but ultimatly lacking in substenence

and the technically incompetent and unimaginitive, ie, "why use a tripod?"

I go with a D or D-

I think he's just trying to increase his post count and he's engaging others to help him do it....

Sep 06 06 10:41 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Chris Macan wrote:

I don't know...
His choice of topics to post has been a tad heavily weighted to the tastes of teen age boys,
Toilets, tape and stringing her up.
I give this mornings post a "C"
Entertaining but ultimatly lacking in substenence

Well,  I do think his topics in the photography section are good ones.
The ones here are a bit weak though.
His humor is useful in an attempt to get people to actually discuss some part of photography that would be useful.
The strong threads though numerous are good,  But as with a portfolio,  the weak images or in this case threads can be remembered more than the good.
You are often judged by your worst.
I am still agreeing with the grade of 85 perfect which is a solid B.  Look what we have to compare them against.

Sep 06 06 10:53 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

MHana wrote:

Well,  I do think his topics in the photography section are good ones.
The ones here are a bit weak though.
His humor is useful in an attempt to get people to actually discuss some part of photography that would be useful.
The strong threads though numerous are good,  But as with a portfolio,  the weak images or in this case threads can be remembered more than the good.
You are often judged by your worst.
I am still agreeing with the grade of 85 perfect which is a solid B.  Look what we have to compare them against.

Personally, I would prefer it if the OP illustrated his posts better with photographic examples.  That way we get a clear idea of whether it is a titillation thread (and thus can be aroused with numerous samplings of toilet and tape photos) or whether it is a serious thread worthy of sepia tones and words with many syllables.

Sep 06 06 11:00 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

I think Bob gets an A+ on his topics.  As he used the overall analytical skill and captured the major ideas that were flowing throughout the threads waisting Mb of valuable space on MM.  The "+" is for narrowing down to two sentences passionate discussions within the threads.

And if I was asked, I'd give yall a C for replys on this thread, since it is out of scope of the main topic.  But I wasn't asked, so I won't do that, especially that I don't even know whether you need a licence for critique or not.

Sep 06 06 04:26 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
before giving critiques, or can anyone do them?

Unfortunatly I am not an expert to be able to answer that question, but I have a suggestion regarding licencing.  I'd give out licences to start threads.

Sep 06 06 04:29 pm Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

Chris Macan wrote:
every A$$hole is entitled to an opinion

every critic is an asshole

Sep 06 06 04:31 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

missing fingers product wrote:

every critic is an asshole


Sep 06 06 04:34 pm Link


David Pankhurst Photo

Posts: 893

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Chris Macan wrote:
I don't know...
His choice of topics to post has been a tad heavily weighted to the tastes of teen age boys,
Toilets, tape and stringing her up.
I give this mornings post a "C"
Entertaining but ultimatly lacking in substenence

How about a 'D' in spelling..or an 'F' in Literacy

Sep 06 06 04:35 pm Link



Posts: 293

Saugerties, New York, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
before giving critiques, or can anyone do them?

What would qualify someone for a 'critique license'?  The ability to be an asshole when neccesary?

Sep 06 06 04:40 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

David Pankhurst Photo wrote:

How about a 'D' in spelling..or an 'F' in Literacy

When a finger points to the sky, only a fool looks at the finger.

Sep 06 06 04:50 pm Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12993

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

David Pankhurst Photo wrote:

How about a 'D' in spelling..or an 'F' in Literacy

Would that be for Bob or I?

Sep 06 06 06:51 pm Link


Bruce Talbot

Posts: 3850

Los Angeles, California, US

Just be papered and have all your shots current.

ahem  tongue


Sep 06 06 07:04 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Artisnotanaccident wrote:

What would qualify someone for a 'critique license'?  The ability to be an asshole when neccesary?

In reading through the thread I thought I would respond only to the grade I received for my performance today. 85/100. I suspect if I were to critique myself for my performance today I would have given me a grade of F.

Why the statement about asshole. Did someone use a critique as a hammer over your head and give you an F while using the opportunity to give themself an A and thus make you feel bad and them feel lordly. Some have accused me of the same thing although I believe in my heart that is not true. Tell me.

Sep 06 06 07:11 pm Link


Ken Pivak Photography

Posts: 837

Los Angeles, California, US

Does a Masters of Photography count and over 25 years shooting for national advertising?
And Bob...I know what you're feeling.  I have grown to realize that sites as this one have become a level of "street corner society".  One I know very well growing up in the Bronx, NYC for over 30 years.  It doesn't matter what we show, but how we present it and what we say with it...truthfully the more I lay back and not get as involved with threads and posts, I find I enjoy the few that truly stay in touch and have become friends here.  My attention is on my other projects and shoots and etc. that actually require much more of my time lately. 
At times I even found myself feeling competitive here...funny.  MM can play into a part of us that we have grown away from years ago.  Why...I just find that many really don't care, will never want to grow as artists and seem to whine alot...critiques are not worth it here, because there is no real leveling of the work in relation to the real professional world.  And many in the pro world are not even aware of this site...nor do they care.  I only cared about helping others and even that becomes ridiculed by others who hyjack themselves onto my threads and posts.  It has become a bit tedious and repetitive and un-exciting most of the time.

So I know this post will be torn apart, for whatever reason someone may read into it in-correctly.  But so what...that's why some are here.  I left that mentality in the Bronx years ago.

with kindness to you Bob,

Sep 06 06 07:23 pm Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12993

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
Why the statement about asshole. Did someone use a critique as a hammer over your head and give you an F while using the opportunity to give themself an A and thus make you feel bad and them feel lordly. Some have accused me of the same thing although I believe in my heart that is not true. Tell me.

I was merely quoting an old saying "Every Asshole is entitled to an opinion"
Although it seems to be a common thought in this thread.

It might have something to do with the fact that for every one good Critic on MM there are twelve blowhards who claim to be "the Shit" but whose work does not support their claim of greatness. (They resemble the old saying "those who can't do, teach")

Sep 07 06 08:05 am Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Can we start a movement away from the term critique and toward the term suggestion for future consideration?  Seems so much more polite and respectful.  Sure, I can look at a photo and think about what I may have done differently...but was I there at the location when the shot was taken?  Did I know the lighting?  The creativity of the model or others factors in the photos?  Did I know if the photographer was in a hurry?  The photo is one thing....all the circumstances and factors surrounding the creation of the photo is another.  If in the simular or identical situation...would I do any better?   No way to know unless there.

Sep 07 06 08:13 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Chris Macan wrote:
I was merely quoting an old saying "Every Asshole is entitled to an opinion"
Although it seems to be a common thought in this thread.

It might have something to do with the fact that for every one good Critic on MM there are twelve blowhards who claim to be "the Shit" but whose work does not support their claim of greatness. (They resemble the old saying "those who can't do, teach")

Actually Chris I don't know how to double quote so my first question was directed at another person, Artisnotanaccident, sorry for the confusion.

Sep 07 06 08:21 am Link


Stonekey Photography

Posts: 507

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

I didn't even know there was a license to be a critic. neutral

Sep 07 06 08:25 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Pixel Fisher wrote:
Does a Masters of Photography count and over 25 years shooting for national advertising?
And Bob...I know what you're feeling.  I have grown to realize that sites as this one have become a level of "street corner society".  One I know very well growing up in the Bronx, NYC for over 30 years.  It doesn't matter what we show, but how we present it and what we say with it...truthfully the more I lay back and not get as involved with threads and posts, I find I enjoy the few that truly stay in touch and have become friends here.  My attention is on my other projects and shoots and etc. that actually require much more of my time lately. 
At times I even found myself feeling competitive here...funny.  MM can play into a part of us that we have grown away from years ago.  Why...I just find that many really don't care, will never want to grow as artists and seem to whine alot...critiques are not worth it here, because there is no real leveling of the work in relation to the real professional world.  And many in the pro world are not even aware of this site...nor do they care.  I only cared about helping others and even that becomes ridiculed by others who hyjack themselves onto my threads and posts.  It has become a bit tedious and repetitive and un-exciting most of the time.

So I know this post will be torn apart, for whatever reason someone may read into it in-correctly.  But so what...that's why some are here.  I left that mentality in the Bronx years ago.

with kindness to you Bob,

You're right, you will be torn apart. As you can probably tell I'm about at my limit here. When BR lost his mind the other day the amount of civilized dialog was astounding. I left only to find he had been eliminated yet again only for posting an unpopular opinion. I felt he was goaded into defending himself which led to banishment. My understanding of the issue is a lot of people complained to the mods behind the scenes. Why? The only problem I have with all of it is the unwillingness of most here to face the truth about who they are and where they are and their defenses at hearing sometimes alternatives to their way or inaccuracies about their way. I've made some great friends here that I've met and worked with and also some that I only know online and hope to meet (hi Bill, Sita et all... oh yeah and that crazy asshole from a bar stool in Milwaukee), but I gotta say I'm tired of the smallness. You don't like being outed for shooting existing light, either walk away or place your argument, don't call your mommy for help. Review the thread and you will find in between the sheets an awful lot of good information that you can learn things from. Silly, just silly. If it wasn't for the fact that there are so many great models to choose from and work with here I'd be gone.

Edit... I'm trying to switch from studio commercial work to personal work     that is represented by a gallery. I don't know if I will succeed, but without the talent from sites like this I will fail, that's why it's so important to me.

Sep 07 06 08:34 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:
In reading through the thread I thought I would respond only to the grade I received for my performance today. 85/100. I suspect if I were to critique myself for my performance today I would have given me a grade of F.

Why the statement about asshole. Did someone use a critique as a hammer over your head and give you an F while using the opportunity to give themself an A and thus make you feel bad and them feel lordly. Some have accused me of the same thing although I believe in my heart that is not true. Tell me.

Thank you for the Critique on our Critique.  Do you have a license tho?

Sep 07 06 08:37 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

Madcitychel wrote:

Thank you for the Critique on our Critique.  Do you have a license tho?

It's been suspended!

Sep 07 06 08:43 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Bob Randall Photography wrote:

It's been suspended!

Thank god!
Everybody can take a break!

Sep 07 06 08:48 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Info on critiques, some of it unrelated, but most of it is solid and informative: … tique.html

Sep 07 06 08:50 am Link