Forums > General Industry > Are all artist socially inept?


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

14 short months ago I closed a very profitable Personal Training Business down.

After 10yrs in the business I was excited about moving in a new direction. For the past 4yrs my production company had been in flux and I didnt have the faith to give up training to do it full time. My days were long and I was always tired.

One day I received a phone call and was given the opportunity to do a video produce a travel video for a company which included a video presentation for Donald Trump. that was the finacial spring board I needed to go full time.

I finished all of my training and opened up a full time office. I have been going full speed ever since.

There is one draw back and I am a little worried.

There was a time I was up at 5am and in the gym. Full of energy and ready to motivate a client. I was on the go and around people all day long.

Now, I spend a lot of time in front of a computer or behind a camera. My interactions with people are on sets or for production budget proposals. All high stress and not always a lot of fun.

I love the artistic side of what I do and I am thankful for my accomplishments. But I wonder what I have traded.

I've met many artist and I must say social skills seem to be lacking.  So many seem to be more comfortable behind a computer screen and in real life they are but shadows of the artistic abilities they show.

I've seen the mean spirited egos of those who seem lost and out of touch, and at times I feel myself falling into that void.

Why? Is it the byproduct of an artist engulfing themselves? Is being out of touch a part of the artistic process? Or is it an excuse to hide ones failings?

With that said, I look to my art for answers, and at the same time I feel it is a part of the problem.

I am torn and I don't know why..

Interesting indeed..

Sep 06 06 04:38 am Link



Posts: 6129

no it's not socially inept, mate... or i wouldn't call it that. but it does tend toward self indulgence, at its best, self absorbtion at its worst. try to work with a team. get a retoucher. give up some of the control if you can so you are able to look at things with your clients' eyes... establish again some common ground with others.

its the isolation not the work.

Sep 06 06 04:44 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

I am definitely socially inept.  It  may have to do with being engulfed in creating.  But I kind of think that a "successful social person" is an idea created by society by observing the average non-muntant human being interact.  Good artists do not think the way most people do, so they will not fit into that idea.

Sep 06 06 04:47 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Agreed Wynd , but several artists can fit and relate with other artists once the ego is in check....
also much respect has to be paid in the itellectual property dept.
Once I accepted: yes I am not like every one else , things became alot easier , in the smae respect politeness kindness and rapport (Errrr spelling ) in every day dealings with people that you see often that have no idea you are an artist also helps .... the guy in the gas station is priceless to
I may be different but no better or worse than any ....just o my journey like so many others ...
I do hope this made sense ...
My social retardation... I don't drink , try explaining that with out offending any one at a collaborative meeting or even social engagement....

Sep 06 06 04:59 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

oldguysrule wrote:
no it's not socially inept, mate... or i wouldn't call it that. but it does tend toward self indulgence, at its best, self absorbtion at its worst. try to work with a team. get a retoucher. give up some of the control if you can so you are able to look at things with your clients' eyes... establish again some common ground with others.

its the isolation not the work.

You my friend scare me sometimes.. :-)

I know you get it..

Sep 06 06 05:06 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I'm not an artist. I'm just socially inept.

Sep 06 06 06:07 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

theda wrote:
I'm not an artist. I'm just socially inept.

LOL .... computers help...sometimes...

Sep 06 06 06:10 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I'm actually very graceful socially, even charming -- when and where I want to be.  When I don't want to be those things...I'm not. 

At least you never have to worry whether I really like you or if I'm just blowing smoke up your @ss.

Sep 06 06 06:15 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

theda wrote:
I'm not an artist. I'm just socially inept.


Perhaps that sums it up for us all...

It's a dream, I am sure I will wake up soon.


Sep 06 06 06:18 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

If you can dream it you can be it ... that is from a movie , i can't remember which one.

Sep 06 06 06:33 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

It's been an introspective night..Im tired and moody..cant you tell?
I think it's time for a studio party...I need people and warm bodies around me..I am feeling like a hermit...and yes I noticed I said party..Instead of just going out..

Geeeesh....what gives already..where is all this coming from..?

anyone anyone?

Sep 06 06 07:28 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I guess it all depends on past experience. I have no problem in social/business settings. But then again I love to talk. Had public speaking class when I returned to college. Loved it! Was a chapter president for VVA which involved speaking before many groups. Was president of the local merchants association for two years. Again involved many speaking presentations.

But I can understand why some do become socially inept. Spending lots of time alone during both the thought process, the creation of work and these day sitting in front of a computer. Back in my darkroom days long nights in the dark.

I guess it all depends on where you want to go with your work. If you're strictly an art photographer that seems to be way you become. If you're more a commercial photographer you really need some good social skills to succeed.

Sep 06 06 08:03 am Link



Posts: 7840


hey Vance i just was thinking i am the same

used to be there all positive and personal training all those people wanting my advice
then all gentle and yogic but stil active and fit

now on computer all the time
or driving
its the sitting down and the time passing so fast
even being alone...
it sucks

i am not socially inept at all
if i make any effort im am a whizz!

but just a bit too different from average people to fit in without  trying to be acceptable as a blonde woman

or even like them all

but thats ok

I work on appreciating people for whatever they are or might become
and just need to get MOVING more
get out

be ready that i look normal and extravert / sarcastic
but Im not what people wil think, at all, so most of them will ultimately reject me

Keep some perspective
mingle a bit
be cool
know what i mean?


Sep 06 06 08:10 am Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

I have great social skills -- walks, talks, sings, dances, charms at the dinner table -- but I have made some terrible mistakes with people, have accumulated vast knowledge on how "no good deed goes unpunished", and find myself for the first time in my 50-year-old life appreciating, enjoying, and embracing solitude.  I am in retreat.  I've no wish to meet the 5,000 kinds of people I might in heaven: I much prefer the folks parading through the hardcovers in my library.

Sep 06 06 08:19 am Link


Ken Rieves Photography

Posts: 934

Avon Lake, Ohio, US

The part of my job I enjoy the most is meeting new people and photographing them. I really like the social interaction. The editing and post production work is what I like the least because I do it alone.

Sep 06 06 08:40 am Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Read Art and Fear with your question in mind.  Artists relate to the world differently than non-artists, but the idea that social ineptness and eccentricity are an essential ingredient in an artist is a myth.  I think oldguysrule hit the nail on the head.  You don't have to live in a hidden cave to be creative.

Sep 06 06 08:51 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Tim Hammond wrote:
Read Art and Fear with your question in mind.  Artists relate to the world differently than non-artists, but the idea that social ineptness and eccentricity are an essential ingredient in an artist is a myth.  I think oldguysrule hit the nail on the head.  You don't have to live in a hidden cave to be creative.

This coming from a man in Alaska?


I flew in and out of Skagway for a few months..Didnt see a whole lot of people..

Awesome landscape...I need to get back up that way as a photgrapher instead of a pilot..

Keep it rockin..

Sep 06 06 08:54 am Link